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S46 Ep. 7 "Episode Several"

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5 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Two thoughts on Hunter and med school: 1. There's a big difference between being admitted to medical school and completing medical school. Both are laudable achievements, but they are not equal. 2. If Hunter is still bringing up the fact that he could have gone to medical school (but didn't) he may feel like needs to justify his decision to himself or people in his life.

Yeah, when he first told his story I felt there was something just off about it. I can't really get a read on him.

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I see Q being tossed away in a heartbeat if Tiff had to choose between him & Kenzie.   

I really do think he believes his own self-generated hype.  

Venus gives me brief glimpses of Abi-Maria in her conviction that her age & looks will carry her.  

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19 hours ago, JH Lipton said:

Last season, "Uncle" Bruce took over to a major extent and got voted out 10th. I'm not sure that Q will last that long.

I don't think he will last much longer either. Maybe next week or the week after.

23 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Now this is a player who will never appear again. I used to dislike her but she is a legend in my mind now.

She was so annoying IMO.

52 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

I see Q being tossed away in a heartbeat if Tiff had to choose between him & Kenzie.   

I really do think he believes his own self-generated hype.  

Venus gives me brief glimpses of Abi-Maria in her conviction that her age & looks will carry her.  

Yes I do think Q is not long for the game. Even Tiff is getting tired of him.

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Hunter gives me weird vibes too.  I mean, it is perfectly fine to choose a different path in life because you found your passion.  I applaud that, in fact.  However.....it appears to me from the glimpse we got inside his house where it is less of a home and more of a storage facility for all his Survivor challenge props, methinks his change in careers was more about picking a job which could accommodate his Survivor obsession.

I think the high demand and high stress career as a doctor wouldn't leave Hunter much time to reproduce and train on the challenge props, and he probably couldn't get his colleagues or patients to try them out with him.  In teaching, he can use his Survivor obsession and his props and mock challenges as a way to engage the kids.   Win-win for Hunter!

Actually, this is also a win for Hunters hypothetical and now nonexistent patients.  All I can think about is that Phoebe's replacement OB/GYN on Friends who was obsessed with Fonzie, and how Hunter would have been like that, only with Survivor.

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21 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

It's been a long time since we've seen somebody as truly delusional as Q.

What do you mean? I still have not forgotten Jelinsky and Bhanu. Hopefully I will soon.

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Bhanu was just playing a role.  He's a freakin' actor. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm14003069/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_3_nm_5_q_bahnu

And Jelinsky was just another Not-Cochran, convinced that his brains were the key and he was the smartest guy on the island.  

Q is coming off as the stereotypical alpha male that believes he can control things through sheer force of his dominant will.  To me that's a lot more delusional than the other 2. 

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In just the last season and this one, Survivors that I think are easily at least as delusional as Q, and I would say more so. Q is mainly arrogant and condescending. I am not sure that he has been actively wrong about anything such that you could call him "delusional."

By contrast, people have already raised Bhanu and Jelinsky. Yes, Bhanu could be merely acting as delusional, but he's kept the act up.  And Survivor 45 had:

Brandon  - the guy who thought he was great at everything but who was actively and objectively terrible at everything

Sean - who claimed that he could have won the game despite being the only member of his old tribe after a switch, but wanted to speed up getting back to his husband

Bruce - who thought that he was God's gift to Survivor and who acted like his two days of prior Survivor experience made him a wily veteran, even though he literally had no allies, bossed people around and actively alienated people.

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I didn't watch 45 so obviously I'm totally wrong in my personal opinion.  And inadvertently using the word "we". 

I'll just leave you all to it.   

Edited by SnapHappy
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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I agree, she seemed to be making a pretty theatrical exit.  And why did she get applause on her way out?  Reserve that for Queen Sandra.  Was Soda just that beloved or were they applauding themselves for getting her out?  Or maybe trying to applaud her off the stage, like when the music starts playing over the Oscar winner who won't stop talking?

I think that she was in shock to have been voted out.  And she might've felt a bit betrayed by Tevin and possibly Liz, given that you could clearly see and hear that she was trying her best not to cry.  And the applause might've simply been because they like her.  She clearly was well-liked among the other castaways.

