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S04.E07: Life After Lockup: Dirty Little Secrets

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If I were Daonte mom, I would insist on DNA tests, because it’s hard to believe that such a sensible woman gave birth to such an idiot.  Miley Grace is a cutie pie.  I wish they would keep her off camera.

Hard to believe Puppy is on baby number seven.  Wonder where is her other six. 

I don’t believe a bank would pre-approve a $200K mortgage for a felon.  Especially one without an established credit history.  When he said he gets 50 points on his credit score for every $50 he pays, his friend’s eye almost rolled out of his head. 

Seems to me that Brittany hit the wrong person.  Marcelino should have been the one to face her wrath.

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13 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I don’t believe a bank would pre-approve a $200K mortgage for a felon.  Especially one without an established credit history.  When he said he gets 50 points on his credit score for every $50 he pays, his friend’s eye almost rolled out of his head. 

On his 6th credit card lol 

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Chance is such an idiot.  I can't believe his master plan is to move everyone from the three bedroom house with a redneck mother in law suite to another three bedroom house with less space.  Sure, it's nicer, but it's not any more space.  There will be six people living in that house.

I'm also disappointed that Chazz finally consummated his wedding.  I was rooting for him to get annulment.

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15 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Hard to believe Puppy is on baby number seven.  Wonder where is her other six. 

Do you mean Destiny? I don't think I've heard anything about Puppy having kids (although obviously it wouldn't surprise me). She'd be a pretty terrible mother, and Eric would be a nightmare of a father.

When Chazzz was standing in the corner weeping, I couldn't help it, I laughed. 

Chance will put the new house in his name only, and try to guilt TayLER into giving him any profit from selling her house-not that I actually believe he'd ever get a mortgage. Also, unless Missouri towns have some wide-open building codes, you wouldn't be allowed to put TWO shipping containers in a tiny backyard, and run plumbing to them (again, not that I think Chance is even capable of doing that much work).

Brittany (the Ray one) looked pretty good in those dresses; that's the first really nice bridal salon we've seen in all the seasons I've watched. If Ray were on the level, he wouldn't have a problem with a pre-nup, imo.

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1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

Brittany (the Ray one) looked pretty good in those dresses; that's the first really nice bridal salon we've seen in all the seasons I've watched. If Ray were on the level, he wouldn't have a problem with a pre-nup, imo.

I wonder if it would be possible to have a legal semi-prenup that specifically excludes Brittney (or however the hell she spells it) from responsibility for the $140,000 restitution he owes?  I think that's really the only reason for wanting a pre-nup with Ray as far as Brittney's family is concerned.

Once again we were cheated, left standing here with our dicks in our hands, when Dentistry apparently went into labor.  She told her ?!!husband??? to tell the ER personnel she was 7 months pregnant.  I'm no OB, but she looks more than 7 months gone to me.  Is the 7 months a myth to make her ????!!husband?? believe he is the father of this li'l rascal?  That's what *I* think.

Seeing these women reluctant to tell their significant others that they are pregnant jogs and jiggles my brain a little.  Even before the recent Supremes ruling, none of them seems to have considered the option of abortion.  I wonder why that is?  Did anyone on this show abort a surprise pregnancy that I just can't remember?

Is Chazz just now getting the message that Branflakes wants nothing to do with him?  He seems an intelligent and sensitive person.  I guess all the blood from his brain drained into his dick.  I'm glad he finally got laid--that might have allowed the blood to move back into its normal pattern of flow.

I don't know what's up with Chance's finances.  It's true that it can be a good idea to establish credit by borrowing, then paying back in full the next day, but will that work with the mortgage lender at the bank?  Chance apparently has no job and no source of income other than what he can borrow on his credit cards.  I wonder if he knows that whatever the spending limit on a credit card is (say $5000) counts as a debt, whether you use that full amount of credit or not.  If he has six credit cards, he already is in debt (as far as the mortgage lender is concerned) six times whatever the upper limit on the credit card, e.g. $30,000 with a $5000 limit on each.  With no job, and fresh out of the slammer.  I want to witness his interview at the bank.

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Credit scores count open credit as a positive toward your score but it gets counterbalanced by other things like having too many credit cards and credit cards that are less than two years old, inquiries about credit from credit card companies you apply to to get new credit cards or for purchases like trucks, say. Then he has the used credit for the truck and anything he puts on the six credit cards he has open and doesn't pay off immediately. I actually paid off a credit card then canceled it and my score went down because I lost the open credit they were counting toward my higher score. Pissed me off.

