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Me too.  I've erased the last three after about 30 minutes.  Everything I sooooooooooooo drawn out my eyes begin to close.


OMG, me too.  I record them and then I feel brain freeze coming on and delete after 30.  Maybe. 


If they have 2 hours to fill, I'd rather they cover 2 cases in a tighter fashion.

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First case: Why didn't that girl come forward long ago? That is the biggest "what if" to me of this case. I am glad he gets a new trial, as I don't think he had anything to do with the murder.

Second case: I didn't expect the ex-boyfriend who was supposedly her best friend now to be the guilty party. Killing her because she wouldn't loan him her car? I think it was more than that, I think he was burned up with jealousy about the guy who took his place.

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I agree.  I think she went to his house to cool off after storming out from the argument with her boyfriend, he tried to put a move on her, she said no, and he snapped.  His ego was probably bruised because she didn't want him that way anymore even when things were bad in her current relationship, maybe he was tired of being her shoulder to cry on because he was only staying close with her in hopes they would get back together.  Or, maybe he's just psychotic.  But I definitely don't buy the motive that he murdered her because she wouldn't loan him her car, that's just stupid.  Also stupid was dumping her body in the town where he parked at the airport.  And looking at the online news for that town 100 times.  This guy wasn't going to be building rockets any time soon. 


Is it wrong of me to find her boyfriend attractive?  I'm not down with his whole, "I guess she was mad because maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to her or something" explanation of their fight that was bad enough for her to leave her own house, but um...he looked VERY nice in court. Is this what it means to become desensitized?  I felt terrible for the victim, if that counts.


As much as I found it interesting that a way to suffocate someone without leaving the usual telltale marks of strangulation is to sit on their chest and cover their mouth and nose, I'm not sure it was a great idea to just put that information out there.  Being able to determine cause of death is so important, I would hate for someone to get away with murder because they learned that trick on Dateline. 

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I had DVR'd this episode and just watched it tonight.  I cannot believe that the judge let him go!  She admitted he did NOT do CPR!  That alone should be enough, as it shows character = liar and indicates that he was lying from the beginning.  The first minutes of the show, I paused it and hit rewind and told my daughter 'see if you notice anything here'? She looked and didn't see it, so I said, if he was doing CPR where is the blood? It took Dateline 2 hrs to reveal all of this  - I am glad however, that they took into account many of the questions that I began to have.  I tried to find out if FBI Agents are trained in CPR?  I would be interested to know if anyone does know.  I did not buy that he was just 'really bad at it', b/c it seems he should have had more blood on him then, not less.  He was full of excuses that did not add up to letting him go, it is so unfair to remaining family that he will not even pay for his crime. [Good to know that the FBI recognized that he was a good fit for them and fired him.]

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Ugh..... -_-

Some Of These "officials".....

They Ain't Got The GrapeFruits To Come Clean Later After They Scarringly-Besmirch Someone; Certainly UnJustly....... -_-



Edited by RodLu
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Is it wrong of me to find her boyfriend attractive?

I found both of her boyfriends very attractive, so how wrong is that? 


Even if this show hadn't made me paranoid, I still would know better than to go to an old boyfriend for comfort in the middle of the night and not expect him to think: (1) We're getting back together! and (2) We're going to have make-up sex!" So I can understand disappointment but sitting on someone's chest while they slowly die?  A young girl you used to love?  What makes someone capable of that?


Poor Johnny and his sweet parents.

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I watched the second half of this episode because the local news said our local murder case would be the subject. So I tuned in since while I knew the ending, I didn't know any backstory about the victim or the boyfriend/murderer. And I wanted to see how Dateline portrayed where I live. I think the Chamber of Commerce won't be happy with the portrayal of the Quads as "gritty" with closeups of freight trains rolling through and rusty signs falling off of buildings. This is the home of John Deere, for pete's sake, there are tons of wealthy living in toney homes in very upscale neighborhoods. But whatever.


It was a different perspective to watch knowing where the body was found and that the killer was sentenced to 40-x years. His sentencing was just last month so I saw that on the news, after his trial was covered daily this summer. I remember because I wondered why he didn't change his name. Tim McVay ... really? It's like that Seinfeld episode where Elaine's boyfriend has the same name as a mass murderer and he's called over the loudspeaker at a ball game. Except in this case, both Tims are murderers. Okay, so the OKC guy was McVeigh. Pronunciation is the same.


