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S25: Tim & Te Jay

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They just seem so.... extra flamboyantly gay.  I really hope they don't shove their sexuality in our faces, because honestly, they shouldn't be any different than any other team.  But this quote from Tim on the website doesn't give me much hope.  He's a flight attendant.  "Describe what you do: Depending on the flight, I am a sky server, nurse, entertainer, mediator and safety professional. To put it simply, I get paid to serve Coke and look cute doing it."  Oy vey.

There's been at least one team of flight attendants and possibly more. The team I remember, two blonde women, did not do all that great. They had wheelie bags rather than backpacks, I think.

That was Christie & Jodi from TAR14.  They actually got exactly to the midpoint of the race and were booted at the F7.  They actually didn't do too badly, as they did win a leg along the way.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Once again, a gay team and when I hit various boards everyone is A-OK with that, as long as they don't act gay - or anything like that.



They just seem so.... extra flamboyantly gay.  I really hope they don't shove their sexuality in our faces, because honestly, they shouldn't be any different than any other team.  But this quote from Tim on the website doesn't give me much hope.  He's a flight attendant.  "Describe what you do: Depending on the flight, I am a sky server, nurse, entertainer, mediator and safety professional. To put it simply, I get paid to serve Coke and look cute doing it."  Oy vey.


I see no mention of sexuality in this quote, only a joke about how people perceive flight attendants and what they do. They're gay and not butch. Many gay men aren't. They also seem to be fairly competent racers, which we should appreciate, and deeply devoted to each other (and if they express that to each other during the race they're no more shoving their gayness in your face than a straight couple doing the same is shoving their straightness in your face). 

Edited by SteveAC10
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They're going to be amusing or annoying. Right now I find them quite cute but they seem to be the types who are ready to be personalities and crack jokes. That kind of thing only works if the jokes are funny. That has nothing to do with them being gay. I feel the same way about the wrestlers. The constant "I love yous" are sweet right now but if they do it the whole time they're on the show it will start to grate. Basically, they have the potential to be a Meghan and Joey kind of team but unlike a lot of other people, I was already used to Joey from youtube when I watched the show so I found him more amusing than annoying. Time will tell with this team but they seem relatively competent for now so I'm willing to root for them.

I didn't have a lot of hope for this team when we first met them, since they're both physically small. But they seem to have some navigation mojo as well as a respectful relationship, both of which should serve them really well. Don't know if they'll win, but I think they'll make it pretty far.


Once again, a gay team and when I hit various boards everyone is A-OK with that, as long as they don't act gay - or anything like that.


Seriously--why is it so terrible if they act effeminate? If that's who they are, then that's who they are. 

  • Love 6

We don't have to like it, though.  And I know I don't, for sure.


Anyway, we saw them stumble quite a bit with About-Face, and then even more when they couldn't master rowing their punt.  They lost their cool for a slight moment, but on the whole, they recovered decently.  They need to stop the happy screaming, though, because that's gonna wear on the ears after a while.

I really don't think they're that loud or effeminate or in any other way irritating. They make much less noise than the firefighters. I was amused by Te Jay getting excited and waving at Misti and Jim and dropping his flag and Tim telling Te Jay "your only job is to wave the flag and stand still." They don't seem to be the strongest team but they do well where they can. Barring major difficulties I think they'll stay ahead but if they get closer to the end, I think they'll struggle to get to the top of the standings. 

I'm actually surprised they pulled through on their tasks since they don't seem too strong in any particular area.  There was their physical weakness with the punting for one.  We also saw no footage of them rehearsing for About Face... it's hard to know what their strengths (if any) are at this point.  Anyhow, they seem like nice guys, so I'm still going to root for them.

Edited by Camera One
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Navigation clearly isn't their strong suit, even though they can do their tasks reasonably well.  They did well to recover from getting their Detour clue in last, but faltered again in driving to Berry Farm, and even more in doing the sheep task.  Honestly, they'd better count themselves as extremely lucky that Michael & Scott got that bad advice about their medallion, or they would've been hot, buttered toast!


Shape up, gentlemen!

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Navigation clearly isn't their strong suit, even though they can do their tasks reasonably well.

Yeah, I'm worried for them in the non-English speaking countries if they're already struggling.


Sorry, but I'm still cringing at "What's a quarry?"

Eh, I'm willing to forgive them since those kinds of vocabulary words can depend on where you grew up/your life experiences. I was expecting someone to get tripped up over "puffin."


I'm glad they're still in it over the firefighters but yeah, they need to shape up.

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It was interesting in the bonus clip that one of them (the flight attendant one) said the tasks were not their strengths and navigation is.  That was when he said they didn't have a map and was going by the locals' directions.  Hopefully, they are actually stronger than this leg indicated.  I don't think they're that bad at the tasks either.

T&T made up for the "What's a quarry?" whiff last episode by knowing the capitals. Though in all fairness, in my episode comment I did say that might have been missed due to accent or when spoken out of context. However, they lost points for their horrid parking job by taking up two spaces. That's a sin I want karma to smack them in the heads over for later.

I remember Jim immediately said they need to find someone with a phone.  The Wrestlers and the Surfers huddled around a map they had brought along  I think you're right for T&T that there was no cut since most of us got the impression they knew.  


Team Survivor, the Bikers and the Mom/Daughter didn't have to answer since they drove efficiently.


Which leaves Team Scientist.  I don't think they showed how they got the answer.

When the question was first asked, I rattled off the answers. TudorPrince said "Wow!" and I responded that I had better damn well know them because I'm a history teacher. However, I was also not on a race around the world with killer fatigue hovering around every corner, so I'm cutting the others a wide swath.. Still, kudos to the College Sweethearts for knowing it off the tops of their heads.


