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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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15 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Lol at them blocking the feeds because M/B are telling M/T about Kyle’s racism. Like we know it’s happening so what is the fucking point?

This is just gonna make Taylor even more sad than she already is. Monte likely won’t care. Kyle and his cronies will just talk about how evil M/B are to disparage his character.


Actually, I think he will be upset about it.  Terrance is the one who likely won't care, IMO, especially since he's in Kyle's vile After Party alliance.

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Monte won’t care because he wants Michael out. Hopefully, internally he will be disgusted by Kyle but game wise he just won’t do anything because he’s trying to ride with Pound again. Although, I would hope after Turner nominates him that he would go against Turner/Kyle if he were to win HOH but I’m not even sure. Unfortunately, he’d be in a shitty spot because Michael is the biggest threat but like then he has to continue to let a racist and his cronies slide through the game.

This is assuming they don’t just vote out Monte, which honestly they probably will. That way they get out the bigger threat and they have Taylor around so they can treat her like shit some more, odious assholes that they are.

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4 hours ago, retired watcher said:

I would love to know what people who only watch the show think about Kyle.

I do not watch live feeds, though I do read here, and glance at twitter. I am oddly obsessed with the show, but I know that signing up for live feeds would not be good for my struggle with insomnia.

Anyway, my take on Kyle.  I have two sons around his age. They are responsible young men who work, support themselves, have healthy relationships and would rather die than do a twerking video on tiktok.  I think Kyle was once a cute "kid" in the way that some 20 year olds are. But he's 30. Cuteness wears off when that's all you've got.  He's an idiot. And he's not as cute as he thinks he is. He embodies every stereotype of a white rich millenial.

He saw Alyssa as an annoying pest who licked him and flirted with him, until he realized she was a chance to get laid. (Maybe for the first time?).  He took full credit for starting the Leftovers, until that wasnt convenient and dumped them, first blowing it up. He doesn't seem capable of deep thought or self reflection.  There's a sense of entitlement about him that makes me believe I know his political leanings.

When he finds out that  America doesn't adore his cute attention seeking behavior he's going to be crushed.

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I'm so glad that the Turner Formerly Known As Matt is getting a full rest. He's going to need it to deal with all the fallout OF THE CONVERSATION THAT WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO SEE AND PROBABLY WON'T GET ANYTHING OF AT ALL TODAY OR FOR THE REST OF THE GAME.

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6 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

I always try to picture each of the players outside of the game.  For me, despite most of you who are calling him out on him wanting to expose Kyle, I think Michael along with Brittany and Taylor would be nice people on the outside of the house.  On the other hand, Kyle, Turner and Alyssa would be mean/catty people.  Just my opinion.  I don't have a good read on Monte and Terrance but I would put them between the two above groups in my mind. I would hang out with M/B/or Taylor any day. People do show their true natures in this game but it is JUST A GAME so I don't fault M and B for their game play.  Others may say Kyle's is game play as well but that kind of game play is not acceptable to me.  Joseph being a double agent, yes...good game play. Alyssa hiding behind Kyle, game play. The piling on to gaslight Taylor about Joseph, not good game play.

You never know.  People hated Kyland, but he seems popular outside the house and was more liked on The Challenge than X and Tiffany.   Derek X is someone who is popular inside and outside the house.

Edited by twilightzone
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2 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

And I was better off having never bought into him at all.  I feel soooooooo vindicated right now.

Right.  They're always on Mondays.

Honestly, you should wear this as a badge of honor. He had us all fooled but you! 

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Well, considering we have:

  • Kyle: a backstabbing racist with the emotional maturity of a wet pool noodle
  • Michael: a racist enabler with a cold, robotic approach
  • Brittany: a yes-woman coattail rider
  • Alyssa: a dimwit clingy girlfriend who is willing to settle for Kyle, which speaks volumes about her judgment 
  • Monte: a misogynist at least in his romantic relationships, which doesn’t necessarily apply here but still doesn’t make him a hero
  • Turner: a surface level hippie who is so convinced of his own coolness he almost made us believers, revealed as the walking personification of pond scum
  • Terrance: a total non-entity aside from a few brief moments of solid gameplay
  • Taylor: a super sweet girl who is so eager to please, she seeks approval for every move

You tell me! (No, seriously. Please tell me.)

