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Utopia (US) Live Feed Discussion

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@mmal---thanks for the videos--Bella just has no boundaries, does she?  And then watching her tap dance and back pedal her way through one excuse after another is excruciating.  


And I agree with you about Taylor--I saw that when it happened--and I heard him say "stupid cow."  There's nothing I like about Taylor.  

Edited by 4leafclover
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Bella has not learned, that if people disagree with your views, repeating yourself endlessly does NOT change their opinion, it just reinforces their opposition to everything you say.  

Pregnant women are often bombarded with information about the dangers of EVERYTHING.   I recall when pregnant, reading articles about prenatal vitamins The ones with iron are either absolutely essential or terribly dangerous.  Hair dye -  cancer-causing, brain damage causing, or perfectly safe.  Fluoride, microwaves,  seafood, chocolate,  caffeine, how much weight to gain, whether to drink milk or avoid dairy products, exercise or rest -   all mind-boggling.   My doctor's advice was to call him when I had questions, but when others gave me unasked for advice - "thank them and then ignore it."  


Amanda needs to say to Bella - thanks for your concern, when I want advice i will ask for it, now please shut the fuck up, you're stressing me out and stress is BAD FOR MY UNBORN CHILD. 

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Jason is talking to Amanda about her pregnancy.  Seems he rode on top of her bladder and made her pee a lot.  She always told him he was difficult.  He says that he thinks that a child could always tell when he was not wanted.  Amanda asks "Even in the womb?", and he reply's "Yep."



How and why is Jason riding on Amanda's bladder?

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How and why is Jason riding on Amanda's bladder?


Sorry, I completely missed a sentence or two.  He was comparing Amanda's pregnancy experience with what his mother told him about her pregnancy that produced him.  His mom told him that her pregnancy was very uncomfortable and he seemed to think that he felt unwanted and unloved even before he was born (that's a bit dramatic, but if his back story is true I could see it coloring all of his life memories).


First pregnancies often seem so dramatic when everything that's happening is so new!  I was an emotional wreck with my first, but by my last everything seemed almost boring - except when you get to hold your baby for the first time, that would never get old!  Kudos to Amanda for going through this whole thing with such calmness.

Edited by Zahdii
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AARRRGGGHHHHHH Bella freaking annoys the crap out of me. She is the person who would drive me bat shit crazy with all the advice when pregnant. And she is the nut job who really would drive me nuts. Just shut the fuck up and stop pushing your agenda down my throat. You are a crazy person who has whacked ideas and believes that everything is going to kill us. If you keep talking to me I am going to wash all of your clothes with my allergy causing laundry detergent.


Just aaarrrggghhhh


And I don't buy for a second that the Midwife thanked her for the information on flouride

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So the vote is to replace Rob?  What about replacements for Mike and Bri?


Word on the street (ha ha) is sometime next week--not sure of its accuracy though.  Last night, Jeremy said he didn't even know how long he and James were to be there--he said the only thing "they" told him was he'd be there between 3 and 6 days.  

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Bella has not learned, that if people disagree with your views, repeating yourself endlessly does NOT change their opinion



But she's mastered the art of taking ten minutes to explain one minute worth of information.   I think when the other topes are dealing with her, the best course of action would be to point at the sky with fear in their eyes and say, "Did you see that?"  to distract her.  Or maybe tell her there's a crop circle in the garden. 


LOL at Chris going over to them to check on Amanda and tell Bella, "She knows.  Now shut up already."  



Taylor slapping Honey:



Yeesh.  I wish Production would take away the cows and replace them with bears.  The topes won't get any milk, but at least a bear could slap them back. And I'd spring for a live-feed subscription if there was a chance I could see Taylor get mauled by a bear.




Last night, Jeremy said he didn't even know how long he and James were to be there--he said the only thing "they" told him was he'd be there between 3 and 6 days.



I guess it depends on what the rules are that day.  They seem about as changeable as that poker game on the old Star Trek episode.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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I guess it depends on what the rules are that day.  They seem about as changeable as that poker game on the old Star Trek episode.


You're thinking of Fizzbin from the episode 'A Piece of the Action'. That's a great episode -- period costumes, goofy accents, Spock mocking Kirk's ability to drive.

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What gets me is how tired these casting decisions are.  It's like a run-of-the-mill sitcom.  "He's a tea-party conservative.  She's a polyamorous liberal.  And they're roommates!

I keep waiting for Mr. Roper to show up.

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This is what happened on Thursday. 


Breakfast was another Aaron crapfest.  More stuff Amanda and Nikki couldn't eat.


After breakfast, Production called the Utopians (except for Amanda) to spend an hour or two in the garden.  They plant seedlings, at least some of them were started by Cal using his home made starter pots.  Lots of other flowers and fresh sod had been added, can't have Utopia looking grungy.  The front of the shed where Chris is supposed to do his glass blowing has been covered with a clear sheet of something, probably lucite.  Gee, wonder what that could mean?


