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8 hours ago, thestorm said:

Unless Michael wins that first HOH, when they get down to the Final 7 with the LO, he will be the first to go. They will just back door him.  No one wants to go against a competition beast - especially when they get closer to the end.

Before he could be backdoored he would have to not be picked for veto.  Because he is the veto king after all.

24 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ok Taylor is losing me here with her incessant bitching that Alyssa "took" the 5k and Jasmine the trip from her. The point of this veto is to go for either veto or prizes. Why shouldn't they have taken the prizes? 

I see the argument. "They feel so confident in their position that they didn't try to win the Veto," and they SHOULDN'T feel so confident, so I can see why it would bug. Taylor could easily nominate one of them, so to see them not be worried about that could be irritating. 

And yes, Taylor owes some responsibility due to her TELLING everyone they're safe, but, come on, it's BB, you shouldn't feel so safe from a woman they've treated like shit all game. 

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I see the argument. "They feel so confident in their position that they didn't try to win the Veto," and they SHOULDN'T feel so confident, so I can see why it would bug. Taylor could easily nominate one of them, so to see them not be worried about that could be irritating. 

And yes, Taylor owes some responsibility due to her TELLING everyone they're safe, but, come on, it's BB, you shouldn't feel so safe from a woman they've treated like shit all game. 

I mean Taylor was the one who promised Jasmine and Alyssa TOTAL SAFETY THIS WEEK!!!! No nomination, no backdoor! She swore on her Lays! (Not really but you get my point). 

The issue with overpromising in an HoH is that ppl tend to take you at your word.

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Taylor and Joseph want Terrance taken down, Joseph put up, and Indy evicted. Monte is all in on the plan. Kyle, Michael, Brittany, and Turner don’t love it but they agreed to it lol. 

I don’t understand this plan. If they’re going to evict Indy anyway, why bother changing noms? Do they think that will somehow earn Terrance’s loyalty? (It won’t. Terrance is floating wherever the current takes him, and bitching about whoever is in the next boat, regardless.) Putting Joseph up for show is unnecessarily risky, and also cocky. It’s like they’re just doing stuff because they can, instead of having it make strategic sense.

3 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I feel like Taylor's vow not to be Jas up is a bit performative. Does Taylor not want to put up another black woman? I'd say that's 25% of it. But does she also not want to waste an HoH on Jasmine? 75%.

Taylor said from the start that she didn’t want to put up any women. She also said very adamantly that she refused to put up a Black woman. Now, she did put up Indy after much persuasion, but that’s because the LOs couldn’t come up with another plan that wouldn’t put one of them at risk. (Which is why I don’t understand the Joseph maneuver.) But she seems to be holding strong on the Jasmine front.

I don’t actually think evicting Jasmine would be a waste of an HoH. Jasmine seems to be the leader of the other side, as far as anyone can claim to be leading that bunch. Indy or Terrance would be a much bigger waste of an HoH, as they pose no threat to anyone.

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6 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Yes there are 5 Londons in our country, send her there if she has to ask.

Jeez. Between this and Newark, it really brings it home the quality of contestants they end up putting on this show. It's just sad.

1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Damn!  I'm not even straight, but Indy looks smoking in her unitard costume!

Meh. It's still Indy. Her personality always comes through and ruins everything she does for me. Yes even in a picture.

Edited by vb68
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Jasmine, laying in bed, tells Taylor she feels bad for taking the London trip. Does Jasmine ever get out of bed, other than mealtimes? I don’t know why she even wants a trip. She could just stay in her own bed and have someone bring her tea and crumpets. I doubt the real experience will be much different.

Michael, Brittany and Indy in the backyard, speculating about the next twist. Brittany is hoping for powers. I don’t know what Indy’s unitard is supposed to be, but her arm cages look like the things my mother put on Thanksgiving turkey legs. She’s already complaining about having to wear the same thing all week.

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Michael and Brittany planning their F3. They would love to take Terrance because they can beat him in the comps. Brittany is scared of Taylor. She is smart, but she is also easily influenced, which can be a bad thing. (Unless you’re the one doing the influencing!) Michael is again talking about how taking out Monte would not be a bad thing. He wonders how Taylor and Joseph would feel about a F4.

Neither knows what Turner is thinking. But they don’t see room for either of them in a Monte/Turner/Kyle alliance. Brittany thinks Monte is trying to protect both Jasmine and Terrance. They think everyone wants to take Terrance to the end. Michael can also see Joseph and Monte having the kind of F2 where they are happy to battle to the finish. (Somewhere, Kyland is crying, “where were you when I needed you?”)

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Michael & Brittany’s preferred LO boot order: Monte, then Kyle or Turner. They see Kyle as a big comp threat, Joseph less so because he’s a little scattered. But getting out Alyssa this week might be good because it could open the door to working more closely with Kyle.

Kyle joins them. He’s getting a little weirded out by Alyssa. She told him she was so angry when she saw him hugging Taylor after the comp that she was shaking. He thinks it might be a good idea for her to go next week. 

