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S38.E16: Friends or Froze


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I cannot with the chyrons under Wes’s name. “Scumbag” “Banana’s best friend ever” “Has a dog named Penny” “Internationally renowned genius”.  There was one more that I can’t remember, but it tickled me too.

The fuck is Orlando style?  Isn’t Faysal from Tennessee?

The elimination looked like the rope game at the State Fair that no one could ever do.

Good thing the elim didn’t take very much communication amongst the teams because Nany and John can’t do that for shit.

Guess John and Hannah are no more. Of course, this could have been something that happened years ago, I don’t keep up with his romantic foibles.

Moriah has emotions!  Who knew?

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I think tonight proved that we don't need 90-minute episodes. If someone new to the franchise were asked to edit the episode down, the Johnny/Wes shit would immediately get cut. There's no reason for it. Their act s so tired, it's comatose.

After the relatively brief mission and all of the talking, the Zone turned out to be good. I'd wonder if the game was rigged against Fessy . . . but that would involve caring about him. He probably wouldn't care about me, so I'm not caring about it. Shit, I'm ready to say Josh would have made it further up the ropes than Fessy. In the end, Fessy is gone So is Moriah, but I'm not caring much about her, either.

Looks like we're guaranteed at least one first-time winner. Naturally, I' rooting for Horacio and Olivia. They're sweet, they're talented, and they haven't gone full asshole just yet. Naturally, we'll have Johnny winning his eighth title, mostly because no one took a shot at him before H&O tossed him and Nany into the Zone. If you had a game where you drank anytime you heard "seven-time champion," you would've been dead halfway through the episode.

The mission had ice, and I'm really not a fan of that. I still believe BMP is out to kill their players. The 100-hour finale would also be proof of that. I would've had the boxes vibrating so the blocks would move around.

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Guess John and Hannah are no more. Of course, this could have been something that happened years ago, I don’t keep up with his romantic foibles.

You mean Hannah Teter? Man, that was so long ago . . . or it feels like that.

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My fucking DVR just would not work with me. It kept stopping right in the middle of the elimination!

My dreams have come true this season, seeing both Kaycee and Fessy lose an elimination. About time they gave Fessy something that is an even playing field, not him dropping his big ass on top of someone trying to take a pole or running headfirst into someone.

I didn't care for the daily challenge but this episode kept me on the edge of my seat. In the first few minutes of the episode, it seemed like Johnny and Nany were the direct vote. Five minutes later, it looks like Fessy and Moriah will be the direct vote.  Then, back to Johnny and Nany being the biggest threats, and then back to Fessy and Moriah being the biggest threats. Either one of the pairs are going in or both pairs are going in.

Edited by AntFTW
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Say my name, say your name, say his name, say her name...can't any of these people ever just say "voted for"??? Must the Challenge lingo always be in use? Jesus.

Anyway...I've softened a bit on Johnny over the past couple years, but still not a fan of Nany, so them winning the elimination is meh for me. Rooting for Devin and Tori and Horacio/Olivia.


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Tori and Devins plan worked to perfection.

They win the most important Daily of the season and they wanted Fessy and Moriah out first followed by Nany and Bananas.

Producers decided to use the second most lethal thing to behemoth Fessy, which is an elimination which favors agility and lightness.

Most lethal thing for him are eating challenges.

I think 100 hour is going to tax the endurance of everyone, not just Aneesa.  Horacio is probably the most fit but he’ll probably struggle as well.

There will be an eating challenge, severe weather, maybe sleep deprivation.

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Bye, Fessy! I honestly wanted him to go home over Johnny, which really says something. Nany and Johnny were very lucky that he was so terrible at this, because for all the credit they're giving Nany, she made one of her usual mental elimination errors. It just happened to not matter because Fessy couldn't get more than two rungs up at any point. 

I thought Tori and Devin did a great job from start to finish. Excellent strategy on the challenge, and good pick for the elimination as well. Fessy and Moriah are a much bigger threat in the final and they ended up with the match-up they wanted and the team who they personally called out going home. Some of that is luck, but they come out looking like geniuses.

