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S02.E16: I Believe in Aliens

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I loved pretty much everything about that episode. They really managed to pull everything together. I knew the mayor's sleep-walking had to be going somewhere, but I did not foresee the baby thing. I actually liked the "real" stories by the end, though I was confused at first.

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I feel like the show is building up to a "the small town versus the big enemy" kind of thing like how now Ben knows about the greys and Darcy knows about Harry, Big Black is believing in Liv finally, I feel like patience is gonna come together against the aliens.

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Wow, easily the best episode of the season, none of the townsfolk were that annoying. The Sheriff was a little long winded, but at least what he was saying was kind of funny. So Mrs. Mayor was pregnant, interesting twist there. Ellen strikes again. All the major players seem to be onboard with there being Aliens in Patience.


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Hmm. So the Greys have Ben (since he was probably hybridized at some point) and the "missing" baby. My question is: why didn't they take Max, too? He's clearly a hybrid.  At least those of us who thought Ben was the Tracker's missing son were half right. (Sounds like Tak-gray will be around next season, too).

I'm glad Harry sent baby home in the pod. The story was played out, but I'm sure it's not the last we'll see of Bridget. I love that Sahar made an octopus toy for Bridget with a little Hijab to remember her by.  Also liked her good-bye speech. Redeemed!

Enver is the new Deputy. Clearly a grey. This could get very interesting, especially if his legs give out! At least we get to keep him. And now, Linda Hamilton is an ally. Who'da thunk?

D'arcy was exceptionally needy here. Sheesh! Bet you 10 to 1 she'll blow Harry's cover in S3E1!

So now, we wait...

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On 9/28/2022 at 10:46 PM, edhopper said:

The "real" UFO stories are inane and pointless.  

Nay I disagree because ...

10 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

The people in the Alien Documentary are real people and they are recounting their real life UFO encounter stories.

... because of this.  They are listed in the cast at the end as playing themselves.  That was something really awesome to throw in.  Whether there is any truth to it or not these people are sincere in what they believe they saw and like the guy from El Salvador said to paraphrase there is more unconventional things in this world then we want to think. 

Also, this along with last episode were the very best of the season.  I still want them to kill off D'arcy (dinosaur indeed!) but at least the Grays have taken Mayor Ben so that is good.

I wonder if Max inherited some stuff from Ben but was never part of the abduction stuff as he seems to be immune to this so far.  If he is a hybrid though he has already bonded strongly with Harry at least.  And speaking of the kids nice to see Sahar no longer annoying.  Hope "Bridget" comes back early next season because Sahar is right, he is half human after all and is the "bridge" that will be needed.

I wish Alien Tracker hadn't been killed off because him with Harry and the General would be an awesome trio.  Add in The Squid and they would become the Fantastic Four.

PS:  Glad Sheriff Mike is finally on the same page as Deputy Liv finally.  Of course the new deputy may prove a problem.

Edited by Skooma
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That was actually a really good episode and see? It IS possible to have all the stories revolve around the alien story. They don't need all these little subplots about the townsfolk and their personal stuff. Everything kind of dovetailed nicely here into the alien story. I hope they are able to keep it up since now the stakes seem to have been raised.

"A dickhead says what?"

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3 hours ago, Skooma said:

Nay I disagree because ...

... because of this.  They are listed in the cast at the end as playing themselves.  That was something really awesome to throw in.  Whether there is any truth to it or not these people are sincere in what they believe they saw and like the guy from El Salvador said to paraphrase there is more unconventional things in this world then we want to think

Also, this along with last episode were the very best of the season.  I still want them to kill off D'arcy (dinosaur indeed!) but at least the Grays have taken Mayor Ben so that is good.

I wonder if Max inherited some stuff from Ben but was never part of the abduction stuff as he seems to be immune to this so far.  If he is a hybrid though he has already bonded strongly with Harry at least.  And speaking of the kids nice to see Sahar no longer annoying.  Hope "Brigit" comes back early next season because Sahar is right, he is half human after all and is the "bridge" that will be needed.

I wish Alien Tracker hadn't been killed off because him with Harry and the General would be an awesome trio.

I'm one of those people who believe what I saw was real, both times. The first time was in 1978, there were 4 of us in the car, teenagers, the roads were empty, it was after midnight on New Year's Eve/New Year's Day and we were all stone cold sober. It came out of the water and followed us to where we pulled over at a small pond, we all got out of the car and nobody remembers anything but waking up in our own beds the next morning. Nobody will talk about it but me.

Saw the other on my birthday, it was after midnight on July 15th, 2001 and was seen by half the town as well as hundreds of cars pulled over on the NJ Turnpike. It was silent, not a sound, no crickets or night birds etc_ Local Police and Priests saw it too. There's video of it on YouTube, Carteret NJ UFO sighting July 15 2001.