Aaron stays inside because he has a sudden urge to prep for lunch.  He's moving as slowly as he can, it's like he's in slow motion.  He really doesn't want to work outside.  He's bought a hundred pounds of potatoes, and makes sure to point out that he spent his own money on it.  He decides to make potato soup for lunch. 

Amanda sees that he's not washing the potatoes and asks him outright "Are you washing those?"  He claims he is, and after that he kind of does, but he's not happy about it.  Don't worry Amanda, you wouldn't want to eat what he cooks anyway.  While preparing breakfast he blew his nose on the kitchen towel and he's still using it.  He uses milk in the soup, effectively making sure that neither Amanda nor Nikki could eat it.  While serving the soup, he throws on some grated cheese on each portion without asking if anyone wants the cheese or not.  This guy just can't give up control of the food.


Amanda had another appointment with her midwife today.  Nikki was present and there was some talk about whether Amanda was walking enough.  They seemed to think not, but I think Amanda is afraid to spend too much time 'strolling around'.  She's aware that most of the others are very nervous about the baby coming, and some would not hesitate to use her 'laziness' against her.


After Nikki left, Bella went to the midwife and tried to get her to tell Amanda not to use Tide detergent because the chemicals would seep through her skin and into the baby.  I think she also wanted to get the midwife to ban the use of some other chemicals, like bleach, all "for the baby", but I think it was Bella trying to get her way again.  Bella really hates bleach.


The midwife was not impressed and pointed out that Bella dyes her hair.  "Don't you have a head full of chemicals right there?"

Afterward, Amanda confronted Bella and wanted to know why she did that.  Bella tried to say that Nikki put her up to it, but Amanda wasn't going for it.  It ended with Amanda angry and Bella distraught that once again her wisdom was being ignored.


James tried to give Bella a redo, but she wouldn't sit still, wouldn't shut up, wouldn't let him trim her hair, and had to have organic dye.  It took hours, and he had to listen to her talk all the time at anything that popped into her head.  Her main thing is the issue between her and Amanda.  Bella has successfully rewritten the whole episode into a classic episode Bella the Victim.  She thinks she's been too nice and needs to stand up for herself more. 


James looked tired and over it, but kept on.  The result is as good as can be expected when a hairdresser of unknown talent works on a such a difficult client as Bella is.


Chris's glassblowing equipment came, and he and Taylor were looking it over.  Taylor thought it was great Chris's family sent all that stuff there.  Chris points out that they also packed his surf fins or something.  Then Chris remembered that the glassblowing equipment was supposed to be something rented (or donated) by some other guys who were trying to support the Utopia experiment.  He quickly uses hand gestures to shush Taylor, but it's obvious that either Chris's family paid to ship all that stuff, or the non-existent Producer Interference happened again.  Feel free to speculate. ;)


Linda, one of the women who gave Josh a BJ during the Halloween party, cancelled her date with Josh.  Sexcapade remorse, maybe?  Will the Josh date then go to whomever bid the next lowest amount?  Would that woman even agree after all this?


Bella's still making James life a living hell.  The hair and makeup are done and they're trying to get her dressed.  She really wants to look special for Josh.  While James gamely tries to get her all put together, she regales him with stories of when she did beauty pageants and the other competitors were so jealous of her they would sabotage her.  According to her, they other contestants would put broken glass in her slippers, try to ruin her dress, and put razor blades in her food, but she'd still win something, even if it was just the talent portion.  She couldda been a contender, folks, if those other girls weren't so darned hateful and vicious.


Amanda posted a baby wish list on Amazon.  It's already sold out.




She obviously doesn't know how to shop for a baby.  They grow so fast you only want a few newborn and 3 mo. old PJ's, you ask for 6 mo. old stuff.  Looks like she's at least considering breast feeding because she asked for a breast feeding cover, but then she asked for a lot of pacifiers.  IIRC, you don't use pacifiers so the baby will learn to latch onto the breast.  Maybe she'll want them for later, when baby is old enough to know the difference.  She also ordered a toothbrush?  Maybe that's for later, too.  She must think she's going to get a crib, because she only asked for two crib sheets.  At least she's not being greedy, this list is lacking a lot of stuff.  Hope she can call her mom or another experienced mother to fill in the gaps.  She didn't order a car seat.  I hope she knows that if she has to have the baby in the hospital she won't be allowed to take it home unless it's in a certified car seat.  And is she planning on having the pediatrician come to her for the newborn exam and the well baby visits?


Bella finally reveals her makeover to the group, and they act impressed.  Josh whispered to someone that she looks like a drag queen.  She's lucky they're being so nice since she's presenting herself at dinner in front of a group of very hungry people who have been served yet another pathetic meal by Aaron.  He had to break down a whole chicken to cook, so it's another "one piece each" meal, and the sides are unappetizing as well.  Jerk chicken with lots of sugar added to the rub, and zucchini with pineapples and honey - Aaron has quite the sweet tooth.  The dinner conversation is muting a lot.  James is not eating again, nor is Dede.


