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Utopia (US) Live Feed Discussion

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I just watched that .   He started out saying she needed medical help, that  someone from Bri's family reached out to his church
Bri - "That's amazing"
Pastor Jon talking and advertising his website and facebook.  Bri yawning.
Bri  - "Someone said that America hates me."
PJ - America's a loving nation...mute...Christianity made America great. 
Bri - Why am I America's vote?  (something about being hated)
PJ - Nobody hates you, well that's not true, somebody hates me.  I don't know why you were voted for - well, if I did I wouldn't tell you.
Bri - I see ghosts.  They can't see me, but I can see them. 
PJ starts talking about end times and talks about a rich man in torment (Lazarus).


I only watched this exchange because I wanted to see if Bri would talk about her visions (she did). 


edit:  quote:  And she will not let the vote thing go. She is still mad at Ernesto for voting for her


Really.  Everytime I see her and Ernesto it's the same converstion - He already gave her an answer the first time she brought it up.


Against my better judgement, took a look at 'the cake'.   There is no way anyone is going to eat that.

Edited by EverCat
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Ahhhh. . .  Thanks, littledog!   I got my Live Feed fix and it was some good shit.  Bri's still a certifiable little psychopath, Chef "Cooking is my LIFE!" made a cake with a delectable fly-blown filling and Mike notched up his pig status to root-hog-or-die.


And, dast I believe it?  The Topes actually shrugged off their malaise and voted in an income distribution system which supports their community better than "80 for me, 20 for us"?  That sounds dangerously close to the original intent of the show, so I may have misunderstood that part.  But if it's anti-Kristin, I'm in.


I finally watched the show last night, which covered Cal/Katie entering and Katie exiting.  The featured player was Rob--proposing to Jenn, but mainly that he has zero control over his temper.  People didn't even bother to look up as he raged and hurled stuff, except to see if the missiles were flying their direction, so it seemed to be his default M.O.  Is that accurate?  Who would marry a short fuse like that? 

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Yeah, I didn't watch much yesterday after the morning. The wedding stuff is really boring.


I did hear Pastor Jon talk about how something good always happens for/in "the nation of Israel" when there's a blood moon. I couldn't cope after that.


I saw Rob's fianceé and her parents arrive, but I couldn't think of anything more boring to watch than a rehearsal dinner. Also, Mike was talking to Pastor Jon about how the Dopes had had some problems early on but now they were "all for one, one for all" mostly, and I thought I was going to lose my eyes from rolling them.


Bella's meltdown over the arrow thing was classic, though. She told Hex that she is really into sports, and that she'd gotten all this energy up for shooting the arrow again and now it was all pent up, so she really needed to release it. She said she was going to run around the compound a couple of times, but instead she had the same conversation with Hex 3 times and then went naked swimming, as mentioned above. Then she came back and ranted about it some more.


Oh, and before she went off to go swimming, Josh was trying to calm her down. He finally said, "Bella, do you want to make out in the bushes?" and Bella said "NO!" Josh said, "Good, neither do I." Then Bella stormed off. Everyone was laughing and asking if Bella had said no, and Josh said, "Yeah, that's how you know she's serious."

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There appears to be a fly on one of the cakes in that picture.  I'm surprised they were able to get a photo with only one fly in it.

That is a Hollywood fly that has it's SAG card and is a professional (Damn It!).  Even the fly risks it's own life landing on Aaron's cooking.


Cal started out just being hippy dippy and probably a poser to me, but he's turned creepy controlling with Nikki.  I hope she rids herself of his smelly self tout de suite!



Josh was trying to calm her down. He finally said, "Bella, do you want to make out in the bushes?" and Bella said "NO!"

That really is taking one for the team.




since Mike won't have sex with a condom and Dede won't without one

Not a big fan of Dede but this is probably the most sensible thing any of the Topes has said.

Edited by DeLurker
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Er. . .come again?  "Blood moon"?  I grew up as a moderate Methodist and this is my first pastoral reference to any blood moon action.  And the only two words out of Pastor Jon I ever found interesting.


Last night Bizarro tried to lure us back with "One of the Utopia favorites returns!"  Really?  Pastor Jon?  I'd rather watch the cake hatch out.


