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RW in the Media: Somehow the Show is Almost Relevant


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The next Challenge debuts on February 7. It's going to be preceded by a half-hour special on CT.



TV-14 (30 min)

CT is the man keeping fans on their edge of their seat every time he competes. As he prepares to return to the series following a two-year absence, MTV looks back at his most unforgettable, and often controversial moments.



I'm posting here on the off chance they throw in stuff from RW: Paris. I'd like the bit where Leah gets a gift and thinks it's from CT, and he just rolls with it. We'll probably get the fight with Adam King. "ONE! ON! ONE!!! ONEONONE!!!!! I WILL WORK YOU!!!!!" I remember the TWoP recaps. I think Kim called him Heat Miser's son because of his wild hair.

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  On 1/28/2017 at 6:03 AM, Lantern7 said:

The next Challenge debuts on February 7. It's going to be preceded by a half-hour special on CT.

I'm posting here on the off chance they throw in stuff from RW: Paris. I'd like the bit where Leah gets a gift and thinks it's from CT, and he just rolls with it. We'll probably get the fight with Adam King. "ONE! ON! ONE!!! ONEONONE!!!!! I WILL WORK YOU!!!!!" I remember the TWoP recaps. I think Kim called him Heat Miser's son because of his wild hair.


Speaking of CT, I don't watch How to Get Away with Murder, but I saw one of the actors on Jimmy Kimmel and he is a dead ringer for CT.

Charlie Weber:


  On 3/23/2017 at 6:13 PM, ghertigirl said:

Wow, just read that Madison from RW: Skeletons is dating Javi from Teen Mom 2. 


MTV, we need a spin off show!


Keep making those good life choices, Madison!

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Here's something amusing . . . Mike wants to play Booster Gold. Dunno if he can be dopey enough for that role. Maybe he got envious of Jamie Chung getting into several episodes of Gotham. Would it be too much to ask that Coral voice Skeets?

ETA from MTV.com: Beth & Jon revisit the RW2 house. Also: Beth friggin' reproduced!!!! I feel bad for her kids, because longtime fans will never forget which a rhymes-with-witch she was. However, I can be fair. Here's the notable BMP parent structure in my head now: Darrell > CT > Beth > Tony > Puck.

I feel like Beth had a shot at growing up and maturing with a few more years out in the world.  She was so young back then.  And her kids are adorable! John looks better with some years and weight on him:C-ULGrxXgAIBsYw.jpg

Here's a pic with Dominic:C-gwKmPUAAAhUUt.jpg

With Irene, and producers Matt Kunitz and Dave Albrecht (Irene was getting married in Mexico)


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I don't think they are together.  I think they both just went to Irene's wedding in Mexico and stopped by the house and the beach.  I didn't see much on her Twitter but the pictures of the trip.  His was mostly his missionary work in Uganda and sports posts.  He did have a pretty good picture of the house:C-T8U3SW0AIsAdA.jpg

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Jamie Chung from RW: San Diego 1.0 talks about her new show The Gifted (on Fox), Once Upon a Time, and being on The Real World:

If you don't want to watch the whole thing, there's a really short clip of her talking about the lack of privacy while filming The Real World:


ETA: Trailer for her new show The Gifted:

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  On 4/30/2017 at 6:29 PM, MissMel said:

I feel like Beth had a shot at growing up and maturing with a few more years out in the world.  She was so young back then.  And her kids are adorable! John looks better with some years and weight on him:C-ULGrxXgAIBsYw.jpg

Here's a pic with Dominic:C-gwKmPUAAAhUUt.jpg

With Irene, and producers Matt Kunitz and Dave Albrecht (Irene was getting married in Mexico)



Another Irene wedding?? Wasn't the wedding on the show already her second? She looks good, much better without the big pouf of bangs in front. 

Dominic looks better than I expected him too, his skin actually looks much improved, I remember his skin being rather craggy on the show. I'm a little surprised to see him in these pics, he never seemed eager to revisit his RW days. 

