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S03.E10: Collision Course

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The previouslies have the scene of Lois mentioning they falsely sent Lex to prison so he's going to show up tonight isn't he?

Chemo over and Lois gets to ring the bell! 

That red jacket is awesome Lana don't listen to Sarah. Listen to Sophie she's got the fashion sense. A perfect shade for her and I'm jealous as I look terrible in red.

Kyle's not wrong on trying to get Chrissy to start sniffing around the powers story but she's not going to expose Clark or Jordan so it's conflict time.

Hee, the twins are such teenagers being totally focused on the video game and ignoring Clark talking to them.

Clark's enthusiasm for wrestling is so funny and cute. Since you bought the tickets you can pull rank and make them go.

Peia looks awful. Well done makeup department I buy she's days away from death.

Jon's still all in with Candice so looks like my worries about a possible Sarah flirtation can go away. Meanwhile, sigh, Jordan's jealousy is rearing its head again. Just walk up to Sarah and say hello and they'll tell you the story if they want. Don't awkwardly jump in it makes your jealousy obvious.

Peia's really making Lex sound scary so I hope he lives up to the hype.

Good for you Sarah telling Jordan off for his behavior. You should listen to her Jordan.

The governor knows Chrissy is taking notes right? She never said she was off the record so those comments about her ex are fair game. Not that Chrissy will use them necessarily but she could.

Ok, Frog Boy, when you save someone and don't want them to know it was someone with powers go hide so you can make sure they're ok without being seen. Mayor Jr will no doubt tell everyone and it will put added pressure on Chrissy to pursue the story.

The difference between you and the twins, Clark, is they will never be as dorky as you were at their age. This is not an insult as I adore you for happily hanging out with Martha when you were a teenager but it's different for the twins.

Jordan, you are a kid and drinking so of course you're getting grounded.

I know he wants to help/cure his mom but sad to see Mateo join Bruno's team even if only for this one moment.

Bad Canary's back and ready to escape.

That's one way for Kyle to find out Clark is Superman. 

Still no Lex so that continues to build.


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You'd think someone like Sam would have every conversation in Peia's room actively monitored - she's a murderer and they probably gave up on legal issues or the government has some sort of special rule when dealing with metas.  You can bet he'll make sure future visitors wear barrel cuff shirts.

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I must be the only one who was very uncomfortable with the tact Lois was taking with Peia.   I mean, Peia is a murderer, but using her love for her son to try and get her to confess just didn't seem like Lois to me. I didn't like it, and was rather glad Peia got out of there. 

Enjoyed Clark's wakeup call about the boys being teenagers and not wanting to hang out with Dad as much as when they were younger. Every parent can relate to that.  Loved Clark saying "I enjoyed hanging out with my mother" and Lois saying that was one reason she loved him.

Do all keggers get raided by the police?  That's such a stock story about underage drinking, etc. But to have Jordan rescue Sarah and George, Jr. was a good twist. 

Not one of my favorite episodes this season, but still solid. 

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17 hours ago, baldryanr said:

You'd think someone like Sam would have every conversation in Peia's room actively monitored - she's a murderer and they probably gave up on legal issues or the government has some sort of special rule when dealing with metas.  You can bet he'll make sure future visitors wear barrel cuff shirts.

He turned it off for Lous, if i remember. 

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I can't wait for John Henry Irons return and his eventual "What the fuck, guys?!  Didn't I warn y'all?!!" reaction to this particular aftermath, heh.

Knew something was going on with those cufflinks, but I didn't predict that Matteo would be a willing participate.  I figured he was being unknowingly sent in with the cure.  I guess that makes him an accessory now, but I can see him still coming out without too much harm since he is a teen and his being influenced by his parents.  I mean, I know Sam can be a bit of a tough ass, but he wouldn't throw the entire book at him, right?  Right?!

This episode was definitely highlighting teenage behavior at their worst with the underage drinking (although considering how far away they were from town, someone at that party must have been a narc in order for the police response to be that big), lying to your parents, and drinking/escaping while driving.  Bad enough that it won't even be pushed aside and Sarah is going to have a DUI on her wrap sheet.  Whoops!  Of course, all of this was leading to Kyle's suspicions being confirmed that there is a super person in Smallville after-all.  But, ironically, he didn't know it was Jordan but thought it was Jonathan instead, and it all ends with Clark revealing himself to him, in order to protect his sons.  I'm sure this is going to get interesting.  Especially when he finds out for sure that Lana and Sarah knew about it and didn't tell him.

I so want to know what this world's version of pro-wrestling is like.  Do they have their own variations of the likes of Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold Steve Austin?!  Have some of their wrestlers gone on to be huge movie stars like The Rock and John Cena?!!

