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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"


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1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

She follows up her statement that she reads fanfic by making an explicit reference to Regina er... servicing Emma. So, I don't think there's room for alternate interpretations here. Or as Serena says, she was just lying about the whole thing, and doesn't read fanfic at all. 

It's not like what she said is that big of a stretch to find in any number of any pairing in fanfic.  I call bs on her actually reading SQ fanfic.  I mean, for what?  It's the ultimate fan service to say she does and to me she seems more desperate for fan adulation than most of the cast.

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Here's the latest fandom drama, this one related to the Fairy Tales IV convention in Paris next weekend. SQers are angry and complaining on the convention's FB group because the pictures on the badges are of the four main canon couples plus Zelena. They are upset that there's not an SQ badge. The convention then gave them special consideration and designed an SQ mug that they can pre-order, because it's too late to get another badge done -- but that apparently wasn't satisfactory. The entitlement, it burns.

You may remember that this is the same convention where SQ complaints about not having an SQ photo duo let JMo to cancel all her duos, thereby depriving CS fans of their scheduled photo duo.

Seriously, I don't understand why these temper tantrums are rewarded. IMO that's the absolute WORST thing to do -- it only shows that temper tantrums and online rioting work, which leads to more of that behavior.

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SWAN QUEEN ISN'T CANON!!!!! How hard is that for people to understand?

Although I do have to blame the convention for some of this. This is rhe second year in a row that they're pandering to this non-canon faction. And I do have to wonder about a ticket design like that. Couples aren't the only part of this show. 

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I think by badges they mean small round pin-back buttons and not the actual ticket designs. The tickets usually have pictures of Snow, Regina or Emma on them since the different types of tickets are named after the three ladies respectively. Why they would give them hell for it rather than design pins of their own if they want them that badly... who knows. I'm dreading that con anyway and I'm not even going myself. It just sounds like some of the worst loudmouths of that group will be in attendance and you just know they'll try to stirr up some more drama with the actors.

Edited by RedKeep
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Who outside that closed FB group is even noticing that kind of bickering though? Not to mention that 175 Euro for a 2-day rather basic ticket (access to the panels, conference, vendor area, no autographs included, but you have the possibility to purchase autographs and photo-session tickets extra) is a lovely price - 3 days San Diego Comic Con with a lot more to offer are about the same price (but it's a lot more difficult to get those). I get it, such events cost money, and if you can't go big aka attract bigger crowds like comic cons you have to earn the money through high ticket prices. On the other hand, if having to pay such money can somewhat expect that people are getting finicky.

31 minutes ago, RedKeep said:

I think by badges they mean small round pin-back buttons and not the actual ticket designs.


I am not in that group, but would think with badges they indeed are talking about ticket design and not purchasable small pin-back buttons. Tickets at conventions often are designed as cards to wear around your neck or clip to your clothes, like name badges, sold instead of simple paper tickets. Makes them an extra item for collectors ;-) So of course people have wishes and hopes about the design.

Mmh, had a European fandom friend check again, but they do mean the pins, it seems. Apparently they're being sold for 2 Euros each at the con.

And yes, that con is expensive. And lots of peeps there are likely not native speakers so they may not mean to come off as rude and entitled as they do, but the stuff that's being said in that group is still mind-boggling to me. Mainly because I don't  think being aggressive instead of respectfully critical should be the way to go about these things. In my experience con organizers are more likely to listen to reason instead of aggression, especially if they can make fans happy and increase their profits at the same time. Look at how past US cons added additional photoshoots with OUAT actors once enough fans kindly mentioned their interest in them to the staff.

33 minutes ago, RedKeep said:

Mmh, had a European fandom friend check again, but they do mean the pins, it seems. Apparently they're being sold for 2 Euros each at the con.


Sorry, but when I follow that link I don't get to see much besides a spammy site plagued by bad coding and advertising pop-ups. Are they talking about this project done by a fan for fans and sold at the con:  http://www.badgesforftc.com/ ? Or is that another thing? I am not even sure if that is one of the event organizers or more a fan using the con to sell stuff. Before going ballistic about something I prefer to understand a bit what's going on.

