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S07.E11: Meet Me Halfway

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Didn’t Natalie’s dad abandon the family too?  Maybe that’s why these two are so anxious.  

Yes. Someone on Reddit (so take it with a grain of salt) who claimed to be of Eastern European descent said that this is a common thing in these countries---high rates of spousal abuse, alcoholism and abandonment and the women are pretty much left high and dry. Which leads to the younger generations treating marriage more as a transaction to try and avoid the pitfalls they saw growing up and pretty much all around them. Of course it isn't fair to paint everyone in Ukraine or Russia or former Soviet states with one big brush---I mean, look at Andrei's family in Moldova. They seem pretty together and happy. But I do think for the Natalies and Yaras, yes, they get a bit desperate. Especially Natalie if Big Mike was her THIRD husband, she and her momma are getting frantic and desperate for no good reason. 

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

If Kimbally thinks Usman will ever move the US she is crazy. Once he has wife #2, 3 and however many more he isn't going to leave all his kids to go live with Kimbally. Or would he? 

As long as the $$ keeps flowing from CA to Nigeria, nope. He won't leave. Why would he? He can see her once a year, maybe if he lucks out she can only come every other year for a few weeks, while she bankrolls his singing "career" and multiple wives and kids. Delusional Kim thinks she is his #1 wife and he gets the kids and local wives his family wants. Win win. I am so confused why his family didn't just go along with the con and say , sure delusional white lady you can be wife #1. 

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What a waste of time and money for Andreii and Libby to take the dads to the Grand Canyon to announce baby 2. A nice lunch would have sufficed. And to then announce it on social media. The Coven will not be amused.

We did not need to see the Liz and Ed massage scenes and the back waxing. There was some enjoyment in seeing Ed in pain. But no, we did not need to see blurred out naked Ed. He could have worn pants or sweats or shorts or whatever. Attention? Ratings? Viewer disgust? He wants to take Liz to Arkansas? Those two are toxic and exhausting.

Angela’s friend is trying to make like Oprah to bring the two of them to an understanding? Angela is probably bored of Mykull and she has a new fresh admirer in the wings. Who cares about his Instagram? He is on this stupid show and he will get flattering comments. It is about Angel’s insecurity and jealousy. Her idea of love is control. Mykull can easily tell the women fans that he is flattered and that is it. An innocent message can send Angie around the bend. If she got some nice messages, I doubt that Mykull would be screaming about it. Forget the stupid Green Card and run, not walk, from her. Unless this is all a fake storyline, the relationship is abusive and toxic.

Bilal, stop the mansplaining and lecturing. I would want some other realtor showing me properties too. I would question Bilal’s motives. He does not seem keen on his wife having her own thing and doing something she enjoys and being a partner in the marriage. If he was genuinely helpful and supportive, maybe. Many businesses suffered and went under during the pandemic and the economy is slowly recovering. Maybe Shae can work at a studio for a few months to see what is out there and how much competition is out there plus yoga demand in the city. Work on a business plan, see if a studio is viable in the city and then start getting a place. She wants a successful studio and not one that will close in less than 6 months.

Kim, I can see proposing to a man if he asks first. Yeah, it is still uneven in that women can’t be the one to propose. How do you know that he doesn’t have a wife or two already? Maybe even one or two kids on the way? The victim his mom found is very pretty and young and Usman’s type. Going into this sort of marriage means you may be funding him and the wives and kids. Wish him well and leave. I don’t think a lot of men like the rose petals and candles and other crap. A bit much. He does not love you as much as you ‘love’ him, if he loves you at all except for the toys you buy.

Yara seems to be making plans to check out of her marriage. Her mom is not coming across well. Just latching on to Jovi’s money and moving herself in to a place that doesn’t exist. Yara could have spent a few hours on Google to look up apartments for sale and get an idea of what prices are like. Prague is not cheap. I get her mom wanting her daughter to be independent but that should have happened before she got married. Went to school, got some sort of credential. I get the sense that Yara’s plan was to find some sugar daddy to take care of her. Maybe hire a maid and nanny to help her out. Mama Yara is not going to babysit long term.  Talk is cheap. Yara and Jovi need to talk about any sort of European base, and whether both want mama living with them long term. I don’t get a lot of Yara’s complaints except she seems to find that Mylah is an inconvenience and burden and she would rather spend her days as a lady who lunches and shops and has fun. Uh, that was life before marriage and a baby. I don’t think she likes the domesticity factor. There are a lot of women who are single parents, those who have spouses like Jovi, and military wives. I also don’t have much sympathy for the fact that the entire world had to make changes because of Covid and that only poor Yara was inconvenienced. We all suffered at having to stay home and not see friends or family in months. She hasn’t made any friends with kids who live in her area? Just the Instagram girls? She expected Jovi’s mom to be the nanny? Too bad her worldview doesn’t involve reality. Both women came across in an ugly manner.