Nikki looks upset.  Josh isn't talking.  I don't know if Nikki is still upset about her argument with Josh, or something Cal said when he had a private conversation with her earlier.  Josh could be upset that he and Nikki aren't talking, or he could still be upset that his date cancelled.  Well Josh, don't slam people online right after they gave you a BJ.  Better yet, don't run off into the bushes for a BJ during a party when you're living in a place that has over a hundred camera's and 24/7 live feeds.


Chris gets a letter from Bri, and one of the things she says is a message to Nikki "Your food is awsome!"


Nikki has apparently lost her mind and asks Cal to massage her hips.  She lies down topless and he begins.  During the massage he talks about many things, including his opinion that some people, including returning vets need to stop asking for government entitlements and do for themselves.  I think that's a slam toward Jeremy because they just had a conversation, but there's a lot of muting going on.  He whistles during the massage, and eventually gets the sheet off her so he can massage her directly.  Yuck.  Feeds move.


Aaron tells Kristen "Come on, little ugly." and she jumps up to follow him.  The self esteem issues here are amazing.  I don't know who I want to slap first, Aaron for talking to her that way, or Kristen for happily allowing it.


Nikki stays up late and writes out a pro/con list of staying in Utopia.  Seems she may be thinking of leaving.  I only hope she doesn't join Cal's cult if/when she leaves.

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Pacifiers are tricky. Like all things related to babies/parenting there are 9,000 theories and none of them say the same thing. No offense, a hungry kid is going to latch on and eat if he/she can. The major problems with breast feeding that I know of are tongues with ties (which is more common then we think) which makes feeding hard and is easily corrected, mothers not producing enough which is not easily fixed or fixable at all. Breast feeding is harder then it appears, it is not simply the baby latching on and eating, most women have to work at it. And it can be painful if it is not done right, nipple damage is flat out nasty and it hurts.


I could not produce enough so my son would breast feed and then take a bottle. At the 3 1/2 month mark he decided that he wanted the bottle and just refused to breast feed.


I fear for Amanda is she needs to bottle feed. I am sure that means Bella will be providing facts on bottles, formulas, BPA, nipples and the whole lot. Oh god, I fear the upcoming diaper conversation...


Oh, and my kids was 10 pounds 2 ounces at birth, he started in 3 month clothing and moved to 6 month clothing pretty darn fast.

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While preparing breakfast he blew his nose on the kitchen towel and he's still using it.



There is not enough eww in the world to convey my disgust at that.



Nikki has apparently lost her mind and asks Cal to massage her hips.



And this is like the moment in Invasion of the Body Snatchers when you realize they've gotten to her, too.  The few remaining sane topes should start running for the gate before it's too late.



Amanda posted a baby wish list on Amazon.  It's already sold out.



And there's that Utopian self-sufficiency in action again.   Creating a new society is hard work, y'all.   Building sustainable wishlists, surviving the harsh winter while waiting for that first warming glimpse of the UPS truck, oh the inner strength it requires.

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Wow -- Production really did spruce up the compound. Barely recognize the place.  They replaced all the dead sod and added a lot more of sod.  Lots more of flowers and rocks, it's so green now.  They even put sod down the middle of the driveway -- unless they installed a new watering system to go with it, all that new sod is going to die pretty soon.  Lake Shit is still a complete and utter mess though.


I'm thinking they found out they were canceled, but still had some money in the budget and decided to spruce up the place for one big final blowout.


ETA: When did they vote who gets the next visitor ?  Because according to @hippykid, Hex is getting a visitor this afternoon that will make her happy (so probably a friend or relative).


ETA2: Hex's mom is in Utopia.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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But she's mastered the art of taking ten minutes to explain one minute worth of information.   I think when the other topes are dealing with her, the best course of action would be to point at the sky with fear in their eyes and say, "Did you see that?"  to distract her.  Or maybe tell her there's a crop circle in the garden. 

I'd be seriously tempted to carry a vampire-hunter style bottle of fluoridated water to keep her at bay. 


OK, that's mean, but the anti-fluoride thing is one of least favorite things about her.

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ETA: When did they vote who gets the next visitor ? Because according to @hippykid, Hex is getting a visitor this afternoon that will make her happy (so probably a friend or relative).

I think part of the new changes is that production is taking control of who gets visits and how frequently instead of the Topes. I saw something saying that when Amanda's sisters came a couple of weeks ago.

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I've been keeping up with daily life by reading All of Utopia.  I'm convinced that site is aimed at teenage boys.  Sample entry from yesterday -


"11:00 a.m. Tex

Hex was in the shower and asked Dedeker if Taylor was around. Taylor peeked inside the shower and then joined her. Hex was sucking his cock."


Uh, ok then......  Hex was really concerned about embarrassing her family - for a few hours.


Hex was an adult film star in her previous employment, wasn't she?


This show isn't watchable for me. I can't even bother to keep tabs on much of the youtube videos people post.  I do, however, love reading this site's perspective.  It's far better than the show, as many have already mentioned.

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I think part of the new changes is that production is taking control of who gets visits and how frequently instead of the Topes. I saw something saying that when Amanda's sisters came a couple of weeks ago.