Anyway, I knew Destinie would never appear at that wedding and she punked out just like I knew she would. As soon as she got to the airport to leave she had sudden pregnancy pains and dramatically took herself to the hospital. As she knew she would do all along. I do not believe this was just an unforeseen occurrence.  That this nasty little moneysucker gets paid for her appearances on this show annoys me no end. Enough!

Perpwalk. That is exactly how I view the bride being escorted down the aisle by a parent on either side. It's like they are holding her up as they walk her to her doom. As for the 'if anyone knows any reason why these two cannot legally etc' it is in the Book of Common Prayer which is where traditionally Protestant officiants get their wedding ceremony language:  "If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace." It's been in every protestant church wedding I've ever been to. It is also why churches used to post the banns weeks before a wedding, so folks could object to a wedding because they knew the groom, for example, had a wife and six kids in another location that he was lying about. 

Sara always looks like she needs a shower to me. Like the color of her hair against the color of her skin just doesn't match right and I want to get her washed up. That's the only way I can explain it. At least she isn't completely covered in a bunch of chaotic tattoos. I think some tattoos, carefully curated and limited, can be lovely and meaningful. But a lot of these people just look like someone scribbled all over them with permanent marker and it's hideous.

Speaking of hideous tattoos, Tayler. She has a clue but she's so passive she lets Chance walk all over her. She is very aware of what is wrong but he bounces between charming nonsense, gaslighting, and barking back at her and thereby keeps her off balance. She really needs to stand up to him and refuse to deal with him if he is going to keep selfishly making all these terrible decisions regarding Bobbi and finances. This is just the start. Now she's pregnant. She needs to cut her losses and send him packing. He can go make all that good money he swears he is forgoing for her sake and pay his own bills and leave her out of it. Chance is the perfect name for this guy: you take a huge chance hitching your life to his. Get out now, pregnant or not.

I don't think Brit actually punched Amanda. She looked like, from the angle filmed, that she punched Amanda so hard Amanda hit the ground. But afterward Amanda didn't look like she had been punched at all and security consisted of one skinny older guy with a clipboard just mildly standing by and sorta kinda trying to interfere but not. If she had really punched Amanda actual security would have jumped in with huge guys holding Brit back by force. None of that happened. It's just more fake drama from Brit and Marce. I don't buy it at all.

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12 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Perpwalk. That is exactly how I view the bride being escorted down the aisle by a parent on either side. It's like they are holding her up as they walk her to her doom.

That is EXACTLY what I see when I see those painfully awkward walks. Each parent tries to hold the bride by the arm and it looks terrible. Even if they'd just both walk alongside her, it'd look better. 

14 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

It is also why churches used to post the banns weeks before a wedding, so folks could object to a wedding because they knew the groom, for example, had a wife and six kids in another location that he was lying about. 

Like Mr. Rochester, with his mad wife stashed in the attic. 

TayLER already looks exhausted, pale, and vaguely frightened. Even if she wanted to give Chance his walking papers, she's afraid to. And he certainly would not go quietly. He looks like he'd be a very scary stalker. And guaranteed TayLER would be left holding the bag for his considerable debt. She is FUCKED, poor thing. Her poor kids. 

19 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Hard to believe Puppy is on baby number seven.  Wonder where is her other six. 

I missed that altogether! WTF?? She's been in and out of jail most of her adult life. How on earth did she find the time? 

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I wonder if it would be possible to have a legal semi-prenup that specifically excludes Brittney (or however the hell she spells it) from responsibility for the $140,000 restitution he owes?  I think that's really the only reason for wanting a pre-nup with Ray as far as Brittney's family is concerned.

Mom also said that they were worried about Brittani losing what they plan to leave to her when they die (property, evidently - maybe some cash). But yeah, Ray's biggest liability is that restitution. I know a little about both pre- and post-nups and I think you can put a lot of stuff in there. It can still be contested when/if the couple splits though. It helps to have each person be represented by separate, knowledgeable counsel though. I kind of see Brittani googling something, Ray signing it and it all getting contested when they split.

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4 hours ago, Mothra said:

Seeing these women reluctant to tell their significant others that they are pregnant jogs and jiggles my brain a little.  Even before the recent Supremes ruling, none of them seems to have considered the option of abortion.  I wonder why that is?  Did anyone on this show abort a surprise pregnancy that I just can't remember?

