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Season 03

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I was so confused....let me preface this by saying, I watch tv for the moment and don't retain much after the episode is over.  LOL  So when we met Dante was I thought he was Wheatly's son and then they said he was in foster care - I felt like I knew him from another episode.  Who is Dante and have we've seen him before.  :)  

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I think he was the new guy who ridiculously pretended to be a maintenance worker/janitor on his first day in the office - I obviously pay no attention to the revolving cast of characters on these shows either, because I thought he was the new cop from Chicago PD who just had an episode about his family/hood. And then I was all confused about why he was in foster care when he lived with his grandmother… 🤷🏼‍♀️ It doesn’t help that I’m usually reading as I ‘watch’ these shows, but they really are all blending together for me.

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Those fake cops and their story are dumb, right?
I mean stealing drugs of this quantity not once but multiple times and you expect no one to "knock" on your door afterwards?
Where they gonna sell the stolen drugs? their "rightful" owners will know about and go after them in no time.
And the rapes? so you waste time to rape people when your operation  should last only a few mins before everyone realizes you are not real cops.
And of course the "Arrow" guy was in the same foster home (btw he can't act to save his life).
I had hope for this season, I will pretend this arc never happened.

Edited by Zaffy
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On 10/31/2022 at 8:13 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

I was so confused....let me preface this by saying, I watch tv for the moment and don't retain much after the episode is over.  LOL  So when we met Dante was I thought he was Wheatly's son and then they said he was in foster care - I felt like I knew him from another episode.  Who is Dante and have we've seen him before.  :)  

quoting myself because I just randomly had a lightbulb moment......Dante isn't Wheatley's son....He's Ray Donovan's brother.  LMAO  This goes to show how poorly I watch TV and yet I'm addicted to it at the same time.

On actor confusion issues when it  was revealed that the Latino brother joined in on the rapes I was thinking just like John Leguizamo's Private Diaz in the Michael J. Fox movie Casualties of War.

11 hours ago, Zaffy said:

Those fake cops and their story are dumb, right?
I mean stealing drugs of this quantity not once but multiple times and you expect no one to "knock" on your door afterwards?
Where they gonna sell the stolen drugs? their "rightful" owners will know about and go after them in no time.
And the rapes? so you waste time to rape people when your operation  should last only a few mins before everyone realizes you are not real cops.

I was wondering about the rest of the crew, one newly arrived brother objects but they all just stand around in danger as the leader does his thing?

Edited by Raja
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Bald pig… damn!

Certain behaviors like brillo baths are still condoned in the police academy? So disturbing.

In OC universe, when Ayanna says “sit tight”, it means “go and do whatever you want”.

Love the intense moment between Bobby and Leonard.

The reveal about Vaughn still having some alone time with Leonard, gosh these sickos! 😣 

Leonard: “Because I never did anything to you, did I?

Bobby: “Why not? Why didn’t you do anything to me? Was there something wrong with me?

Rick Gonzalez slays! 👍🏻🔥


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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

So, does he let her in?  When she said she was standing at his door, was that look on Eliot’s face that he thought she was stalking him or that he was thrilled she was there?  

Its been long enough for Elliott and this time it wasn't for the job.

So that was the snitch/C.I. put in the gold smelter not line manager slaver? I was surprised the slaves weren't in underwear as has been done since New Jack City.

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I have to say I'm getting sick of Stabler, he doesn't follow orders, he's rude and now he's entered the realm of just flat out annoying. It's like Bell might as well not even be the boss. Reminds of Vance and Gibbs on NCIS but at least Vance would flex his muscles from time to time. Bell need to get in Stabler's ass more often. I see it so often on these shows where you have a Black person in a position of authority but the main White character under them just do whatever they want, always undermining the authority. 

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The Italian lady did resemble a younger Italian version of Olivia. I’m just wondering if they had a fling when he was in Italy or if she pined for him from afar ala Olivia. My guess is the latter since he was married when he was in Italy and the detective decided to see if she had a chance now that his wife was no longer in the picture. 

I’m curious as to how they will save the department since the show is called Organized Crime and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. 

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1 hour ago, StaceyNotStacie said:

The Italian lady did resemble a younger Italian version of Olivia. I’m just wondering if they had a fling when he was in Italy or if she pined for him from afar ala Olivia. My guess is the latter since he was married when he was in Italy and the detective decided to see if she had a chance now that his wife was no longer in the picture. 

I’m curious as to how they will save the department since the show is called Organized Crime and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. 