Plus the votes were all kinds of bullshit anyway -- Red gets voted the first visitor and she's there the next day, then Rob gets voted the next visitor and Jess is there the next day, and returns for the wedding a week later (which was all a scam since Rob let it drop on the live feeds that the wedding had been in the works for 3 weeks).  But now they aren't even bothering to do through the motions, I guess.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Cal might have buried himself this time.

I'm reading feed updates about "former" neo-nazi Cal bashing Martin Luther King Jr. to Nikki.

If the video gets posted, he'll likely be clobbered by voters. I still hope he quits, so Aaron gets the next boot.

Edited by mmal
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Friday, October 31:


Dede made breakfast: home made cinnamon rolls with pink fondant, sliced bananas, oatmeal, possibly some scrambled eggs. 


Then she had everyone get up and feed each other.  They were walking up to each other, taking the other's spoon and putting it into their own food, then feeding that person.  Turn to the next person, take their spoon, scoop up some of your own oatmeal and feed it to that person.  In the end they all managed to have their spoons in everyone else's food, and everyone else's spoon in their own food.


Except for Amanda and Cal - they sat out.  No one wanted to feed Cal, and if anyone even looked at Amanda she let them know with an icy stare that they'd better keep their germs to themselves.  The rest seemed to have some fun with it, though.  In the end, after Amanda was finished eating, she joined the gang and let them finish her leftovers.


So far everyone is still stuck inside the house as there is still construction work going on outside.  I don't know if any of the Utopians went to the barn to take care of the animals or if Production sent someone in.


James gave Josh a haircut.  Most feedsters like it.


Amanda's upset about the fly situation.  She's quietly going round to people and having conversations pointing out the poor hygiene in the kitchen and the full fly bags that have so many decomposing flies in them, other flies are being drawn to the area.


Group meeting.  Bella wants more painting supplies.  Asks for $100, Dede tries to cut her down to $17, Bella agrees.  Group votes her the whole $100 anyway.  Chris bought a frisbee with his own money, wants the group to reimburse him.  All the guys agree.  Dede wants more money for the soap business and gets it easily.


Josh suggests bringing in people to talk to the group.  An animal expert? No.  Master gardener? Please.  He suggests bringing in people to discuss various religions.  He suggests someone who can tell them about Islam.  Nikki takes notes and writes Islam = Sikh.  Then she suggests bringing in a Buddhist or a Native American.


Clearly Hex's atheist rants and religion hating rhetoric of the past couple of days has inspired Production to enlighten this bunch one way or another, because I sincerely doubt it would have occurred to anyone there to suggest this on their own.


They talk a little more and they are done.


They're allowed back outside again just as the bell rings at the gate.  Aaron clearly knows what's happening because he yells for Taylor to get $60 and runs to the gate.  There's a bunch of booze and a lot more stuff than $60 should buy.  Production is clearly donating some things, as the bill is only $50.  Aaron pays out and pockets the extra money.  We'll see (or maybe not) if he returns the change when he hands over the receipt.  Hex has the receipt, hands it over, and Aaron hands over the change.  But then he tells everyone that he bought the booze with his own money and stores it all by his bed.  It's his to hand out as he sees fit. 


From snippets of conversation it seems that Aaron ordered it when he was sure he was going to leave, but when he didn't leave, Production reimbursed him and paid for the booze themselves.  Since Production didn't tell the rest of the group this, Aaron now has his money and the booze.  He's excited and happy.  It should be noted that he only seems happy when he's hurting someone in some way or stealing something.  I wouldn't hire Aaron if my life depended on it.


Hex got a visitor, her mother.  Hex was so happy!


Dede is discussing the upcoming mediation with Aaron.  It's something about Nikki and the food situation.  Aaron is lying about everything.  I thought he wasn't supposed to discuss this with anyone before the mediation?  I'm still not clear on who the mediator is, or if there's more than one.  When is this mediation going to happen anyway?  It's been postponed several times.


Hex and her mom are talking.  Hex admits she's not brushing her teeth as often as she should, and her mother says she'd better start.  Mom has written down some positive tweets about Hex, but she's also trying to send Hex hints about other things.  It's obvious she's been warned not to share too much information.  They have a good visit before Hex walks her mom to the gate and then watches her leave.


Aaron has invaded the glass blowing shed and is trying to get Chris to teach him to blow glass.  He tells Chris that with a weeks training, he'll be just as good as Chris.  I don't know how good Chris is, but I'm sure that it would take more than a week to match him.


A limo is at the gate.  The guy who supposedly got Chris his glass blowing stuff is here.  He brought a kiln, and not long after some more boxes of supplies arrive.  Seems that Chris got a lot of his stuff from his family, and this other guy is bringing in everything else.


James has been busy.  He's given Aaron and Taylor haircuts.  Aaron hates his, of course.  Taylor looks good, but don't know what he thinks of his new 'do.


Ernesto and Josh have volunteered to cook dinner tonight.  They've wanted to cook enchiladas for quite a while and tonight they get the chance.  They head to the kitchen to begin.