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On 4/11/2024 at 8:47 AM, JudyObscure said:

Tevan is so much more than than the flamboyant actor I first thought he was. He surprised me in the challenge and by his willingness to let Soda go.

Tim seemed sullen and grouchy to me this whole game and then, one minute after he's voted out, we see his beautiful smile and meet his good natured side. Where were you Tim?

Tim got me right at the end that too, that sly little smile and "I'm still the sexiest dad to ever do this" was adorable, I wish we had seen more of that personality.

Tevin is somehow growing on me too, I have loathed him since he dominated the previews leading up to the season. But the episode where he talked about his dad drew me and sometimes his over-the-top reactions are funny, like the "lord Jesus" he let out when Jeff mentioned cream cheese danishes. Cream cheese danishes is what would have tripped my trigger too, so his reaction was right on point.


Kenzie and Tiffany are such a good team.  I really liked them  mocking Q the way two sisters might express frustration about a brother.  I feel the same way about Q, I want to tell him to shut up and he's not the boss of me, but I find him loveable some how.

Tiffany is my dark horse favorite, she's very logical but personable and entertaining. And Q is definitely painting an enormous target on his own back with his loudness and bossiness, plus he's a big guy and perceived to be a challenge threat, he's the perfect shield to tuck under.

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On 4/12/2024 at 4:53 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

In just the last season and this one, Survivors that I think are easily at least as delusional as Q, and I would say more so. Q is mainly arrogant and condescending. I am not sure that he has been actively wrong about anything such that you could call him "delusional."

By contrast, people have already raised Bhanu and Jelinsky. Yes, Bhanu could be merely acting as delusional, but he's kept the act up.  And Survivor 45 had:

Brandon  - the guy who thought he was great at everything but who was actively and objectively terrible at everything

Sean - who claimed that he could have won the game despite being the only member of his old tribe after a switch, but wanted to speed up getting back to his husband

Bruce - who thought that he was God's gift to Survivor and who acted like his two days of prior Survivor experience made him a wily veteran, even though he literally had no allies, bossed people around and actively alienated people.

When did Brandon claim or imply that he was great at everything? 

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5 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

When did Brandon claim or imply that he was great at everything? 

OK, it was a bit of an exaggeration. Strictly he probably only claimed he was great at puzzles and a social game, and he was terrible at both.

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On 4/11/2024 at 7:51 AM, seacliffsal said:

Was this Kenzie's redemption story-that she showed compassion and care for Ben?

I was hoping for a confessional where Ben snickers and says, "I can't believe Kenzie fell for the ol' having-a-nightmare ruse.   People are so gullible."

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On 4/11/2024 at 1:23 AM, Lantern7 said:


How do I tell Ben and Charlie apart? I know one of them is into rock music, but I can't remember which one.

All I can see is Andrew Garfield when I look at Charlie. 

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On 4/12/2024 at 2:28 PM, HurricaneVal said:

Hunter gives me weird vibes too.  I mean, it is perfectly fine to choose a different path in life because you found your passion.  I applaud that, in fact.  However.....it appears to me from the glimpse we got inside his house where it is less of a home and more of a storage facility for all his Survivor challenge props, methinks his change in careers was more about picking a job which could accommodate his Survivor obsession.

Keep in mind, though:

  1. Hunter lives and works as a schoolteacher in French Camp, Mississippi - population 174, by the last census.
  2. Odds are any datable single women in town are mothers of his students, female relatives of same, or other teachers - so his socializing opportunities are extremely limited at best.
  3. Hunter also represents as a very private, introverted individual - which probably also cuts into his icebreaking chances on romantic associations.

So - under such circumstances Hunter doesn’t need to worry overmuch about how his house presents to potential dates, because ain’t a lot of them ever getting the opportunity to see his house in the first place.

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I'm glad we lost Tim.  I couldn't find much to like about him.  The women comment, the grating voice, the thinking he was running the game.  He's in the secret "plus one" alliance of six and the first thing he wants to do is get rid of one of them.  I'm glad they decided to get rid of him instead.

