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S08.E21: The Great Escapist

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Sam and Dean search for the Word's author, Metatron. Castiel tries to protect the angel tablet. Kevin tries to solve the third trial under Crowley's supervision.



Finally nearing the end.  This season just dragged on, didn't it?  


I'd like to say something about this episode, but I got nothin'.



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This is the episode with the Jake Gillenhal Angel look-alike, righ? The Biggerson's gag at the beginning was kinda interesting for about two seconds; I remember being finally interested in Kevin; and Crowley's little mind screwy-movie was interesting for about another two seconds, but mostly I remember thinking; when did the Winchesters become so damn boring?

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This is actually one of my favorite Sam episodes.  I liked him all fever-addled and remembering stuff from their childhood.  First the ridiculous grand canyon donkey story and then that heartbreaking knight of the round table story when he says he always felt impure even as a kid.  I don't know, I liked this episode!  I also loved the part where Kevin said he knew it wasn't Sam and Dean from the moment they offered to go out and buy him some food and Crowley takes a beat and then replies, "You knew it wasn't them...because the demons were too nice?" 

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I liked it too. I always like the glimpses into how some people see the Winchesters. They don't see the family drama, and the vulnerabilities, they see the hunters who get stuff done, who aren't cuddly and who aren't necessarily "nice" people. They've lived on the fringes of society for so long, it's not surprising. So, even Crowley miscalculates a bit because he sees them as heroes and his "actors" equate that to being "nice".


And I never have a problem with soaking-wet Sam. *is shallow


And: We're the freaking Winchesters! always gets a laugh from me.

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The Biggerson's gag at the beginning was kinda interesting for about two seconds; I remember being finally interested in Kevin


Yeah, I liked the chain restaurant "ruse" with Castiel, at least until it became all about showdowns between angels. So I guess I liked the idea of the chain restaurant ruse better than the actual execution of it, but at least the idea was fun and unusual. Kevin was pretty fun in this episode, imo, how he was yanking the demons' chains and how he completely blew off Crowley. Though I just generally like the Tran family, I'm happy watching them pretty much anytime. Things took a wrong turn with his storyline, imo, when Metatron -- oh so conveniently -- yanked him out of the boat in the nick of time, but meh. As soon as Metatron showed up, I was done with the episode anyway.


Not sure how I felt about Crowley in this episode, though. Metatron's always been just a black hole of boring to me, but I think this was around when Crowley also went past the point of no return in terms of being silly and irritating and not at all threatening. He'd been heading down that path for a long time, but something about the whole "I was born to direct!" schtick, and the scene of him digging around in Castiel's entrails for the tablet (which came off as oddly silly and Saturday Morning Cartoon to me, even though I doubt those shows routinely have characters digging around in each others' entrails. I think it was just that there was no sense of real danger or menace to it), and then the "foiled again!" vibe when Kevin got yanked out of his grasp -- that stuff just pushed him past the point of seeming like a viable threat to *anyone,* for me.


I so wanted to love this episode but the big gaffe with the Grand Canyon flub takes me right out of the episode.


What's the Grand Canyon flub?


I thought that story was hilarious, especially how Sam paused before he said "farting," like he sort of felt embarrassed saying it but it was too funny for him not to say anyway. The Knights of the Roundtable story was kind of sad, but what elevated that scene to something actually memorable imo was how crazed Sam looked when he was like, "But these trials. They're purifying me!" And also how, after Sam had turned around and started stumbling down the hall, the look on Dean's face was, "oh shit, he's even worse off than I thought." LOL. Yup, Sam has lost his damn mind, Dean.


It was also nice imo that they'd at last given Sam a motivation that made sense and was consistent with who his character had been for the past seven seasons. The "gotta close up Hell so I can quit the hunter biz" motivation just never rang true, imo, but I thought that the idea of Sam needing to purify himself or prove himself through the trials did.


Maybe it's like was mentioned in the bitterness thread, JP just does a lot better when he can connect with the writing. Because I thought his acting was really good in this one, after Sam being virtually a non-entity all season.

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What's the Grand Canyon flub?


Back in S2, Dean says they've crisscrossed the country multiple times, but they've never been to the Grand Canyon--apparently they had. Although, this doesn't really bother me much because there are lots of things I remember with such clarity that my siblings insist didn't happen (or vice versa) until we come across a picture or something that proves it did. That part seems reasonable to me considering they were fairly young kids. The part that doesn't make a lot of sense to me is that Dean would forget John taking them on "vacation." Although, I can also imagine it could've felt like vacay to Sam, but John was actually working a case or something, and Dean being older knew it wasn't an actual vacation so he doesn't have the same attachment to the trip.


I think this episode is probably better than I give it credit for. By this time in S8, I had started kinda checking out while watching, but I think there were some interesting ideas happening, just rather fractured ideas. I think they just had too much going on by this time in the season and not enough time to properly service all the different storylines. 