I agree though in general, approaching things in a respectful and more diplomatic manner is usually more successful in getting things done than a rather aggressive shouting will do, and certainly it has longer lasting merits by building good reputation.

Oh man that confrontation on Twitter with Adam. Wow, SQers basically said that CS fans represent the homophobia in this fandom that let to the events in Orlando.

The piece of trash you have to be to say something like that and Adam did not let that accusation stand. He told the SQ shippers off and defended the CS fans.

If people are still wondering why there's so much animosity and hate between CS and SQ shippers well, when SQ shippers compare CS fans to rape supports, women beaters, and now homophobic murderers I mean.... come on.

Seriously? They're trying to claim that people enjoying a fictional relationship between a man and a woman on TV (as opposed to wanting to see a fictional relationship between a woman and a mass-murdering woman) are in any way responsible for a real-life event perpetrated by someone who in all likelihood had never even heard about 'shipping relating to this series? If that doesn't make that faction lose all credibility and make people stop trying to soothe their hurt feelings, it's a lost cause. If I were one of the writers, I'd be so pissed that I'd never write Regina and Emma so much as speaking to each other, aside from possibly in very generic group scenes, from now on.

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39 minutes ago, Souris said:

Adam has just followed a BUNCH of fans, mostly SQ. A few CSers and OQers.

I don't even understand him in the slightest. That seems like the worst idea in the world! Now they can DM him.

He must be bored stupid to do something like that.

Edited by YaddaYadda

Looks like fans from one camp are outraged that Adam followed certain fans from the other camp. Whatever. I'm now convinced he did this to argue with those ppl over DM. These DMs are going to be screenshotted, overanalyzed, misinterpreted, and circulated all over tumblr. I doubt abc is monitoring Adam's twitter activity.

Edited by Rumsy4

Maybe he's trying a new psychological tactic? I mean, I know I sometimes tweet something (not @ Adam, just in general) when the show does something that annoys me. If I knew Adam and/or someone from the cast was reading me, I may not. Maybe he's trying to see if somewhere, in an itty bitty part of their trolly heart, they have a bit of shame left?

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5 hours ago, Serena said:

Maybe he's trying to see if somewhere, in an itty bitty part of their trolly heart, they have a bit of shame left?

If so, I suspect he miscalculated because in general the behavior of the bad apples seems to suggest that what they want is a direct line to someone in power they might be able to bully/persuade into giving them what they want, so they'll probably double down rather than easing up if they know he's following them.


These  were screenshots found on Tumblr of somebody he DM'ed yesterday. It seems to me like the reason he's following people is to try to fix the wedge's in the fandoms. Try to get them back together.tumblr_o8tldqjsRT1qf5hjqo2_1280.png


No offense Adam but there will never be a fix in this fandom, not until the show ends and we all go our separate ways. When you have a fandom that doesn't see the canon, does not respect it, mocks it, trashes it and it's fans there's a major problem.

They demand respect yet they still call people the most vile names around: Homophobic, women beaters, rape supporters, and just yesterday terrorist murderers so you know what no there will never be respect.

CSers will never respect that trash fandom ever.


He unfollowed everyone, he gave up. LOL.

Edited by Hookian
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46 minutes ago, Hookian said:

He unfollowed everyone, he gave up. LOL.

Oh, Adam... Adam...

But let's not pretend SQers are the only section of the fandom with bullies. Every section of the fandom--including OQers, CSers, Rumbellers, etc., has them. The tension between SQ and CS is certainly the highest, but even intra-fandom bullying is a thing. Within the CS fandom, there are certain fans who are aggressive or passive-aggressive against differing opinions. And I'm sure it's the same with other groups as well. 

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1 hour ago, Souris said:

It's for the best he unfollowed everyone. 

I kind of wonder if he followed a bunch to cover for a couple he wanted to DM with, so nobody would know who he was actually DMing. Once that was active, he unfollowed all. The DMs will still be active even after unfollowing.