I get so annoyed of people at this stage in the game whining about their alleged friends/allies possibly voting them in. There are only four teams to pick from! At this stage it's much more about who you're picking to NOT go in rather than who you're picking to compete. Fessy, it doesn't count if you didn't say their name back when there were ten teams to pick from. Same goes for Johnny. It's crazy to me that he still takes the game personally after all these seasons. Fessy has always been a whiny brat, so that one is unsurprising. 

I wonder how Jordan felt about Tori being eager and willing to throw Fessy in.

10 hours ago, mojoween said:

The fuck is Orlando style?  Isn’t Faysal from Tennessee?

Guess John and Hannah are no more. Of course, this could have been something that happened years ago, I don’t keep up with his romantic foibles.

I don't know where he's from originally but he and Moriah became friends because they both lived in Orlando, apparently. Women of Orlando, look out.

John and Hannah broke up years ago--maybe back in 2017? He then dated Morgan Willett for about three years and they broke up in late 2021 after she caught him cheating on her. What's really rich is Moriah has said in interviews that Johnny would do sweet things for her like play the guitar. Meanwhile, Morgan gave him that guitar as a gift. Some things never change. 

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Buh-bye Maysal Faysal. I'm sure we'll hear on tweets or at the reunion how he will claim it was rigged against him, but if he were really the elite NFL-level athlete he claims to be, he'd have done something during the elimination. 

I'm good with the final four. Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Nany that is increasingly undeserved because she went to the same HS as my spouse. And my feelings for Johnny wax and wane depending on how much I recall JEK and he posted something recently with the three of them hanging out, so...

If I had to pick, Tori and Devin are the most well-rounded pair and, both as MTV AYTO products with a lengthy history, have the best Ride or Die story of the four. So that's my hope for next week. For now, anyway. 

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So happy to see Fessy gone. Like someone else said, just wish Nany had gone with him.

Rooting for either Tori/Devin or Olivia/Horacio although I think the rookies will have a difficult time with the lengthy final. Mentally, that's so draining, especially when they pile on the sleep deprivation and extreme temperatures. Didn't they have issues with the mini-final?

Aneesa will be challenged by her lack of endurance and Nany is so easily frustrated by puzzles, so if I were a betting person, I think it's Tori/Devin's final to lose. I'm fine with that.

Not sure how it snuck up on me but I am digging Devin these days. It must be seasonal depression because I even thought Bananas was looking good as well. 

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I watch this show for the OG's but I must say that H&O are a pair I enjoy watching.  Mad respect for Horacio's athleticism and Olivia's full makeup at challenges.   

I enjoyed Bananas with the cameo by Wes/ScumBag.  Unnecessary? yes but still enjoyable.

My wish for the final is that my girl Aneesa doesn't get completely wrecked and finishes with pride. No way can even Jordan help her win.  I think H &O  win it all because if they have a weakness I don't know what it is.  

I was glad this episode didn't feature Tori crying about Jordan.  

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Once again, I type my notes as the show is playing. The episode begins with Jordan and Aneesa talking, I know they just got back into the game, but the editing suggests that they might be going right back into elimination. Bananas and Moriah, they seem to have no chemistry whatsoever. I cannot picture those two together. Editing also suggests that Tori and Devin will win a challenge, and they will vote Bananas and Nany in. 

Great daily challenge. Equalizer type challenge that is not all size and strength, great all around. Glad to see Tori and Devin win. Challenge gods, please give us Bananas/Nany vs. Fessy/Moriah. Bananas is saying all these nice things about Devin and Devin has been talking about throwing him in. Now I'm thinking it's going to be between Bananas/Nany and Jordan/Aneesa. 

