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S46 Ep 9 "Spicy Jeff"


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22 hours ago, srhall79 said:

Venus, I am getting that she can be a bit annoying and a bit oblivious, but I'm going to need a secret scene to explain why she seems so hated.

No secret so far is I’m concerned; Venus is unbalanced - and no, I don’t mean she’s a candidate for the Rubber Ramada.  I mean so far as the cameras show us, Venus does not demonstrate a very balanced life; she vacillates from grandiose posturing to total victimhood, with occasional side trips to Mean Girl Town - and not a lot in-between.  It’s just not a persona for which I care much.  YMMV


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Well, that sucked.  Hunter was the only person that I really liked.  He was dumb not to play his idol.  The only other remotely likeable people to me that I used to like are Charlie and Tiffany.  But Charlie blatantly lied to Hunter at tribal and said he was voting Q, and Tiff made a big show of saying she was playing her idol no matter what because she didn’t want it and it created a target.  And then didn’t play it.

I think the only season that I actually stopped watching recently was the one where Dom and Wendell ran the show.  Once the young kid got voted out (the 18 year old that I think is some kind of Instagram model), I lost all interest.  Wonder if this season will be the same for me.   

On 4/24/2024 at 9:26 PM, storyskip said:

I’m out. If it was just one unlikeable personality I’d hang in there but with the exception of Charlie and Ben every remaining player grates on my nerves.

The most unlikeable people left to me are Venus, Q and Liz.  But I find them all annoying.  And I don’t understand why this season everyone seems to think all the moves are theirs.  Venus is the most arrogant and self-congratulatory and delusional player we’ve had in a while. 

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On 4/25/2024 at 11:28 AM, iMonrey said:

Which brings us to Q. The editors' obsession with him is ruining the season for me. Every time they cut to one of his THs he just sounds dumb. He's always saying dumb, delusional things. Apparently the show thinks it's hilarious that he's so dumb. So the season is being narrative by a dummy. And when it's someone else talking, they're talking about the dummy. 

I don't think I can stomach - how many more weeks? - of Q narrating the show. I will probably keep it on series record, then FF to the end to see who is voted off. If it's not Q, it gets deleted instantly without me watching another second of it.

It's incredible to me that they managed to cobble together such a collection of odd ducks on that purple tribe that Q didn't look so bad at the start. Get rid of the delusional kid who thinks several means seven and the even more delusional Bhanu who blotted out the sun with his nonsense, and THEN Q can reveal himself to be nuttier than them all. It's the way he couches his nonsense in some faux moral window dressing that really bugs me. 

I'm rooting for Tiff now that Hunter failed so spectacularly to read people. I know the editing makes it look more obvious than it probably was, but still, he's won or come close to winning every immunity. There aren't that many people left, he had decent odds to win those immunities after he used his idol. Trying to hang onto it for one more tribal was just greedy.

And I do not understand his sudden attempt to leverage it by blurting it out to everyone. If he wanted to get a particular person out, he should have just tried to draw all the smoke toward himself and then nullify those votes and send home whoever he voted for. Or if nothing else, just saved himself and let Q make his long overdue exit. "The 6" clearly wasn't working, Tevin's gone, the other guy's whose name is escaping me but he didn't make the jury is gone, Tiff and Q are sworn enemies now, so obviously that plan was moot. 

It made sense to me that Tiff gambled on hanging onto her idol once Hunter introduced all that chaos with his idol reveal. And she needs it more, she hasn't won much of anything. But Hunter had his own challenge skills to fall back on, just a super dumb choice on his part.

Kenzie seems too enthralled with "exciting" vote outs to make it long term. Trying to boot out your number 1 ally without a solid backup plan seems like big move-itis that usually bites people in the butt. 

I wouldn't mind seeing Tiff, Charlie, or Ben win at this point. Ben has to be fucking with the audience with his constant rock puns, right? I can't fathom that someone would really talk that way in all sincerity, so imagining it as a goof makes it funny to me.

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1 minute ago, QQQQ said:

I like Charlie and am somewhat surprised that more here don't also see him as a favorite when compared to this season's dismal cast. Which makes me wonder if I've missed something. I also like Ben, but keep forgetting he's on the show 😅

I like Charlie too. I wonder if people are burned out on the skinny superfan guys who hide their education level and/or age. I feel like we've had a lot of them over the seasons and they never win.

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2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

I like Charlie and am somewhat surprised that more here don't also see him as a favorite when compared to this season's dismal cast. Which makes me wonder if I've missed something. I also like Ben, but keep forgetting he's on the show 😅

Charlie doesn't seem to have done much at all in the game besides attaching himself to Maria.  He only became a de facto Six member because Tim got voted out.  All he seems to have done from a strategy perspective in this game is attach himself to Maria.  It doesn't say much for his game that the most notable thing I remember him doing (prior to winning this last IC) is the stupid Taylor Swift song-off with Ben.

Ben is a complete nonentity to me.

Kenzie isn't that objectionable to me either.  At least she is personable.

I really really don't want Venus or Liz to win.  Both of them see themselves as a master player who is controlling the game.  I can't believe that Q used to be one of my favourites.  I will laugh if he makes it to the end and then reveals that his strategy was to act like an unreliable nutjob to deflect attention from himself while targeting strong players.

Edited by blackwing
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On 4/27/2024 at 12:31 PM, iMonrey said:

I remember now why I soured on Maria, it was the very first episode where she went on the "journey" with Tevin and Jelinsky, and she got all shirty about Jelinsky lying to her. And it was like, lady, you all read the same piece of paper, they're are supposed to by lying, it says they both have to convince you they have the right card or whatever the hell it was. She was just acting so holier than thou about the whole thing and so condescending it rubbed me the wrong way.