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The Grand Canyon was mentioned twice in the show as a place that Dean had never been. There is no way in Hell Dean would not remember going to the Grand Canyon when Sam did and Dean is 4 years older than Sam. Ben Edlund also acknowledged that he screwed up that part.

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So, Edlund's last episode, eh? He did pretty good in the end, I think. I enjoyed the Biggerson's gag as well as Crowley's little movie once again. And there's some nice character beats all around in here. I know Jensen mentioned recently that he thought Edlund wrote good Dean episodes; I'd say Edlund wrote good character in general. Sam and Dean almost always feel like Sam and Dean in his episodes, which is my only real requirement for going with an episode of this show.


Jared did do some nice work in this episode and the Grand Canyon guffaw really doesn't bother me too much. I still wonder when the Winchesters became so boring though? Sam and Dean's whole side of things is really lackluster, IMO.


For me, the part of this episode that fully works is Kevin--his taped rant all the way through to his stand off with Crowley. And, I loved how Dean acknowledged their missteps with Kevin. Dean's whole speech about how Marvatron should've been protecting Kevin really being a rant at himself was really well played.


I'm not so keen on Marvatron, but I am still somewhat interested in where this could all lead. I'm also not too keen on Crowley's magic bullets, but I'll let that one slide because of some of the delightful language Edlund has Crowley spout at times. For instance, Crowley's whole monologue with himself about where Cass would be keeping the tablet, kinda delights me.


Overall, I'd say this was a win for me. 

Edited by DittyDotDot
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The trouble with these last three is that they felt like one episode split into three parts sort of at random.  I think that has been a problem with most of S8, that the individual episodes don't seem distinct to me.  I loved Kevin here, and when Dean said, "We should have brought him here," I started screaming at Dean, which I never do.  Loved Crowley's turn as a director but wish his demon Winchesters would have turned up the fakey nice bits up to eleven.  Liked Metatron here and bought his story, for now.

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I'm back!  Took a break.  Read a book.  (Hey! I read!) Actually, read two.  Missed my boys.  I should warn y'all that I'm typing these as I watch - so it's whatever pops in my head at the moment.  Oh, and I've had a couple, or five, shots (but who's counting?)

So, looks like once again, I got my episodes confused.  I think I commented on the stew in Pac-Man fever.  But I'd only watched the first few minutes of this episode at the time, so just ignore all that.

  • Ah, yeah.  Should have known something was up.  Fake Sam was WAY too happy.  (:snort!: Can't have that, can we?)
  • Dean carrying a tray is sexy.  Dean can carry a tray to me any time he wants, honey.   I like cayenne.  He even had crackers?  And silverware on a napkin?  Seriously, Dean – come to my house.  I’d appreciate you.  You can do the airplane thing for me.  And I won’t give you a dirty look for it.
  • Yeah, like I said before (I think) 3 days without eating is not good and Sam should know better.  Now quit being a butt and eat.  As an aside, I like the way Dean makes his 3.
  • Okay, was I the only one thinking (hoping) it was a rectal thermometer?
  • Forget Moose, Sam is Bambi.
  • Dang, I am never going to get through the show at this rate.
  • Aw, Geez Kevin…they failed HIM (by not taking his visions seriously) and he apologizes?  WTF?
  • Flustered Sam is adorably adorable.  I don’t care if he’s sick.
  • TF?  Angels killing innocent humans to get to Cas?  Geez Naomi.  I see your eyes turning black.
  • I got all excited about Rt 34 in Colorado, but then I realized, I’d driven Rt. 36 in. Sigh.  Maybe next time.
  • Kevin ordering Pad-Thai – he’s on to you demons.
  • Is Sam drinking water or Vodka?  He’s sure acting drunk.  Damn, Sam is a cute drunk.
  • Crowley has an Angel killing gun?  Where TF did that come from?  And why is this the first we’ve heard of it?  And that wasn’t The Colt.
  • So you can just melt down an Angel blade and make bullets?  Right…  Cause the Winchesters wouldn’t have been all over that...
  • How sad that Sam always thought that he was ‘unclean’.  Especially for a little kid to think that.  And that he thought he was evil?  My heart just broke for him.  (Oh, Sam…come here and let me hold you.)  I don’t care what he thinks now about the trials ‘purifying’ him.  I think that’s BullShit.  He was never unclean or impure.  He was just made to think that he was. (And no, Dean.  “It wasn’t your fault” is not good enough.)  There is No way he could have grown up to be the man that he is now if he had ever been even the slightest bit evil.  (Other than the evil that we all have within ourselves – but that’s not Evil like he means.) 
  • Ha!  Knew Kevin figured it out.
  • No, Sam.  Kevin (who isn’t really dead) but it’s because of you, not Metatron.
  • Kevin is the bomb: got one over on Crowley and his demons AND snuck out the other half of the demon tablet.  You go, kid.  Too bad he couldn't grab the angel tablet on the way out.
  • Here's some free advice, fellas: Don't trust Metatron.  And that's not because I've already seen Season 11.  One good deed does not a trust worthy angel make in your world.
  • Cas is beat up and need help - so now Dean has to nurse him back to health too.  All that's missing from this scenario is a skimpy apron with a red cross for Dean - and me.  
  • I'm not entirely kidding about that last one.       
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I think I've gone soft in the head--Kevin at the top of the episode had me almost tearing up and I already knew he wasn't dead since I've seen this episode once or twice before. Kudos show, you really got me on that one.