As always, Dateline left a lot unsaid. Why did McVay drive all the way to Minneapolis, an 8-hour drive, to fly to Vegas when he could have gotten a direct flight right out of the local airport? A girlfriend in Minnesota was mentioned ... who was she and where was she? McVay didn't own a car? If Carrie gave him her bank card, why didn't she give him the PIN? So McVay bought a TOY SHOVEL at a Big Lots? Whaaa? Yeah, it was only four bucks, but if you're going to bury a body you need the real thing from a hardware or farm store.


This is from the local newspaper, January 2014. The man is obviously McVay: "The family of Carrie Olson tell News 8 that a man Carrie knows, who was seen with her car early Sunday morning at a 7-Eleven in Rock Island, has returned to the Quad Cities with Carrie’s car. Family members say Carrie’s purse was inside the car, but no cell phone or wallet. Family members say the man was questioned by police for four hours into the early morning hours of Friday, January 3rd and then released."


Dateline didn't mention that, that McVay still had her car AND HER PURSE. The heck? 


This is from McVay's ex-wife (his second), from our local newspaper: "The ex-wife of convicted killer Tim McVay says she had to escape the marriage for her sanity, and believes McVay is exactly where he deserves to be. "I bet you still in his mind, he is innocent. He's a sociopath. He has no remorse for anything he's done,"  she said. Tim McVay was sentenced Friday to 45 years in prison for the murder of Carrie Olson. Krystal married McVay in Las Vegas after his first divorce. She testified  at his sentencing hearing that when she was married to Tim in 2010, he pushed her through a screen door, and she got a concussion.  She also says he was going through money like crazy, and lying about where it was going. "He has a serious gambling issue. Money would go missing. He tried to make me feel like I was crazy. I had to move out. It was causing very negative thoughts in my head. It was horrible," she said. "He has a temper. It's like a beast roaring when he gets to that point," she said. "He's got a couple of different sides. He's got a side that's very charming. He was very talented in construction. He was a good dad," she said. She had not seen McVay in years, until she took the witness stand at the hearing. "Tim McVay is right where he should be, he's always had someone to bail him out. Not this time."


Some years ago, I got in an argument with the guy who lived with me. I left (my own house!) and spent a PLATONIC night with an old boyfriend. So, doing that isn't out of the ordinary if one remains (platonic) friends with an ex.

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I'm on the verge of tapping out on Dateline.  Some of the two hour episodes make me comatose.


For the two-hour episodes, I watch the first 5 minutes or so for background, then skip to hour two. They recap so much it's easy to get the gist. Sorry, Dateline, but I don't need all your fluff and pointless misdirection.

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I am Dateline's bitch, and watch 2 hours, no matter what.  In my defense, I am also reading these forums, playing games, messing around with the cats, and sometimes feeding raccoons during those 2 hours; especially if it's a case that I've already heard about.


I was thinking about Dateline and other crime shows when they have false confessions, as I watched some PBS show about the brain and memory.  It showed how simple it is to instill false memories into people, and how even eye witness accounts of a car crash could change depending on how the interviewer worded their questions (i.e. the verbs they used determined the speed witnesses estimated the vehicles were travelling upon collision).  It was a real eye-opener.

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I think these people should always ask for an atty. period. At least then there is a credible witness (a lawyer on their side) in the room and there's likely to be less smacking people around and threatening comments.

I'm just now getting into the second hour about Carrie. Any "Storming out of the house after an argument" always sounds ominous to me whether the person actually stormed out or.... didnt' make it out of their own volition (in some cases)

Edited by ari333
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think these people should always ask for an atty. period. At least then there is a credible witness (a lawyer on their side) in the room and there's likely to be less smacking people around and threatening comments.



When my son became old enough to go out with friends and hang out I told him that if he was ever arrested, he should immediately ask for a lawyer.   Even if the cop asked him if he wanted a soda or coffee simply answer, I want a lawyer.  I'm sure most police are ethical and upstanding, but I've seen to much for me to have blanket trust for them.

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Well, they really had me giving the side eye to the new live in bf. But after the ex bf did not have the correct pin number to the $400 debit card withdrawal and the car was driven 300 ish miles, I knew something fishy was up. Also, if (BIG IF HERE)  you give a friend your debit card to use to withdraw money.... don't you give them the correct pin number?