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52 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

But, ironically, he didn't know it was Jordan but thought it was Jonathan instead, and it all ends with Clark revealing himself to him, in order to protect his sons. 

That's not why he left, he had to get to the DoD ASAP and couldn't come up with a good reason to quickly get away.  I suppose he could have acted angry, raced back inside, and locked the door, but Kyle didn't look like he was going to let him do that without a fight.

That being said, once he calms down Kyle should be grateful for Jordan's powers.  That car accident should have killed Sarah, or at the very least put her in the hospital for months.  Maybe he can get some anger management tips from Lana because she was incredibly calm about everything.  If Jon or Jordan had done something like that Lois would have been angry enough to scare them away from alcohol forever.

Edited by baldryanr
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3 hours ago, cardigirl said:

Loved Clark saying "I enjoyed hanging out with my mother" and Lois saying that was one reason she loved him.

I loved that scene too.  I think it's important that they let Superman be Superman.  Superman is the boy scout nice guy, for awhile there they wanted to turn him into a darker anti-hero like Batman, Wolverine, the Punisher, etc. to fit into the modern world.  But that's not Superman's appeal, his appeal is as the wholesome hero.  Don't mess with that.

I also liked how excited Clark was when he brought in the tickets to the wrestling show.

Can Jordan even get drunk?

Edited by rmontro
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24 minutes ago, rmontro said:

I loved that scene too.  I think it's important that they let Superman be Superman.  Superman is the boy scout nice guy, for awhile there they wanted to turn him into a darker anti-hero like Batman, Wolverine, the Punisher, etc. to fit into the modern world.  But that's not Superman's appeal, his appeal is as the wholesome hero.  Don't mess with that.

I also liked how excited Clark was when he brought in the tickets to the wrestling show.

Same. Underneath the costume, Clark is meant to be a humongous dork.

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5 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I must be the only one who was very uncomfortable with the tact Lois was taking with Peia.   I mean, Peia is a murderer, but using her love for her son to try and get her to confess just didn't seem like Lois to me. I didn't like it, and was rather glad Peia got out of there. 

Perhaps there was a smidge of manipulation using Matteo but Lois isn’t wrong:  what kind of example/legacy does Peia want to leave her son?  I guess by accepting his help in her escape, the legacy she wants for him is to follow in her criminal footsteps.  

3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I can't wait for John Henry Irons return and his eventual "What the fuck, guys?!  Didn't I warn y'all?!!" reaction to this particular aftermath, heh.

Knew something was going on with those cufflinks, but I didn't predict that Matteo would be a willing participate.  
I really hope the show doesn’t go there with Natalie still defending Matteo.  Like Lois said, he’s now an accomplice. Matteo knowingly helped his mother escape - a women who has killed people and attempted to kill people, oh like, his girlfriend’s dad!!! Sure, she won’t harm Matteo or his dad, but I guess if mommy kills or hurts other people, that’s ok because he gets to be with her outside of DoD supervision. So, it’s all good, right?  

(Re: Kyle finding out Clark’s secret) Especially when he finds out for sure that Lana and Sarah knew about it and didn't tell him.

It wasn’t Lana or Sarah or Chrissy’s secret to tell, so I hope Show doesn’t make Kyle an unreasonable asshat about this.

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Back to another, mostly strong, episode.

Yeah, John Henry absolutely deserves his 'I told you so' moment after letting Peia get away. I mean, yeah, nobody saw Matteo breaking his mom out of the D.O.D coming, but maybe they should have. It's not the dumbest move on this show, mind you, and I fully get the reasoning. But you'd think you would take some extra precautions just in case (such as listening in to the Peia/Matteo conversation, as he was literally just spilling the entire plan to his mother in a secured facility). Again, I totally understand why this happened; I get that Lois probably convinced Sam to give Peia and Matteo some privacy to say their goodbyes, so that's why I can't be too upset.

So, Kyle knows Clark's secret now (and I assume he'll know that it's Jordan who has powers, not Jon). I did like how that scene played out, since Clark really had no other choice. Kyle wasn't budging and he needed to leave ASAP. I don't necessarily blame Kyle for being upset, since Sarah/Lana were making him seem like he was wrong when he wasn't that off (and I get why both had to lie to Kyle; it's not their secret to tell) but hopefully, Kyle realizes why he wasn't told and doesn't get too upset at anybody. 

Jordan's been difficult to watch this season, but at least it feels realistic. He's so jealous over Sarah and Junior and she rightfully called him out on that. He really needs to get his act together.