That only works if the person DM'd him. But if they didn't they're screwed.

Edited by Hookian
1 hour ago, Hookian said:

When you have a fandom that doesn't see the canon, does not respect it, mocks it, trashes it and it's fans there's a major problem.

I disagree with everything but the last one, actually. I have no problem with a fandom (or a part of a fandom) mocking or trashing the canon. It's when they go after other fans who have different opinions and/or the actors that there's a problem. "I think CS sucks and SQ should date." is okay, IMO. It's "You are all homophobic and stupid for not shipping SQ, kill yourserlf" that's the problem.

Edited by Serena
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11 minutes ago, Serena said:

I disagree with everything but the last one, actually. I have no problem with a fandom (or a part of a fandom) mocking or trashing the canon. It's when they go after other fans who have different opinions and/or the actors that there's a problem. "I think CS sucks and SQ should date." is okay, IMO. It's "You are all homophobic and stupid for not shipping SQ, kill yourserlf" that's the problem.

Also suggesting that CS is responsible for what happened this weekend in Orlando is the problem.

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I'm still trying to figure out why Mulan was the tagger on and not the one getting her happy ending. Why are people not more angry at that? I'm still upset about that. They better ask Jamie back, being on Shang (man or woman) and I'm the words of Toni Braxton "let it flow."

Edited by mjgchick
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I thought it was widely known, or at least speculated, that Disney put the kibosh on Mulan being part of the storyline. Note that the two characters they gave a love story to are ones for which you cannot buy a Disney princess version of them. Merida would've been nixed, too.

So, the same-sex true love story was between a public domain fairytale character and a character for whom I think the copyright has expired (or Baum's estate just doesn't care). I actually think that would piss me off more. Make a statement about one of your Disney princesses and become a positive role model for little girls everywhere who are discovering their sexuality. That would piss me off -- not even that it wasn't that good a story, but that they made it so that it has no meaning within the Disney canon (which could've been huge).

(And quite frankly, same-sex princess couples will be the least of Disney's problems once they get the pants sued off of them for killing a toddler by not realizing they had an alligator in their resort lake. Oh, Disney -- you will wish you had a gay Mulan for distraction then.)

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Oh boy, I can just see this getting real bad real fast considering the Paris con is this weekend... From Lana's Instagram:


lparrillaWhat is #50EvilWays you ask? Capture a moment of YOU being EVIL! Plz keep it clean. Ex: Hub's asleep! Act fast!

And yes, the photo she included is of her writing the word "ANAL" on her husband's forehead. For reasons I guess.

4 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

That's the example and you're supposed to be doing something evil, but you're also supposed to keep it clean? That doesn't sound contradictory at all.

You can't spell oxymoron without moron?

Maybe I'm being ultra-sensitive after all the shit that has gone down the past week in America and around the world, but I find it in poor taste to be promoting evil, even if it's just a silly way to connect with a fandom that happens to call themselves "Evil Regals." Why not do #50RegalWays?

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5 hours ago, sharky said:

Oh boy, I can just see this getting real bad real fast considering the Paris con is this weekend... From Lana's Instagram:

And yes, the photo she included is of her writing the word "ANAL" on her husband's forehead. For reasons I guess.

Because "ANAL" is also "LANA" spelled backwards?  Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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It's generally not a good idea to ever encourage people to photograph themselves being evil. I get that she's thinking pranks, but people are crazy and don't actually understand the "fun" concept of this. Lana really needs to rethink her fan engagement games because this one is a really, really, really bad idea. Let's not tell people to be evil, please. 

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I don't care whatever happened between Hook, Tink, or Regina in the past because the show doesn't give a shit about properly exploring character details like that, so those plot points will forever remain a mystery to be debated amongst the fandom. But if some fans truly want evidence that Hook and Regina didn't bang, you can go ahead and base your head canon off of the writers' head canon:


Brigitte Hales‏ @InkTankGirl Runner-up room quote: "Thanks for being hot and hitting on me but I'm not gonna take you up on that right now."

Edited by Curio
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