Looks like Bella's cracking again.  I'm kind of conflicted between concern for her fragile mental state and really wanting just one more remark about aliens.



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Oh, and before she went off to go swimming, Josh was trying to calm her down. He finally said, "Bella, do you want to make out in the bushes?" and Bella said "NO!" Josh said, "Good, neither do I." Then Bella stormed off. Everyone was laughing and asking if Bella had said no, and Josh said, "Yeah, that's how you know she's serious."

This is, quite possibly, the funniest thing that has ever happened on this show. :P
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Mike won't have sex with a condom and Dede won't without one. Lovely man, Mike. He and Taylor spent about an hour this week watering and talking about basically using women for sex and one night stands, good and bad ones.



Mike's IQ really skews towards the low end of the bell curve, doesn't it?  If you're going to treat sex that way, that's all the MORE reason to use a condom, idiot. At least Dede seems to have brains enough for them both.


And good for her for shutting down the 80/20 system.  Anything that upsets Kristen, Aaron and Mike is good in my book.  



I don't know why you were voted for - well, if I did I wouldn't tell you.



Heh.  Awesome.



"One of the Utopia favorites returns!"  Really?  Pastor Jon?



It's a relative thing.  Once you weed out the most despised in Utopia, the few that are left must be the favorites by default. 



the vets came and all looked good in cow land so since the baby was two weeks old and had grown a lot and the topes decided to keep her, they were allowed to reunite her with the cows.  That is a scene you have to see, it was the sweetest thing I've seen all year long. They were just so happy. It was so obvious.  There's a youtube video of under 'view topia' and there are two videos - Kate would be mad, and Katie would be happy.



That was cute.  If the show featured more of the happy mootopians and less of the obnoxious utopians, their ratings might go up. 




Ugh.  Would not eat that cake on a bet.  It looks like it was frosted with leftover plastic from a pair of Disney-princess shoes.

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Ugh.  Would not eat that cake on a bet.  It looks like it was frosted with leftover plastic from a pair of Disney-princess shoes.

So the most interesting thing going on this weekend is finding out who is willing to eat the plastic princess plague cake. You'd think with all the production meddling there'd be more going on worth paying attention to.

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 I'd rather watch the cake hatch out.


hahaha!   nice.    


hmmmm..........now the analytical part of me needs to know how long it would take for something to hatch in cake frosting.





And the only two words out of Pastor Jon I ever found interesting.


maybe there will be a post-ceremony  group skinny-dip to welcome him back.

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hmmmm..........now the analytical part of me needs to know how long it would take for something to hatch in cake frosting.

I tried to google this, and apparently this is not a common problem. I did get one cake wrecks hit involving baby chickens that is best not shared. I will never unsee that.

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thanks for the warning.    I  did a more general search, and the top result was by "orkin.com".


maybe they think they know stuff like that?   ;)



"House fly eggs are laid in almost any warm, moist material that will supply suitable food for the larvae. The female may lay a total of five to six batches of 75 to 100 eggs. In warm weather, eggs hatch in 12 to 24 hours."



wow.  I didn't know it was that fast.    oh, my dear Utes!    hahahaha

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I have time on my hands so I'm going to post some updates.   As someone mentioned above, it seems the thread is dying, and that cannot happen.  I love the small group here, and everyone thumbs up everything I say, so I get a nice little greeting each time I log on.


I'll start with Cal.  I've been exclusively reading (not watching the feeds) the last several days, so I have to go by others' impressions.  Cal seems to be a polarizing figure.  Some love him and some hate him.  Some feel he has the makings of a very controlling cult leader.  I personally don't like how he's latched onto Nikki, and seems to manipulate her away from time spent with Josh and Ernesto.  I also got the impression that Cal was a production plant, because he made very pointed comments implying he was here for a particular reason, and he knows what his role is, etc.  Now I'm not so sure.  This morning, Cal told Nikki that he was contemplating manipulating Josh into provoking Aaron into punching him (Josh).  Cal thought that would serve two purposes - Aaron's eviction, and since he mistakenly thought Josh was still on probation, Josh's eviction as well.  He noted that Aaron and Josh are his greatest threats.  I was happy to read that Nikki didn't go along with it.


