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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"

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I did find it funny how she thought it was confusing, when it's really not that confusing if you watch the short trailer from Season 1.  But this way, only finding out from tumblr, it is more humorous and unique.  It shows why it's hard for new viewers to jump onto this show.  

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We're long term viewers and we feel the show makes zero sense at times. Based on the vid above, I can see why so many people jumped ship after the Frozen effect was over. I mean those ratings melted like snow under the hot sun.

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What the hell is #PureCharm?


And she lists all these random ships, forgets #CaptainSwan, and then just adds "#allships" instead and that's it? Holy crap, that woman is an Internet troll. She knows a whole part of the fandom is going to be upset and she knows a whole other part of the fandom is going to be all "See? Lana hates having Regina's true love with that rapist pirate!" And then she did it anyway! No wonder there are rumors about tension between JMo and Lana on set. It's like Lana just threw JMo under a bus packed with tweets from people asking JMo for her reaction.


That woman really is the Twitter equivalent of the Evil Queen.

Edited by sharky
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I don't know though. She has to know the drama going on in the fandom and she didn't include it but included WickedQueen and something called PureCharm? It just seems a little more than simply forgetting or something.

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What the hell is #PureCharm?


Another name for Snowing maybe?


Watching Lana is like watching performance art for me now. It's fascinating, like she's the Pied Piper and EvilRegals/SwanQueen are the kids she's leading over a cliff.

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I just find it funny because I knew exactly how some of the fandom would react to that. If she doesn't even know that #Snowing is the name for Snow and Charming, I doubt she purposefully threw any fans or ships under the bus. 

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When actors go to cons or give interviews or do something like this they are working. Since they are actors, their job is to pretend to be what the producers and network want them to be, so Lana is playing the role of the sassy one to promote the show (and her career). The actual content of her tweet is not nearly as important as just creating a buzz and get people talking.


Regardless of what they say in public, I doubt that the actors or anyone connected to the show care even a little bit about the small number of overinvested fans who read too much into every word and then freak out about it on twitter and tumblr. If they are smart, they are not even reading any of the nonsense those people are posting.

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If they are smart, they are not even reading any of the nonsense those people are posting.


Unfortunately, they do read some of the nasty tweets. At least Jennifer or her agent does. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had to go on Facebook to defend what she said about Neal not being good for Emma.

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Unfortunately, they do read some of the nasty tweets. At least Jennifer or her agent does. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had to go on Facebook to defend what she said about Neal not being good for Emma.

Well, then that's on her. She doesn't have to do anything. She is choosing to interact with those people. They can be easily blocked or ignored. Continuing to engage them and issuing ridiculous statements is attention-seeking behavior on her part and an invitation for them to continue tweeting her.


Jennifer Morrison and a few others need to get a clue from Robert Carlyle. Sometime in season two when things got out of hand with RumBelle madness and people going too far with actor shipping, he shut down all twitter interaction with fans and has been ignoring them ever since. That is the only reasonable way to deal with those idiots.

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she wouldn't have had to go on Facebook to defend what she said about Neal not being good for Emma.


There's a difference between "good for" and "good to". Neal wasn't good for Emma, there shouldn't even be a debate or nastiness about it. It doesn't help that Neal is such a hero for being the biggest idiot ever.


About Lana and her tweets, anyone in fandom who still asks actors "who do you ship?" should just be ignored. It's like why do we have to go over this effin' question every effin' time. If you support a crack ship, it's your right to do so, but you're shit out of luck. Being nasty about it won't change anything.


When I watched Merlin, I shipped Arthur and Merlin, but it was never going to happen. Then I thought Morgana and Merlin could do it especially when she went off the deep end, but that wasn't going to happen either. Lancelot & Arthur for the sheer hotness of Santiago Cabrera. I mean I had to ship him with someone. Nope. Gwen/Merlin...nope.

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Um... what does that even mean? If Hook is a rapist (he's not) and Lana were playing him, Lana would be playing a rapist. So... Emma's True Love, aka Hook as played by Lana, would still be a rapist. I don't get it? Does Hook's supposed rapey-ness disappear if someone with boobs plays him?

Oh, actually, wait. Since this is Regina fans we're talking about, they probably DO think that.

Edited by Serena
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Unfortunately, they do read some of the nasty tweets. At least Jennifer or her agent does. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had to go on Facebook to defend what she said about Neal not being good for Emma.


I'm pretty sure Jennifer no longer even logs into Twitter. She hasn't made a Twitter post that didn't automatically come from FB or Instagram in months. I don't blame her, given all the hate she constantly got from SQers.




Um... what does that even mean? If Hook is a rapist (he's not) and Lana were playing him, Lana would be playing a rapist.


She already is!


Lana knows exactly what she's doing, IMO. She's playing to her base.

Edited by Souris
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Lana's response tweet was so generic. She did not say anything about being the only one to save Emma. Seriosuly, this is not worth getting worked up about.