I like them in general, they're so warmly enthusiastic about the whole Race, and every task they accomplish and so clearly wild about each other, while courteous to everyone else.

Edited by TudorQueen
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However, I was also not on a race around the world with killer fatigue hovering around every corner, so I'm cutting the others a wide swath..


That is true. Plus, I have had moments where someone asks me a question out of the blue and even if it's something I know and in two or three minutes I will know it again but it just leaves my brain at that moment.

Tim does seem to be very proactive... going straight to get a lesson on how to scrape the fur; leaving the group in the square and finding the leather shop a millisecond before everyone came; identifying that he should do the pouring.  But getting lost on the bike slowed them down.  Unfortunately, they are not really that strong in anything, which makes me wonder how far they can go.  Still, I'm glad they're still squeaking by.

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They're not doing great but they're not doing awful. I wish they hadn't snarked on the local food vendors but a lot of teams did that. Kudos to Tim for immediately breaking from the pack and finding the location to drop off the leather. I think he had some trouble getting back though. Tim & Te Jay and Amy & Maya are two teams I want to like but my sense is that they both struggle with navigation. Still, I want them to stay in it. They snap at each other every once in a while but they generally don't fight and I think they're likable.

These two seem to be decent at the tasks.  It's just finding things that throws them off.  And it seems like they needed help more than once on this leg, first from Shelley & Nici in finding the hay, and then from Alli in Te Jay getting through the Roadblock. 


They've gotta get better at doing things themselves, or they're as good as toast.

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Not the best and not the worst. Unless we get tasks that really play to their strengths, they might not last long. I vaguely remember hearing that we'd be heading to Asia later in the race. That could help them out if one of them speaks the language in whatever country they go to. I don't know what else would really play to their strengths from what we've seen. I do think it's possible that they're better at mental challenges but I don't think we've seen enough to confirm that. I said this on another team's board but I can't tell if they suck at navigating or if they have terrible luck asking for directions. Or maybe it's a little of both. I won't be upset if they win but they're not my favorites right now. They need to be a little stronger to win me over.

I'm actually surprised at their ability to pull through on the challenges for the most part.  Maybe their frantic searching sometimes defeats the purpose since they're darting here and there and everywhere.  In some ways, I like them because they're not super-anything.  They're more like ordinary people trying to be on the race.

Edited by Camera One
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Not a good leg for these guys.  Te Jay did the Roadblock well enough, but after that, it was a leg of failure when they biffed the Painters Detour.  But at the same time, was I the only one who thought that it was kinda karma-ridden for way-too-openly celebrating beating out Amy & Maya in snagging the last spot?  The food scientists were able to fly right by them at the other Detour, and they ended up in last.  And with so many other teams with much better strengths going for them, I highly doubt they can overcome their Speed Bump in two weeks.


Good luck, guys!  Uphill battle ahead of you!

Edited by Donny Ketchum

I don't think they made any particular mistakes in this leg.  They were steady.  They just don't have that extra ability/edge which the top teams have for overtaking other teams, whether by navigation or task completion.  Even an average team like the Wrestlers have the edge of physical strength, which allows them to go through certain tasks faster.  Meanwhile, T&T goes through any task at the regular speed.  Combine that with their weakness of navigation and searching, unless someone else makes a huge mistake, I agree with aradia22 that they might not be around much longer.  This is especially the case since they have to do an extra speed bump, as DonnyKetchum mentioned... even if it's not onerous, they would need that extra 10 min or so to keep pace.  

Edited by Camera One

I don't think they made any particular mistakes in this leg. They were steady. They just don't have that extra ability/edge which the top teams have for overtaking other teams, whether by navigation or task completion.

That is a very good point. In some ways, this team reminds me of Nary & Jamie from TAR20. You know, the federal agents who told the other teams they were teachers. They weren't a bad team by any stretch of the imagination. They had no huge weaknesses going against them. But what did go against them was that they were one of those occasional teams who simply lacked flaws more than they possessed any real benefits that would've given them the oomph they needed to set them apart from other teams. Their racing was steady, but steady only gets you so far in the race. They wound up going out in sixth place since they didn't have the edges the other teams in the F6 with them had. Bopper & Mark, Vanessa & Ralph, and Art & J.J. had the physical part of the race going for them, Brendon & Rachel were decent at the physical and mental parts of the game, and eventual winners Rachel & Dave were good all-around racers.

Same thing looks like it's gonna happen to Tim & Te Jay if they don't step things up. They have no real benefits to them. They just don't have glaring flaws. This season, Adam & Bethany and Brooke & Robbie have the physical side of the race going for them, Amy & Maya have the mental edge, and Misti & Jim and Kym & Alli seem to be all-around-good racers. Tim & Te Jay, like Nary & Jamie, don't really excel at any part of the race.

Edited by GenL
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I remember liking Nary & Jaime (as usual, I tend to like the underdogs)... I do think overall, they were more competent than T&T, though.  I don't remember them getting lost as often (not that I can remember any specifics), and they seemed to have the smarts going for them.


The only way T&T could survive is if they really luck out, or there is a task that really plays to their skills (but as we have discussed, I'm not sure there's anything that would fall into that category).  In most seasons, there are strong teams which have major conflict issues which end up costing them, and allowing middling teams to squeak through, but this is definitely not the case with the teams that are left.  The Bikers, the Dentists and the Surfers almost never argue with their teammates.  Even the Wrestlers, with Brooke's constant whining and being frustrated, would power through a muscular challenge while T&T limp their way through.  I'll still root for them, but it's not looking good.  

Edited by Camera One
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