James has dressed up as his alter ego 'Fifi' for Halloween.  He looks kind of like Phoebe from "All My Children".  Fifi packs quite an attitude.  Not sure the Utopians can take a lot of that. 


Kristen is telling James that Bella is complaining about her hair.  She forgets to mention that Bella only said she wanted a shampoo that would moderate the brassiness, not that she hated the whole thing.  She also forgets to tell him that Aaron has been whining all day about his haircut.


Cal is telling Nikki that Martin Luther King Jr never made any real positive changes for civil rights.  Nikki tries to argue with him about his views, but he shuts her down time after time with his "You're wrong, honneeeeyyyy" crap.  Why she still tries is anybody's guess.


Dinner is served.  Aaron 'forgot' to order some essential ingredients so Ernesto and Josh had to make some changes.  Still, dinner was a resounding success!  Chris asked them if they could do this once a week.  Aaron tries to hide his disappointment and pouting.


During dinner, Cal (between his ridiculous moans) tells Taylor that Nikki overspent on her personal order, so he had to bail her out.  What a guy.  Earlier he was complaining  to Josh that Nikki got mad whenever he was being 'honest', and then would get mad if he wasn't honest.  I don't know what he's trying to do here.  On second thought, I think he's trying to separate Nikki from her two biggest supporters outside of Amanda.  (Well, Josh and Nikki are currently not talking, but I think that if they got together to work it out, Josh and Nikki would once again be fast friends.)


Then he turns to Amanda and tells her that he won't argue with Bella (the woman he says would be welcome at his compound any time) because he's afraid that would break the harmony.  Amanda tries to get him to explain what he means and he says he's too tired for this conversation right now.  Why bring it up then?  And why does Cal get 'tired' any time someone questions him on something he can't or won't explain or back up?  Cal bites.


It starts raining!  Everyone's happy.  Cal takes some plastic to make a cover and goes to bed outside again.


The group is not so happy now.  It turns out that the roof leaks and the decks slant toward the living quarters.  There are some drips inside, and water is seeping in from under the doors.  $50 million was spent on this project and no one was able to make a roof that didn't leak or properly slant the decks? 


Josh is especially offended.  He complains about Cal using plastic to cover his sleeping area, he complains that the others aren't managing the incoming water right, then he starts drinking.  Ernesto joins him.  Soon they're declaring their love for each other and calling each other 'old'.


Most of them (minus Aaron, and James) start playing a game of 'spoons'.  Cal's asleep outside so he's also not playing.  I've never heard of the game, but here's a link:



Aaron stands at the head of the table acting pissy, while James sits at the table watching.  I don't know if he doesn't know how to play or if his broken fingers don't let him hold cards well.  Josh and Kristen get in a tiff because when Josh was explaining the game she wasn't listening and kept talking to someone else.  Then when they started to play she didn't know what to do and he said something about how maybe she shouldn't play, then.  Then Nikki told Josh he could just leave.  They eventually calm down and then everyone starts to have a good time. 


Each hand, someone is out of the game.  When Kristen is out, she starts crawling around under the table.  Chris is heard to tell her to stop trying to touch his d***.  In the end, Hex wins the game.


In celebration, Ernesto starts a beat and Chris makes up a rap.  Kristen has been drinking and climbs up on the bench to 'dance'. 


She really shouldn't do that.  She's so desperate for attention it's just embarrassing.  She's wearing a crop top and shorts that don't flatter her, but she seems to think she's the sexiest thing there. 


Kristen gets off the bench and tries to sexy dance around Taylor, trips over the end of the bench and almost falls down.  She's trying to get Chris's attention and starts fondling him.  He's not impressed.  Kristen starts shaking her butt in front of Chris, to no avail.  Seriously, she's grabbing her butt and spreading her cheeks.  Hex tells her that she's acting like a drunken skank and leaves, while saying she just saw Kristen's intestines.  Josh makes a crude crack about if Hex is going to go for it with Kristen.


Amanda tried to go to bed after the game ended, and has been up every few minutes reminding everyone of the time.  Eventually she gives up.


Kristen is telling Hex that both Aaron and Chris want her, but don't want to show their lust in front of the group.  She accuses Hex of being jealous about Aaron because she's a blond with big boobs.  Kristen goes on to say that if there were no cameras Aaron would "f**k me so hard!"


Taylor, who is also drunk, is yammering on to Dede about how he thinks that Hex and Josh have something going on with each other.  Dede brings up that Mike was so inhibited about having sex.  Taylor tells her he's more of a Renaissance guy. 


Now Kristen's bragging to Hex about how she always gets what she wants.  She doesn't like that the other girls there are trying to get with Aaron (SAY WHAT?  Hex can barely keep from laughing as she tells Kristen that she doesn't think Kristen has anything to worry about on the Aaron thing. 


Hex and Taylor are talking.  Well, arguing.  Same ol' thing as always.