I do think Lana was deliberate about not mentioning #CaptainSwan. But that's her prerogative.

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I do think Lana was deliberate about not mentioning #CaptainSwan. But that's her prerogative.


I think she knows that her fanbase is like 99% SQ, so she's just playing to the crowd. But if we want to put on tin hats and play conspiracy theorists, maybe she purposefully left CS out because she knows her fans would freak at the very mention of the ship name and they'd give her crap for days. (What's sad is that with this fandom, that might not be too far from the truth.)

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I'm pretty sure Jennifer no longer even logs into Twitter. She hasn't made a Twitter post that didn't automatically come from FB or Instagram in months.

Yeah I noticed that awhile ago. She doesn't really post that much on Instagram either. Most of her posts are the book/movie of the week thing she does and promoting projects either her or her friends are involved with. Also most of that promotion doesn't include Once like it had in the past.

Edited by Stuffy
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I do think Lana was deliberate about not mentioning #CaptainSwan. But that's her prerogative.

She knows her fan base, of course she didn't mention it. She was telling them what they wanted to hear (SQ/OQ) and not telling what some of them (the rude ones) didn't want to hear (CS).

Adam is already playing damage control.

Of course he is. Not that I trust him.

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If you're not a fan of Lana just don't read anything she says or does so your blood pressure doesn't rise. I like her but I don't read anything OUAT related from her because she does rile up her character which is her right.

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Adam Horowitz ‏@AdamHorowitzLA  2h2 hours ago

@OriginalGroupi I feel confident (and hopeful) that this coming is season what NO ONE expects.  We're super excited.  Hope you are too!


Now this I believe.  The Saving-of-Emma is going to be so WTF and out of nowhere that no one would be able to predict it.  Everyone and nobody will save her all at once.  It will pander to every fanbase that is in existence while not fully satisfying any of them.

Edited by Camera One
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Now this I believe.  The Saving-of-Emma is going to be so WTF and out of nowhere that no one would be able to predict it.  Everyone and nobody will save her all at once.  It will pander to every fanbase that is in existence while not fully satisfying any of them.




lol, it's funny cuz it's true.  *wants to cry*

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I do think Lana was deliberate about not mentioning #CaptainSwan. But that's her prerogative.

I don't even blame her because in all honesty? This wasn't the first time fans of that ship took something she said, twisted it into something hugely dramatic and then went to Adam with that to complain about her because she supposedly upset their feelings. This is a tactic some of the OUAT fans have been employing with cast and writers in general and it's one I cannot stand. LP never said a single word about

the midseason finale. Yet Adam was responding to people who claimed she had ruined that for them and they need him to confirm actors don't know about the finale yet. There' s a curious overlap in names between the people who went to him with this and the people who went to him with Brigitte Hales' "long time fans" tweet and fabricated that into some sort of dramatic statement meant to exclude them from the fun, too. I have zero patience with people like that. Especially people who never try to get into conversation with the person they're complaining about, but simply like to play the victim that needs to be soothed and reassured when talking to Adam. Of course Adam only makes them feel entitled to that because he responds every single time.


Now, other fandoms are just as good at playing this game, mind you, including SQ, and I'm sure she and most other actors are just as sick of them too. They'll continue to placate them because for LP nand JM at least it's one of their own ships. But I relate to everyone who at least doesn't pretend they luuurve every single ship and shipper fandom. The OUAT fandom and especially the part that's centered around ships has become way too obsessed and unpleasant for that.

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He really needs to get some kind of PR/media training if he's going to do social media on behalf of the show because, wow, that was really badly handled. The questioner had some valid points and wasn't being obnoxious about it, and he clearly didn't know what she meant but was trying to wing it as if he did and only ended up coming across like a dismissive jerk who was refusing to listen and consider what she was saying. It's hard to do in 140 characters, but you can at least say something like, "I can see where you'd get that impression, but it's not what he meant," rather than just saying she was taking it all out of context, especially when the context just makes it worse. They really do have a big Regina blindspot. I'm not sure they're capable of seeing another perspective there.

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Everybody gets to make their own life and body modification choices, and it's not like it's hurting anyone.  But, . . . I still can't help wondering if that's not tattoo work that's going to cause a regret or three.


I mean, I've fanned things.  I've fanned things hard.  But . . . wow.  That's some serious dedication.

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We need a poll about what is everyone's favourite Eddy's foot-in-mouth moment. "We can't sacrifice Regina's story for those other peasants", "Rumple and Cora are soulmates", "Ruby will be back, except totally not.". I'm sure there are others.

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My most memorable recent Eddy moment was when he said Emma sacrificed herself for Regina's happiness based on the promise she made her at the beginning of the season. :-p

I almost always find Eddy's answers incomprehensible or plain weird. No wonder Adam has to act as his translator. ;-)

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