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S05.E03: Big Day


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This is embarrassing. How did they get to Bermuda so fast? The music change made me think I was watching another show. The blood donor lady was so physically weak but she managed to get to the airport and fly to New York? 

Floyd’s mother is the best, though. “What’s the news? You’re dating another married woman?” 

Max is so bad at ASL. I can’t even find it funny. 

The child bride plot was heading right into SVU territory. Ironically I was just watching the SVU episode based off the Duggars a few hours before watching NA. That episode was really good. NA, not so much.

I find myself zoning out so much while watching this. Only ten episodes left at least. 

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26 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

This is embarrassing. How did they get to Bermuda so fast? The music change made me think I was watching another show. The blood donor lady was so physically weak but she managed to get to the airport and fly to New York? 

Private plane? 

I thought Max said it was a 40-minute flight, but that does not seem right. 

The child bride story was sick. I kept wondering why we hadn't seen the bride, and what could have been so bad to happen to the girl, but I didn't see that coming. And I don't see how getting a marriage license in West Virginia makes it okay to have a wedding in New York. Don't you need to have a wedding in the state you got the license in? Her brother is a hero for trying to stop it.

Are we supposed to know what Lauren feels she needs to confess to her sister.

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Lauren was going to tell her sister she was sober but they were bonding over being ‘a mess’. I can’t believe that CPS couldn’t intervene at a young girl being forced to get married to an adult. Are there actually states where a girl that young can be forced to get married? She looked around 11 years old. Not believing any doctors are flying to another country personally for blood.

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9 hours ago, izabella said:

Child marriages are legal in many states.  Some states have no child marriage laws at all.  It's almost always older men marrying underage girls.  It's an awful, yet legal, practice.  Only seven states outlaw it.


Do these laws state that a child can be forced to marry against their will even if it puts them in a catatonic state? I get that the mother can’t be arrested for obtaining a license but there are laws against sex trafficking and emotional abuse. Surely CPS could challenge this case in court.

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They made the child bride look like Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby. I would bet it was on purpose.

I quote Vivian all the time: "Big mistake. Big. Huge"

Annoyed by Wilder and the cutesy, perky thing. Why can't doctors in American shows act like adults? They are all so childish.

Was Lauren really getting rid of all the booze her sister had? I mean, I am all for cleaning up but it is not her place, not her things, not her problem. These people have no boundaries. 

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6 hours ago, NYGirl said:

What the hell did I just watch?  Wow..scraping the bottom of the barrel this season, huh?

Also is Max going to enter into another romance so soon?  Why does he have to be in a relationship?

My ASL daughter was laughing at Max's attempts.

Max is a strait White male they always have to have a love interest to be portrayed in a romantic/sexual light.

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7 hours ago, circumvent said:

Was Lauren really getting rid of all the booze her sister had? I mean, I am all for cleaning up but it is not her place, not her things, not her problem. These people have no boundaries. 

My impression was those were empty bottles being thrown away.

On 10/4/2022 at 11:09 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

Floyd’s mother is the best, though. “What’s the news? You’re dating another married woman?” 

The whole thing was so dumb.  Floyd's entire story to them was essentially: "A doctor friend of mine who met dad for two minutes and has never examined him, suggested he might be bipolar based on something I later told him."  I appreciated his family reacted to Floyd as though he was an idiot.   

I was also very confused about the timeline with the blood donor.  It felt like the whole thing only took a couple of hours when I think the flight between Bermuda and New York City and back would have taken a lot longer. 

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1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

My impression was those were empty bottles being thrown away.

The whole thing was so dumb.  Floyd's entire story to them was essentially: "A doctor friend of mine who met dad for two minutes and has never examined him, suggested he might be bi-polar based on something I later told him."  I appreciated his family reacted to Floyd as though he was an idiot.   

I loved his sister's comment, "I thought you wouldn't be able to top having a baby in a threesome."

Then his father's reaction shows that whether he has bipolar or not, he's an ass.

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11 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Do these laws state that a child can be forced to marry against their will even if it puts them in a catatonic state? I get that the mother can’t be arrested for obtaining a license but there are laws against sex trafficking and emotional abuse. Surely CPS could challenge this case in court.

That's a really good question.  I would hope CPS could step in, but they didn't consider that as an option on the show, so maybe not? 