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Any "Storming out of the house after an argument" always sounds ominous to me whether the person actually stormed out


I've always thought this!  It seems the boyfriend/husband often says this when he's the killer.  Why not say "She said she was going to go run some errands"?  Saying there was an argument is only going to cast suspicion, right?

Edited by jenkait
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I'm starting to think that we, as a people, should petition for a law that makes it illegal for police to question anyone without legal representation present, no matter the circumstance.  These stories are getting more than so discouraging.  \

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If one watches enough crime shows, he/she will know that once the person asks for a lawyer, questioning stops. So every citizen needs to learn that one small thing. Innocent people usually don't think they need a lawyer; hence, they can get into big trouble. Detectives need to meet a quota of solved cases to keep their jobs, government funding and so forth. Being a police officer is just a job, and one supported by public funds. Yeah, sad state of affairs, but there you go. Fable's idea that every person should have automatic legal council present at questioning is a good one. But yeah, good luck on that.

Edited by saber5055
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What is the solution? If the questioning stops when a atty is present... IDK how to finish that thought.


This Hincapie case was 25 yrs ish ago, IIRC, so technology was available but different. There, at the very least, should be absolute audio and video recordings of these questioning sessions and I don't mean with any of those "oops the recording got erased....or had a glitch..." yadda yadda.

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I watched this for the first time, and ffd a lot when I saw it was 2 hours.
She was an awful bitch, and I thought that her son should have gotten a lesser sentence than she did.
Most of the time, I was fretting about the detective's sunburn, and hoping that someone reminded him to use sun block on his face.

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What is the solution? If the questioning stops when a atty is present... IDK how to finish that thought.

Questioning doesn't necessarily stop—but now there's an attorney present to advise the suspect and ensure he or she is not abused, threatened, or coerced.

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Questioning doesn't necessarily stop—but now there's an attorney present to advise the suspect and ensure he or she is not abused, threatened, or coerced.


That sounds like the right thing to do then. Maybe the law should be changed.

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Just going off the short interview Tim did with the Dateline lady, he seemed like someone who could commit murder to me. There was something "off" about his demeanor/facial expressions, etc.  I don't always get that vibe from convicted murderers, so it surprised me.

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To me, Tim looked normal and attractive in photos, but then after he had been in prison a while, he looked completely crazy in the interview.  His eyes were so dilated, even with the bright studio lights shining at him, so I guess he was on something, and he had these red areas on his face and head that look like someone who has done meth and started picking at their skin.  None of that has anything to do with being a murderer, of course, but I felt that he looked much more on the outside like who he really is on the inside once he was locked away. 

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To quote McVay's ex wife: "I bet you still in his mind, he is innocent. He's a sociopath. He has no remorse for anything he's done," I have years of experience with a sociopath just like McVay, and I'm positive if the detectives hadn't come to my house and arrested him, I would have been the subject of a future Dateline. When she says in his mind he's innocent, that's 100-percent true of people like him. Which is why he could pass the polygraph. In his mind, he IS innocent. Even if caught red-handed with a knife/gun in his hand and a dead body on the floor, they will deny they did anything. If really pressured about the lies, then someone MADE HIM do what he did. It's always someone else's fault with a sociopath. And that's only if you can get one to admit he did anything wrong.

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Dateline reports exclusive new details from both sides of the St. Paul's School sexual assault case, which seized headlines across the nation.

Obviously, the show has been changed with the latest news on the prep school rape. Hopefully "Something Sweet" will be aired soon.

Dateline.... stop making my job so difficult, please. :)

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This one disturbed my sleep. I believe the girl is telling the truth as she sees it, but I have to marvel at: "I think I just had sex with the popular boy!" immediately after, and devastating rape a few weeks later. It just proves that fifteen is too young. I think it is possible at that age to be giggling with excitement one minute and frightened the next.

I think Harry Potter might be a phony little creep who brags a lot with his friends, is a jerk with girls and cons the grown-ups.

Even so, that sex-offender rap for the rest of his life? Too harsh. I agree with the young woman who says that should be for pedophiles. Does this mean boys can't ask for dates via e-mail without it becoming, "using the internet to lure girls," if it ends in sex? If 15 and 17 year-olds shouldn't date then they shouldn't be going to co-ed private school together with all its mixed social functions.