I don't remember anyone from this show admitting to having an abortion, but lots of women don't want to tell people about that, and especially wouldn't want it on TV.  I had an abortion in my teens and almost never mention it to anyone.  I'm not the least bit ashamed, regretful, traumatized or anything like that, but so many people have such extreme attitudes about this that I think it's something just best kept to myself.  I told my boyfriend at the time, but almost none since then, just seems no point.  So with all the known accidental pregnancies on this show I think it's likely there's been one or more abortions as well.

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11 hours ago, Boxer Woman said:

I don't remember anyone from this show admitting to having an abortion, but lots of women don't want to tell people about that, and especially wouldn't want it on TV.  I had an abortion in my teens and almost never mention it to anyone.  I'm not the least bit ashamed, regretful, traumatized or anything like that, but so many people have such extreme attitudes about this that I think it's something just best kept to myself.  I told my boyfriend at the time, but almost none since then, just seems no point.  So with all the known accidental pregnancies on this show I think it's likely there's been one or more abortions as well.

I am writing my memoir and I am always ready for the submit button but an essay about an abortion I have written sits in its google docs folder. The fear is real. Women can get doxed for admitting to abortion. Or worse the more visibility you have. You are brave and I salute you for this honesty. That in itself is an act of resistance. 

I love my two kids and my three fur babies. They were choices. I wanted those beings with every fiber of my being. That want kept me from throwing myself off a building when I was a single mother. Many of these folks (SEAN) make a decision to have a child like its a car they can put in a garage when they want to drive a new one. 

Edited by lamujerdecente
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Someone who knows Puppy said that she has five children with three different men: 2, 2 and 1. The poster said that the fathers have custody and that she is not allowed to see them. I asked if perhaps she is  confusing Destinie with Puppy. She said she’s talking about Michelle D, which is Puppy’s real name. Based on her arrest history,  I just want to know where she found the time.

Edited by Adeejay
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6 hours ago, Mothra said:

I'm glad he finally got laid--that might have allowed the blood to move back into its normal pattern of flow.

Any man would be flattered by being described as a butterfly in bed.

5 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I actually paid off a credit card then canceled it and my score went down because I lost the open credit they were counting toward my higher score. Pissed me off.

I always wondered if they do that to punish you because someone who pays off their debt is no longer paying them interest and they lose income.  So in a way someone who pays off the card every month is an undesirable  customer.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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5 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

As soon as she got to the airport to leave she had sudden pregnancy pains and dramatically took herself to the hospital.

Imagine how many flights she would have had to take from a small regional airport in Northern California to Cincinnati.

5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

That is EXACTLY what I see when I see those painfully awkward walks. Each parent tries to hold the bride by the arm and it looks terrible. Even if they'd just both walk alongside her, it'd look better. 

Like Mr. Rochester, with his mad wife stashed in the attic. 

TayLER already looks exhausted, pale, and vaguely frightened. Even if she wanted to give Chance his walking papers, she's afraid to. And he certainly would not go quietly. He looks like he'd be a very scary stalker. And guaranteed TayLER would be left holding the bag for his considerable debt. She is FUCKED, poor thing. Her poor kids. 

I missed that altogether! WTF?? She's been in and out of jail most of her adult life. How on earth did she find the time? 

Well they do have litters.

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12 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Someone who knows Puppy said that she has five children with three different men: 2, 2 and 1

It's odd that absolutely nothing has shown up on SM about this, afaik. I also can't imagine that Amber, who is usually not afraid to be brutally honest with Puppy, wouldn't have mentioned this in light of the new pregnancy, but whatever.

11 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Is Sara’s mother dating the ghost of Charles Manson?

I said 'bargain basement Billy Ray Cyrus'.

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Where do they get these people or…they’re  all around us and we’re too busy to notice!  Hummm!

Well,... prison. At least half of them.


Was that Sara’s father?  I hate that dyed red hair. Makes her look hard and old!

I believe that is Sara's mom's boyfriend but not Sara's father. I agree on the hair. She has gorgeous hair but the current dye job is awful. I hope it hasn't damaged her natural hair.

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On 9/10/2022 at 11:53 PM, MrBuhBye said:

I think Crab Rangoon pizza might make me nauseated as well.

