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X-Files Episode Elimination Game

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Wheeee, S6 and S7 are honestly my two favorite seasons! 




Terms of Endearment - stupid, and blah.

S.R. 819 - just boring.  I really wish the Skinner-centric eps had been better.  It's not like we don't like Skinner!

Alpha - boring, and strange.




Fight Club - I hate Kathy Griffin with a passion, and the ep itself was so terrible it was almost offensive.  (The one bright spot was "I'm Special Agent Dana Scully with the FBI."  "What's so special about you?" LOL)

First Person Shooter - yeah, what everyone else said.

The Amazing Maleeni - meh.

I can't stand to watch Fight Club, but I did like this:


MULDER: No, the interesting thing about these agents is they had worked together for seven years previously without any incident.

SCULLY: Seven years?

MULDER: Yeah, but they are not ... romantically involved if that's what you're thinking.

SCULLY: Not even I would be so farfetched.


Oh, and this:


Edited by queequeg
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Terms of Endearment - stupid, and blah.

I think this opinion is fairly popular, but I really like this episode! I can't defend the stupidity, I just enjoy it. So many twists it's like I'm spinning around on a carousel.

S.R. 819 - just boring. I really wish the Skinner-centric eps had been better. It's not like we don't like Skinner!

I know, I was this close to voting on it. It's a shame. Skinner is awesome.

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I think the cool thing about voting like this is that it shows universal favorites vs. universally hated vs. the random eps that people either love or hate.  Like, I about died last round that Tempus Fugit and Max got voted out as early as they did b/c I LOVE those episodes, like top 5 love.   But then I get excited, like this round that I'm the only one that's not such a fan of Agua Mala or Milagro, because I feel I only normally hear good things about those eps.


I will confess I may have mentally done one of these over Tempus Fugit and Max, though.  lol



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But then I get excited, like this round that I'm the only one that's not such a fan of Agua Mala or Milagro, because I feel I only normally hear good things about those eps.

Agua Mala?!  You only hear good things about Agua Mala?  I thought that one was almost universally reviled.  [This must mean we've moved in different X-Phile circles.]

Agua Mala?!  You only hear good things about Agua Mala?  I thought that one was almost universally reviled.  [This must mean we've moved in different X-Phile circles.]

Well, I'm new to X-Philes circles in general, but I don't think I realized it was hated.  I'm glad to hear otherwise.  :)   I'm not sure what I read that made me think that.

I had a similar reaction to Sanguinarium, queequeg. It's gross and silly! Why doesn't everyone embrace that?! It's the good-bad 80's horror fan in me, probably.

I just finished watching Agua Mala like a minute ago. It does have a great Scully badge flashing moment, at least!


Edited by joelene
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Oh, I'm certainly not capable of speaking for the whole fandom (not that the whole fandom agrees anyway).  My sense of how people view it isn't necessarily accurate at all.

It's probably more accurate than mine!  I've only become truly X-Files obsessed in the last 6 months.  :)   My mother brought me an FBI hat when she came to visit.  I'm still trying to decide whether it's hilariously awesome or speaks to how pathetic I am.   lol

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Oh, it's awesome. If it's pathetic then I wouldn't wanna be any other way! It's cool you're so new to the obsession! I've never really been an active part of the fandom before myself (except for the one shared with a few friends), mostly on the sidelines, lurking and looking in, so I'm having a lot of fun here :-)

Edited by joelene
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Yeah, not a ton of surprises so far, but there have been some results I wasn't expecting (e.g. Beyond the Sea coming in third instead of first or second).  None of the top fives have produced a "How the hell did that get there?" reaction in me (I'm a little surprised by The End, but then I look at what a weak season that is); my "Wow, really?" reactions have come from lower rankings -- season four is the only round thus far where there isn't one episode ranked much lower than I'd place it.  In ascending order of degree to which I really was not expecting that:


- 2Shy out early in season three at #19

- The Jersey Devil tied for second-to-last place in season one

- Humbug only ranked as #12 in season two

- Kill Switch a paltry #11 in season five


(I initially considered Humbug's placement my biggest surprise - and it's probably my biggest disappointment - but I realized Kill Switch is even more surprising to me given the weakness of that season.)

I was expecting Beyond the Sea to win as well, and 2Shy is my biggest disappointment next to Sanguinarium. Too soon. Humbug is still wack. It went out so early the disappointment just didn't hit me for some reason, probably because it was so unexpected. But it's kind of fun to have some surprising results, even if it would've been in my top 3.

The End, yeah, it just speaks to to season. It's a good season but there's a definite lack of wow-episodes. I've always been lukewarm to Kill Switch apart from a couple of awesome scenes, but I think I need to revisit the episode.

My biggest pleasant surprise is Die Hand Die Verletzt as runner up. I knew it was well liked but not that well liked.

