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16 minutes ago, thestorm said:

The optics for that will look really bad - a black woman trying to evict the other 2 other black men in the house.  Especially considering how difficult it has been for POC of color on BB.

Put up Terence - she has good reasons to do that - and have Indy or Alyssa as the other nominee - who she isn't tight with.

That's true. She could put up Kyle if she wanted to do two men. I don't know if Alyssa would really care that much--it might be a relief to her to have him gone. This will be tricky for Taylor.

1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

That's true. She could put up Kyle if she wanted to do two men. I don't know if Alyssa would really care that much--it might be a relief to her to have him gone. This will be tricky for Taylor.

Alyssa is weird in that she was so clingy and desperate for Kyle for weeks, and now that she has him and they're in a "showmance" she doesn't give a crap anymore.

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12 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Kyle says during Daniel's eviction speech, he wanted to say "And here we have another outburst from a 35 year old cosplayer."  BOOM.

I wish he had said that during the show.

 30 year olds that live in their parents basement--because they're unemployed --shouldnt cast stones at other people's jobs.   

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Earlier in the atomic room, Michael & Brittany were pow-wowing.  They're ready to cut the LOs, I think, if they can sway Taylor.  I'm not sure they'll be able to convince her to go after Joseph, but they might be able to convince her about Kyle.

As far as whether or not there was a deal up on the wall - there wasn't, technically.  Taylor told him he was safe, but he didn't nod or confirm it with her.  She might feel bound to her word, but she might not.  Guess we'll see.

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Earlier in the atomic room, Michael & Brittany were pow-wowing.  They're ready to cut the LOs, I think, if they can sway Taylor.  I'm not sure they'll be able to convince her to go after Joseph, but they might be able to convince her about Kyle.

As far as whether or not there was a deal up on the wall - there wasn't, technically.  Taylor told him he was safe, but he didn't nod or confirm it with her.  She might feel bound to her word, but she might not.  Guess we'll see.

She will. She's the type that would feel bad for promising someone safety and going back on it. Plus, she really likes Kyle. She doesn't know about his idea of the Whites Only alliance, and she just thinks he's a sweet kid.

2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Mens Rights Meeting, basically:

Kyle: "I know I was BUT ALYSSA before, but now I'm BUT INDY."
Joseph: "Yeah, okay, but what about Alyssa?"
Kyle: "What about Indy?"
Joseph: "BUT ALYSSA."
Kyle: "BUT INDY."
Me: "But it's nice of you to decide Taylor's HoH for her."

Either one of them, or Monte, can go anytime now.  Kyle's so transparent.

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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Terrance has been very anti-Taylor while she thought they were cool. She found out this week we was lying to her so now she wants him out. It works for the rest of the LO alliance, and he just generally sucks, and it works for the Katesus alliance, so I hope it happens.

Same. Might as well get rid of him because he has such an uneasy creeper vibe

43 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Kyle says during Daniel's eviction speech, he wanted to say "And here we have another outburst from a 35 year old cosplayer."  BOOM.

I wish he had said that during the show.

He doesn’t have the balls. 

28 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 30 year olds that live in their parents basement--because they're unemployed --shouldnt cast stones at other people's jobs.   

Oh yes, he doesn’t have have balls. Haven’t developed them yet 

LOL. I’m enjoying this season so much. The last time I found BB this engaging was back when we had a lot of smokers around 😂

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9 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Mens Rights Meeting, basically:

Kyle: "I know I was BUT ALYSSA before, but now I'm BUT INDY."
Joseph: "Yeah, okay, but what about Alyssa?"
Kyle: "What about Indy?"
Joseph: "BUT ALYSSA."
Kyle: "BUT INDY."
Me: "But it's nice of you to decide Taylor's HoH for her."

For whatever reason this particular group at reddit.com/r/mensrights tickles my funny bone so I enjoy watching them. 

17 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

She will. She's the type that would feel bad for promising someone safety and going back on it. Plus, she really likes Kyle. She doesn't know about his idea of the Whites Only alliance, and she just thinks he's a sweet kid.