Beth is such a weird case to me because she is technically an attractive woman, but something about the way she carries herself takes away from the attractiveness. 

Most Accomplished ‘Real World’ Cast Members on Its 25th Anniversary


In case you're as dumb as I am, they list the cast members in the video and not in the actual article. I swear, I confusedly scrolling up and down for 5 minutes looking for the damn list. They only list 5 members but that pretty much covers it, doesn't it? 

Don't know where to put this, but it looks like Jenn & Peter from RW: Bad Blood are no longer together (shocker!). Doesn't look like it ended well based on their social media posts (another shocker!). I'm sure they'll both find new people soon - Peter another girl he can emotionally manipulate and abuse, and Jenn, another dude who will break her down and make her question herself and how she thinks. Good going, kids!

(My concern though, is who gets to keep the puppy they adopted together? Ha!)

  On 6/4/2016 at 6:19 PM, Lantern7 said:

This afternoon, MTV ran a history about their programming and the LBGTQ community, MTV’s Proudest Moments. I'm betting you can find it on their site, because I don't think it's getting rerun. They started off with mini-profiles on Norman, Pedro, Genesis (though most of it was Kameelah talking to the girl), Danny and Katelynn. We got commentary from Aneesa, Rachel Robinson (I made the sign of the cross with my fingers because I still find her repellent), and fucking Frank Sweeney.


It's been a year. I wasn't looking for it . . . Norm found the clip and posted it on Facebook. Sarah Greyson liked it (she was on The Gauntlet with Norm), and I saw it since I'm following her. Seriously, though, I'm not out of line in still disliking Rachel and Frank, right?


Irene from Seattle recounts how both she and Stephen were tremendous assholes, but her motives were good and noble. Fuck Irene. She's an asshole who has never owned how egregious her behavior was. Stephen should have been kicked off, but Irene knew that Stephen had been struggling with his sexuality. He talked to the cast about it, but she decided that she was well within her rights to out a Black gay man who grew up in a Muslim household in 1998. Matthew Shepard was attacked and killed in October 1998. She's such a disingenuous piece of shit that she lays the wrongness of the outting on the show by saying the show didn't have to air her outting him. This is true, but they can't use what you don't give them.


Edited by HunterHunted
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I'm not even going to read that.  If that bitch can't come with anything better than your description, she's still on my bad side.  That whole thing was serious back then.  She had no right.  Stephen wasn't right either but crying "poor me, I'm sick" when really she was just an asshole doesn't sit well with me.  

I had a sister back then that lived with two roommates.  She was just coming out, one man was out, the other couldn't come out to his relatives but was out to us.  I had a toddler then.  I would have to take him home to my parents at dark because the neighborhood wasn't the safest.  Everyone knew "two gay guys and a lesbian" lived there.  It was horrible.  We were just hanging out one night, drinking cocktails and wrapping Christmas gifts.  That whole apartment lit up with flashes of light while the vandals hollered things like "pedophiles" "nasty whore of a mother" "dike ass bitch", etc.  It was a horrible time to have this on a national television show, happen.  I can't stand Irene.  She was wrong, wrong, wrong.  

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  On 7/14/2017 at 6:41 AM, HunterHunted said:

Irene from Seattle recounts how both she and Stephen were tremendous assholes, but her motives were good and noble. Fuck Irene. She's an asshole who has never owned how egregious her behavior was. Stephen should have been kicked off, but Irene knew that Stephen had been struggling with his sexuality. He talked to the cast about it, but she decided that she was well within her rights to out a Black gay man who grew up in a Muslim household in 1998. Matthew Shepard was attacked and killed in October 1998. She's such a disingenuous piece of shit that she lays the wrongness of the outting on the show by saying the show didn't have to air her outting him. This is true, but they can't use what you don't give them.



If I could be a fly on the wall on judgment day of the monsters that murdered Matthew Shepard. 

  On 12/11/2016 at 11:08 PM, Lantern7 said:

For anybody who watches Bad Blood: Stop Being Polite goes over ten instances where people on BMP shows did far worse damage than Theo on his cousin, yet got to stay on. #10 should really be #1. It wasn't a hard hit, but it's the one everybody remembers.