Looking forward to rewatching Jersey Devil and Scully's date outfit.

Edited by joelene

First episode to go is Alpha with 5 votes. After that it's pretty close but The Beginning and Trevor also lose the round with 3 votes each. Is The Beginning really that weak? I must admit I don't remember much, so I guess I answered my own question there.

Close behind are Terms of Endermeant, Agua Mala and The Unnatural.

No one is a fan of the unfortunate First Person Shooter which is out with 6 votes. Brand X and Fight Club lost with 4 each. Running behind are Closure and Signs & Wonders with 2 votes.

Season 6:




Dreamland II

How The Ghosts Stole Christmas

Terms of Endearment

The Rain King

S.R. 819


Two Fathers

One Son

Agua Mala




The Unnatural

Three of a Kind

Field Trip


Season 7:

The Sixth Extinction

The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati




The Goldberg Variation


The Amazing Maleeni

Signs & Wonders

Sein und Zeit




En Ami


all things

Hollywood A.D.

Je Souhaite


Vote for three episodes from each season in the order you least like them.

Chimera...I honestly don't remember this episode.  At all.  Therefore, it's out.

I remember two things about this episode.  The exchange quoted by queequeg on the last page about Mulder's "significant other".  And this:


SCULLY: Mulder, when you find me dead, my desiccated corpse propped up staring lifelessly through the telescope at drunken frat boys peeing and vomiting into the gutter just know that my last thoughts were of you and how I'd like to kill you.

MULDER: I'm sorry. Who is this?


As for the actual plot?  Not a clue.



Also, in thinking about these season 7 episodes I just now remembered two things about Signs and Wonders (an episode I never watch) that may have left long-term scars.  The snake childbirth scene and the very end with the snake coming out of the dude's mouth.  I like snakes just fine in general, but both of those just...*shudder*.  Maybe I really should have voted for that one already.  Just thinking about it is making me feel a little sick.

Edited by smrou
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Oooh right. And it  had something to do with crows. Or ravens.  I totally remember the dessicated corpse bit - Scully was on a stakeout.  I couldn't begin to tell you what episode it was in - until now. 


For some reason I thought Chimera was the name of the one with Doggett and that salamander monster thing that blinded people, but then I knew that couldn't be right because we weren't in season 8 or 9 yet. Hence, my confusion. 

SCULLY: Mulder, when you find me dead, my desiccated corpse propped up staring lifelessly through the telescope at drunken frat boys peeing and vomiting into the gutter just know that my last thoughts were of you and how I'd like to kill you.


As far as I know, I've never seen Chimera, but I've seen that clip online.  It cracked me up.


I have it in my head that something about Terms of Endearment offended me, but I can't bring to mind a single thing about that episode other than its use of "Only Happy When it Rains," a song I love.


Oooh right. And it had something to do with crows. Or ravens. I totally remember the dessicated corpse bit - Scully was on a stakeout. I couldn't begin to tell you what episode it was in - until now.

For some reason I thought Chimera was the name of the one with Doggett and that salamander monster thing that blinded people, but then I knew that couldn't be right because we weren't in season 8 or 9 yet. Hence, my confusion.

Yes, crows or ravens! They turn up around the victims and the wife, and mirrors and windows crack and then there's some sort of beast with long black hair and claws.

The one with the salamander is Alone in season 8![/b]

I have it in my head that something about Terms of Endearment offended me, but I can't bring to mind a single thing about that episode other than its use of "Only Happy When it Rains," a song I love.

Not sure what that could've been. Sorry if I'm spoiling now if you wanna rewatch being surprised (if so look away now!). It's pretty somber in the beginning with Bruce Campbell and his wife's unborn babies getting stolen/killed by a demon. Turns out Bruce is the demon who wants a human baby with a regular woman, but the children all turn out having horns so he burns the unborn. Then turns out he's got another pregnant wife he's trying this out with which is when it twists into total what the fuckery because what he doesn't know is that she's also a demon! And she wants a demon baby! And she has a bunch of dead regular babies buried in her yard, I think. And then she gives birth to their demon spawn and drives off into the sunset. I find the whole thing simultaineously disturbing and hilarious toward the end. Edited by joelene

From season 4 we boot S.R. 819 (4), Agua Mala (4) and Two Fathers (3). One Son also got 3 votes but everyone placed Two Fathers first, as you do with mytharcs you have no grasp on (not that I'm implying we don't...). Terms of Endearment, Milagro and The Unnatural got 2 votes each.

Season 7 is straightforward: Signs & Wonders got 6, Chimera 5 and Hungry 3. Stardu-, I mean, Closure's behind with 2 votes yet again.

