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S10.E11: By Any Means

Quilt Fairy

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The three remaining survivalists brace themselves for the fight to the finish; one participant finds it impossible to stay warm, while others risk it all on the ice; only one can claim the $500,000 prize.


Season finale.

Air date: August 17, 2023

Note:  This episode will be followed by an episode of Alone - Australia, which has it's own thread in the Other Competitive Reality Shows forum.  Next week, Alone - Australia will take over Alone's time slot, but don't assume your DVR will record it automatically.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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I guess we'll never know whether or not medical was going to pull Mikey, since he volunteered to tap before they could tell him their decision.

Once Mikey was out, I would have been willing to bet good money Wyatt was the winner. He had this weird voice-over narration during his segments in addition to his on-camera narration. I couldn't figure out why or how. Did he record more narration in post production and the show laid the tracks on top of his final scenes? Or did the editors choose random ramblings from earlier recordings to overlay his scenes? 

(Also, WE GET IT. You drank too much. Honestly this episode could have been cut down to an hour if they removed all of Wyatt's references to his drinking.)

So, I was pretty surprised Alan won. But pleasantly so. The funny thing is - Wyatt tapped out Day 64 and they didn't tell Alan until Day 66! Why did they make him wait out there another 2 days? Is that how long it took to get his wife out there?

Speaking of which, the part where the wife sneaks up behind the winner always manages to get me. I'm a sucker for it.

I think Alan had the best shelter, size and insulation-wise, out of the three left. That might have made the difference. I also think he was in overall better health than the other two when he started this season.

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Happy for Alan. This was kind of a blah season for me, but that may speak to me being a bit burned out on the show in general. I enjoyed the AU version more, so maybe I just needed a change of scenery. Maybe I will check out the UK version and see what they are up to there. 

Regarding the Australian version and spoilers: I went back and was going to put spoiler covers on my posts, but it won't let me edit them, so I can't. Sorry! Didn't know it was gonna be shown here. If you just scroll right down to posts starting July 27, you will skip any spoilers from those who watched it earlier in the year. 

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  On 8/18/2023 at 3:16 PM, iMonrey said:

The funny thing is - Wyatt tapped out Day 64 and they didn't tell Alan until Day 66! Why did they make him wait out there another 2 days? Is that how long it took to get his wife out there?


I think that has always been the case because they need time, as you said, to get the family member there.  I've wondered what they would do if the last person standing tapped out in that interval.

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Congratulations to Alan! They certainly were all suffering greatly at the end there. I also do wish they tapped Mikey out (like it seemed they were very ready to do) before they kind of pushed him to do it himself. Wyatt looked like he had a huge weight loss in that last couple days. Was he eating stored fish filets that last time we saw him in his shelter? It looked like it was quite a nice portion. Maybe it was his last portion and  thats why he decided to tap the next day. Starvation was bad enough without the small saved portions he had saved up.

Mikey eating snow and belt leather? Thats pretty sad to see how far he pushed himself to try to be the last one. These last three went through a real hell that final week. The cold temperature was unrelenting. I think that maybe Alans choice of a round teepee style shelter held his shelter heat in better than the others. He didn't seem as if he was as cold as Wyatt and Mikey were those last few days.

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  On 8/18/2023 at 8:25 PM, SassyCat said:

Wyatt looked like he had a huge weight loss in that last couple days. Was he eating stored fish filets that last time we saw him in his shelter? It looked like it was quite a nice portion. Maybe it was his last portion and  thats why he decided to tap the next day.


He was really talking up ice fishing at the beginning but I think what finally did him in was the realization that he just wasn't going to get any fish that way.

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I am so happy for Alan, he was my TV boyfriend. Such a lovely man. His wife is lovely too. So I don't hate her for stealing him away from me 🤣. I liked Wyatt too, but was happy he tapped before Alan. Mikey just was unable to handle the cold, and why would he? He's a Georgia boy. Leave it to the Canadians to stick it out! Go, Canada! 👏🍁🦫🏒🥌🇨🇦

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While I really wanted Wyatt to win, Alan was my second choice.  So go Alan!

It would have been a kindness to tell Mikey they were going to pull him so he didn't have to say the words.  Really sucks that they didn't do that.  And maybe someone in Georgia can teach him the difference between a mouse and a rat. 

I really thought Wyatt had it, because Alan really looked like he was ready to tap, but they psyched us out again.

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  On 8/19/2023 at 1:19 AM, madmax said:

It would have been a kindness to tell Mikey they were going to pull him so he didn't have to say the words.  Really sucks that they didn't do that. 


I don't know, maybe it might be easier for him in the long run knowing that he tapped out instead of being pulled by medical.  Closure and all that.

I was really shocked that Alan won.  Not because he was incapable, I really expected the final two to be a battle between Mikey and Wyatt.  Both those guys appeared to have more reasons and will to stay than Alan.  But maybe that's just the editing.  They fooled me this time, but a worthy winner nonetheless.  Cute how he said he was more excited to see his wife than about winning.  I guess it would take awhile to sink in.  

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I enjoyed the mash up of the end of the season with the AU version.

The last episodes of the season is watching the last few become more skeletal, freeze, have epiphanies...grim stuff until they crown the winner.

History Channel was smart to start a new season with a cast of new personalities and accents because the diehard audience is already tuned in.

Like shooting fish in a barrel....


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I went back and watched the ending again. Alan took his wife into his teepee shelter and showed her how he had built the fire in the center, how it vented through the top of the teepee and how it kept the shelter nice and warm. It really looked well insulated. Compare that to Mikey's shelter: the inside was covered in a tarp, and the tarp was covered in a layer of ice. There was no way for that shelter to stay warm, and he was on the verge of frostbite. 

