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Season Five: Final Wish List Speculation

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On 3/5/2022 at 2:33 AM, bybrandy said:

Yeah, I read this more as an abortion situation than introducing Moishe and Shirley to their chinese grandchild... It isn't that she couldn't be a doctor and have a baby.  People do.  But it is so much harder and she is going to be a doctor.  

Couldn't Suzie send the tv guy to Joel's club?  Is that too outside the right geography?  


4 minutes ago, luvthepros said:

Now why didn't Suzie think of that?

So it can happen in the final season. 

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7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

just seems like there was no real reason for the married guy hookup (other than guest star buzz) if not to create some later drama. It seemed like a Chekhovian hookup for the final season.
Even if I'm projecting the experiences of myself and other women from around that time, I don't see why else they'd use Milo Ventimiglia for that particular kind of role, if not to at least show another source of concern to women during the time of so-called sexual liberation (often not as liberating for women).

Chekhovian hookup made me giggle. An entirely different interpretation of his gun. I for one hope that they don’t have Midge get pregnant. Even though Luke Kirby as Lenny Bruce is my favorite new tv boyfriend. 
My predictions: 

1. Midge is going to take Lenny’s advice and start taking herself seriously. We might see Midge get the show on the billboard or strategize with Susie how to do it. 

2. Susie will have problems with the mob guys who want a taste. The new secretary will help Susie get away from them by connecting her with more black clients. And please god not in a forced way or a savior way or a woke way. In a “it’s good business at the dawn of the civil rights era for everyone involved way”. AA performers were often either under represented or cheated by representation. Susie is an odd duck woman trying to build a business. She’d have to get over the gambling and dipping into the clients money thing though.
This would be a great storyline to do realistically. High maintenance women ala Midge and Sophie and black performers could be Susie’s boutique break in to the business and then the niche that makes her successful. The new secretary ultimately becomes a partner. 

3. I’d love to see Lenny and Midge’s doomed romance continue. 

4. I do want to see how they handle Mei’s pregnancy even if it’s completely unrealistic. 

5. I want to see Abe and Moishe as BFFs as heartwarming comic relief. 

6. Dropped subplot, but someone needs to go rescue Susie’s sister from her BJ indentured servitude at the insurance company. 

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I think there are too many plot threads for the next season to be immediately following...I predict (and you can all laugh at me next time) that there will be a jump in time of a few years, and most of the season will be flashbacks to the key points between.

We know Lenny dies in 1966, and that might be a heartbreaking flashback or even the starting point of the season. I don't know that Midge will find another spouse/partner for some time. Joel truly loves her, but they've made clear the reasons why they can't be married. I think Mei is a good match for him, but she will not give up her dream to be a doctor. (So that means either an abortion, or conveniently miscarrying in a TV-style way). Joel likes being a club owner and is apparently good at it.

I wonder if the end game is to make sure Midge and Susie are still partners (creative & business) at the end. I really don't want Susie to end up like Reggie, and Midge knows that Susie's the one who has always seen her and had her back.

The mob (in its many versions) will probably play a big role in everyone's career...at the end of Season 4, it's explained by the two mob guys that Midge IS effectively owned by them, but she misses the point. I am sure Susie didn't miss the point. 

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My wish will always be that this show takes place in an alternate time-line where Midge and Lenny live happily ever after, for decades. Prior to this show I didn't know anything about Lenny Bruce other than he was "not afraid!" (thanks, R.E.M.!). I still don't know much beyond his untimely death but it seems his death was a massive loss to society.

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2 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

I'm a bit bummed that next season will be the last, because there's one iconic '60s NYC comic who desperately needed to be included in this show. Carlin. Could you imagine Midge and George Carlin riffing?

I did a quick check on Wikipedia to confirm something I suspected.  Midge meeting and interacting with George Carlin is the edge of plausible if she goes to California during season 5.

This is where we get into many ifs and why it's the edge of plausible. In 1960, Carlin was part of a comedy duo that had recorded an album. The end of season 4 takes place towards the end of 1960. If Midge goes to California, someone might tell her or Susie to check out George Carlin, (he might not have been a household name, but Susie and Midge are in the entertainment industry and might be in contact with people who aware of acts/trends before anyone else) or they catch his act accidently. At this point in his career, George Carlin still had a squeaky clean image and had not yet developed the style he would later be known for. 

I like the idea of Midge seeing the stage persona and not being impressed, but then seeing what he's like when he's not trying to uphold the squeaky clean image and Midge being very much impressed. (Apologies if this comes off as fan-fiction).  

Also @NJRadioGuy There is a topic for season 5 speculation, if you have any other thoughts on what you might like to see in the final season. 

Edited by Sarah 103
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I don’t know if the final season has already been chiseled in stone or not, but this week’s assault of a comedian on stage at the Oscars by someone who was offended by the comic’s joke seems like it could become part of Midge’s saga——especially since “a slap” (rather than a punch) works better narratively for female participants.

My big ask? 

That we get to see the aftermath of Nixon's presidential election in 1968, and Abe and Rose make good on the threat to move to Paris. No matter what else happens, and I know so much has been spoiled now that it renders much additional speculation moot, but I'll be the happiest li'l camper if I get to see them get that dog back and settle in to that sweet apartment that'll magically become available again. 

A girl can dream. 

*Oh, and I also want Susie to hire Reggie. Because Reggie was a damn fine manager. 

Edited by Francie
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