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2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

As long as the $$ keeps flowing from CA to Nigeria, nope. He won't leave. Why would he? He can see her once a year, maybe if he lucks out she can only come every other year for a few weeks, while she bankrolls his singing "career" and multiple wives and kids. Delusional Kim thinks she is his #1 wife and he gets the kids and local wives his family wants. Win win. I am so confused why his family didn't just go along with the con and say , sure delusional white lady you can be wife #1. 

I agree as long as the money is there he will not leave.  However I would love for him grow some, stand up, look her right in the eye and say, "Screw you, I'm going home."  then turn around and walk out the door. 

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4 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Yara’s mom is either not smart or very manipulative or both.  She’s acting like it’s just Yara and Mylah and herself…whose fault is that?   Does Yara only tell her mom the bad things?  Or does the mom blindly think this is real?   I feel like they are mean-girling all over the place. Mom is not coming across in a favorable light.  At all. 

I've been giving Yara a pass for a while on word choice as English is what, her third language or so?  But I think she's just not that bright based on her behavior.  Mom doesn't seem terribly practical either.

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4 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

I've been giving Yara a pass for a while on word choice as English is what, her third language or so?  But I think she's just not that bright based on her behavior.  Mom doesn't seem terribly practical either.

Plus if all of her family is moving to Prague can’t she stay with some of them when she visits?

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

We did not need to see the Liz and Ed massage scenes and the back waxing. There was some enjoyment in seeing Ed in pain. But no, we did not need to see blurred out naked Ed. He could have worn pants or sweats or shorts or whatever. Attention? Ratings? Viewer disgust? He wants to take Liz to Arkansas? Those two are toxic and exhausting.

All I could see was that sloppy house, particularly the kitchen with all the crap on the counters and guess what was there? A big ole' jar of mayonnaise!  

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7 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

Is it possible that Angela is following a script in order to grab her "fifteen minutes of fame".  Sure, of course that's a possibility.  Are her tantrums really getting her what she wants in the real world?  I would imagine most sensible people would distance themselves from a grown woman ranting and raving like Angela.  Gullible and naive although I may be I do think that Angela really does feel unloved and maybe unlovable. 

Well, she HAS been on Maury twice and so that should answer your question regarding fame.

Has nothing to do with love with this one.  It's about the money. 

I fast forward through her segments.  She's disgusting. 

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Yara's mom is deplorable. Putting thoughts of failure in Yara's head because she wants control of Yara and the baby and wants to push Jovi out.

Agree 100%. Not to mention a personality that equals zero. I haven't seen any effort by her to embrace Jovi, but just wants to yap away to Yara while leaving Jovi out. She has no right to ask for her own room that someone else provides and pays for. Jovi will end up footing the bill, yet she is so entitled that she doesn't make an effort to acknowledge there is another person in the picture. She needs to butt out. Yara has a husband now, Mrs. Yara. Respect that. You are now the third wheel.

Michael and Angela are getting boring. The story line involves yelling and screaming by Angela, week after week, while Michael just sits there not speaking up for himself and looking self-defeated. Angela genuinely thinks she's a "strong woman." What strength is she actually referring to? I've just seen a broken-down, insecure screaming woman who drifts through her life never accomplishing much besides making people miserable.

Ed is just gross with that full body reveal. Here's another lost soul who one day thinks Liz is his soul mate and the next day he's throwing her out. I wouldn't trust this guy to be in a committed relationship when he throws the towel in at the drop of a hat - over and over again. What is it, nine times now? Such a prize.

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

All I could see was that sloppy house, particularly the kitchen with all the crap on the counters and guess what was there? A big ole' jar of mayonnaise!  

House, it looked more like an old shack from the outside, inside not much better with a window unit. Thought Big Ed was a highly successful photographer? Shouldn't he have a nice San Diego condo?? I know cost of living is high there, but the man is almost 60 and that is what he has to show for his life's work? Or maybe it's an Airbnb for filming. 

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32 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

House, it looked more like an old shack from the outside, inside not much better with a window unit. Thought Big Ed was a highly successful photographer? Shouldn't he have a nice San Diego condo?? I know cost of living is high there, but the man is almost 60 and that is what he has to show for his life's work? Or maybe it's an Airbnb for filming. 

I think it’s a rental.  He had it on the Rose season and then his mom lived there with him on the season when he was dating that woman in Mexico.

1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

House, it looked more like an old shack from the outside, inside not much better with a window unit. Thought Big Ed was a highly successful photographer? Shouldn't he have a nice San Diego condo?? I know cost of living is high there, but the man is almost 60 and that is what he has to show for his life's work? Or maybe it's an Airbnb for filming. 

In fairness, though, isn't it in LA?  That's got to be outrageously expensive, even for a double-wide.

12 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

Maybe it's because I don't know who Trish is, but I don't see anything necessarily wrong with Yara's mother wanting a bedroom in Yara's European apartment. 

Yara said that she wanted her mom because her mom would babysit at any time. IMO, she wants the life she had before Jovi and her were married-- he sent her money, she partied, and then he would come occasionally and they would vacay. Jovi is gone for long stretches and she needs a baby-sitter. It "kind of" makes sense that instead of sitting in the apt in LA without Jovi there, she would be with her mom and friends instead, and Jovi could go there when he is off work.