On 4/11/2024 at 12:23 AM, Lantern7 said:

How do I tell Ben and Charlie apart? I know one of them is into rock music, but I can't remember which one.

ETA: I don't think anyone said the episode title. I'm guessing that the producers could not resist referencing Jelinsky one last time.

Ben has semi-longish hair pulled back like an aging rocker.  He has large blue or grey eyes.  Charlie looks more like a prep school kid.  Taller and skinny with squintier brown eyes.

No contestant said "episode several", they wouldn't think of their days on the island as "episodes", they would just count the number of days.  I don't understand the obsession by Jeffy or the show producers over Jelinsky.  He was one of the more terrible contestants in recent years, a completely laughingstock.  Hopefully he becomes forgettable and they don't try and bring him back.

On 4/11/2024 at 6:19 AM, Haleth said:

I'm starting to like Kenzie a lot.  I wish Venus had been voted out instead of Soda.  It's too bad being too nice will get you booted, Soda is a nicer person than Venus, who is way too pleased with herself.

On 4/11/2024 at 9:57 AM, SummerDreams said:

Maria is kinda weird, she has a mafia vibe. Venus is the classic mean girl. To be honest I don't like any of the players. I'm just watching cause it's a tradition.

Venus is indeed a Mean Girl.  In deciding between Soda and Venus, they decided to get rid of Soda because basically "Venus is a beeyotch but we know she is a beeyotch so we can work with that".  They seem to be well aware that Venus is manipulative and seem to think that they won't fall for her manipulations?  The only person that doesn't seem to be aware that Venus is manipulative is Venus herself.

Venus seems to think she is playing a great game.  She is delusional.  Like Angelina Keeley levels of delusion.  Part of me wants to see her get dragged to the end as the zero-vote person and get humiliated by the jury's questions and the vote results.  The other part of me wants to see her get voted out ASAP, for her to say in her exit that she's a strong threat which is why they voted her out, and then watch the episode on TV and see that everyone hated her.

I absolutely loved that Maria called her out about her aggressive demeanor on the beach.  I said before that Venus reminds me of Yasmine from HBO Max's "Industry".  Spoiled pretty young woman who is used to getting what she wants, used to people falling all over her to do her bidding, and gets upset when someone dares to challenge her.   Good for Maria for putting her in her place.  Venus is also a grudge holder.  I'm sure next week we will be hearing about how she thinks Maria has to go, because Maria is dangerous.  When in actuality the real reason is "Maria was mean to me".

On 4/11/2024 at 1:04 PM, realitytvfan1017 said:

I'm so happy Hunter is still in this.  Tevin made a stupid move in my opinion to get rid of Soda. If you can swing it, its always preferred to have two different paths with different allies to the finale ala Dee last season. If things didn't work out with the plus 1/Journey 6 alliance, he at least had Soda with him and maybe some of the other Namis. Plus if the plus 1 wanted to get him out he would have numbers with Nami (Soda and Liz) to help him and maybe some others. 

Tevin is his own worst enemy. He's playing too emotional and personal that he's sacrificing his game because he can't deal with Venus and is rushing to get someone who is a strong ally way too early. He could get rid of her later.

Liz and maybe Venus are going to the final 3 and maybe be no vote getters. But Liz is one of those players we see in many seasons that are floaters that everyone forgets about until they get to the end and could possibly win if they can make a good case for themselves and are great communicators.

I know that Tevin decreed that "Soda gotta go-da" but I think he made a poor decision.  You want to get rid of the manipulative snake (Venus) ASAP.  He was getting along with Soda and he would have benefitted from keeping his alliance with her going.

Re Liz, unless she starts doing something soon, I can't see her winning.  So far, from a viewer perspective, the only notable thing she has said or done is 1) she's allergic to almost everything, 2) she looks like Moriah, and 3) she is a millionaire several times over and has run and/or sold four or five different companies.  She's not even seen doing any behind the scenes stuff.  She's just there.