She's like all the rest of them, she acts so indignant if anyone else plays the game for themselves.

Yes!  The part of that scene that makes me dislike her most is, "Ben is lying and I see right through it."  If she was just plain wrong about Ben it wouldn't be so bad, but she's so superior and thinks she can look at people and judge their souls or something. 

I was also put off by the way she stopped Ben and demanded, "Talk to me about the idol!"  Like Ben was in some sort of job interview and it was up to him to sell himself and impress her.

She's at the bottom of my list now.  I like Venus better.

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8 hours ago, blackwing said:

Well, that sucked.  Hunter was the only person that I really liked.  He was dumb not to play his idol.  The only other remotely likeable people to me that I used to like are Charlie and Tiffany.  But Charlie blatantly lied to Hunter at tribal and said he was voting Q, and Tiff made a big show of saying she was playing her idol no matter what because she didn’t want it and it created a target.  And then didn’t play it.

That's a reason to drop them as favorites?  Charlie isn't my favorite, either, but that's the game to play someone into comfort and complacency if they feel like an idol might come into play.  And Tiffany, IMO, showed how good she is at reading the situation around her by not playing her idol.  She said that she was going to play it, yes, but I don't blame her for taking the risk by not doing so.  She clearly had detected that the tide had turned to Hunter and Q just enough that she could sit on it for this Tribal Council.

I fully expect her to play it soon, though.

8 hours ago, blackwing said:

I think the only season that I actually stopped watching recently was the one where Dom and Wendell ran the show.  Once the young kid got voted out (the 18 year old that I think is some kind of Instagram model), I lost all interest.  Wonder if this season will be the same for me.

See, that made the season better for me.  Michael got way more screen time than justified.  He was on the bottom for most of the game and often cried about it too much.  The snowflake treatment that he got almost turned me off to that season (though Domenick and Wendell's domination didn't make it any better).

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On 4/28/2024 at 4:55 PM, blackwing said:

Charlie doesn't seem to have done much at all in the game besides attaching himself to Maria.  He only became a de facto Six member because Tim got voted out.  All he seems to have done from a strategy perspective in this game is attach himself to Maria.  It doesn't say much for his game that the most notable thing I remember him doing (prior to winning this last IC) is the stupid Taylor Swift song-off with Ben.

In fairness, Charlie has done about as much as anybody in this game as anyone remaining, if not more. 

His Survivor resume currently includes:

  • 1 Immunity win, 1 second place;
  • strong alliance with Maria, decent alliance with Ben;
  • likable personality/decent social game that has left him with no overt enemies, and with basically everyone nominally willing to work with him;
  • on the right side of every vote, never had name written down (I think) or even been the target of talk about an attempted ouster.

Most of the rest of the remaining people can't boast any immunity wins (only Maria and Kenzie. Most of the people remaining cannot accurately say that they have a tight alliance with anyone at this point (only Maria.) Most of the people remaining can't claim to be well-liked by most with no enemies (Ben and maybe Kenzie).

I don't know if anyone remaining can truly boast much more on their resumes than Charlie can. Liz can claim to be the brains behind getting rid of Tevin and Soda, I guess. But what else does she have? 

The weaknesses in Charlie's resume thus far: 1. No big moves 2. No real distinction between his game and Maria's to show that he's the power in that duo, or at least that he was an equal partner/he wasn't just riding Maria's coattails 3. no discovery/play of a hidden immunity idol or advantage. 

There's obviously a lot of game to be played, but if I were to cast a vote right now for the person who has done the best job of the remaining 8 thus far, I'd say it would go to either Charlie or Maria. 

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I keep wondering if Soda is singing at Ponderosa and if Hunter is hiding up a tree as far away from her as possible.

I like Charlie, Tiff, and Kenzie. Sometimes Ben, but he's so damn Invisible most of the time. One other thing Charlie has done, besides the list Chicago Redshirt provided, is that he's been the go-between several times in spreading information - or strategic misinformation. 

Why doesn't Liz look like she's starving if she can't eat anything there? None of them look like they're suffering. I want to see some suffering, damn it! Maybe they ate one of the early non-jury vote-offs.

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10 hours ago, WatcherUp2 said:

Why doesn't Liz look like she's starving if she can't eat anything there? None of them look like they're suffering. I want to see some suffering, damn it! Maybe they ate one of the early non-jury vote-offs.

Yeah, I'm about to call shenanigans on her allergy claims. If she can't eat hardly anything available to them, how is she still walking around? And ditto on wanting to see the old school Survivor where people were actually starving and showed it, not just whining about being a tad peckish.

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12 hours ago, WatcherUp2 said:

Why doesn't Liz look like she's starving if she can't eat anything there? 

1 hour ago, Tango64 said:

Yeah, I'm about to call shenanigans on her allergy claims. If she can't eat hardly anything available to them, how is she still walking around?

I have my doubts that the Survivor doctor would have let her be in the cast if there really wasn't anything she could eat anywhere on the island.

I also don't need the constant updates about how many hours it's been since she's had something to eat. She can leave anytime as far as I'm concerned. However, I'm sure she'll drive the cooks crazy with her dietary restrictions after she's been voted out, and I really don't wish that on them.

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On 4/28/2024 at 6:54 PM, Rodney said:

That's a reason to drop them as favorites?  Charlie isn't my favorite, either, but that's the game to play someone into comfort and complacency if they feel like an idol might come into play.  And Tiffany, IMO, showed how good she is at reading the situation around her by not playing her idol.  She said that she was going to play it, yes, but I don't blame her for taking the risk by not doing so.  She clearly had detected that the tide had turned to Hunter and Q just enough that she could sit on it for this Tribal Council.

I fully expect her to play it soon, though.

Well, this comment of mine didn't age well.

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