I don't know if it was otherworldly or government stuff, but they were real.

I'm bummed the Season is over, I'm so happy Enver will be in the next season, I adore seeing Enver and Alan working together. I think the show is getting better and I've loved it all along. I love the direction it's going but was disappointed they killed off the alien hunter.

I love this show! Also love Harry settled on Bridget for alien baby, it's my middle name 😂

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This is a funny, well done FANTASY SciFi show. To drag in "real" UFO encounters just drags it into Discovery Channel silliness. 

What, are they trying to say the show could be real? That they did their "research" about aliens. 

The change in tone in the clips was jarring. Sorry I found a big waste.

Edited by edhopper
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22 hours ago, edhopper said:

The "real" UFO stories are inane and pointless.  

1 hour ago, edhopper said:

The change in tone in the clips was jarring. Sorry I found a big waste.

Yeah the inclusion of real life UFO encounters, really didn't care for it.  It took away from the main story.  If I want to know of UFO encounters, I'd do a search and visit sites dedicated to their stories.

Enjoyed the episode.  I liked that Sahar gave Bridget a home-made toy and Bridget calling mama.  I wonder by mid-season of season 3, the main characters will learn about Harry and know about the danger facing Earth.  Plus if he general backs Harry up, then main characters won't freak out and understand what's going on.

Wouldn't Harry recognize the new deputy and tell Asta?  Of course, he could threaten Harry by telling him if he revealed his identity, he would kill anyone close to Harry.

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The partnership of Harry and the general is the only reason that made me wanna keep watching this series.
The story is dragging way too much, the pace is awful and the development of the Alien plot is so slow, mostly cause the writers were wasting way too much time trying to make us care about the town and its folks and (at least in my case) they failed miserably. And sorry to say but I do not think it is only the poor writing, it is also the directing and the weak acting. 
In general I disliked this season, its seems like I was forwarding at least 1/3 of each episode.

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Well. That was a fun season. It started slooooow.  I am glad everything came together at the end, but it took way too long to get there. It felt like 3/4 of the season was filler.

I see why they made Asta tell Darcy about Harry, but Darcy is my second least favorite character, right behind Mayor Ben. Now with Darcy knowing about the aliens, and Ben actually being abducted, we will get to see them even more next season. Yippee.

I love that the sheriff believes Liv now. I wonder how the new deputy will get along with Liv. And I agree with others, how is he going to escape being seen by Max? Harry will find out pretty fast about him being around.

I am glad the kids weren’t annoying the last episode. They contributed a lot to the plot. The toy and snack bag for Bridget’s ride home was a nice touch. 

I laughed a lot this episode. Dickhead says what made me laugh so loud it woke up my dog.

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Yeah the inclusion of real life UFO encounters, really didn't care for it.  It took away from the main story.  If I want to know of UFO encounters, I'd do a search and visit sites dedicated to their stories.

I thought it was interesting, although I didn't know they were real people, so that's kind of weird. But I've always wanted the show to stick with one narrative about the alien stuff and not veer off into soap opera crap with the other characters, so I didn't mind the talking heads because it concerned alien stuff. If they were all talking about whether or not they should build a resort in Patience, then, no.

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Great ending to a mediocre season! My interest was waning, but this sucked me right back in. D'Arcy knows about Harry! Linda Hamilton is actually helping Harry instead of mustache twirling! The Sheriff supported Liz! Positive plot developments all around!

Both kids were great, and I'm glad Bridget and the Resort plot are done. A effective sprinkling of minor characters, and almost zero Mayor's wife. More wins!

I did laugh at Harry "breast feeding" the baby and telling Asta he adopted the Tracker's son, only to be told he was 28!

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D'Arcy has been very consistent - which is saying a lot for this show - and we just saw the ultimate classic selfishness exhibited by most all addicts.  A true friend, a lifetime friend, most concerned with the well-being of the other, would accept Asta's moral stance and focus on her conviction that it is best for D'Arcy to not know everything.

So, now we are at the point where Harry will be known to all.  We are also at the point where McAllister would be removed given the catastrophe at the Wyoming site.  Presidents do not like senior staff who fail to shield them from a panicked citizenry.  It is officially Red Dawn time in America.  It is astounding to me that a fun fantasy show chose this path.  Then again, the entire premise involved straight-up murder by our hero, didn't it.

Would Harry have been so stoopid as to give his step-son the ball?  With little or no training in its power and the need to keep it as hidden as possible?  Nuh uh.  

My guess is that Bridget will plead with the poobahs on the home planet to intervene to save earth from the Greys.  The cavalry is comin', y'all.  

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I liked that they included stories.  I figured that they were going to include Liv, at some point.  
I’m glad that Darcy and Asta didn’t have a long, drawn-out feud. So why are the greys abducting people, and taking their babies? 
I guess I need to find season three now.  

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