On 4/11/2024 at 2:42 PM, Rodney said:

Can I ask what Hunter's done besides find an idol and do well in challenges?  What social game does he even have?  He himself admitted that he hasn't formed any connections other than with Tevin.  The slobbering over him just makes my heckles rise, because I've seen literally nothing else from him other than what I previously mentioned.

Hunter is one of the only ones that I like a lot.  I like his competence at the challenges.  I like that he knows he is perceived as a threat and that he needs to try and do something about it.  Getting the idol was a good move for him.  I like that he didn't burn it and trusted in his alliance.  He seems well liked by his tribe, even though they know he is a threat.  He has also shown that he is a provider, we saw him successfully fishing earlier.

Above all, he seems like a truly nice person.  Almost too nice to play the game.  I bet he's a great teacher, the ones that kids will remember for years after they have left school.


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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

I'm glad we lost Tim.  I couldn't find much to like about him.  The women comment, the grating voice, the thinking he was running the game.  He's in the secret "plus one" alliance of six and the first thing he wants to do is get rid of one of them.  I'm glad they decided to get rid of him instead.

Ben has semi-longish hair pulled back like an aging rocker.  He has large blue or grey eyes.  Charlie looks more like a prep school kid.  Taller and skinny with squintier brown eyes.

No contestant said "episode several", they wouldn't think of their days on the island as "episodes", they would just count the number of days.  I don't understand the obsession by Jeffy or the show producers over Jelinsky.  He was one of the more terrible contestants in recent years, a completely laughingstock.  Hopefully he becomes forgettable and they don't try and bring him back.

Venus is indeed a Mean Girl.  In deciding between Soda and Venus, they decided to get rid of Soda because basically "Venus is a beeyotch but we know she is a beeyotch so we can work with that".  They seem to be well aware that Venus is manipulative and seem to think that they won't fall for her manipulations?  The only person that doesn't seem to be aware that Venus is manipulative is Venus herself.

Venus seems to think she is playing a great game.  She is delusional.  Like Angelina Keeley levels of delusion.  Part of me wants to see her get dragged to the end as the zero-vote person and get humiliated by the jury's questions and the vote results.  The other part of me wants to see her get voted out ASAP, for her to say in her exit that she's a strong threat which is why they voted her out, and then watch the episode on TV and see that everyone hated her.

I absolutely loved that Maria called her out about her aggressive demeanor on the beach.  I said before that Venus reminds me of Yasmine from HBO Max's "Industry".  Spoiled pretty young woman who is used to getting what she wants, used to people falling all over her to do her bidding, and gets upset when someone dares to challenge her.   Good for Maria for putting her in her place.  Venus is also a grudge holder.  I'm sure next week we will be hearing about how she thinks Maria has to go, because Maria is dangerous.  When in actuality the real reason is "Maria was mean to me".

I know that Tevin decreed that "Soda gotta go-da" but I think he made a poor decision.  You want to get rid of the manipulative snake (Venus) ASAP.  He was getting along with Soda and he would have benefitted from keeping his alliance with her going.

Re Liz, unless she starts doing something soon, I can't see her winning.  So far, from a viewer perspective, the only notable thing she has said or done is 1) she's allergic to almost everything, 2) she looks like Moriah, and 3) she is a millionaire several times over and has run and/or sold four or five different companies.  She's not even seen doing any behind the scenes stuff.  She's just there.

Hunter is one of the only ones that I like a lot.  I like his competence at the challenges.  I like that he knows he is perceived as a threat and that he needs to try and do something about it.  Getting the idol was a good move for him.  I like that he didn't burn it and trusted in his alliance.  He seems well liked by his tribe, even though they know he is a threat.  He has also shown that he is a provider, we saw him successfully fishing earlier.

Above all, he seems like a truly nice person.  Almost too nice to play the game.  I bet he's a great teacher, the ones that kids will remember for years after they have left school.


No one has even said Liz's name yet. To be fair, they probably don't even know she is there but still, they could forget about her all the way to the final 3. 

21 hours ago, AryasMum said:

All I can see is Andrew Garfield when I look at Charlie. 


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