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11 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

House, it looked more like an old shack from the outside, inside not much better with a window unit. Thought Big Ed was a highly successful photographer? Shouldn't he have a nice San Diego condo?? I know cost of living is high there, but the man is almost 60 and that is what he has to show for his life's work? Or maybe it's an Airbnb for filming. 

Just because Ed is a "photographer" doesn't mean he's a) successful and b) his main source of income. I was under the impression he was also an "interior designer". 

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17 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Plus if all of her family is moving to Prague can’t she stay with some of them when she visits?

I’m thinking she wants a fancy apartment in Prague so she can show off to her family when they are there.  And I think her mom wants to stay in the new dream luxury apartment full time.  That’s why she’s so upset that all she can afford is that shitty basement apartment.

Also her mom is horrible and definitely trying to create a wedge between Yara and Jovi.

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23 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Has anyone ever dated a man from Ukraine? Have their men any men from Russia on this show? Is Andrei a good example? Or his dad? Andrei and Sasha have that same alpha thing going, and Sasha did leave both his children

I don’t think we have heard anything about Andrei’s dating history.  He’s 33 so maybe he had an earlier marriage lol.

38 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

I did not see those; my apologies. My boyfriend has meningitis so I am all over the place. My mind is a bigger mess than normal. 😊

No apology necessary! Even my closed captioning corrected it to “toxicity”. They haven’t told us Rene’s background except that Angela met her though smoking at the airport, but’s shes acting like she’s some kind of counselor. 

You are understandably distracted. Prayers for your boyfriend’s recovery! 

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5 hours ago, WWalter said:

I am thinking ... did anybody even consider the situation where Sojaboy is married to two women and then applies for a green card? :-) Of course, the whole situation is scripted, but it seems to me nobody thought a bit more about this little, but quite important, detail ... at least, I did not hear it being an issue.

I think that's one of the reasons Kim wants to lock him down first before he marries another woman. However, as we learned from BGL, his marriage in Nigeria might not be recognized in the US anyway because Lisa never filed the paperwork here. 

Edited by magemaud
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Bilal is awful. He wants Shaeeda to sit at home all day, without a baby or a yoga studio. He is not as rich as he claims. If he was, he wouldn’t be so worried about either. All the complaints about a baby waking him up and pooping and paying for college….truly rich people don’t worry about that. They hire a baby nurse if they want to. He seems like such a fraud. I’d love to know his actual net worth.

I feel bad for Jamal. This poor guy has to live through his mother making a foolish pathetic display of herself week in and week out. I couldn’t believe she pulled that stunt and brought TWO rings.

Also, does Kimbaaaly think that being “first wife” gives her some sort of authority over any other wife? I keep getting that impression every time she insisted on being the first wife.

Ugh, the Ed scenes were hard to watch… 🤢

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On 11/7/2022 at 4:13 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Plus if all of her family is moving to Prague can’t she stay with some of them when she visits?

She claims to want to "help" so maybe they're expecting her to pay their rent in Prague. 

1 hour ago, Hotel Snarker said:

I couldn’t believe she pulled that stunt and brought TWO rings.

and demanded that Usman wear the one that fit to his meeting with the young potential wife as if to claim him as hers. 

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1 hour ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Also, does Kimbaaaly think that being “first wife” gives her some sort of authority over any other wife?

She claims that Usman told her the first wife gets "all the love", recognition and other perks and the rest are just baby factories, but when she met with Usman's friend, he said that in Islamic law, all the wives had equal rights. 

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29 minutes ago, magemaud said:

She claims that Usman told her the first wife gets "all the love", recognition and other perks and the rest are just baby factories, but when she met with Usman's friend, he said that in Islamic law, all the wives had equal rights. 

Her understanding is especially gross as the white wife would be in a superior position over the Black wife or wives.  I guess she is clueless as to the optics.

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:
9 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

I couldn’t believe she pulled that stunt and brought TWO rings.

and demanded that Usman wear the one that fit to his meeting with the young potential wife as if to claim him as hers. 

As if he couldn't remove it or "lose" it before he joins meets that little beauty.  At least he didn't have it long enough for it to leave a light mark when he removes it.

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He is not as rich as he claims. If he was, he wouldn’t be so worried about either. All the complaints about a baby waking him up and pooping and paying for college….truly rich people don’t worry about that. They hire a baby nurse if they want to. 

I don't know if Bilal is as rich as he says he is or not, but plenty of "rich" people became and stay that way but being frugal. I think Bilal makes solidly upper middle class income but he has two other children for whom he pays support and has to worry about college. I don't think hiring a "baby nurse" is within reach for him, though he may be able to purchase a couple of college savings plans for the kids and cover in-state undergrad tuition.

On 11/8/2022 at 10:08 PM, bravofan27 said:

Has anyone ever dated a man from Ukraine? Have their men any men from Russia on this show? Is Andrei a good example? Or his dad? Andrei and Sasha have that same alpha thing going, and Sasha did leave both his children

Andrei is from Moldova. While there is Russian influence in that country, most Moldovans have a strong opinion about being called Russian. 

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