When they showed Bananas and Wes talking I was laughing so hard at all the titles they kept switching for Wes. Bananas' best friend ever, banana's sidekick, banana's life coach, Wes has a dog named Penny. What in the world were they doing. All this squash beef with Devin, and we think he's going to put Bananas in. When they showed Devin and Bananas elimination together, if forgot about Tony. He thought he was going to be the next Bananas. There was something a bit weird about Horacio saying that Bananas needed to prove himself. Yes, bananas hasn't seen an elimination all season, just leave it at that. The man has proven himself already rookie. I know what Horacio meant, but it just sounded weird coming from him. 

I'm with Tori, the direct vote has to be Fessy and Moriah. the way Devin was looking at bananas during interrogation was so funny. Devin is absolutely drunk with power. The suspense is killing me. It doesn't matter if they put Bananas/Nany or Fessy/Moriah as direct vote, with Jordan/Aneesa and Horacio/Olivia in the sand, the chances are high it's going to be Banany vs. Feriah. Look at Fessy, trying to play his political game, saying let's get the seven time champ out of the game, knowing that Fessy believes full well that he can beat anyone in the final. I think it's best to put Bananas in because if it comes down to any other teams, if the elimination has to do with size and strength they will have an easier time against bananas/nany, especially the men. I don't want to see hall brawl. 

I'm always looking at how they show TJ when they are walking into elimination. I'm on the edge of my seat. They choose Fessy and Moriah!! Didn't see that coming, I knew it was going to be Bananas/Nany. There's still the draw. Again on the edge of my seat. Bananas and Nany don't pull the safe!!!!! They are going in, I was expecting more suspense. Save Aneesa and Jordan, Horacio and Olivia!! Horacio almost gave me a heart attack.Drama King. It worked guys. We get one out of the game! Fessy didn't want to see Bananas in the final? Now you get to see him in elimination hehe. Let's go. This better not be a to be continued. My first thought is that Fessy's size may be a disadvantage in this elimination. This elimination is largely physical but also somewhat mental. It has to be demoralizing to look over and see the other person far ahead of you. Then hearing Moriah say for Fessy to look at Johnny and copy him?? Oh that had to hurt Fessy. I wonder how long this elimination took in real time. The suspense is crazy, 10000X worse in person I'm sure. Nany did great, really great. At least Fessy can't blame this loss on Moriah because he equally sucked. It was so delicious watching him lose. So happy to see him go home. Bananas still went into elimination so you got what you wanted Fessy. So happy I didn't know who won before seeing the episode, made it even better. I don't think Fessy believed what he was saying after losing, just still trying to read his image. He will never do that in my eyes though. 

Great episode, one of my favorites in the whole franchise. Everything worked out perfectly. This is one of the few times I can remember where I would be happy to see any team in the final win. I think I'm pulling for Devin and Tori mostly. I think it's between them and Bananas and Nany. Bananas is stronger than Devin, but Tori is stronger than Nany, so they kind of equal out. Horacio and Olivia are a nice dark horse. Sorry, but Aneesa and Jordan have a slim chance. 

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Finals haven't really been good for larger, stronger players.

It's about pure endurance.

Fessy may still be strong in that area because he's younger than all the other men except Horacio and may have more cardio-vascular fitness than anyone except again Horacio.

We really don't know how they choose the elimination challenges.  But it's really convenient timing for all other challengers that they brought out this particular rope challenge when Fessy was in the elimination.

Only an eating challenge would have been worse for Fessy.

In any event, it looks like there's an eating challenge in the Final, so it just wasn't in the cards for him.

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Can you imagine if Jordan and Aneesa were in that elimination against Fessy and Moriah? They would have never finished. But I think the producers knew who was going in. Of course the one time they give Fessy a non-strength based elimination it is against the one guy the producers love more than him. 

If I’m guessing purely from the edit of the entire season, Banany or Devin/Tori will win the final. They’ve made a point of featuring Olivia mentioning Horacio struggles under pressure. And we know Aneesa isn’t winning. If I had to guess I’d say Devin and Tori win. 

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5 hours ago, Jillibean said:

That's really rich is Moriah has said in interviews that Johnny would do sweet things for her like play the guitar. Meanwhile, Morgan gave him that guitar as a gift.