I generally agree, but if anyone could convince her otherwise, it would be Michael and Brittany. But I agree, it likely isn't going to happen (and really, if you're Taylor, why would you use YOUR HoH to do THEIR dirty work?). 

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I generally agree, but if anyone could convince her otherwise, it would be Michael and Brittany. But I agree, it likely isn't going to happen (and really, if you're Taylor, why would you use YOUR HoH to do THEIR dirty work?). 

Is it necessarily disadvantageous to her to get out, say Kyle?  I don't consider that a bad move for her - certainly not any worse than going for the low-hanging fruit of Terrance.

1 minute ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Taylor promised him safety, so that's unlikely.  It'll probably be Terrance or Indy, unless Michael and/or Brittany can convince her to take a shot at a different target.

Yeah, I edited my comment a bit. I think Kyle could target her sooner and he's way more likely to win something than Terrance or Indy. But any of them can go. I'd like to see Taylor or Michael go far.

1 hour ago, HighQueenEB said:

Is it necessarily disadvantageous to her to get out, say Kyle?  I don't consider that a bad move for her - certainly not any worse than going for the low-hanging fruit of Terrance.

Someone in her position is best suited to wait for the last possible moment for the Leftovers to turn on each other, since there's no way that she's top of the list for eviction on either side. Michael and Brittany have much more reason to want to break up the Leftovers sooner, since they definitely WILL be targets. 

Even Kyle's "big personalities" plan involves Monte and Joseph going out ahead of Taylor. 

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21 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:


It seems that Taylor's told Indy and Jasmine (and I think that her tone was sincere) that she does not intend to nominate a woman.  So Brittany, Alysa, Jasmine, and Indy can all breathe easy this week.

So Terrance is almost definitely going up tomorrow.  Question is, which man is going up with him?  With Daniel now gone, the only other men left are Leftover men.

After WEEKS of her being the pawn, I don't think she'll feel too bad about asking Turner or Michael to be a pawn for a week (I know Michael was nominated before, but that wasn't as a pawn). 

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My prediction:

Taylor will put up Terrance. Second nom will be determined by committee. Taylor is very loyal, and I don’t see her doing anything that would go against the group’s wishes, at least not yet. I expect one of the guys will volunteer as pawn. I think Taylor’s HoH will be perfectly boring, just a chance for a girl to get a relaxing bath, a big basket of Lay’s and a letter from home. And after all she’s been through, that’s fine by me.

Here are Julie’s exact words about next week:

”Next Thursday, in a special 2 hour event, for the first time ever, the game will completely change, as the house splits into two groups. These groups will have no interaction and in a BB first, two completely separate games will play out simultaneously all week long, all of it culminating with a double eviction like no other.”

Notice she doesn’t say the groups will be sequestered, just that they will have no interaction. So I think they will just be prohibited to speak to each other, and will sleep in separate bedrooms. Maybe given yard access on alternate schedules. (Although it would be funny if one team went to live in neighbor Dr. Will’s apartment for the week.) I expect the second hour of Thursday’s show will be devoted to picking teams and HoH comps, in whichever order that happens. If it were up to me, I’d have a schoolyard pick so Jasmine could be chosen last.

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Taylor's gotten her HOH room - opening her letter and sharing her pictures.

ETA - soooooo many different Lay's products.  Frito-Lay Company had to have ponied up with a sponsor contract given how they have 3 different bags placed on the table right behind where Taylor is sitting in the HOH, lol.

And a pink HOH robe!

Edited by HighQueenEB
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48 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

It seems that Taylor's told Indy and Jasmine (and I think that her tone was sincere) that she does not intend to nominate a woman. 

I totally figured Taylor would go that route.  I think for one thing she wants to show there are no hard feelings with the other women and maybe have them as a side alliance as the LO breaks up. I don't think that would necessarily work out, but Taylor is a good person and might genuinely want to try to work with them.

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6 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Just tuned into feeds, and somehow Jasmine is making Taylor’s HoH celebration all about her upcoming birthday.

Ha- Taylor’s first decree is telling everyone to step up with the cleaning, already. They all nod sheepishly and promise to do better.

LOL - you missed Monte greedily eyeing her Brookside dark chocolates (I think acai berries, but not positive).