Josh is talking to Dede, he's upset that he looks like a giraffe when he's on skates?  I don't know what he's trying to gain from this conversation.  He moves on to how hurt he was when a million years ago he hit on Nikki and she told him he'd only get hugs and snuggles.  Dede tries to talk about herself and Josh tells her to "Just listen".  Then he says that Jake the beekeeper is too 'fluffy'.  I think he's trying to get with Dede by presenting himself as the hurt guy who just needs some lovin' and trying to present Jake as not manly enough for Dede.  Dede's not happy that Josh dissed Jake, and he realizes it.  He says he just wants to help her feel better and she tells him "silence".  Instead of shutting him down completely, Dede lets him move one of the extra mattresses next to her bed and they cuddle for awhile.  Don't know if cuddling resulted in sex or not.


IMO, Josh is actually upset because a few days earlier he and Nikki were talking about nutrition, and Nikki (who has a degree in nutrition) was setting him straight on a few things, but mentioned something about how she knows this stuff was because she has an advanced degree in it.  Josh took it to mean that she was calling him dumb and asked her if she really was a doctor.  They both walked off hurt.  Josh seems to know on some level that he was in the wrong, but his ego or pride won't let him apologize to Nikki.  Now he's drunkenly propositioning Dede.  He and Nikki should schedule a meeting with Amanda to work things out, but I don't know if Amanda is up for it right now.


It took until past midnight before all the Utopians went to bed.

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Yeah, gotta love it when the Udopians get into the alcohol--it always makes them act mature and wise (said sarcastically).  As much as I'd like to see another multiple exodus, I doubt we'll get that lucky again so for now I'm hoping for an Aaron exit, with Kristen being a very close second so she can see what we really think of her.  

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Oh Josh, I want to like you but you make it so challenging.


Of course, when you're measured on the Tope spectrum, you consistently end up in the tolerable/sometimes likable range. 


There are no words for how sad Kristen is.

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Reading the Live Feed updates, Aaron just mentioned that the Topes have to stay off all that new sod -- for two weeks.  That's if that sod even lasts two weeks -- last night's rain was a bonus (and that was the first rain in 2 months) but if all of it isn't regularly watered it's all going to die.

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Dede made breakfast: home made cinnamon rolls with pink fondant



I didn't realize it was possible to make cinnamon rolls sound unappetizing until this show came along.  And it didn't even take Aaron's snot-rag to do it this time.




Nikki takes notes and writes Islam = Sikh.  Then she suggests bringing in a Buddhist or a Native American.



Maybe she should suggest bringing in a Sikh.  He could explain what was wrong with her first statement.



Cal is telling Nikki that Martin Luther King Jr never made any real positive changes for civil rights.



I'm thinking civil rights in general aren't Cal's idea of "positive change".    Cult-leader types are too likely to see themselves as superior to think that other human beings should be treated as equal to them.



Chris is heard to tell her to stop trying to touch his d***.



I wish he'd ask for a trial.  Josh was wrong for getting inappropriate while drunk on the first night, and I don't see why Kristen shouldn't have to answer for her behavior as well.  Don't touch someone who doesn't want to be touched.  



Oh Josh, I want to like you but you make it so challenging.




Ain't it the truth?   He seems relatively okay compared to the rest of the topes,  but his crass comments about the BJ women and his behavior when drunk are really disappointing.   



Aaron just mentioned that the Topes have to stay off all that new sod




I don't understand the point of the new non-production-interference-provided sod.  Or of the non-production-interference-required paint job for the table.  Are the viewers supposed to be impressed?     


They need to change the name of the show from Utopia to Daycare.  'Cause lately all that's happening is that the topes eat at a brightly painted table and sleep on their blankies on the floor and wait for the bell to ring and the rain to stop so they can go outside to play.

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Then she had everyone get up and feed each other.  They were walking up to each other, taking the other's spoon and putting it into their own food, then feeding that person.  Turn to the next person, take their spoon, scoop up some of your own oatmeal and feed it to that person.  In the end they all managed to have their spoons in everyone else's food, and everyone else's spoon in their own food.


How the hell are Amanda and Cal the only two people who wouldn't go along with this, I mean seriously WTF?

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In the end they all managed to have their spoons in everyone else's food, and everyone else's spoon in their own food.

Why don't they stop all the flirtation and just inject syphilis directly into their eyeballs? These people and bodily fluids, damn.


Nikki takes notes and writes Islam = Sikh.

Meanwhile, Cal is writing in his notes "Jews = Evil."


From snippets of conversation it seems that Aaron ordered it when he was sure he was going to leave, but when he didn't leave, Production reimbursed him and paid for the booze themselves.  Since Production didn't tell the rest of the group this, Aaron now has his money and the booze.

So, production will intervene in absolutely everything, but when it comes to a cast member stealing their money, their lips are sealed. W - T - F?


Cal is telling Nikki that Martin Luther King Jr never made any real positive changes for civil rights.

You can take the boy out of the KKK, but you can't take the KKK out of the boy.


Taylor tells her he's more of a Renaissance guy.


That's rich. I doubt that any of these guys could even spell "Renaissance." I'm also unsure how the Renaissance is supposed to relate to their sexual escapades.