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Kyle is not at all comfortable with the idea of backdooring Alyssa this week. He doesn’t want to be her Daniel. But he agrees that she is holding him back.

Brittany, very carefully and diplomatically, reminds him of all the conversations he’s missing out on by spending so much time with Alyssa. She thinks the sooner he cuts that tie, the sooner he can start building other relationships. He agrees, and wonders if it’s already hurt him.

They talk about the bonds some of the other 7 are building, with Jasmine and Terrance and Indy. They agree that Joseph is the best social player and the one to look out for. Kyle is nervous because they’re playing the same game, but Joseph is maybe doing it better.

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The three talk LO split: Monte and Turner, Monte and Taylor, Taylor and Joseph.

They are feeling like the three leftovers of the Leftovers. Kyle feels like he doesn’t have a lot of options right now. He knows he did it to himself with the showmance, but can’t change that now. He also still thinks of Alyssa as a number for the three of them. Most of the talk about Alyssa being a threat comes from Joseph, and he finds that suspect.

More talk about Joseph, and how maybe he’s even smarter than they’ve given him credit for. They’re sure he’s thrown comps, and he’s made everyone love him.  They’re all very scared of Joseph now.

My favorite topic: Jasmine trash talk! They are so tired of her foot. Supposedly, production has given her one more week in the boot and then they’re taking it from her. They think it’s tacky that she talks about throwing around money, like she boasts of having a very expensive wardrobe, and once she wears something on Instagram she puts it in the attic and never wears it again. (That pink monstrosity that she wore on opening night cost $400, and it, too, is going in the attic.) (That’s a good thing, although not for Jasmine reasons.)

Today, Kyle started to make some eggs in a pan that he found on the stove. Jasmine, who was at the table doing her nails, yelled at him because she was going to use that pan when she was done. Brittany hates her doing her nails at the table because she clips them there, too. Right where everyone eats. (Round of “ew!” and shudders from the others.) She doesn’t know how she’s going to feign happiness at Jasmine’s birthday party.

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Brittany, Michael and Kyle form a preliminary plan: They want to take out Joseph first. They’re not sure when the right time to take a shot will be, but they want to be ready. They don’t want to fire too soon. First, they want to weaken Joseph and Monte by taking out people they could use as numbers, like Indy and Jasmine.

They want to keep Alyssa for now, because she could be their number. They think they might be able to pull in Turner, but that will have to be handled very carefully, when the time is right. (It just occurred to me that they are assembling Kyle’s Small Personality tribe, even though I’m sure Brittany is not thinking in those terms, and I don’t think Michael is, either. It’s just where their relationships are strongest.)

Michael advises Kyle to pull back slightly from Alyssa, maybe telling her that he feels like he’s stifling her game and thinks she should work more to build her game. He doesn’t tell Kyle not to look at Taylor in Alyssa’s presence, but I think Kyle already got that note.

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11 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Brittany, Michael and Kyle form a preliminary plan: They want to take out Joseph first. They’re not sure when the right time to take a shot will be, but they want to be ready. They don’t want to fire too soon. First, they want to weaken Joseph and Monte by taking out people they could use as numbers, like Indy and Jasmine.

They want to keep Alyssa for now, because she could be their number. They think they might be able to pull in Turner, but that will have to be handled very carefully, when the time is right. (It just occurred to me that they are assembling Kyle’s Small Personality tribe, even though I’m sure Brittany is not thinking in those terms, and I don’t think Michael is, either. It’s just where their relationships are strongest.)

Michael advises Kyle to pull back slightly from Alyssa, maybe telling her that he feels like he’s stifling her game and thinks she should work more to build her game. He doesn’t tell Kyle not to look at Taylor in Alyssa’s presence, but I think Kyle already got that note.

Wow! White people once again threatened by imaginary black people alliance!

Taylor wanted Terrance out, everyone insisted it had to be one of the women. But, oops, not one of the WHITE women! 

Brittany just convinced Taylor that those women are not worth playing the game with.  Brittany now feels better about a Kyle-Alyssa alliance because Taylor is unreliable and flips too much.

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45 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Well . . . so much for Joseph being a threat no one notices.  The way he played Taylor's first two days as HoH did nothing but expose himself.

One thing that Kyle found very sketchy was Joseph volunteering himself as pawn, but then when it came time to do it he pulled back. Kyle saw this as another example of Joseph talking a big game of putting his neck out for the LOs, but in the end looking out for himself.

While I agree that Joseph has played an amazing game, one flaw is that the Leftovers know all about it, and know how much of it is manufactured. So what made him such a great asset is about to make him a huge target. But even so, they still love him.

Everyone is describing how they will survive the zombie apocalypse. Joseph, Alyssa and Indy will be on a cruise ship. Michael will stay in rural Minnesota, where population is low, winters are brutal and crops can be grown. Turner wants to be on the coast, where he has options of both land and water. 

Jasmine is not in this discussion, but I’m sure she’d just wait for the zombies to bring her dinner.