I was kind of fascinated with the idea of crab rangoon pizza. Was it a white pizza or was there tomato sauce, because that would change the whole picture. I'm picturing a white pizza with crab rangoons, drizzled with some siracha and duck sauce? His pizza looked like a plain cheese but I was only half paying attention. Taylers's tats distract me every time. And moscato? With pizza? I'd be nauseous too. I didn't think moscato was bubbly, just sweet. Did they mean prosecco? Regardless, it came uncorked and I laughed when Chance asked if he was supposed to pop off the cork. He's such a pretender that he's so cultured and above Tayler. And in the same episode brags about getting his SIXTH credit card. Um, that's called predatory credit. Which is fitting since he's a predator.

On 9/10/2022 at 11:53 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Boy once Chazz got his rocks off he was quick to take the ring off.  He said she was aggressive but I think she just wanted to get him off quickly so it would be over.

Is THAT what he put on the ledge?! I couldn't figure it out. I was thinking it was an apple tracker and that's why he was crying bc he thought Branwin was punking him and that's why he kept extending his stay. OMG. He's so dramatic. Branwin is so painfully damaged and I am getting really uncomfortable watching her scenes. Yes, I know she married him but the woman hasn't had a normal relationship her entire life, maybe he did seem could provide the stability she craved. Chazz is a Grade A creep but I can't blame him for expecting they would have marital relations since they got married 5 minutes after she was out. I'm sure their prison letters and calls were spicy. Poor Branwin just can't deal with the pressure of commitment and being committed to someone so desperate and needy is even worse. I feel for her. Not so much the rest of these clowns.  

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54 minutes ago, Lambie said:

I was kind of fascinated with the idea of crab rangoon pizza.

I assume it’s not actual crab rangoons on top but deconstructed.  Cream cheese, bits of imitation crab, flecks of fried dough.  

57 minutes ago, Lambie said:

Branwin is so painfully damaged and I am getting really uncomfortable watching her scenes.

Whenever she talks I keep hearing Marilyn Monroe sing “Happy birthday Mr. President.”  

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Branwin Seems emotionally stunted yes but that in no way absolves her of her part in this Chaz situation.. yes he’s clingy and needy( but again who isn’t when they are in “love” you want to be around that person you want to touch and spend time with them and she had and is still leading him on in the thinking that she wants that too.

She got out and realizes like a lot of them do that their are options she didn’t have while she was in there she also has her friends (who are enabling her behavior) telling her what she wants to hear and how gross he is and NOT her type and she needs to stay where she is for her "daughter" (sure its for the stripper daughter 100%) etc etc.. and it is also influencing her opinion of him..  yes Chaz has a part in this but to try to excuse her part in this because she’s “damaged” isn’t the way to do it at least  personally .. there are millions of damaged people out there that don’t use and abuse others it’s not a for lack of a better term a get out of jail free card for how she is treating him 

She is playing on his fear of being alone and getting dumped she sees that she isn’t compatible with him and instead of telling him hey I’m sorry (and he has given her outs she hasn’t taken) but still tells him she wants to be with him hell she even slept with him .. girl has a con game going on and I’m not falling for it 

Chazz has his own separate issues like fear of abandonment and intimacy and him thinking he will never find the one so he is clinging to this relationship while ignoring all the red flags she is giving him 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
good god I have horrible spelling and grammar structure
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I don't 100% blame either of them.  I do think she thought she wanted to switch to this idealized life in a small town where old temptations wouldn't loom.  Then the reality hit.  Also, she doesn't exactly have friends who support her improving her life in a meaningful way. (I always do still hold the person accountable because I find a tendency among folks I know to blame other kids when their kids make mistakes - um, your kid made the choice to hang out with the supposed bad influences.). Branwin is making her choices and many of them are not good. 

Chazz is also so needy.  He had a wife die from addiction (#4 I think? with Branny as #5?).  So he has a bit of a need to save someone. Branflake is his choice to save.  He forgot she has to want to be saved in the way that he is offering. 

Branny seemed to have switched over from her earlier position trying to navigate a relationship when she had no internal resources or experience in managing a healthy one, to regressing to old ways in which she knows how to work a man. Chazz is easily manipulated.  However, he then wants the role to continue.  He would be better off purchasing a girlfriend experience.  Or, better yet, they should both get away from each other and each of them should engage in intensive therapy. 

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On 9/9/2022 at 7:56 PM, Adeejay said:

Seems to me that Brittany hit the wrong person.  Marcelino should have been the one to face her wrath.