Guess at this point I’ll take Taylor for the win. Thanks for the breakdown.  I was hooked on Turner for the faux hippie coolness but I have seen through it 

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I don't think Taylor has a path to the win right now. She's just big enough of a threat (both comps and jury) that people will take her out, and not good enough at challenges to secure her own safety week after week the way Michael Pierzina is doing.

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It's days like this that I'm glad I've been honing my ability to listen to both feeds at the same time since... whenever I started watching feeds.

Michael is playing the noble "it's been weighing so hard on us for the past week or so" card, Brittany has the high beam Manson lamps on and on the other side, Kyle is wearing his blanket and running SCENARIOS with Turner and Terrance.

Michael: "It's not the game I came here to play." BUT YOU PLAYED IT FOR WEEKS UNTIL YOUR BACK WAS AGAINST THE WALL.

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I can't read Alyssa. She looks uncomfortable but whether it's because of what she's being told about what Kyle said or if it's because she's mad her storybook showmance is blowing up, I'm not sure. She's teary and vocal fry-y.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Michael and Brittany now telling Alyssa about Kyle's racism. It's actually on the feeds.

Does anyone think this is going to have any effect on this week’s outcome? It’s turner that replaces the nom and for some reason he’s so far up kyle’s ass. They’ve talked to Taylor Monte and Alyssa, 2 of who will probably be on the block tomorrow and the 3rd who didn’t flip after being told that Kyle targeted her for weeks before she slept with him. So what’s the point of this?

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Just now, Lady Whistleup said:

Kyle is freaking out right now. Terrance and Turner are calmer.

Kyle: "Fuck both of them right now." Ooh, we've upgraded from "scumbag". Look out, people, we got a real badass over here.

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Wait - we don’t get to see Michael/Brittany’s bullshit truth telling to Monte/Taylor where we might get some genuine reactions of the people Kyle’s racist nonsense actually impacts, but we do get to watch said bullshit to Alyssa, who was included in all of Kyle’s “no big personalities” alliances??? I hate all the things right now. Ants for the win.

Edited by Katesus7
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I think I'm most annoyed that we really haven't seen much of Taylor or Monte processing/discussing the KKKyle disclosure from Michael/Brittany.

Who the hell knows what Alyssa is thinking?  Doesn't sound like she's spilling the KKKyle info to the HOH room, so maybe they got through to her a little?

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4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

all of Kyle’s “no big personalities” alliances???

The irony of that coming from the guy who has the personality of literal mayo. And not even Miracle Whip with it's zip! Just gross, dollar store mayo.

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Just now, keke23 said:

Have Taylor and Monte seemed to have any reaction at all? Every time I see Monte he is either alone, not talking, or both.

He just got out of the DR after an hour+ long session. He seems a little subdued IMO but that could just be because of the long DR.

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6 minutes ago, keke23 said:

Have Taylor and Monte seemed to have any reaction at all? Every time I see Monte he is either alone, not talking, or both.

They both were really quiet and subdued when they came out of the Have-Not room earlier.  I got nothing from either of them in terms of reaction.

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One thing I did pick up on during the Michael/Brittany/Alyssa conversation is that it seems like Michael/Brittany were trying to spin to Alyssa that the KKKyle stuff only started up the week before DyreFest.  I'm not 100% on that, but that's sort of the impression I had at one point in that conversation.

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yikes. So, as we all knew, Turner won’t give a shit about the Kkkyle revalation.

Well, no, of course he doesn't CARE - that's why @Callaphera called it, correctly, performative allyship last night.  He knows what he needs to do, how he needs to act, in order to keep "the mob" from coming for him and cancelling him.  

Also, the fact there's no reaction from Terrance?  Also demonstrates that HE won't give two shits about it either.  Terrance and Turner are two peas in a pod - they only care about advancing their own game.  

Edited by HighQueenEB
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Aaand now Kyle and the Turner Formerly Known As Matt and Currently Known As Douchecanoe are dragging Alyssa and having to manage her emotions and how she can't separate game from life and Jesus, go play in the traffic that Clay thought ran through the Big Brother house in whatever foreign country they were talking about.

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Today is my first feed watching day since Daniel and Nicole were still around. Because they are so aware of optics, does Michael and Brittany now think the "optics" will be that they are heroes? Cause all it looks like me is an effort to switch the shifting odds back in their favor. 

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