2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Once again, I type my notes as the show is playing. The episode begins with Jordan and Aneesa talking, I know they just got back into the game, but the editing suggests that they might be going right back into elimination. Bananas and Moriah, they seem to have no chemistry whatsoever. I cannot picture those two together. Editing also suggests that Tori and Devin will win a challenge, and they will vote Bananas and Nany in.

That's the sense I got too, but then the focus started to shift to Fessy and Moriah.

2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

When they showed Bananas and Wes talking I was laughing so hard at all the titles they kept switching for Wes. Bananas' best friend ever, banana's sidekick, banana's life coach, Wes has a dog named Penny.

LOL! I saw "Scumbag." I didn't even notice the others. LOL

2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

All this squash beef with Devin, and we think he's going to put Bananas in. When they showed Devin and Bananas elimination together, if forgot about Tony. He thought he was going to be the next Bananas.

This made me think Johnny and Nany were going to be the direct vote. Then later Tori's like, Fessy and Moriah are the strongest team and makes me switch back to Fessy and Moriah being direct vote.

From the top of the episode, they were heavily focused on Johnny having not been in an elimination yet. The question I had for most of the episode was are they going to vote for Johnny to go down into elimination.

2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

There was something a bit weird about Horacio saying that Bananas needed to prove himself. Yes, bananas hasn't seen an elimination all season, just leave it at that. The man has proven himself already rookie. I know what Horacio meant, but it just sounded weird coming from him. 

It did sound weird coming from him. To me, not going into elimination is proving himself because that's how the game is supposed to be played. Avoid elimination, if at all possible.

2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

I'm with Tori, the direct vote has to be Fessy and Moriah. the way Devin was looking at bananas during interrogation was so funny. Devin is absolutely drunk with power. The suspense is killing me. It doesn't matter if they put Bananas/Nany or Fessy/Moriah as direct vote, with Jordan/Aneesa and Horacio/Olivia in the sand, the chances are high it's going to be Banany vs. Feriah.

I thought that if Aneesa and Jordan picked the safe dagger, they would have saved Johnny and Nany. I just don't think Aneesa would have let Nany be thrown into elimination. Aneesa and Jordan had the best position. If Johnny and Nany pulled the safe dagger, they would have saved Jordan and Aneesa. Olivia and Horacio saved Jordan and Aneesa, so the question that is unanswered is who would Aneesa and Jordan save? Aneesa talked with Olivia about saving each other in the draw, but I just don't see Aneesa picking Olivia for safety over Nany. I'm not convinced she would have saved Olivia over Nany. I can be see Jordan saving Olicia and Horacio, but I can't imagine Aneesa doing it.

2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Look at Fessy, trying to play his political game, saying let's get the seven time champ out of the game, knowing that Fessy believes full well that he can beat anyone in the final. I think it's best to put Bananas in because if it comes down to any other teams, if the elimination has to do with size and strength they will have an easier time against bananas/nany, especially the men. I don't want to see hall brawl. 

I think Fessy thought it would be Johnny and Nany versus the rookies. He was pitching the idea to Jordan and Devin and there are no other teams left.

2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

There's still the draw. Again on the edge of my seat. Bananas and Nany don't pull the safe!!!!! They are going in, I was expecting more suspense. Save Aneesa and Jordan, Horacio and Olivia!! Horacio almost gave me a heart attack.Drama King. It worked guys.

LOL Horacio didn't have to use so many words. He was trying to give a whole speech. I can't help feel like Horacio would have killed this eliminated.

2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

This better not be a to be continued. My first thought is that Fessy's size may be a disadvantage in this elimination. This elimination is largely physical but also somewhat mental. It has to be demoralizing to look over and see the other person far ahead of you. Then hearing Moriah say for Fessy to look at Johnny and copy him?? Oh that had to hurt Fessy. I wonder how long this elimination took in real time. The suspense is crazy, 10000X worse in person I'm sure. Nany did great, really great.