Though, this show really wants us to believe Junior is a high school senior and not, at minimum, a college senior. Seriously, the actor looks his age of late 20s, so it's just so awkward to see him talking to Sarah, who looks 16/17. 

I did enjoy the little moments, like Clark zooming in to excitedly talk about the plans he has for Jon/Jordan, and I did love Jon telling Clark that he did not, in fact, drive home while drinking and explaining that he was never around.

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14 hours ago, norcalgal said:

It wasn’t Lana or Sarah or Chrissy’s secret to tell, so I hope Show doesn’t make Kyle an unreasonable asshat about this.

True, but they could at least have asked for permission to read him in. And based on the last episodes of Season 2, it seems it's because Lana and Kyle split up that Kyle wasn't told when she was and Lana didn't want him to be.

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First of all, I love how excited that Clark was about taking the boys to the wrestling match, he was channeling that dorky dad energy so hard. Then I felt so sad seeing him deflate when the boys blew him off, but like Sam said, the twins are just at that age when they don't want to be around their parents, he should just count the fact that they're all still quite close in general as a win. Clark saying how he loved to hang out with his mom when he was a teenager was adorable, I agree with Lois, that's exactly the reason we love him. 

I'm glad that Kyle knows the secret now, he's the only person in the main cast who doesn't know and its getting harder and harder to keep this a secret. It makes sense that he would think that it was Jonathan who has the powers after what happened at the fire, hopefully he doesn't get all mad about everyone keeping this from him. 

Of course the party gets busted despite being in the middle of nowhere, that's how all underaged drinking goes in TV land. Really glad that Sara called him out on his jerky jealous behavior, Jordan has been hard to like when it comes to his relationship with Sara, but it does seem realistic for a teenager, especially with his first romance. I think that Jon felt a big smack of guilt when Candice was all sad about her dad not being around, while his dad would love to spend time with him but he went to this party instead. 

I can see the DOA let Matteo see Peia, it seems wrong to keep a teenager away from his dying mother regardless of her criminal status, but they really should have checked him before letting him in. Even if he wasn't a willing participant in the break out his dad could have easily snuck something on him to help Peia escape. They also probably should work on better securing those walls, the DOA is supposed to be able to hold people with superpowers but Peia seemed to get away easily, despite being in the terminal stages of cancer.  

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Jordan really needs more friends, but this is clearly a real problem for him that isn't being addressed by anyone. This is probably a job for Superman, who may have been equally kind of a socially awkward Dork, too. Start hanging out with your superpowered kid, Clark. Meanwhile, yes, Jordan does want to hang out with people his own age, he just doesn't know how.



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Another episode I really enjoyed. Loved Clark's excitement at hanging out with the boys. 

So is Lois wearing a wig now or what? Because her hair looked really good in this episode and it shouldn't have.

Loved the makeup on Peia, and being able to see that the new cure really did work. I know it's wrong, but I did love how she refused to admit her crime even facing death. Doesn't Lois know what kind of monster Lex is?

They still have the same 35 year old looking actor portraying teenage Junior, he takes me out of every scene. Wonder what trouble he'll start about being saved by Jordan.

I felt bad for Kyle when he know Sarah and Lana were lying to him. What did expect to happen at Kent Farm when he called for the boys? Even before Clark flew away he knew something was happening because Clark stopped him with two fingers.

I'm so tired of Jordan and his teenage angst. When is he going to become likable?

Looking forward to next week.

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So episode 2 just went right out the door for Jordan this episode didn't it? I get Sarah is his first love and breakups are hard, but he has to start moving on. Sarah already decided that the relationship wasn't working, and they're better off as friends. He's making being friends with her difficult. Didn't they literally talk about this in episode 2? I thought they were fine being friends again and not being awkward with each other. 

Now, it's back to square one with Jordan. His behavior was annoying in this episode. How was Junior the jerk? You came in the middle of a conversation and butted in. No "hey guys, how you're doing?" Nothing. He just butted in. Did he expect Junior to just start over the story for him? Sarah is not mean for telling him to go get a beer. Jordan was making the situation awkward and she did the best she could. If he wants to be friends with Sarah, he needs to chill about seeing her with other guys.

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Pretty much can't stand the Mannheims, all of them, and it's super-annoying the way the other characters keep treating them with kid gloves.   They're murderers.  Stop affording them mercy, trust and sympathy.   Peia's an attractive woman, but amazing how ugly she becomes when she winds up her face and goes into sonic mode.

Kyle's a dick and a weak link.  It's just a matter of time before he places Superman in jeopardy.   Clark should fly backwards around the earth a few times and do a rewind.

Sarah's irritating.

The only person I feel bad for is Jordan.



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