Season 6:




Dreamland II

How The Ghosts Stole Christmas

Terms of Endearment

The Rain King


One Son




The Unnatural

Three of a Kind

Field Trip


Season 7:

The Sixth Extinction

The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati



The Goldberg Variation


The Amazing Maleeni

Sein und Zeit




En Ami

all things

Hollywood A.D.

Je Souhaite


Vote for three episodes from each season in the order you least like them.

I'm having trouble with season 6.  Partly because I like almost all of the episodes, but I'm also having an issue with Dreamland.  If we smoosh them both into one it would rank high up on my list, but somehow it doesn't seem quite good enough to be worth two high spots.  But it's also not one where I think one half is particularly better than the other.  (Basically I wish it were just one episode.)  I'm also having trouble deciding what to do with The Unnatural.  As an episode of the show it's shitty--Mulder and Scully are not in character in the tiny parts they have and the whole rest of the episode is just a weird made-up (?) story told by an impostor Arthur Dales--but as its own...I dunno, thing...I find it totally charming!  


Also, for season 7, Biogenesis/Sixth Extinction/Amor Fati is where, for me, the mytharc ceases to make any sense whatsoever.  But then there's Scully being just, like, out of this world gorgeous:


And then, you know, making out with Mulder's forehead:



So anyway, that's what's going on in my brain trying to make these (entirely meaningless) decisions!


Season 6:


One Son

Terms of Endearment


Season 7:


Hollywood AD

Sixth Extinction

Edited by smrou
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I can but agree to your entire post, smrou! Especially Dreamland. I don't rewatch it very often because I can't just watch one of them, which makes it something of a... chore isn't the right word, but it makes me reluctant. I love the concept and lots of parts, but as whole it's flawed. Then again a lot of episodes in season 6 are flawed, but I rewatch and get to enjoy them more often.

I've always said that while I think the Dreamland episodes are good, it would have been excellent condensed into one episode.   And they are going to cause me voting issues when I get to them.  This is another season with a handful of episodes I really like and then a bunch I don't care about, so some of my higher-ranking episodes are not actually as well-liked as their rank would suggest.  I have a top three that are truly top three, but then it gets into "well, I quite enjoy these, and they're my favorites of the rest, but are they really top five material?"  The Dreamlands will probably fall into that category.


And, yeah, I'm all about getting rid of the mytharc episodes early for these seasons, because I just can't stand the mytharc parts of them, but then there are these nice M&S moments that give me pause -- it's why I haven't yet voted for Amor Fati.

One Son

Terms of Endearment

Rain King (mostly Victoria Jackson is responsible for this. Nails on a chalkboard.)




all things


I cosign the notion that the Dreamlands would've made one excellent episode, but I'd still rank them both pretty highly, and I really love season 6 for the most part. 


The mytharc did totally go off the rails here but I was still trying to make it make sense, so no votes for 6th Extinction/Amor Fati, yet.

The Rain King (ugh, Victoria Jackson leaves such a bad taste in my mouth, but I really like the rest)

I wish Victoria Jackson weren't such a vile human being (or, I suppose, I wish I didn't know that she's such a vile human being) since I do think The Rain King is a fun episode.  Totally silly, to be sure, and in a season that is perhaps a bit heavy on the silly factor, but I enjoy it so much.

  • Love 2

I read that it was originally written in the script that the kiss at the end of Existence was supposed to be another forehead kiss?!  Can you even imagine?!  Had a kid together... forehead kiss!!!   Glad the actors/Kim Manners/whoever put the kibosh on that.

I remember hearing about that one.


Definitely. It wouldn't have made any sense at all for them to have done that.


And years later... for Chris to let the characters french kiss. Bad angles aside, he's come a long way XD. At least in regards to the relationship.

I think the one in Memento Mori works; I love that daily of the lip kiss as much as anyone, but at that stage of their relationship the forehead kiss feels fine.  Fast forward two - or four! - years, though, and it's just ridiculous.

I think so too. It made sense there.

  • Love 1

This round made me sad. Season 6: One Son and Terms of Endearment (I've expressed my irrational feelings) is out with 5 votes each and Milagro (*sob* would be my nr. 4 of the season) is out with 4.

Season 7: Four episodes received 3 votes and The Sixth Extinction was the survivor. The Amazing Maleeni, Closure (I love the stardust scene, maybe I shouldn't, but I can't help it) and Orison (not great but too soon for me) are gone! Hopefully I can go on living with these results, but it won't be easy and without alcohol.


Season 6:




Dreamland II

How The Ghosts Stole Christmas

The Rain King




The Unnatural

Three of a Kind

Field Trip


Season 7:

The Sixth Extinction

The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati



The Goldberg Variation

Sein und Zeit



En Ami

all things

Hollywood A.D.

Je Souhaite


Vote for three episodes from each season in the order you least like them.

Edited by joelene
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