Fessy did worse than Moriah. I feel like Fessy never left the ground.

If you watch Survivor, they have suspenseful games like this where calmness and patience wins the day. If you make a wrong move, if the wind blows, if you breathe in the wrong direction, you're fucked and you have to start all over again.

When TJ was explaining the rules, the first thing I thought was "rule #1, don't panic. It'll be trial and error. Realize that you will fuck up at some point but remain calm, don't panic, and try again." If they panic, they will lose. They'll likely fuck up a few times, it'll be frustrating and they will yell out some expletives. That's fine.

I thought Fessy would have done a little bit than he did though. I guess he has to go home and practice so that he can also be good at the dumbest things.

Edited by AntFTW
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2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

From the top of the episode, they were heavily focused on Johnny having not been in an elimination yet. The question I had for most of the episode was are they going to vote for Johnny to go down into elimination.

Hindsight is 20/20, so now it makes sense that they focused so much on Johnny not going into elimination, because while he wasn't the direct vote, he still went down there. I was hoping but thought it was too good to be true. 


2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I thought that if Aneesa and Jordan picked the safe dagger, they would have saved Johnny and Nany. I just don't think Aneesa would have let Nany be thrown into elimination. Aneesa and Jordan had the best position. If Johnny and Nany pulled the safe dagger, they would have saved Jordan and Aneesa. Olivia and Horacio saved Jordan and Aneesa, so the question that is unanswered is who would Aneesa and Jordan save? Aneesa talked with Olivia about saving each other in the draw, but I just don't see Aneesa picking Olivia for safety over Nany. I'm not convinced she would have saved Olivia over Nany. I can be see Jordan saving Olicia and Horacio, but I can't imagine Aneesa doing it.

I agree Aneesa wouldn't want Nany to be in elimination, but Jordan would throw bananas into elimination in a second. I think she would end up deferring to Jordan on that call. The team has no shot anyway, but maybe a freak situation in the final causes them to accidentally slide into 3rd place or something, you want at least one of the big teams out. I think Jordan and Aneesa would have saved Horacio and Olivia to get rid of at least one strong team and keep one inexperienced rookie team in the final. Yes Horacio and Olivia are strong, but the final has a mental experience aspect that the rookies just don't have yet, so keeping them over Bananas and Nany is wise. Plus Jordan probably told Aneesa that Bananas was out as a choice. I'm sure Devin and Tori agreed. Jordan and Aneesa absolutely had the best position. No way were they going in. Both of the other teams would have saved them. 


2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Fessy did worse than Moriah. I feel like Fessy never left the ground.

He really did. He was the worst one out there and that's funny. How funny would it have been if both Bananas and Moriah made it up there first, and it was between Fessy and Nany to get to the top. I wish Moriah had made it to the top. I would have loved to see it. 

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5 hours ago, AntFTW said:


I thought that if Aneesa and Jordan picked the safe dagger, they would have saved Johnny and Nany. I just don't think Aneesa would have let Nany be thrown into elimination. Aneesa and Jordan had the best position. If Johnny and Nany pulled the safe dagger, they would have saved Jordan and Aneesa. Olivia and Horacio saved Jordan and Aneesa, so the question that is unanswered is who would Aneesa and Jordan save? Aneesa talked with Olivia about saving each other in the draw, but I just don't see Aneesa picking Olivia for safety over Nany. I'm not convinced she would have saved Olivia over Nany. I can be see Jordan saving Olicia and Horacio, but I can't imagine Aneesa doing it.

Very astute. Tori confirmed on the official podcast that Aneesa and Jordan would have saved Nany (and the guy attached to her). 

