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S09.E09: Poison In The Honey

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On 6/14/2022 at 7:50 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Washing chicken only spreads the bacteria around, cooking it well is the way to kill the bacteria...now Bilal's sink is full of chicken cooties, how is she going to deal with that?!  I am shocked she is actually cooking in that house, the mess and smells, oh my!

When I saw Shy doing this, my only wish was how much I wanted Billy to get food poisoning. Thinking about that now, that could have really been Shy's plan and hope all along. Great way to get back at the loser.

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The thing is, Kobe really seems to be a likeable guy, and I can see him being very successful in some kind of career where he has to deal with the public - working his way up to being a manager at some kind of service industry-type job.  He appears to be fairly intelligent (although he has bad taste in women), he is well spoken and attractive...unfortunately where they currently live that might not be an option.  He needs to be in a larger, more international community to be given those kind of chance (by the way, I'm not limiting him to that kind of career - I'm just saying he just has many characteristics that I think would serve him well for future employment).

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Ugh!!!! Emily!!! Know what I feel like these parents are? Naive. Spoiling. Foolish. She should've probably been tossed out a long time ago with her son and minimally helped out. By that I mean maybe sporadic or a couple times weekly babysitting. Emily needs a living. Kobe needs to consider job options. 

The tick head and Thais? She has no problem with house. She has problem with John living with them!!! Tick head can't afford it on his own so she is stuck with drunk. Sorry.  

This situation with Bilal...I don't like their story.  Strange and incompatible.  Kids involved is worse. 

GEEEEEARMO acts like a petulant child. His chick whatever her name is.. she is going to definitely cheat. She also bait and switched him with false promises.

Mohammed...yes go back home. This 50 yr old woman can't change for you. 

Jibjab....can't have a relationship and "job" at the same time. "Just don't know how to do both. " oh wow. Seems he is unfit for...  the WORLD. This kid, man! Really?! Your whole existence is relationships & things you need to do to make $$ and then chores to just exist.  Someone has done an excellent job of hiding this from Jibjab. He always looks like he's about to cry.  I think he might be like baby Kobin and probably still breast feeeding in the evenings. 

Edited by Kdawg82
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Hearing the Black Serbs get so hyped for that trash they laid down makes me want to revive my rap career.

When Patrick told Thais that all the women at his party were “very ugly” so she wouldn’t be insecure or jealous, my jaw dropped thinking about being one of those women at that party who then had to hear him say that if they decided to watch the episode. He really shouldn’t think it’s cool to bring other women down just so he can elevate Thais. Thais is beautiful, of course, but the real reason for her insecurities has 100% to do with his shitty past actions and not what the other women around him ‘look like’. 🙄

When Kobe’s dream was shattered when he realized how far $4,000 won’t get him in the US. 💔😫

Shaeeda and Mohamed should get together. They're both Muslim and he can call her "umi".

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6 hours ago, Breedom said:

How I hate those two.

For those who haven’t checked the couples thread they are finally divorcing.

6 hours ago, Breedom said:

When I saw Shy doing this, my only wish was how much I wanted Billy to get food poisoning. Thinking about that now, that could have really been Shy's plan and hope all along. Great way to get back at the loser.

Wonder if she washes ground beef too lol.

6 hours ago, Breedom said:

When I saw Shy doing this, my only wish was how much I wanted Billy to get food poisoning.

Step one:  leave raw chicken bacteria in sink.

Step two:  wash feet in sink.

Step three:  track bacteria onto sofa upholstery while curled up barefoot.

Step four:  Stick pin in infected area of upholstery.

Step five.  Bilal sits on pin and injects chicken bacteria into bloodstream.

5 hours ago, RoxiP said:

The thing is, Kobe really seems to be a likeable guy, and I can see him being very successful in some kind of career where he has to deal with the public - working his way up to being a manager at some kind of service industry-type job.  He appears to be fairly intelligent (although he has bad taste in women), he is well spoken and attractive...unfortunately where they currently live that might not be an option.  He needs to be in a larger, more international community to be given those kind of chance (by the way, I'm not limiting him to that kind of career - I'm just saying he just has many characteristics that I think would serve him well for future employment).

Hey if Pedro can sell real estate Kobe can.

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On 6/12/2022 at 6:16 PM, Grifter Lives said:

If she's a model, it's because of her body.  But, she's going to get fat pretty quickly, if their date nights and diet always include macaroni & cheese and spinach & artichoke dip, and beer.  

I thought so too. He's definitely over feeding her, and he's a big boy himself. She's not used to all the excess, and does not seem to know he is a total idiot and has no idea how to take care of her. 