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That's rich. I doubt that any of these guys could even spell "Renaissance."

I think he's referring to the fact that several of them believe the earth is flat and all are swarming with parasites. 

Edited by henripootel
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Hex and her mom are talking.  Hex admits she's not brushing her teeth as often as she should, and her mother says she'd better start.


I really appreciated Zahdii's recap.  For comedic purposes, I want to compare her description above, to one I read elsewhere.




Paula knows exactly what Hex and Taylor have been doing. She warns Hex to brush her teeth.


Can the innuendo be accidental?

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That's rich. I doubt that any of these guys could even spell "Renaissance." I'm also unsure how the Renaissance is supposed to relate to their sexual escapades.



My guess is that Taylor heard someone use the term Renaissance Man, got the wrong idea about what it means, and has been claiming to be one ever since.

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There are no words for how sad Kristen is.


I read last night that Kristen told Hex that both Chris and Aaron would fuck her in the outside world.  She thinks Aaron's afraid to admit it.  She seems to think she's a total bombshell.  I don't get it.

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Here's what happened on Saturday, Nov. 1:


Dede and Kristen milking in barn, Kristen says she's still tipsy and plans to go back to bed as soon as possible.


Jeremy and Taylor cleaning the barn.  Taylor is doing a good job of explaining what to do and seems to know his stuff.  He mentions that the vets upped to amount of grain the cows get and unlike another previous barn 'manager' (Bri), he doesn't have a problem with it.  That's refreshing.


Cal finds a camera and starts talking to it.  He says he wants James to stay because he thinks that James will clean up the filthy living quarters.  Yes, Stinky Boy is worried about cleanliness.  He also lets anyone who cares know that he's planning on continuing his pursuance of Nikki.


Bella just found out about Josh cuddling with Dede last night, and is acting like her boyfriend is cheating on her.  She's talking to Kristen and says he just blew any chance he ever had with her.  She also says a few unflattering things about Dede.  The things a jealous girlfriend would say about a rival who has two boyfriends, a girlfriend, and sometimes goes on dates with others.


Kristen runs to tell Dede everything.  Dede is amused at first, but not so happy about some of Bella's other comments.


During breakfast Dede says that today is Dia De Los Muertos.  Bella says that's good, because Josh is dead to her.


Dede encourages everyone to share stories of the people they've known who've died.  (I sure hope she thought to ask Ernesto and Hex about this beforehand.)  A couple of people tell stories about grandparents passing, or a much loved pet, etc.  Jeremy tells a story about one of his dogs who ate his used condoms.  Ernesto passes on the chance to discuss his dead wife and leaves the table.  When he returns a few minutes later he looks sad.  The stories of the dead is done.


Bella sees Ernesto and Josh give their leftovers to Nikki and Bella calls Nikki a princess.  Someone's spoiling for a fight today.


Bella meltdown.  She found out yesterday her auction date got in a car accident and can't make it.  Rather than worry about his health, Bella is more upset that Production didn't arrange for a backup date for herself.


She corners Dede and starts in on her for stealing / cuddling with Josh.  It hurts her, you know.  She feels betrayed.  Dede had Mike, and she is 'courting' Jake the beekeeper, and was flirting last night with Chris, but she beds down with Josh!  How could she?


Dede successfully points out a new target to Bella by saying that Nikki has slept with more people than she has.  Bella's happy to divert.  Everyone loves Nikki.  Men give her food, but no one gives Bella food.  Everyone else is hooking up and Bella's all alone.  Her date got cancelled and Production didn't find a replacement.  Her parents don't pay enough attention to her and people don't like her because she's so pretty and no one understands her because of her lofty ideals.  And on and on and on...  In the background a male voice (feeds think it's a better than even chance it's Josh, but I don't know...) is mimicking her with fake crying and boo hoo hoo's.  Not sure if Bella can hear.


Some of the Utopians are having their auction dates today, so they're getting ready.  James assists the ladies with their makeup, and Kristen ends up looking like a drag queen.  I think all of them are wearing too much, but Kristen is just...Wow.  And she doesn't even have a date!  She laughs and says that there's no way she'll be voted out now because the drag queen population loves her.


Dede's date, Jake the beekeeper, is first.  They're pretty happy to see each other.  He brought them a bottle of wine and they go off together to drink and do their thing.  They spend a lot of time talking about things that prove to each other how smart they are, then joke about how they're such nerds.


Nikki's date arrives next.  His name is Brian, probably mid-50's, balding, and he drove 7 hours for this.  He brought her chocolates, and she's treating him like he's the best thing that ever happened to her.  They're going to go eye gazing after a tour of the compound.  Cal is caught on camera walking by and checking on the situation.