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uh oh, it's time for ANOTHER EPISODE OF NEW AMSTERDAM, the best show we love to hate

shooting from the hip and guessing that I will need to do worst doctor medically and worst doctor as a person. The former will probably be Max and the latter will probably be Bloom.

But... let's get to watching!

previously on... new amsterdam

iggy, please have one date and realize either when walking up that you messed up with your husband or afterwards realize that nobody is as understanding as that man

I am guessing that based on Iggy's bipolar comment last time, Reynolds is going to try to shove some Lamictal down his dad's throat

oh and Bloom ended up at her sister's (maybe???) apartment/drug den

and now for the episode

hey look awesome deaf doctor has her interpreter this time

wait did he get a new haircut? or is he just dressing casually

i wonder how max learned so well, do you think he listened to some books on tape?

oh, he found a deaf instructor

... on youtube! i bet he is going to continue to insult with his horrible ASL (I don't sign and oof it looks like he is intentionally messing things up)

wait why did he get off of the elevator

ok i enjoy awesome deaf doc screwing around with Max, even if it is flirting, anyone who screws around with Max is okay by my book

thankfully they have toned down the jazz so far this season

Reynolds mom, couldn't dad have left *because* he was weak AND bipolar?

god i love Reynolds sister just for that line - "I didn't think you could top having a baby in a threesome"

if this episode keeps roasting everyone, this will be the best episode of the series

those three pills taunting Bloom when she is cleaning up look like a face

She's telling Bloom to not clean up? Bloom is... the unwanted maid

oh god i'm only 5 minutes in and I have typed this much?

how bad was that fire if pretty much everyone is being walked in

well except obviously for the people who are going to be the patients of the week

okay, staring little girl is probably going to be having absence seizures, but they wouldn't just do that because that'd be too boring - so it's probably going to be due to a tumor or something exciting

wait, Bloom's first thought is to get Iggy? The girl could easily be having an absence seizure!

um, max

will the helicopter be able to make the flight to toronto and back?

one figure I found on google said one chopper can go 620 km (385 miles) - which is 574 km one way - so they would be cutting it awfully close

oh, an explosion? that explains it

the patient having a heel in his back is probably one for the ER's "top 10 weird stuff to extract of a patient" list

oh fun, she's catatonic

wait, WHAT

why is blood in customs - shouldn't the blood go from hospital to hospital? why would it need to stop at customs

max why not call up the board lady, she probably knows someone who can grease some palms at homeland security

bermuda is 90 minutes?

googling, it looks like Bermuda to NYC is a 2 hour flight

no max, the blood bank cannot give out personal information


ok, she swallowed a bunch of glass running away?

so catatonic girl is getting benzos and still having a seizure? that takes a lot ot have a breakthrough seizure on a good dose of benzos

hey bloom is trying to empathize with the heel back guy

and she learned her lesson for the week!

reynolds you should listen to the nurse and use the forceps instead of getting patient blood in you

wtf was that indiana jones line about? is this some friend of the show trying to get her SAG card?

I am guessing the donor can't come to new york because they are a child or dying or something like that

wait, turning yellow from anemia? why would the blood even be allowed to be drawn if they are so anemic they would turn **yellow**?

ooh, iggy talking about his wedding? Maybe this will make him go back to his husband!

so the girl lit the fire, right?

oh fun she's very delusional

oh, she wasn't delusional

well that's disgusting

Max better be paying for the donor to have a first class flight there and back, that's the least she deserves

I was not expecting the episode to make this turn

ok so max all of them supported it, but the question is *why*

go older brother, lighting off a smoke bomb

It looks like every state is 15 or higher for minimum age - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_age_in_the_United_States - but with some states (such as CA) requiring one parent & a judge to agree. It looks like WV is the same - http://www.wvlegislature.gov/wvcode/chapterentire.cfm?chap=48&art=2&section=301#:~:text=(a) The age of consent,consent required by this section. - it must be in the best interest of the child

the wedding is illegal in NY, how are they having it there

reynolds why would you just armchair diagnose your dad, do you even have a doctor lined up to see him if he accepts it

that is not the way to approach it with him at all reynolds

of course he thinks it isn't his fault, because he isn't medicated for bipolar - that is why you needed to approach it better, Reynolds

No Max, the donor did not have a right to know. JUST LIKE AWESOME DEAF DOCTOR JUST TOLD YOU

Just like with Good Doctor this week, the doctors shouldn't decide who lives

oh hey look Luna still exists

Okay, so worst doctor of the week?

