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S01.E06: (The Real) Yacht-Wives of Norway

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Like a Viking war party confused when they reached their target, these comments are in the order of the episode scenes broadcast…

Good Lord, how do these people get out of each other’s way to keep a boat afloat?  Oriana, Lewis, yeah do what you want to do.  But is the whole crew so dysfunctional that they’re all weird?

And now we take a chop at the next guests’ religious bent.  Is Bravo that hostile now? 

Chef Jess seems to have miraculously healed – no problems with her hand this ep.

The Viking themed party actually looks like it was pretty cool. 

So… Nathan is a bit of a whiner who can’t take responsibility for his actions?  Just own your stuff, dude.  Don’t get all petty because Lewis called you on your poo.

Eggs and simple egg orders are causing distress in the interior crew?  Is it that hard to keep track of 5 orders, two of which are the same?  Heck, I’m not cooking them and even I can keep track of that.

Chav Faye and her whole epaulets drama – please!  Are you that threatened it’s become such an obsession?  Take charge of your people.

The ziplining looked fun and showed off more of Norway, clearly the star of this series.

What will happen next week?  Will Kasie continue to impress the Captain with her splits?  Will Nathan recover from his fall or split?  Will Jess burn something else?  Stay tuned, if you can stay awake…

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I pegged Faye as a crap chief stew on Day 1 and nothing since has changed my mind. First of all, she shouldn't be bitching to Kasie about Oriana. That's just bad management, period. You don't complain about one of your subordinates to another of your subordinates. She should have taken this up with Lewis or the Captain, and confronted Oriana directly. Because it's a misunderstanding on her part anyway. And when finally given the chance to have a one-on-one instead she blows it off. I don't know what it is with these chief stews that are afraid of confrontation. They have no business being managers. I can't remember the last time we actually had an effective chief stew on any BD show. Even Kate had a tendency to play favorites and be bitchy.


Chef Jess seems to have miraculously healed – no problems with her hand this ep.

Yeah, further proof this was an overblown reaction and she's a big old drama queen. But then that's been true of most chefs on BD. I think they hire them for that. 

I kind of get why she snapped at Oriana though, because both she and Kasie seem like a couple of dumb bunnies.

And all these people knew they'd be working in Norway and that there would likely be a lot of Viking themes. You'd think they would have availed themselves of a couple episodes of Vikings, or at least watched a YouTube video or two. Kasie and Oriana weren't even sure whether or not Vikings had electricity. Sheesh.

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The people who get jobs on super yachts aren't usually really up on world history.  A lot of them don't even know where the boat is.

Kate was notorious for bitching to one subordinate about the other one so if she is the gold standard, then Faye should get a pass.  I don't know why they had to leave the boat in pajamas and parkas, then walk across the street to a wet bench just to have a cigarette.  Find some overhang on board and blaze it up!

Faye showed one aspect of good management when she saw how freaked Oriana was from Jess's criticism and sent her to do cabins and then put her on the crew for the zip lining excursion.

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14 hours ago, Tanukisan said:

< snip >

Chef Jess seems to have miraculously healed – no problems with her hand this ep.

< snip >

Last episode where she burnt her hand so bad, in the tender on the way back from the offshore excursion/lunch, she had no bandages or gloves on her hands and seemed to be using them both with no issues. I don't remember the status of her hands during the offshore lunch when she was scrambling to find the coolers or set up things.

The chief stew is the worst.  Why are you needing the deck crew to do so much when you have a full stew team?  You cannot lead at all.  You have what 2 years?  Obviously you are over your head.  I'm sorry I find nothing redeeming about her.  And I agree with the chef on Oriana. Don't put her on service if she can't take an order and remember it. It was written down and one person came in and changed it not several people. I'd be ticked if I was a chef.  She'd be the one blamed not a stew who didn't get it right.

Why are you waking someone who is in bed for a bit that one person, who was ON duty could have done.  Again, chief stew wanting it her way. Nathan, you go to sleep before shift is over?  Really? Lazy and no you do not get to complain that you were called out when you did that.  You are lucky or should I say production was lucky.

Ugh, I'm sorry but seeing Heather on this show sucks.  Her mink arriving ass was over the top and not needed.  Apparently she wants to milk her HW fame a bit. 

The only redeeming quality of this show is the captain and the views of Norway.  Every crew on board sucks.  It's a shame and I thought Down Under sucked but this one takes the crown now.

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The stripes thing is so dumb.  Faye has a vendetta for something Oriana didn't even do.  She didn't ask Lewis to order the stripes, he asked her, probably to ingratiate himself to her.

Yeah other BD shows have played with this status and rank thing.  Oriana says she was signed to be second stew so it could be a situation they set up, offer her the second stew but tell Faye to do what she wants as far as ranking her stews.

Oriana is too preoccupied with status, her own and that of the men she will sleep with.  Does she realize how that sounds?  She is saying she will sleep her way to the top, of something.

I wasn't familiar with the charter guests being other reality show people.  She was dropping the designer names of her shoes.  She sure seems to like the sound of her own voice.