God how I miss Edlund!

On 7/13/2016 at 8:08 PM, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Here's some free advice, fellas: Don't trust Metatron.  And that's not because I've already seen Season 11.  One good deed does not a trust worthy angel make in your world.

Heh, no kidding! 

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I'd forgotten that Crowley was full-on directing his demons. Special K is the most obvious tipoff I've ever heard. I like Dean trying to take care of Sam. He's such a good parent/brother. "Trial? I wouldn't let you start a moped." Even knowing he's not dead, the Kevin video is sad. I love his screaming at the Winchesters. Kevin got the worst deal of any other character on this show. Him getting one over on the demons is just about the best thing that's ever happened to him. I mean, does anything good ever happen to him? "You would've made a great Dean, sir." I like when Sam is sick and gets really happy.  I'd prefer if he just got really happy, but I'll take what I can get. Hey, angel bullets! Crowley digging the angel tablet out of Cas is just about the most disturbing thing I've seen, with the cackling. I like Sam's random childhood memories coming out. I hate poor kid!Sam thinking something was wrong with him. Jared delivers that "they're purifying me" line really well. I want Metatron's library. "You really haven't heard of us? What kind of angel are you? We're the freaking Winchesters!" Kevin just looks so chill when Crowley walks in. I love him. Castiel shoving the bullet into the angel is badass. "When you create stories, you become gods, of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves." Love Sam and Dean telling off Metatron. God, Kevin's smirk. You can't kill a prophet, Crowley. But wait, no one cared when he was chopping off body parts? This is a good one, Grand Canyon screw ups aside. 

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Ah the Kevin fake out with Sam and Dean, I knew something was up.  Good on Kevin to figure things out .  

Loved Cas' solution to "hiding " Hines land the angel tablet.  Too bad it didn't work in the end.  And angels killing humans is bad.  

Not sure I trust Metatron.  Anyone new that has seen or at least read about humans and their history and knows what they can do won't really work to help them.  

So what is happening to Sam?  Gotta be more than just death. 

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This is an episode that I could have liked, but Ioathe the “cracked on the chassis” retcon of Castiel, and the damage it does to his character development to date, with the heat of a hundred suns so I hate this episode. That’s all I have to say about it. 

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"I don't think on their best day Sam and Dean would go into town and get me a barbecue dinner, not when there are leftover burritos in the fridge." how sad. i thought the opposite. they haven't treated kevin well have they :(

"You're not -- you're not really supposed to say "Indians. " It's....We should go." slightly delirious sam is so cute. he looked like the younger bro at that part.

jared's laughs were funny. i like his laugh. he should do it more. jensen too. unfortunately their characters don't call much for it.

finding out dean read to sam made me glow inside but it was shattered when sam had thought so horribly of himself so early in his life. that's what SPN does best amirite?

the whole angel blade waving at cass is stupid because the angels can't kill him. they need him so really they can't do much. it's just annoying.

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I am not really sure where I land on this one. It seems to fall in the same place as a lot of the last season episodes. Specifically, it feels like there are a ton of ideas smushed up against each other when they should have been developed over time. The good news is that stuff gets disposed of quickly. The bad news is that the result can be a little choppy and sometimes the resolution is ridiculous (Sam recognized a random symbol from class? An angel can just erase wards? The angel swords can be melted down? Whatever, let's roll with it). Nonetheless, I think there was a lot of good meaty stuff in this episode.

I like Sam and Dean when they deal with external drama so much more. I enjoyed Sam's sick ramblings. I definitely noticed the Grand Canyon thing, but can live with it. I also thought Dean's clear concern for Sam and caretaking were really great moments. 

I loved Kevin in the episode and still feel really bad for him. I think he jas developed into a really interesting and watchable character. I also enjoyed the demons trying to play Sam and Dean, though the Leviathan Sam and Dean were better. Lol.

Despite not really liking this entire plotline and wanting it to be over, I thought this episode came out pretty well. 