That goes to...


you don't stick your gloved hand into a surgical field to get out a piece of glass

what the hell man

You also don't give your dad, who is pretty manipulative, something he would view as a get out of jail free card before actually getting him a diagnosis. It could be bipolar, but it could be many other things! You need to get him an official diagnosis, maybe see if he'll do meds, not just go "you have bipolar lol" and then give him every excuse he needs to just toss away his misdeeds.

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4 hours ago, izabella said:

That's a really good question.  I would hope CPS could step in, but they didn't consider that as an option on the show, so maybe not? 

Law or not, CPS would intervene because a lot of times they do so much harm with unnecessary intervention, for much less. If the whole thing would result in saving the girl is a different topic but they would see complaints, start an investigation, take the kid away, force her into counseling, the whole works

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OMG! Multiple casualties incoming! Here Dr Reynolds, head of our surgery department. You can take this little kid with a face boo boo.

If 1 in 3,000 people have that rare blood type, then there should be around 3,000 people in NYC with it. Wouldn’t a rare blood bank be able to contact a potential donor to communicate the need? And what’s the point of including a foreign country in your network if the blood would just be held up at the border? And what’s the point of the network if Max and Wilder are then making phone calls to individual hospitals?

Did they say that the happy couple got a marriage license in WV? Then why have the wedding in NY where the ceremony wouldn’t be legal? And if they were married first in WV, then a smoke bomb isn’t going to stop anything.

Hey Floyd. Great idea to give your father a built in excuse for a lifetime of shitty behavior, even though he was never properly diagnosed. Moron. You should listen to your mother and sister more often.

Hey writers. You can’t be introducing new family dynamics in a show with a handful of episodes left. Nobody cares about the Bloom sister that nobody even knew about.

I’m with you Dr Walsh. I miss Casey too. 

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2 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

I’m with you Dr Walsh. I miss Casey too. 

Same.  I love that Dr. Walsh is being featured more, though.

My favorite part of this episode was Max's ever-so-meta line "I found this really great [ASL] teacher on YouTube..." because, well:


Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure that's Sandra Mae Frank, the actress who plays Wilder.

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21 hours ago, izabella said:

That's a really good question.  I would hope CPS could step in, but they didn't consider that as an option on the show, so maybe not? 

I saw a news special about this once where the interviewed former victims of child marriage. The problem is a lot of kids won't speak out against their parents. Or they don't know that they should because their parents tell them it is okay to get married when they are young and they want to do what their parents say. 

Even the girl in this episode didn't seem to think it was wrong, when she was finally talking, she was asking if her husband was okay.  

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On 10/6/2022 at 8:35 AM, Johnny Dollar said:

Hey writers. You can’t be introducing new family dynamics in a show with a handful of episodes left. Nobody cares about the Bloom sister that nobody even knew about.

Actually Lauren did mention her, quite early in the series - when she talked about her mom being an alcoholic who neglected her, she also said that she was like 5 and already cleaning up her mom and taking care of her baby sister regularly. Then when Lauren was 18, she had to decide whether to go to college or stay with her sister. She said she ultimately decided to leave him because she knew she had to save herself and knew she wouldn't survive staying, but she felt guilty about it.

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Yikes. Rough story.

When Iggy was doing the doll therapy with the child bride, the monitor in the background said her heart rate was over 130 bpm and her blood pressure was 86/54. Ye gods! Years ago I had some episodes in my teens where I had BP as low as 80/50 and I could barely sit up or see. They packed me off to the ER and thought I might have meningitis, I was so out of it (I didn't). I definitely couldn't stand up at the time, or even sit up like the kid was doing in the bed. The girl didn't seem to have trouble with muscle tone-- she was standing up, holding the flowers, etc. And isn't 130 bpm more likely to cause agitation? It's weird because why hook up a monitor for the set design if it's going to be that wacky and it's not part of the story? Maybe I'm wrong. It just struck me as a very strange choice. But I don't really know about catatonia.

I never would have armchair diagnosed Floyd's father as bipolar. I do think Floyd needs therapy to deal with his daddy issues. He wants it so badly, he's not even thinking clearly at all.

Good for Bloom. It looked like sh did NOT take the drink. She just held the glass.



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