This is a year old, but I just saw this now. How in the hell is CT almost murdering Adam on the Duel II not on that list? That was genuinely dangerous, if CT hadn't been (just barely) restrained by about 15 people, Adam would have died. Also, someone literally pushed someone else off a balcony in the DC season (can't remember the names of either party in that fight) and they're concerned about cola over somebody's head? WTF? 

ETA: Ah, never mind the crossed out portion, I see that it was people who did bad things but got to stay. The DC example still stands. ;) 

Also, the Fork Heard Round the World should also have made the list for sheer dramatic impact of the near vote-out. Also, Shavoun throwing glass bottles at people in Australia is worse than cola over the head. 


Irene from Seattle recounts how both she and Stephen were tremendous assholes, but her motives were good and noble. Fuck Irene. She's an asshole who has never owned how egregious her behavior was. Stephen should have been kicked off, but Irene knew that Stephen had been struggling with his sexuality. He talked to the cast about it, but she decided that she was well within her rights to out a Black gay man who grew up in a Muslim household in 1998. Matthew Shepard was attacked and killed in October 1998. She's such a disingenuous piece of shit that she lays the wrongness of the outting on the show by saying the show didn't have to air her outting him. This is true, but they can't use what you don't give them.


Oh, they could have chosen not air you outing him? That's why you took him on an extra special walk and very deliberately laid that on him in full view of the cameras? 


“What I said to Stephen was horrific. Horrific. I was super angry, totally wrong,” Irene reflects. “But I stand behind the fact that I didn’t take him out of the closet. MTV could have aired whatever they wanted to. They made a conscious choice to keep that in and I think that’s something people really need to understand—they put the cast in situations that will create really high tensions...It was a very homophobic household that I was living in...because there were military guys and they’re very machismo...and I think, to fit in, Stephen was saying stuff that made me go, ‘It’s not cool to talk about people that way.’”


How is she possibly missing the fact that her outing him was not in any way a reasonable response to being offended by Stephen's comments about gays? How do you even rationalize that? 

But nice of Jezebel to try to cushion her by mentioning that Stephen took her things/sent her nasty pager messages (is that a thing?) before plugging her comedy show. No agenda there...

I couldn't possibly listen to an hour of her irritating voice, so I only read the article itself. 


The Miz (heh, remember when his name was still Mike?) discusses The Challenge, being a dad, and Total Divas:


Ugh, the Miz has procreated? That's a scary thought. I still can't quite believe that the doofus with the fake wresting belt actually did make it in wrestling. Would never have called that one back in 2000.

Edited by ljenkins782
  On 12/12/2017 at 3:39 AM, Lantern7 said:

There are a number of conventions that stem from the "Walker Stalker" con from a few years ago. I'm bringing this up because you can meet Jamie at Heroes & Villains Fan Fest Portland. If you want to tick off a box in your "Real World Encounter" card, there you go.


Two pictures from Facebook: a fellow Challenge Facebook poster meeting Jamie at H&V, and Jamie hugging something as goofy and huge like Brad (or maybe Randy). The former is from a private group, so I'm not sure if it will show up. I posted the latter on that group, which I originally found from H&V via Facebook. Please let me know if you can't see either or both pics.

Edited by Lantern7

Was reading an article on NPR about the Republicans having some difficulties fielding candidates to run for US Senate races across the nation.

Among the candidates whom they tried to recruit was Sean Duffy, to run against incumbent Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin of WI.

I think Sean came in on the Tea Party wave so he's been around for awhile.

But apparently the party thinks enough of him to try to recruit him so he may yet run one of these years.

He should get a nice pension and lifetime healthcare for a large family.


MTV pitching RW to other networks, streaming services.

ETA: The Onion mentions the potential revival. Sort of. Also, TV Guide "Jeered" the idea. They used a cast pic from RW2, which . . . I mean, Beth and David, but that was 1993. Those kids seem so quaint compared to the last few seasons.

Edited by Lantern7

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