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S43.E01: Livin LIVE CHAT

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Sami is lying about his age.

I mean....he does look older than 19, so it should work out in his favour...until his potential immaturity kicks in.

He came up with that 22 pretty randomly so I wonder if he'll forget and tell someone else he's 24.  I wouldn't have guessed he was 19. 

Also, Mike's concerned on his tribe that he's the oldest and won't fit in.  Usually the younger contestants aren't worried about that.  Nice change, I guess.

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Well, a little over half an hour in and I've found people to root against lol  

Since Cody apparently just started watching Survivor during COVID I'd hardly say he is an expert at this game.

Hmm, Owen may dig himself a whole by doing the whole 'I'll let you know if I hear your name' to a couple of people already.  Hopefully he doesn't get himself too many #1s like Swati last season.

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Wow, okay that attempt at an alliance with that dude didn't go so well. Although he's not wrong that the best way to not get eliminated is to just not go to tribal council.

eta: Okay that guy is overplaying way too hard and he is setting himself up big time for an early boot. 

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4 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Wow, who knew being a sales person could be so dangerous? I mean I just think they're annoying but apparently in Survivor it's the kiss of death.

I think of all the people who've played the game and hid their military service or the fact they were a cop because they felt it made them a threat.  Who knew that the scariest profession of all was a salesperson!

Edited by LadyChatts
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Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

Cassidy wants to scheme quietly behind the scenes, and she aligns with Karla and Lindsay.  So two women's alliances?  Never seen more than one per season!

As soon as Cassidy said that, my first thought was "well, you're going earlier because of this." It seems like her saying that is foreshadowing her early exit.

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Well, not like the show can prohibit same-sex alliances. I bet they’ve been working on that for years.

If James has an interview where he says “I’m playing chess, everyone else is playing checkers,” that’s five grand from the producers. Gotta be.

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Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

Karla is in the center of the women and James and Ryan and Geo.  She needs to move carefully when the time comes.

I feel like they are trying to set up a lot of undecided votes and blindsides, with someone being in the middle and being the person who flips.

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Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

Tall Middle Eastern guy.  The "pet cremator."

Cody is the mullet guy.

Now, what's the deal with this boat?  Not another Jackson situation, is it?

We don’t think it’s a “one contestant for each tribe goes to an island to play prisoners’ dilemma situation?”

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6 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

So the title is right off mullet’s ass. 

. . . and he can’t spell “Living.” Or maybe he couldn’t afford the “G.”

We got thirty minutes left. Think we might not have TC tonight?

Edited by Lantern7
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So there's a twist this time-they draw cards, risk or no risk, and reveal them right in front of everyone.  In a bag they have a 50/50 chance of losing their vote or getting an advantage.  I guess they still find out at TC?

Karla took no risk, Gabler and Dwight took risk.  One of them gets the advantage, one loses their vote.  Do I have this right?

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