The actress - Ayelet Zurer - is only about 4/5 years younger than Mariska Hargitay - and is actually Israeli. I didn't notice a resemblance between the women but that's just me. Also, I prefer  Olivia and Stabler as just great friends. Again, JMHO.

Edited by 4merBachAddict
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4 hours ago, mommalib said:

I have to say I'm getting sick of Stabler, he doesn't follow orders, he's rude and now he's entered the realm of just flat out annoying. It's like Bell might as well not even be the boss. Reminds of Vance and Gibbs on NCIS but at least Vance would flex his muscles from time to time. Bell need to get in Stabler's ass more often. I see it so often on these shows where you have a Black person in a position of authority but the main White character under them just do whatever they want, always undermining the authority. 

Stabler was always like that when Cragen was Captain. 

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22 hours ago, Raja said:

After being missing in action so far this season not your ordinary Sergeant Bell made a grand return. Not just a promotion but a jump over all the Lieutenants and Captains to Deputy Inspector is promised to her. No wonder Stabler was jealous 

Yeah not quite sure why they decided to dispense with all realism. Why not just make her a Lieutenant? Or have her be offered a Deputy Commissioner's position or something with the mayor or DA's office since there aren't fixed requirements for those?

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On 11/18/2022 at 4:18 PM, StaceyNotStacie said:

The Italian lady did resemble a younger Italian version of Olivia. I’m just wondering if they had a fling when he was in Italy or if she pined for him from afar ala Olivia. My guess is the latter since he was married when he was in Italy and the detective decided to see if she had a chance now that his wife was no longer in the picture. 

I’m curious as to how they will save the department since the show is called Organized Crime and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. 

Disorganized Crime? Led by Elliott. (I'll see myself out.)

But I'm guessing this is the standard "the department is going away" thing, only to have it just renamed or under a new chief. They did something similar on The Closer. If this were the spring finale and there was no news on the show's renewal, I'd be concerned.

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This is ONLY Season 2, and already the producers are ruining the concept ie: BrEaKiNg Up ThE SqUad. Get out of here with that lazy writing!! The blonde boss is a horrible character, I suspect she has the hots for Bell. Just a waste of screen time, I am not tuning in to see this political nonsense, I tune in to see a crime and a solve.

The extra waste of tv time storylines have all but ruined this show, last season OC was #3 out of the L&O shows for me, after the last couple of episodes it is on the bottom of the barrel. And the Italian (I guess) love interest detective? Goodbye. Oh Stabler, you mentioned you had a true love teehee. As dumb as it gets. Can the man not get horny and get laid without dragging SAINT LIV into the mix?? This show needs to get it together already and fast!! I absolutely love Jet its a shame she had to get stuck on this show that is clearly circling the drain with this latest nonsense.

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The pendulum has swung wildly from being way too focused on one character (Wheatley) to being a disorganized mess.  Now they're all over the place to the point of being incoherent.  It seems that somebody in the writer's room woke up one day and realized "this casino developer story is very thin and kind of boring so we can't build entire episodes around it".

And for the love of God, I hope we've seen the last of that annoying Italian detective.  It's almost as if the writers said "if we bring Olivia on for crossover, a lot of fans get alienated - so let's bring on a female detective who kind of looks like Olivia".

Fights with the police bureaucracy have always been among the weakest parts of the entire franchise.  Twenty years ago I was ready to click off when Lt. Van Buren started yammering about her lawsuit against the Department management.

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On 11/17/2022 at 6:30 AM, JenLily said:

So I wasn't the only one who noticed the resemblance! 😄

Yeah, Kathy loved Tia.  Riiiiight.  I'm sure the two got on like a house on fire.  😅

Tia broke protocol by failing to make contact with NYC that she was in town undercover.

Jet looked so pretty in the jewelry store.

What a misogynistic dickhead Not Trump Jr. is.

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Italian Olivia Knockoff was so waiting for Elliot to make the first move.  And she wants to steal Jet and set her up with a job in Italy!  I absolutely love Jet too and I'd watch a show with just her in it.

Poor Bell.  Her wife walked out on her with the kid, and now she's lost the respect and friendship of Stabler by letting the task force be disbanded.

Something will have to happen to save the OC unit; someone will be appointed to step in.  I wonder if Elliot could have the credentials to run it via some TV magic.  First up, give Jet a raise!  I like the two new guys as well.