I continue to think Nikki is a good person.  Besides the above, she has such compassion for Bella, even though Bella has focused so much hatred her way.  She expressed to Cal that people antagonize Bella. 


Pastor Jon told Hex that he was touched by her consideration of allowing him private time to swim when he was a Utopian.  He told her she has a big heart, and others have been moved by a letter she sent him.


More Bella machinations.  Kristen told Hex and Amanda that Bella told her (Kristen) that Hex saw an email requesting only Bella's art - not Hex's jewelry or Chris' art.  Kristen said she never saw any such email, and she doubted production would have let it through.  Hex said she seems to be Bella's target now, and will be trying to avoid her today.


Josh, Dede, and Ernesto decorated the honeymoon shack.  Hex and Rob decorated the arch on the dock.


Pastor Jon told Ernesto, that Kristen prayed that if God wanted her baptized, he should send Jon back.  Interesting to see if that happens.


Aaron/Taylor/Chris worked on food prep, and Bella decorated the wedding cake.  I have no idea when the wedding will take place.  I'm not sure if I can muster up the interest to watch.  I do remember Rob becoming very emotional when Pastor Jon had to leave, so that softened me up a little to wonder if Rob's going to cry through the ceremony.



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I love the small group here



This.  Totally.  The show itself may be awful, but this is the best board ever.  I love all of you guys. :)


Cal told Nikki that he was contemplating manipulating Josh into provoking Aaron into punching him (Josh).  Cal thought that would serve two purposes - Aaron's eviction, and since he mistakenly thought Josh was still on probation, Josh's eviction as well.  He noted that Aaron and Josh are his greatest threats.



Wow, he sounds like he fits right in at Utopia.  Does he know there's no prize, so he doesn't have to worry as much about who his threats are?  Or maybe he means that Aaron is a threat to his health and well-being - which, given Aaron's previous behavior and demonstrated cooking skills, is a distinct possibility.  Josh, though, doesn't seem like a threat unless he's drunk.  I'm glad Nikki doesn't go along with Cal's manipulation.

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Checked in on the feed briefly this morning, long enough to learn that Bella, along with everything else, is a chemtrails conspiricist.

Of course. Why would I be surprised.

I never heard of this before, I looked it up. Poor Bella, she is really a lost little girl, very gullible. There are people who put these theories out there for the sole purpose of scaring people and then selling them "cures" for the ailments they don't really have.

If i believed that fluoride, microwaves, pesticides, and freaking condensation trails from airplanes, were all going to kill me, I guess I'd be talking to myself too.

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Josh, though, doesn't seem like a threat unless he's drunk.

I'd guess that Josh is his threat to his sense of manliness.  Physically, Josh is a tall guy in good shape with an athletic background (and build that hasn't gone to seed) and who seems to be productive/capable/competent plus self directed.  Despite a strong residual dose of frat boyness and some early douche baggery, he's been a fairly decent guy since.  Given his general characteristics, I am surprised (and totally pleased) that he didn't fall in with the CKC.  He doesn't strike me as Mensa material, but he seems smarter than your average bear and certainly smarter than your average Tope.  I think the self directedness is what makes Cal want to oust him most - he's not likely to buckle under and drink the kool-aid.


Aaron, who can't leave soon enough in my book, is too alpha male but he is so insecure it needs to be ALPHA male in all caps.  Aaron isn't going to buckle under either and will target someone, Cal included, just to prove to himself he can.   He had blow ups with Red, Dave (maybe?) and Josh.  But all three put themselves on the outside early.  I don't remember him trying to initiate too much shit with Mike, Taylor, Chris or Rob. 


Interesting thing about Aaron - he's primarily only targeted women consistently.  Maybe he's got some latent homosexual tendancies.  I'll start that rumor just because he's all kinds of awful.




I have a feeling that a HazMat team will need to be called in to clean that up.

For triage for the Topes and the wedding party, I strongly suggest Northridge Hospital or Simi Valley Hospitals.  A bit further than the ones in Santa Clarita and surrounds, but better trauma centers.

Edited by DeLurker
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I looked at the Pepto Pestilence cake...blurgh. With all the shopping & food ordering, has no on thought to bring in some cling wrap or aluminum foil to cover food? Do they leave food out and uncovered all the time?