LMAO - HOH suddenly clears out and Terrance is the first one to stick around to talk to her privately.  That ain't gonna save ya, old man!

Edited by HighQueenEB
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I was out of the room but could hear someone congratulating Taylor and saying how much she deserved it after everything she went through and he is so happy for her and has her back, and I’m thinking, aw, Monte’s being so nice. But then I see the screen and it’s Terrance? And now he’s talking about how this is great for the culture? Get out of here.

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2 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

You just know that even Taylor knows that he's full of shit, too.

Oh, completely.  She gave nothing away in her convo with him.

Now Indy is in there - Taylor reassures her that she is not targeting any women and her preference is to put two guys up.  Taylor hints that she knows Monte is a big game threat then asks Indy if she has any suggestions for a pawn.  Kyle?  Taylor dismisses that suggestion.  Turner?  Taylor lies her ass off about not having worked with Turner at all since he saved her the week of his HOH and tells Indy that's a good idea.  I'm not sure she's really serious about targeting Monte - we'll have to wait for a cam talk to get some sort of confirmation or denial.

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3 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

She'd certainly have the numbers to do so if she does want to target him.  Brittany and Michael have been jonesing to take a shot at him, and Alyssa, Indy, and Jasmine would do anything to keep themselves and each other alive in the game.  Those five votes are all that she'd need.

Kyle would be on board with taking out Monte also.  I think Brittany & Michael would prefer to take out Joseph this week, but they would gladly see Monte go if that's where the house is leaning.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

They might have to settle for Monte, because Taylor would never go for Joseph.

No - she's definitely crushing on him.

Taylor conversation with Alyssa - confirms that she promised Kyle safety and intends to honor that.  Also tells her that Monte's her target. 

Up next is Jasmine - I'm sure this will be a rinse and repeat of the last two convos, lol.

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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

It sounds like it's next week. This week is a regular week, and once we're down to 10, it'll split 5v5...but, again, how can it be all week with a two hour episode and having to make sure the groups don't interact at all?

Did Julie mean it'll be a whole week played out in one night instead?

“A whole week’s worth of gameplay in one hour” - wasn’t this TPTB’s standard schtick/slogan for DEs?

4 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

Terrance is amusing and delusional if he thinks that "staying out of the way" is going to keep him off the block this week.  I can't see Taylor not putting him up straight away as an initial nom.

Terrance is a lock; he guaranteed that himself by being such a complete blithering idiot as to decide to have some trash-talk fun going directly into the comp to choose the next HoH.

As to who’s sitting beside Terrance, though…?

  • Turner?  Highly unlikely, considering at one point Turner’s HoH was the first time this season Taylor wasn’t OTB come Thursday night.  Turner will undoubtedly end up OTB sooner or later, but I wouldn’t count on it being this week.
  • Michael?  Also unlikely, considering his HoH is the only other time Taylor’s actually gotten to vote on Eviction Night.
  • Joseph appears doubtful, as Taylor seems pretty sociable with him; not an extremely strong reason to be sure, but it might be enough to keep him off the Block for initial noms at least.
  • Kyle? The Kyle/Taylor relationship seems pretty purgatory-ish (neither severely positive nor severely negative) - but nominating Kyle might negatively impact Taylor’s relationship with Alyssa, and I don’t think Taylor would risk that at this juncture.
  • Monte?  Probably the most likely candidate, considering he coordinated Taylor’s most recent trip OTB.
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Is Taylor really bad at this or am I just reading it wrong? It feels like she has promised every person in the world safety and gotten absolutely nothing useful in return.

Of course, it doesn't help that the people in her alliance were already planning on ignoring her preferred target, so her options are pretty limited here.

For this HOH, the besties ending is actually a problem for Taylor!

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I can't imagine Taylor putting Michael up under any circumstances for the simple fact that he'd be too irresistible a target for everyone else, and she and Brittany would be left vulnerable far too soon. For all his dickish behavior, Terrance isn't a game threat, especially if he's sitting next to the person who's a super-fan and a comp beast. Plus the longer he stays in, the greater his value as a goat. (I doubt anyone would deliberately drag him to the end, but I could see him floating far if bigger targets keep presenting themselves.) Monte in the other chair isn't good for optics but he's also the most expendable LO to everybody, so I could see Taylor taking that shot.