Who was minding the girl's dorm and the stairs to the library roof in this expensive school? Nobody really protects kids from themselves and their hormones anymore, it's too much freedom. I think I would keep my kids at home no matter how much money I had.

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The thing that bothers me the most about this, is that it was some type of ritual that the senior boys did every year.... and people knew about it??? I mean, boys will brag, someone working at that school had to be aware of what was going on. I believe he raped her, and I think the girl was so young and didn't know what to think... I am tired of hearing what a "good boy" he was and how he was planning on going to divinity school. Thank the good Lord above that hopefully won't happen now. Last thing a church needs is someone who preys on young people. He smiled and smirked a little too much for me to believe he's at all remorseful about anything he's done, except that he got caught.

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Obviously, the show has been changed with the latest news on the prep school rape. Hopefully "Something Sweet" will be aired soon.

Dateline.... stop making my job so difficult, please. :)


Is Something Sweet a compelling story? I guess  I've seen so many antifreeze poisoning shows they don't get me so fired up or intrigued,... unless there's a twist or something weird.


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The thing that bothers me the most about this, is that it was some type of ritual that the senior boys did every year.... and people knew about it??? I mean, boys will brag, someone working at that school had to be aware of what was going on. I believe he raped her, and I think the girl was so young and didn't know what to think... I am tired of hearing what a "good boy" he was and how he was planning on going to divinity school. Thank the good Lord above that hopefully won't happen now. Last thing a church needs is someone who preys on young people. He smiled and smirked a little too much for me to believe he's at all remorseful about anything he's done, except that he got caught.


OMG THIS!  ^^^ Yes!


He was a smirking little POS imo too. And his goody goody shoes act didn't go over well with me.


What the heck was the "senior salute"....exactly That was unclear to me or I missed it being explained,  Was it SEX? A competition? A game? If so, THAT IS SICK.


Also I can see a 15 yr old being raped,  as in, she said, "no" and he continued; but perhaps the rape was not sudden and super violent (and not by a stranger jumping out of the bushes)  the way some young people envision rape or see attacks on tv.... but it is still rape  I did not say that well, but you get my drift.

The guy not only denied rape, he said that they did not even have intercourse.

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Last thing a church needs is someone who preys on young people.

Unfortunately, the church is full of such men. Just ask some catholic altar boys. I laughed when the "defense" was that the kid wanted to go to divinity school; it's the perfect hiding place for sexual deviants.

Edited by saber5055
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I learned at a very early age that boys/men will say and do anything to get into a young girl's panties.  I don't know how this generation has missed this message.  Men give love to get sex, women give sex to get love.  Yes, it often IS that simple, and young girls should made aware of the inherent differences between the sexes, rather than having to learn every single painful lesson the hard way.  Girls need to be taught their own self worth and confidence by the women and men in their lives BEFORE they reach the age of unreason (i.e. when their raging hormones trump all sensibility).  At least, that's how I WISH it would work.  :~~)

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Unfortunately, the church is full of such men. Just ask some catholic altar boys. I laughed when the "defense" was that the kid wanted to go to divinity school; it's the perfect hiding place for sexual deviants.



I just "fixin' to" add this to my post.  I totally agree. It is sad and horrifying the way some (not all) can get away with using religion to abuse young people... and sometimes people in general.


I agree with the atty (or was it a counselor?) who said that there are three reactions not two...fight, flight, or FREEZE. I say whatever works to survive, that is the right thing to do.,


Hey guys, on my DVR when the classmate was on the stand and they were going over emails about how Owen wanted to hook up with the girl and the friend said "Isn't she a TESSA?" Then the DVR cut it out. NO answer.  What is a Tessa?  TIA.


I learned at a very early age that boys/men will say and do anything to get into a young girl's panties.  I don't know how this generation has missed this message.  Men give love to get sex, women give sex to get love.  Yes, it often IS that simple, and young girls should made aware of the inherent differences between the sexes, rather than having to learn every single painful lesson the hard way.  Girls need to be taught their own self worth and confidence by the women and men in their lives BEFORE they reach the age of unreason (i.e. when their raging hormones trump all sensibility).  At least, that's how I WISH it would work.  :~~)



Yes, yes, and yes.

Men seem to need sex to (perhaps) feel love; and women need love to want sex... I did not say that correctly either , but there is a famous aphorism to that effect.

Edited by ari333
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