I don't watch the feeds, but the way these slobs just accept the heinous hygiene "utilized" by Dirty Chef, I'm guessing they don't have napkins or paper towels around either.

I read on the Utopia show forum that a poster saw a cancellation notice for this train wreck. Has anyone else heard anything? We all knew the day would come, but I will miss all the snark. My greatest wish is that Production folds up their tents and sneaks away in the middle of the night without cluing in the Dopes.

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I read on the Utopia show forum that a poster saw a cancellation notice for this train wreck. Has anyone else heard anything? We all knew the day would come, but I will miss all the snark. My greatest wish is that Production folds up their tents and sneaks away in the middle of the night without cluing in the Dopes.


Yeah, I saw that too, and nearly did a spit-take.  That was posted here:



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The Utopia cancellation was for the UK show "Utopia," which HBO is going to adapt.

The FOX Utopia hasn't been cancelled yet, but, with the ratings being what they are, it's now only a question of when it's going to get pulled.

Edited by mmal
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Heh, it's a little disingenuous for Orkin to play on our fears of fly infestation with the "warm, moist" part--yikes!--and neglect to mention that "suitable material" requires decomposition.


Spoiler tag to protect the squeamish--or really, just about anyone who wasn't googling fly gestational info earlier.  : )



Oh, hi.  There's some fascinating stuff out there about how fly larvae (aka "maggots") are the perfect instrument for debriding the dead tissue around wounds and burns, dropping away naturally when they get to the pink healthy flesh and leaving it perfectly prepped to heal.  There's so much less infection and physical trauma to the site than when humans have to scrub and cut to debride, except it's just so damn OOKY no one can stomach the thought.

There are lots of stories about injured soldiers in the jungle in Vietnam--possibly apocryphal--who were forbidden from cleaning the larvae out of their wounds until they got to evac.

And PSA, if your fingers are purple because the blood is pooled in your hand, throw a screaming fit until someone walks in with a leech instead of a scalpel. 


Thanks for dropping by!







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anyone else think there will be leftover cake?

Around here, sigh, single females are invited to take home a slice of the wedding cake so she can put it under her pillow and dream of the person. . .oops, man. . .she's going to marry.


Line forms to the rear!

Edited by candall
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I particularly like the layer of cardboard that separates the stacked layers. Oy vey. I am a baker, but have never done a stacked cake like that and I know from watching debacles on Top Chef with really skilled chefs that it is very hard and highly specialized. You need dowels and other specialty tools to do it right. You can stack the cakes and THEN do the fondant (if you are doing it that way).  I could deal with the fact that it looks like a train wreck IF the cooking was hygienic. But it does not matter how good or bad it looks IF I even think the food is contaminated, I cannot eat it and I can make myself ill just THINKING that it is.  Seriously Aaron is so gross. it is practically passive aggressive of him. It's like he wants to make people sick. 

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You eat that cake, candall, that's not all that'll form to the rear.

.... gah, and your username is henripootel!

RedheadZombie is right, this forum is great. It's a shame the show sucks, because the camaraderie and the comedy here- comederaderie?- totally makes my day!

Edited by hincandenza
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I watched for a while today. Wedding prep is very boring.


Bella is wearing that purple halter top and a matching purple skirt to the wedding. Side boob ahoy! She also accidentally drank the spiked punch. I didn't realize that she was a non-drinker (or that Mike was, too). They bonded over accidental drinking - he said that he was having cheese fondue and got a buzz from it since it's cooked with beer. I would have thought the alcohol would be cooked out in that case, but I have no idea how long fondue cooks.


Kristen is dressed like she's going to a hoedown - Daisy Dukes, white shirt, denim vest and cowboy boots.


Rob asked Nikki earlier to make sure that by the time the guests arrived, there were no more men wandering around shirtless or anything like that.


Chris cleaned up pretty decently. Maybe because the vets are going to be there? He was definitely smooth-talking at least one of them a few days ago.

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listening to small talk at the wedding table.

"It's so nice to have steak in Utopia."    {{  I don't know if they did have steak or not   }}

someone then makes a comment about having some veal available.    that get's a laugh, and the person says, "Too soon?"    :)


at one point Jess whispers to Rob........."I'm a wife."