  On 8/19/2023 at 1:19 AM, madmax said:

It would have been a kindness to tell Mikey they were going to pull him so he didn't have to say the words.  Really sucks that they didn't do that.


From their point of view, maybe it is better that the participant make the decision for himself rather than having the show make the decision. It gives the participant the control. I just wish they would have told us whether or not they were planning to pull him anyway.

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I’m happy with the win.   I also feel bad for Mikey’s non-Nikolai children.  This will be tough for them to watch.    As an aside, after ten seasons of watching this show, I’m pretty sure all I’ll ever need is a knife of some sort and a ferro rod to survive.   Lol.   I shout advice at the tv all the time.  

Edited by IdEatThat
  • LOL 1

I wanted Wyatt to win also. Although his kung-fu philosophizing got tiresome. He seemed to be handling the cold better but 6 degrees with constant wind is unbearable. Losing a toe nail probably convinced him the end was drawing near. That said I'm sure he will regret being one contestant away. Had he caught one big fish he'd probably stay.

Happy for Alan's wife. Always good to see the look on their faces. Of course what spouse wouldn't be happy with a 500k deposit.

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  On 8/18/2023 at 3:16 PM, iMonrey said:

That might have made the difference. I also think he was in overall better health than the other two when he started this season.




Yes, maybe Wyatt's previous lifestyle choices of drinking and probably smoking (I'm just assuming because they go hand in hand) may have affected his circulation to his toes and fingers. Mikey just had no experience in that kind of cold. I knew that would be his downfall.

ETA: Also Wyatt was using up more calories at the end trying the ice fishing that. Alan was. The last few days, Alan was basically staying in his shelter, so that might have made the difference.


I have been away for a couple weeks and just getting caught up. Unfortunately I was spoiled, looking up news about the wildfires in BC I saw the headline that Alan won. I was hoping there was a more specific reason that Wyatt had to quit for, but maybe he knew he would fail a med check, with loosing toenails and all.


  On 8/25/2023 at 9:35 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

That said I'm sure he will regret being one contestant away.



I really hope that doesn't set him back realizing that he probably only needed to suffer 2 more days because Alan was on the verge of tapping out.


  On 8/25/2023 at 9:35 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

Always good to see the look on their faces. Of course what spouse wouldn't be happy with a 500k deposit.



 500 USD which is about $680 Canadian. I think game show winnings are taxable in US so not sure exactly how much the get. 


  On 8/18/2023 at 11:32 PM, Red Bridey said:

I am so happy for Alan, he was my TV boyfriend. Such a lovely man. His wife is lovely too. So I don't hate her for stealing him away from me 🤣. I liked Wyatt too



Wyatt was the stereotypical hoser and Alan is the stereotypical nice Canadian. Speaking of TV boyfriends... my son ran into mine on the streets of Toronto and told him that I loved him LOL and took a picture for me.

His wife seemed nice but I hated her grilling him for details when the guy just wanted some Durritos. I know what my husband would have said to me, if he was starving and I started asking too many questions, LOL , it would have been viewer discretion advised for sure!!

Is Alone Austalia on History Channel in Canada? I searched and I coldn't find it.

Edited by Blackie
  • LOL 1
  On 8/18/2023 at 8:25 PM, SassyCat said:

I think that maybe Alans choice of a round teepee style shelter held his shelter heat in better than the others. He didn't seem as if he was as cold as Wyatt and Mikey were those last few days.



  On 8/19/2023 at 3:44 PM, iMonrey said:

Alan took his wife into his teepee shelter and showed her how he had built the fire in the center, how it vented through the top of the teepee and how it kept the shelter nice and warm. It really looked well insulated. Compare that to Mikey's shelter: the inside was covered in a tarp, and the tarp was covered in a layer of ice. There was no way for that shelter to stay warm, and he was on the verge of frostbite. 



Alan said right from the start that he built his shelter based on how the indigenous elders taught them, so of course it would be the best type of shelter for that environment

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season 3, Carleigh lasted 84 days, lost 50 lbs. These guys lost 80+ lbs in 65 days. Does anyone see something wrong with that picture?

  On 8/27/2023 at 12:40 AM, Blackie said:

actually, it's not, for this show They never saw 0F, cause they never saw thanksgiving. They launch in mid Sept, at 50F and it does'nt even freeze there for a month. Google for a monthly temp chart of the area. They barely saw 20F degrees. So all they needed was a winterized tarp and tape tent. The first month, all they need is the tent. After it starts freezing at night, you need the 6" thick layer of debris on the outside of the tent, covered with the 10x 16 tarp that they give everyone. There's no need of a fire inside of your shelter, nor a sleeping bag.


Alan said right from the start that he built his shelter based on how the indigenous elders taught them, so of course it would be the best type of shelter for that environment



what the locals need to get thru 5 more months of winter, and what you need to win this challenge are very different things.  You dont want to waste 1=2 weeks on a shelter and then 2 more weeks of time and caloreis on firewood. they waste  1.5 hours per day, boiling a lousy 2 qts of water at a time. What they should do is line a pit with the reflective tyvek bivy, and stone boil 5 gallons of water at a time. That's 3 day's worth of drinking cooking and washing your hands and face water. Make a bowl with a dipper handle out of duct tape,   Gather a hunk of the 12x12 ft reflective tarp inside of a made-on-site basket, so you can store your boiled water. The cookpot is a wasted/inferior  gear pick. So are the ferrorod, axe, saw, paracord, sleeping bag, gillnet, fishing kit, bow, belt knife

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