ETA: I love the character of Castiel, but I still sometimes get absolutely horrified by the idea of Jimmy stuck in his head. I don't know why, but every so often I get squicked out about it. The digging in Castiel scene was one of them. I really hope he can't feel anything, cause yikes!

I did love how Castiel evaded the angels for so long, though.

Edited by The Companion
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5 hours ago, The Companion said:

I am not really sure where I land on this one. It seems to fall in the same place as a lot of the last season episodes. Specifically, it feels like there are a ton of ideas smushed up against each other when they should have been developed over time. The good news is that stuff gets disposed of quickly. The bad news is that the result can be a little choppy and sometimes the resolution is ridiculous (Sam recognized a random symbol from class? An angel can just erase wards? The angel swords can be melted down? Whatever, let's roll with it). Nonetheless, I think there was a lot of good meaty stuff in this episode.

I like Sam and Dean when they deal with external drama so much more. I enjoyed Sam's sick ramblings. I definitely noticed the Grand Canyon thing, but can live with it. I also thought Dean's clear concern for Sam and caretaking were really great moments. 

I loved Kevin in the episode and still feel really bad for him. I think he jas developed into a really interesting and watchable character. I also enjoyed the demons trying to play Sam and Dean, though the Leviathan Sam and Dean were better. Lol.

Despite not really liking this entire plotline and wanting it to be over, I thought this episode came out pretty well. 

ETA: I love the character of Castiel, but I still sometimes get absolutely horrified by the idea of Jimmy stuck in his head. I don't know why, but every so often I get squicked out about it. The digging in Castiel scene was one of them. I really hope he can't feel anything, cause yikes!

I did love how Castiel evaded the angels for so long, though.

Agree! This is one of my fave eps of season 8. I liked the Sam and Dean interactions, I liked Kevin and his part, I liked the introduction of Metatron, and I loved the triangle of Cas, Naomi, and Crowley- so interesting. Of course I always love the bickering and interactions between Cas and Crowley. 

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6 hours ago, The Companion said:

ETA: I love the character of Castiel, but I still sometimes get absolutely horrified by the idea of Jimmy stuck in his head. I don't know why, but every so often I get squicked out about it. The digging in Castiel scene was one of them. I really hope he can't feel anything, cause yikes!

I don't believe Jimmy has been part of Castiel since Michael exploded him in Swan Song. God (or whoever) reconstructed the meat suit, but Jimmy Novak ceased to be that day. I think it's safe to assume he earned his place in Heaven (whatever kind of reward that is in this show) and his soul ascended when his physical body died.

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27 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't believe Jimmy has been part of Castiel since Michael exploded him in Swan Song. God (or whoever) reconstructed the meat suit, but Jimmy Novak ceased to be that day. I think it's safe to assume he earned his place in Heaven (whatever kind of reward that is in this show) and his soul ascended when his physical body died.

That would definitely make me feel a lot better for the poor guy. 

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3 minutes ago, The Companion said:

That would definitely make me feel a lot better for the poor guy. 

Sorry if this is spoilerish, but if it makes you feel better...yes, it was verified in a later season that Jimmy is in heaven.  

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2 hours ago, The Companion said:

It is but at least now I won't have to double cringe whenever something happens.

It's not a spoiler, IMO. Jimmy's body was destroyed by Michael. There has never been another mention of him to date (this episode). It never even occured to me he survived Cas's destruction. 

If you found that spoilery, my apologies. Given what's coming, I'm 99% sure I won't be commenting on the rest of your rewatch, lest I be banned. LOL. See you in the B v J thread someday. 🙂

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30 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

It's not a spoiler, IMO. Jimmy's body was destroyed by Michael. There has never been another mention of him to date (this episode). It never even occured to me he survived Cas's destruction. 

If you found that spoilery, my apologies. Given what's coming, I'm 99% sure I won't be commenting on the rest of your rewatch, lest I be banned. LOL. See you in the B v J thread someday. 🙂

It was spoilerish, imo,  because it reveals information about an upcoming episode but I appreciated the information and it is borderline. I think it is a reasonable conclusion without spoilers that he was released with the destruction of his body, so it seems like a minor point. It just hadn't occurred to me. Knowing that is the case will make my watch better because I won't have these moments where I feel bad for Jimmy.

Little worried about what is coming then. 😆 It is possible I catch up for the final episodes live, though maternity leave is coming to an end for me.


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It really wasn't anything to do with upcoming episodes. Although as arhtee confirmed, it does get verifed much later in the series*, it wasn't some kind of shocking reveal. At lease I don't recall people being surprised by it.

*there are five seasons between any mention of Jimmy Novak.

1 hour ago, The Companion said:

Little worried about what is coming then. 😆 It is possible I catch up for the final episodes live, though maternity leave is coming to an end for me.

LOL, no worries. I doubt you'll have the same issues I do. I'd bet money on it. 🙂

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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