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Michael, Turner and Taylor in the HoH room. Taylor is now hot for getting Alyssa out. So much for no women going on her HoH watch? She says Alyssa brought it on herself. Something about taking the London trip. Turner is enthusiastically on board. Michael looks a little dejected, but he’s not pushing back. He shares their disbelief that Alyssa would be willing to piss off the HoH in order to win prizes and make Indy happy.

Next up, how to convince Kyle. Turner thinks they just have to remind him how Alyssa was ready to send him out last week. I don’t know why nobody’s pushing for Jasmine. They keep calling her the new head of the snake, so why not cut her off? If Taylor can change her mind about Alyssa, I feel like she could be swayed about Jasmine, too.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Michael, Turner and Taylor in the HoH room. Taylor is now hot for getting Alyssa out. So much for no women going on her HoH watch? She says Alyssa brought it on herself. Something about taking the London trip. Turner is enthusiastically on board. Michael looks a little dejected, but he’s not pushing back. He shares their disbelief that Alyssa would be willing to piss off the HoH in order to win prizes and make Indy happy.

Next up, how to convince Kyle. Turner thinks they just have to remind him how Alyssa was ready to send him out last week. I don’t know why nobody’s pushing for Jasmine. They keep calling her the new head of the snake, so why not cut her off? If Taylor can change her mind about Alyssa, I feel like she could be swayed about Jasmine, too.

I mean, Kyle can simply just not use the POV and the whole plan falls apart, right?

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8 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I mean Taylor was the one who promised Jasmine and Alyssa TOTAL SAFETY THIS WEEK!!!! No nomination, no backdoor! She swore on her Lays! (Not really but you get my point). 

The issue with overpromising in an HoH is that ppl tend to take you at your word.

I can see Taylor's point though.  She promised them safety  and Jasmine still went all mean girl on her and took the trip.  (Alyssa is getting lumped into her annoyance because the LO are talking about her too.)  Jasmine is just an entitled brat that she probably didn't even think past her own wants.  She doesn't even know where London is !

eta...I am now quite confused as to who has which prize after reading the last dozen comments.  From what I heard directly on the feeds, Jasmine took the trip from Taylor.  Kyle took the veto from Indy but I have no idea if Alyssa took anything from anyone. 

Edited by Maggie Mae
7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Kyle joins them. He’s getting a little weirded out by Alyssa. She told him she was so angry when she saw him hugging Taylor after the comp that she was shaking. He thinks it might be a good idea for her to go next week. 

Oh good grief.  Taylor can't get a break.  Every woman in the house, with the exception of Brittany, projects her insecurities onto her and suspects her of nefarious deeds/motives.  Please send them all home. 

Edited by Thalia
subject verb agreement is important!
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10 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I feel like of the LO Monte and Turner have the best shot of winning because both keep an even keel and don't get sucked into harebrained schemes.

Yes, Monte is very go with the flow and Turner is straight coasting.

9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t understand this plan. If they’re going to evict Indy anyway, why bother changing noms?

Joseph just wanted to still look like he is and always has been with the Indy/Jasmine side of the house. He didn't want to have to actually be a vote to evict Indy because he thought it'd hurt his chance at getting her jury vote.

5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Brittany, Michael and Kyle form a preliminary plan: They want to take out Joseph first. They’re not sure when the right time to take a shot will be, but they want to be ready. They don’t want to fire too soon. First, they want to weaken Joseph and Monte by taking out people they could use as numbers, like Indy and Jasmine.

They want to keep Alyssa for now, because she could be their number. They think they might be able to pull in Turner, but that will have to be handled very carefully, when the time is right.

Aw, Kyle's gonna get his white only alliance.

5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Kyle saw this as another example of Joseph talking a big game of putting his neck out for the LOs, but in the end looking out for himself.

Coming from Kyle, please lol.

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2 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

I can see Taylor's point though.  She promised them safety  and Jasmine still went all mean girl on her and took the trip.  (Alyssa is getting lumped into her annoyance because the LO are talking about her too.)  Jasmine is just an entitled brat that she probably didn't even think past her own wants.  She doesn't even know where London

The onus goes back to Taylor.  These people were never her friends.  This should have been a great moment for her - winning HOH after evicting Daniel.  But she totally lost control of her game - with making a bunch of empty promises, hair brained schemes.

She had the easiest HOH so far, but she turned it into a chaotic mess.  No surprise that even Michael and Brittany have dropped her.

Edited by thestorm
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I hope I can find a video of the Kyle/Brittany/Michael talk so I can see for myself if it was like usual with Kyle being the only one actually pushing for the white alliance. Twitter has such a hate on for every little thing Brittany, especially, and Michael says and normally blows it all out of proportion lol.

Next week is gonna be so wild lol.

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I still like Taylor and think she's a nice person, but this HoH has been awful. Don't win HoH if you're afraid to actually send people home. She made promises she couldn't keep (no woman! Everyone is SAFE SAFE SAFE!). 

Also, she didn't keep her eyes on the prize and is now fixated on Jas and Alyssa taking the prizes. 

If you compare her HoH to Michael's last week, you can see how much info Michael got from everyone. 

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