  • Mind Blown 1
3 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

I agree Aneesa wouldn't want Nany to be in elimination, but Jordan would throw bananas into elimination in a second. I think she would end up deferring to Jordan on that call. The team has no shot anyway, but maybe a freak situation in the final causes them to accidentally slide into 3rd place or something, you want at least one of the big teams out. I think Jordan and Aneesa would have saved Horacio and Olivia to get rid of at least one strong team and keep one inexperienced rookie team in the final. Yes Horacio and Olivia are strong, but the final has a mental experience aspect that the rookies just don't have yet, so keeping them over Bananas and Nany is wise. Plus Jordan probably told Aneesa that Bananas was out as a choice. I'm sure Devin and Tori agreed. Jordan and Aneesa absolutely had the best position. No way were they going in. Both of the other teams would have saved them. 

21 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

Very astute. Tori confirmed on the official podcast that Aneesa and Jordan would have saved Nany (and the guy attached to her). 

You beat me to it. I literally just heard the podcast. Tori says Aneesa and Jordan would have saved Nany and Johnny.

ETA: On the other end, I think it’s plausible that Jordan would be okay with saving Johnny and Nany too because after all these years of watching Jordan, he never seems to care who he goes against. I think Jordan really thinks he can beat anyone and therefore not really care so much. Jordan has never been the person to say “we need to get [X person] out because we don’t wanna face him/her in a final.”

21 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

Nany (and the guy attached to her)


Edited by AntFTW
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13 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Very astute. Tori confirmed on the official podcast that Aneesa and Jordan would have saved Nany (and the guy attached to her). 


13 hours ago, AntFTW said:

You beat me to it. I literally just heard the podcast. Tori says Aneesa and Jordan would have saved Nany and Johnny.

ETA: On the other end, I think it’s plausible that Jordan would be okay with saving Johnny and Nany too because after all these years of watching Jordan, he never seems to care who he goes against. I think Jordan really thinks he can beat anyone and therefore not really care so much. Jordan has never been the person to say “we need to get [X person] out because we don’t wanna face him/her in a final.”

I stand corrected and color me shocked. I'm surprised. Horacio and Olivia were the elimination king and queen this season, so I can see them having a good chance. They would have been great at this elimination too, I believe they would have won. 

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13 hours ago, AntFTW said:

ETA: On the other end, I think it’s plausible that Jordan would be okay with saving Johnny and Nany too because after all these years of watching Jordan, he never seems to care who he goes against. I think Jordan really thinks he can beat anyone and therefore not really care so much. Jordan has never been the person to say “we need to get [X person] out because we don’t wanna face him/her in a final.”


I agree 100% with this. He's confident and a warrior. 

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14 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:


I stand corrected and color me shocked. I'm surprised. Horacio and Olivia were the elimination king and queen this season, so I can see them having a good chance. They would have been great at this elimination too, I believe they would have won. 

I agree. In my mind, Horacio just seems good at everything. I think he could have beat Fessy in the other elimination with the spears, the one that he beat Nelson in.

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great episode. The 2 teams I wanted in the elimination go in and Fessy goes home. So nice to see a competition that did not just play to "who is gigantic." I get you have to come up with reasons why people should vote you in, but if Fessy seriously thinks he deserves protection for the few seasons he has been on and not voted for Devin or Tori--please--name one when it was close to the same situation??

I was glad to see Aneesa make  a final. In the seasons I have watched she has always gotten eliminated right before. Then I watch the final and think "no way she could have finished." Then on the reunion show they never ask her "I know it hurt to go home so close to elimination, but do you think you could have finished? been competitive? now that you have seen it??" Now we'll know the answer.

I'm fine with Devin/Tori or Olivia/Horacio win. I will like Olivia more if she comes back after the giant fake eyelash trend passes. I find it very distracting in a negative way


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The phone calls to Wes always make me laugh but at the same time remind me how empty the show feels without him.  Also lacking this season were any mean/snarky girls -- Ashley, Amanda, Marie, etc.  Kailah doesn't count because she's just an idiot.

SO pleased to see Fessy headed for the airport.  Loved it when Aneesa said under her breath "just get the fuck out."  When Moriah teared up I realized it was the first real emotion she displayed the whole season.   Her flat delivery and cadence leave the impression that someone offscreen is typing on a keyboard and the words are coming out of Moriah's mouth.

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