Did they really ask the crew to rank each other in terms of attractiveness?

Well Faye's older but she would look better ... if she got rid of the stick up her ass.

She doesn't just want help from the deck crew, she only wants Nathan because Mike is blah to her.

I don't think the guests asked for the zip line.  They probably said these activities are available or they probably told them that they would be zip lining on this charter because they planed out to go to the place and have camera crews set up to film it.

The giant lobster ravioli in creamy arrabbiata sounds interesting.  The little apres zip lining meal they set up was also nice.  Probably though, after some exertion in that cool or cold weather, people are ready to eat anything that's filling.

Nathan falls down the stairs, yells in agony, cliffhanger.

Why does that seem familiar?

Oh a few weeks ago on BDM, Kyle fell down the stairs, yelled in agony, cliffhanger.

Come on guys don't use the same editing tactic again after using it recently.

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On 12/6/2022 at 8:34 PM, Tanukisan said:

So… Nathan is a bit of a whiner who can’t take responsibility for his actions?  Just own your stuff, dude.  Don’t get all petty because Lewis called you on your poo.

Eggs and simple egg orders are causing distress in the interior crew?  Is it that hard to keep track of 5 orders, two of which are the same?  Heck, I’m not cooking them and even I can keep track of that.

I felt bad for Nathan because he can't seem to be able to say NO to Chav Faye.  Interrupted sleep like that is probably not good sleep.  Leaving his post at 5:30 was not good though, even under those circumstances.  Mike flies below the radar because nobody trusts him enough to actually do anything.  He's a waste of space.  Chav Faye's loud, raspy voice just grates.  And she called Jess "my chef."  For someone so wrapped up in the hierarchy, she should know better.

I did feel a bit bad for Oriana when she disclosed she has dyslexia.  She needed to see the orders in writing but Jess was really pressuring her to just get on with it.  And the damn bosun sending Lewis upstairs to get reprimanded by the Captain was a dick move.  Actually, one in a series of dick moves by the bosun.  I hate him.

On 12/7/2022 at 6:43 AM, iMonrey said:

I kind of get why [Jess] snapped at Oriana though, because both she and Kasie seem like a couple of dumb bunnies.

Kasie definitely, with her made up words.  I wonder if she was in one of those "don't educate the children" Mormon deals.

10 hours ago, aghst said:

[Faye] doesn't just want help from the deck crew, she only wants Nathan because Mike is blah to her.

Well, I must admit that Mike is blah to me, too.

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Faye said she did not want to use Mike for entertaining the guest because Nathan was better and Mike was a bit of a dud.  After I saw what she woke Nathan up to do was LAME.  Mike could have done that and been as entertaining.  And Faye did this knowing the Bosun said no.  Really?

Everyone is boring but I like the captain and the views.

The ziplining looked like a lot of fun.

This show just started.  I was wondering how much longer we have to get to the end.........?


Nathan, you go to sleep before shift is over?  Really? Lazy and no you do not get to complain that you were called out when you did that.

Nathan is the one who went over Lewis's head and straight to the captain to complain about Kyle. I get why he did that, but now he can't complain about Lewis going to the captain himself about Nathan leaving his shift without a relief person. He can't have it both ways.

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On 12/9/2022 at 12:51 PM, iMonrey said:

Nathan is the one who went over Lewis's head and straight to the captain to complain about Kyle. I get why he did that, but now he can't complain about Lewis going to the captain himself about Nathan leaving his shift without a relief person. He can't have it both ways.

An unattended yacht is a serious issue. I understood about Kyle, but a jerk is one thing, that didn't put people in danger.

Hate to say it, but this entire crew - with the exception of Captain Kerry - is b-o-r-i-n-g.

The Captain, on the other hand, is worldly, interesting, vivacious, handsome, and speaks well. He makes for good camera.

As others upthread have said, the only other thing that makes this season good is the scenery.

Now: On to Lewis the bosun.

I will duck from the tomatoes being thrown at me, but have to say this: Lewis is a pudgy little boy-man. Why is he not in better physical shape from being an experienced on-deck yachtie ? He's got a belly and no toned muscles.

Oh and that high pitched voice ! 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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There is enough blame to go around with Nathan’s situation. I admit I had trouble at times following the conversations because of the thick accents, but the bottom line is that Lewis just should have given a firm NO to Faye about Nathan helping with that stupid Viking “party,” instead of just giving side-eyes of disgust to Faye. TAKE CHARGE, dumbass. It’s YOUR CREW.

Whether Nathan went to bed an hour before his shift ended, as Lewis led Kerry to believe, or 30 minutes before, as the caption said, Nathan should have known better than to leave the boat unattended. Faye, as much as she’s bitching about Lewis not staying in his lane re: Oriana, is the same with her continued assumption that she can poach from the deck crew at will.

Every BD franchise is making the case for the chef to have an assistant. But dyslexia or not, I really didn’t understand Oriana’s confusion over the one changed breakfast order. I think she was reacting more to Jess’s pissiness. She showed right there that she is not second stew material.

As always scenery is stunning.

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