Edited by bravofan27
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On 6/15/2022 at 2:08 PM, Breedom said:

I think so too - Kobe didn't seem excited or eager to pursue this option, so this was Emily's idea. Neither of them as of yet did much brainstorming on how they are going to financial support themselves. It was up to Emily to tell Kobe that the modeling was most likely not going to work out in the US. Guess what? I can see into the future now. Kobe is going to work like a dog at several jobs simultaneously while Emily has another baby or two and sits home nursing and being lazy and not doing much of anything. Let's face it, this girl is someone whose only motivation is to act like she's the be-all-end-all mother of the world, play the victim, then sit back and watch other's work to support her. She'll never change.

I saw Billy's true colors from the get-go. No one would be able to get along with this damaged person. I stand by my earlier comment that Shy will never win, he will always need to be right, he will be dismissive of her when she shares any info regarding her thoughts and feelings and he will never be able to see her point of view in an argument. Why? Because then he would have to admit he was wrong. He's another victim and he plays it to the hilt. As far as how his kids should address her, as someone earlier said, how about something cute like Shy-Shy.

Shy, run, girl. Run as hard and fast as you can and never turn back.

Emily isn't "doing nothing",  she is preparing herself for her next TV gig:  "My 600 lb Life"

Or whatever it's called.

Yes, good parents can raise bad kids and bad parent s can raise kids that grow up good, but at the very least Emily's parents have been enablers.  It also doesn't seem as if they have given her any tools to be self-sufficient, but then I can easily believe that they tried and she didn't pay any attention because it's easier to sponge off Mom and Dad.

I had a great family and childhood, but I couldn't wait to get out and prove I could do it on my own.  

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4 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

Mrs Anon thinks this isn't Miona, but if I were twerking for a Black Serbs video, I'd be hiding my face also.  Jibri looks about as threatening as a toddler here, but perhaps that's the point?    

A quick glance tells me that Mrs Anon may be right, she's not chunky enough to be Miona.

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On 6/13/2022 at 6:39 PM, Frozendiva said:

Kobe and Emily: Kobe, I doubt that you are any sort of engineer. You will need a university degree for that. It also takes many years to train as an architect. Your future father-in-law may not wish to support you through school. I am assuming that Emily's friends have horses that are suitable for novice riders and are slow and patient. Why do Em's parents have horses when no one seems to ride them? Kobe, $4000 won't get you very far in the US. Probably gone in a month or so. Nice to have a chat with 'dad'. You may wish to check out some career options at the local college or other training school. And do think about being with Ems for all the days of your life. You might be praying for the end of time really soon. Ems, you also do need a reality check as your parents won't be supporting you forever. Time to launch.

Something tells me that Kobe thinks that a civil engineer is something like a supervisor on a construction site or a general contractor. If French/African education is similar to British education, he may have finished high school and taken his A/O Levels, which is similar to the first two years of college in America, so he would have to test to see if he meets US education requirements for almost any technical job here.

My son-in-law is an engineer, he drives and computes routes for trains for a national railroad company. He started the job at an intern level out of high school, and they sent him to an industrial college for his two-year degree. If Kobe stops letting Emily fill his head with nonsense, he can take the time to find out what he really wants to do for his family while he waits for his work papers.

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On 6/13/2022 at 9:36 AM, renatae said:

In my day, (53 years and counting!) the norm was pretty much church or civil ceremony, and a cake reception afterward. Actual dinners were rare. <snip>

I'm a bit older than you. My mother had six sisters, all but one married and had children. I was the youngest of all the cousins by about 10 years, so I went to a whole lot of weddings as a child - the vast majority when I was between 7-12 years old.

My mother's family was raised in the Polish National Catholic Church (which is quite similar to the Episcopal Church). But all of her sisters except one married Roman Catholics, and raised their children as Roman Catholics.

So, my cousin's weddings included a full mass with reception following. All of their wedding receptions served dinner (a pretty even split between sit-down and buffet, IIRC), and live music, etc. I was always excited to see shrimp and cocktail sauce on the hors d'oeuvres table for cocktail hour (Unlimited shrimp? Yes, please. I know I'll have to shell them, but I've had practice. Fill 'er up and watch me go!). I can't recall a single wedding that didn't have shrimp.

This was during the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, so wedding costs were not what they are today. None of my cousins came from rich families, either; they were all solidly middle class.

My point is that I don't think your experiences at weddings has anything to do with when those weddings took place.

The size and formality of a wedding is influenced by a couple of things. First, whether a wedding is a large formal affair or smaller, more casual event is determined by how much money the couple and/or their parents can afford. For example,  couples and their parents who all live in a lower middle class area are more likely to have weddings that are small, casual affairs. 

Tradition in the bride and groom's immediate and extended families also has a bearing on the size and type of weddings, as does the culture both families are from. For example, if the bride and groom's families are from India, most likely their wedding is going to be an event spanning several days and costing a boatload of money, irrespective of where in the U.S. they live or even how much money they and their families have. The average cost of an Indian wedding in the U.S. is $225,000 - $285,000. It's not uncommon for Indian families to withdraw from retirement accounts and/or liquidate other assets to pay for their children's weddings.

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