Hex's date (Steve) is incoming.  He must be nervous, because he's talking to himself as he walks up to the gate.  Another guy who is much older than his date.  He really doesn't act very happy to be there right now.  Hex's makeup is pretty bad.  Was she one of the ones that Jake made up?  Their date will be spent talking while Hex tries to act all knowing and wise.  (I think whatever fantasies Steve had about Hex will be killed, but at his stage of life I doubt it's a real shock and when it's all over he'll be none the worse for wear.  This is why I don't want to meet my heros or celebrities I like, too often you get not the extremely wonderful person you envision, but an average person with all the average qualities we all have.  This is also why I'd never want to be a celebrity - I'm not cut out to be a hero so I won't disappoint anyone there.)


Nikki's date gives her a kiss on the cheek and leaves.  I think he had a good time.  They talked, eye gazed, crashed Dede's date for a little while, and he got to give her a shoulder massage.  What's not to like?  Cal's waiting for her so he can start deprogramming her in case her brush with a gentleman started to make Cal look bad.


Hex's date leaves, but I didn't see it.  I'm not sure if Jake is still here or not either.  Oh, he's been gone for awhile now.


Chris's date is here.  He met her at the Halloween party.  She was NOT one of the guests who ended up hooking up at the party, but she did lie in the hammock with Aaron for awhile.  Aaron thought she was really into him but as soon as she got away from him she found Chris and it was obvious that Chris was the one she was attracted to.


Dede has been annoying for the last several hours.  She's wearing a new pair of palazzo pants and in order to 'show them off' she's been getting in front of the men and bellydancing.  It's an obvious bid for attention and probably a FU to Bella for the jealousy over Josh thing.


Josh has started to feel guilty over making Bella feel bad (and doing some laughing about her behavior).  He's decided that since both of them had dates that got cancelled, he's going to take Bella on a date.  (Sweet notion, but this is Bella, he's got to know that she'll take it the wrong way and start planning the wedding, or the baby, whichever she can get). 


Dede offers to go out with him instead.  He declines and goes to look for Bella.


Josh can't find Bella, because she's asleep in Cal's camp area, and she's wearing a hood.  Josh seems to think the sleeping person must be Cal because he walks by several times while looking for Bella.  The camera operators are trying to signal to him to look closer by swinging all the cameras over to her when he walks by, but Josh is camera blind today.


Bella suddenly wakes up, probably got buzzed by Production.  She and Josh meet up and he asks her if she wants to go out with him.  She's excited! 


Josh and Bella start their date, but after a time Bella invites whoever else to join them.  It kind of turned into a group hangout session.  With s'mores.


Chris's date is still going on.  After he made her lunch, they talked and now they're lying in the hammock.  They also shared some wine and he made her a glass keepsake.  Oops, things just got a bit sexy.  She wants to stay the night!  Time for the feeds to switch.


Dinner time.  Amanda stalked the kitchen while Aaron cooked, so she knows it's safe to eat his cooking tonight.  It's some pasta and some veggies.  Seems edible.  Chris makes an appearance without his date, so I guess Production finally made her leave.


Josh and Nikki are talking.  Not really about their fight, but still trying to get back to the point where they at least can talk.  It takes awhile, but they start to loosen up and become more comfortable with each other again.  By the time they're done, Josh has admitted that he should have voted Aaron out because Aaron hasn't changed and won't change.  Nikki and him are finally agreeing on something again, and they both seem much happier.  Cal's going to be mad.


It's been a pretty calm evening.  Hex and Taylor snuck off to the hayloft, which Taylor made sure to let Chris know about because that's what some people do.


Kristen is trying to flirt with Aaron again.  She also hit on Taylor earlier, he looked like he wasn't thrilled with the attention. 


Chris is probably going to blame it on booze, but he asked Kristen to be his 'stand-in' girlfriend.  Basically her roll would be to service him when he needs it and leave him alone the rest of the time.  What kind of person says that kind of stuff?  Kristen just laughs.  (I think it's safe to assume that although Chris and his date [sherry] got a lot of cuddling and kissing in, that's as far as it went.  Why else would he proposition Kristen like that?)


Amanda is trying to talk to Jeremy.  He has a lot of political views that are pretty far out there.  AM radio stuff.  James is listening, and he and Amanda kind of look at each other and shake their heads after Jeremy leaves.


Josh is drunk again, but he's calm.  Nothing to snark on.  Eventually he wanders down to the barn and gives the calf scritches for awhile, before returning to the house and finally everyone is in bed.

Edited by Zahdii
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Amanda has a gift registry on Amazon, so viewers can send baby stuff. I guess the 1000 per week she gets from the show isn't going toward baby expenses.

I predict production will provide all she needs, and viewers will send more. Then, the rest of the utopians will get the idea to register for gifts. Viewers will supply gifts, then send money to buy the "crafts" they all make, and the utopians will continue to drink, screw, argue, and not build a society. They don't have to, all their needs will be taken care of.

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And the Topes have an Amish visitor.


ETA: They are going to have to work like Amish folk for the day -- no vices (booze, cigs, sex), and no computer.  Men working outside building bedframes for everyone, women (plus James) inside cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry.


And once again, much like the mattresses, the Topes don't have to pay for the wood for the bedframes.


Why aren't they just giving them couches and TVs and satellite dishes at this point, since they haven't had to pay for any improvements to the compound in the last week or so ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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