That's a typical female embarrassment..  Their MEN are cheating on them with other women and the other women get the glares, the fists, the spike heels, the keyed cars, etc.  The story of life from age thirteen on...sadly.

On 9/10/2022 at 12:08 PM, sempervivum said:

Chance will put the new house in his name only, and try to guilt TayLER into giving him any profit from selling her house-not that I actually believe he'd ever get a mortgage.

Remember, they're not married yet.  So far she has no financial responsibility for anything that idiot does "as a surprise."

Edited by Back Atcha
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On 9/14/2022 at 8:25 AM, Elizzikra said:

He said he wanted them to rent it out and not sell. Since (presumably) any rental income would go to pay the mortgage, there wouldn't be much for him to steal.

I cannot for the life of me imagine how it was that a human being kept a straight face listening to him describe his plan: a yard chockablock with shipping containers he's somehow retrofitted into a space suitable for human occupation. After the work he did to get Tayler's sister into the garage (honestly, how many exposed wires were in that place), who can doubt him. Is there anything more detrimental to an individual's mentality than confidence that's completely unearned in any way? Clearly not a contractor and when the municipality inspects that hovel (which they will have to do in order to "rent it out"), they're going to be in for quite an expensive surprise. 

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On 9/14/2022 at 2:12 PM, Back Atcha said:

Someone with common sense and/or AUTHORITY needs to step in and help TAYLER.  TLC certainly won't.

Obviously, Tayler hasn't been very receptive to much in the way of help, considering her past and present choices obviously manifesting themselves as anything other than bad ones.  TLC is paying her more money than she's probably ever seen in her entire lifetime. 

One can only hope and pray she puts some of that little windfall away for her children, but I doubt it.  Those poor, sweet, innocent little ragamuffins don't appear to have ever been put anywhere near what one would consider her first choice in responsibility.   She just wants a man and apparently any man will do as long as he's a user and a loser and downright stupid.    

I have no real clue what Brittany is so upset about Marcelino texting her old girlfriend in the threesome she was so intent upon getting him participating in.   Marce didn't get all up in her face for diddling around with her.  What did she think was going to happen?  Happily ever after?  I really hoped she was just a smidgen brighter than that, but alas.  She's not.   It seems like they are all as dumb as posts.   She just needs another tattoo, preferably black and ugly.  

As for the Sara and Shawn wedding/baby gender reveal, I'll be surprised if it lasts until the baby is born.  What a farce.  It'd be funnier if children and babies weren't involved.  

I'm willing to bet Desperately Dim Destiny's baby isn't her current husbands.  Shawn apparently has yet to figure out where children actually come from.  Crimeny,  I'm surprised he hasn't loaded all these women up with STD's while attempting to impregnate anything that will lay with him.  Ugh.   I do not understand.  He seriously makes my skin crawl.  Needs his teeth done for starters.  🤢

Now, Chazz comes along and is all hot to trot all over his new "wifey".   He really is too old for the games he likes to play and the bs he's willing to overlook in order to play them.  He just needs to pay the ladies, go away and save up his $$$ for the next birthdays lap dance.  

Meanwhile, anxiety-ridden, pathetic, spider-eyed Branwin can apparently only get hot for men as long as she's not married to them.   You gotta wonder.   She's a pretty nasty piece of work.  

Daonte kind of deserves whatever he gets.  Talk about a slow learner.   He's pretty dang determined to make a fool of himself any chance he gets.   I felt sorry for him at first, but that went away in a hurry.   He just leaves me scratching my head and laughing.   SUCH a silly dolt.  

The other Britnay...she's a spoiled bridezilla.  She's going to get Ray in so much financial trouble!  I hope he doesn't end up back in prison due to her self-absorbed, greedy, needy, I Want What I Want and WILL Have What I Want dream wedding ceremony.  He's never going to be able to keep her happy before then or afterwards no matter what he does.   If she could only love someone half as much as she loves herself, they might stand a chance, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen.  

Edited by Claire Voyant
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18 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

Obviously, Tayler hasn't been very receptive to much in the way of help, considering her past and present choices obviously manifesting themselves as anything other than bad ones.  TLC is paying her more money than she's probably ever seen in her entire lifetime. 

Obviously, Tayler hasn't been very receptive to much in the way of help, considering her past and present choices obviously manifesting themselves as anything other than bad ones.  TLC is paying her more money than she's CHANCE has probably ever seen in her his entire lifetime. 

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