Rob gets Jess a glass of water.



the couple


Edited by clod
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From Jokers:

Cal wants to write "Have fun motorboatin' sucka!" on Rob's wedding card. "Because he's got 2 boats," he explains, "but he's also got a big-titted girlfriend. It's like a play on word, man. I think it's funny. You can read it how ya want. Poetry!


Ugh, Cal.


He just gets less appealing with every hour that goes by.

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Lovely dress.  She does make a pretty bride.  


I particularly like the layer of cardboard that separates the stacked layers. Oy vey. I am a baker, but have never done a stacked cake like that and I know from watching debacles on Top Chef with really skilled chefs that it is very hard and highly specialized. You need dowels and other specialty tools to do it right. You can stack the cakes and THEN do the fondant (if you are doing it that way).



Heh.  I haven't seen that on Top Chef, but I've seen Food Network Challenge often enough.  And I know Kerry Vincent would give Aaron hell for the rip in that fondant.  Of course, I don't think anyone actually eats the cakes on that show, but they'd probably still be appalled at the lack cleanliness Aaron allows.



Cal wants to write "Have fun motorboatin' sucka!" on Rob's wedding card. "Because he's got 2 boats," he explains, "but he's also got a big-titted girlfriend. It's like a play on word, man. I think it's funny. You can read it how ya want. Poetry!



Charming guy.  If they ever make a movie of this fiasco, maybe they can get Andrew Dice Clay to play him.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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I read that the chickens were out but they put them away because Jess is afraid of them.

Does anyone know if the baby chick died? I also read that they're letting that same hen sit on twelve eggs. That's way too many and she's too weak to stand up and get food and water. The vet told them to try to take food and water to the hen, but they don't seem to realize she's keeping way too many eggs.

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I read that the chickens were out but they put them away because Jess is afraid of them.


Well, as true now as it was back then, the lyrics from that old song go:


I can't seem to face up to the facts,

I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax,

This Colonel Sanders job is getting me down,

A crazy chicken chasing me all over town


A psycho chicken

Better run run run run

Run run run away

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That photo is completely staged. Like they would all be holding a tissue up to their face at the same time, in the same way. And where are the tissue boxes?

Well, one of the commenters asked, "Is this them reacting to the news that they are getting cake?".

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I never heard of this before, I looked it up. Poor Bella, she is really a lost little girl, very gullible. There are people who put these theories out there for the sole purpose of scaring people and then selling them "cures" for the ailments they don't really have.



Like my dad, unfortunately. His most recent purchase was colloidal silver. We had the chemtrails discussion years ago. I follow alternative liberal media and told him that chemtrails were even debunked there. He's a smart, sensitive, liberal guy but spends too much time alone listening to conspiracy talk on AM radio.


ETA: I just saw the cutest video of the calf on YouTube ("Fast Cash"). Chris is feeding it and every once in a while it takes off running around playfully. I have a hard time understanding how most people aren't spending a ton of time around it. If I were there with a baby animal around it would be hard to pull myself away from the cuteness. Of course, I also would gladly have taken on the animal care overall. One of my dreams is to someday have a small hobby farm with animals that aren't for food.

Edited by Scout Finch
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Just a few minutes ago at the Utopia Experience, a couple of visitors asked Hex where Amanda was going to have her baby (where in the compound, I think they might have been pointing at the sleeping area or whatever). Hex said, "Yeah, we're not entirely sure. It's going to be ... well, like with any other animal, we're just going to let her roam and see where she's most comfortable."

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I can just see them wanting to do a viewer contest to name the baby.

I tried to find where to spend a few bucks to name the calf something funny and failed. If there's a baby being tortured with this I could probably toss up some money to name it Dave, Ann or whatever seems most neutral and least awful. 

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He's a smart, sensitive, liberal guy but spends too much time alone listening to conspiracy talk on AM radio.


What? AM radio? Everybody know that the wavelengths of AM deeply penetrate your brain, causing cancer. I hope he wears a tin-foil hat when he listens.

I can just see them wanting to do a viewer contest to name the baby.


I'd vote for "Topespawn."

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