ETA: Taylor's HoH music is Janet Jackson's Design of a Decade, it sounds like? My Gen-X self awards her 50 points.

Edited by PhoneCop
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3 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

Is Taylor really bad at this or am I just reading it wrong? It feels like she has promised every person in the world safety and gotten absolutely nothing useful in return.

Of course, it doesn't help that the people in her alliance were already planning on ignoring her preferred target, so her options are pretty limited here.

For this HOH, the besties ending is actually a problem for Taylor!

What's she supposed to get from the Convenience Store people?  They're focused on Monte as the next, obvious target.  

She just told Turner (who is in the HOH with Brittany & Monte) that she is not going to BD him - sounds like her target is 100% Terrance.  Turner asks "what if Terrance wins POV?"  She is now contemplating the option of putting Monte up to win POV, 

Turner is throwing up the idea of putting up Indy & Alyssa to see if that side of the house implodes from within as they campaign against each other.  Monte points out that if she puts up two non-LOs then, no matter what happens, the non-LO person on the block goes home.  

Honestly, they're overthinking this if they think, for one second, that Terrance is going to win POV - and probably the same for Indy and Jasmine the Injured.  

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6 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Turner is throwing up the idea of putting up Indy & Alyssa to see if that side of the house implodes from within as they campaign against each other. 

Taylor has already promised not to do that very thing. That's not going to be a great look if she goes back on it and probably cost some goodwill that she's been carefully building up.

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Looks like the noms are going to be Indy and Terrance. The guys talked her out of putting up LOs because what if noms stay the same, or what if the LO pawn goes home or… but really, what they’re saying is they don’t care who goes as long as it’s not them. So that’s where they landed.

Making Monte a target hasn’t even entered Taylor’s mind (although her cover story will be he’s her intended backdoor). I’m not saying she couldn’t be talked into it, but she doesn’t want to be the one to break up the Leftovers. She’s a loyal person and that’s just not her style. She also genuinely doesn’t want a woman to go home on her watch, especially a Black woman. That’s why she won’t nominate Jasmine, although she told Brittany she’d personally love to.

So Jasmine will get a happy birthday after all, although I’m sure she find things to complain about. (“I need 22 sprinkles on my slice of cake, and I only count 19! ALYSSA!”) But Block Indy should provide some fireworks and comic relief.

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Earlier, Alyssa was complimenting Taylor on her wardrobe and said she bets she has some great outfits for the upcoming ceremonies! And acted all envious because she doesn’t have such cute stuff and by the way, can she borrow a blouse? Wasn’t Alyssa the driving force behind the whole Taylor’s a Stuck Up Bitch Parading Around in Her Pageant Clothes episode? I know everyone is two faced here, but that just made me want to slap her.

Taylor looks really cute in her pink robe. She already complained to production about not getting to keep it, and why don’t they get to keep their robes? Are they reused? Is Taylor wearing Franzel’s hand-me-downs?

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Kyle’s in the HoH room and guess what, he likes the idea of having two non-LOs on the block. I’m not saying the guys are manipulating her, but they’re totally manipulating her. They also don’t mind driving a wedge between her and the women because if that ends up hurting her game, then oops for her. 

She is in a bit of a tough position because with no festie bestie shelter, she is the first LO who has to visibly pick a side, and that could come back to haunt her either way. 

Wait, Taylor is telling Kyle she gave a shout out to his racist aunt? Nooooo.

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Sound like an alternate plan (developed in conjunction with Joseph, Turner, Monte and Brittany) is to put up Indy and Alyssa, with the goal of exposing Jasmine by forcing her to choose a side. They really want to hurt Jasmine.

If Taylor can sell this as a way to backdoor Monte, and if Monte wins veto  “forcing” her to put up Terrance, this might work, but Taylor would have to pray that none of Jasmine, Alyssa or Indy hit the block next week.

I think Taylor’s still leaning toward the first plan, but who knows. This could change 3 times before dawn.

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