On 11/22/2022 at 5:40 PM, UnikornRainbowz said:

This is ONLY Season 2, and already the producers are ruining the concept ie: BrEaKiNg Up ThE SqUad. Get out of here with that lazy writing!! The blonde boss is a horrible character, I suspect she has the hots for Bell. Just a waste of screen time, I am not tuning in to see this political nonsense, I tune in to see a crime and a solve.

But if she turns out to be working for this year's stunt casting Big Bad played by Bradley Whitford I will forgive everything this show has ever done....

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On 11/19/2022 at 5:26 PM, Raja said:

Not just a promotion but a jump over all the Lieutenants and Captains to Deputy Inspector is promised to her.

I know that this L&O:OC is the one with the biggest artistic license compared to the other two in L&O franchise, but this is for me one of the biggest, if not the biggest, WTF moments in the whole series. NYPD officers spend years or even decades as Lieutenant and Captain, and Sgt. Bell just skips those altogether.

  • Mind Blown 1
30 minutes ago, TV Anonymous said:

I know that this L&O:OC is the one with the biggest artistic license compared to the other two in L&O franchise, but this is for me one of the biggest, if not the biggest, WTF moments in the whole series. NYPD officers spend years or even decades as Lieutenant and Captain, and Sgt. Bell just skips those altogether.

Well, it's happened before in the franchise. Det. Alex Eames was offered a position as captain at Major Case on Criminal Intent, but she had to fire Goren, her partner. She did fire him - but then resigned out of loyalty to Goren.

(This was reversed when VDO/KE returned for a S10, and both were detectives again; Eames did show up on SVU after that series was over and was a Lieutenant in another division by then. But she, too, was offered a high-end position as a detective as is the case here. So it appears TPTB don't adhere to strict realism, anyway.)

1 hour ago, faithie said:

When did NYPD stop carrying radios and start relying solely on mass market cell phones?

An absolute train wreck of an episode.  Time to drop the casino owner storyline.  There's just nothing there.

Maybe I'm wrong but wasn't the actor playing the lead hit man the same actor who played one of the leaders of the Albanian gang?

You just reminded me of Green and Lupo when the guy caused the blackout and Lieutenant Van Buran was handing out police whistles.

30 minutes of shootout with a large gang willing to kill an entire police squad was very un L&O like. It reminded me of Third Watch were it happened in the later seasons.

I am pretty sure the casino folks are gone with the patriarch dying maybe a court scene with the actual fulltime multipurpose mobsters as the show likes to show that the squad moves on to other targets and don't just focus on one.

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Ehh, I thought OC task force is to be dissolved no matter what, not because Ayanna is leaving. She takes the new job offer because of the shut down. This is confusing.

The Silas crime family arc is so half-baked I couldn’t care less about Robert, Teddy and Pearl.

Is this episode sponsored by Apple? What a subtle way to promote iPhone 14’s crash detection feature. And who knew Daddy Stabler is well-versed in iPhone technology! 🤣

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6 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Ehh, I thought OC task force is to be dissolved no matter what, not because Ayanna is leaving. She takes the new job offer because of the shut down. This is confusing.

Not your ordinary Sergeant Bell told 1PP that she was staying in charge of an Organized Crime Task Force so that is just how things are going to be.

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I'm continuing to be annoyed by how writers for a crime show always screw up firearms handling.

When Russo starts Russian Roulette with the Ada, he cocks the hammer and pulls the trigger, but after he fires the hammer doesn't come back up.

Also, there's seemingly no end to how many shots they can fire without reloading. There's a scene where one detective asks "do you have an extra clip"? The correct term is "magazine", not clip.

Ayanna saging the office was awful. That last scene should have been just Stabler and Bell pulling a bottle out of her desk and toasting. 

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39 minutes ago, Route66 said:

I'm continuing to be annoyed by how writers for a crime show always screw up firearms handling.

When Russo starts Russian Roulette with the Ada, he cocks the hammer and pulls the trigger, but after he fires the hammer doesn't come back up.

Also, there's seemingly no end to how many shots they can fire without reloading. There's a scene where one detective asks "do you have an extra clip"? The correct term is "magazine", not clip.

With the on set accidents I would be surprised if all prop guns are now single action only.  I any case I thought with a revolver  the hammer cocks and cylinder spins with the trigger squeeze. It is semi automatics that cock the hammer after a shot.

Magazine may be the correct term but as a recent veteran interviewing with a Sheriff's department I remember saying magazine while the interviewing deputy keep saying clip to me. ow it may have been an interview tactic but I doubt it. Just as I doubt if police training is as inventive as Boot Camp in breaking normal language to do it the way the green machine says so.

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