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S09.E11: The Conglomerate

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Park considered Liz a friend? Huh?! Didn't she try to beat the shit out of Liz on two occasions??

After all these years, the hypocrite Cooper has finally raised his voice in disgust to one of his subordinates!!! He should take his advice and turn himself in or just resign!

Dembe had to ask Red are there more important cases than finding who killed Liz? Dembe needed to direct that question to the writers!

During Park's 2 year gap she became an assassin, tells Cooper and Co. and all they did was chuckle. She should have shot Aram to prove her claim.

Did the man Park beat with a bottle of Grand Cuvee press charges? From that flash back it didn't seem any assault was coming. The poor guy was probably working up the nerve to ask the lady to dance and Park made sure he had a night to remember!

Park runs into instant trouble with the Burmese group and Richter is there in no time to save her ass! Didn't seem the subterfuge of Park being a maid was necessary if Richter could easily make his way to the room.

When Park was in that big room in front of the 3, I thought she was going to perform the routine from Flash Dance to impress them.

These assassins couldn't come up with a sexier name? The Conglomerate! Yeah, that sounds menacing!

The sorry ass Conglomerate is supposed to be so "special", they got taken down by a TAC team led by Ressler. Let that sink in!

The Conglomerate couldn't design better looking busines cards!?

To raise funds, the greedy Conglomerate ran a Pyramid scheme. Park didn't go to Tangier for an operation because she fell for weak game from Peter and hasn't been seen since now. How did this so so great organization just easily let their money source go and not send an assassin after her or someone to get answers. Congolmerate needs an HR department.

Cooper had brandy in hand ready to celebrate and Ressler spoiled his moment telling him the job was not done. He most likely guzzled it anyway! Can't keep the man down, as he had a glass in hand when Red stopped by his house.

A Camel! The goat has been replaced!

How did Peter not pick up the signs Park and Richter use to bang? 

Isn't Red supposed to be in hiding living in the Silver Bullet in the woods? Seems everyone knows where to find him!

Every time Park was shown in the restaurant, it didn't seem she ordered anything. They would like to ask her to leave but they know she'll beat them to death using a straw. Also, who goes to a restaurant bringing their luggage?

So this is the first time Peter has seen Park's rage? Not even in the bedroom all these years? I give her credit for holding in the "beast" for so long. Now Peter is upset for what he has seen from her. Count your blessings you are alive!

I hope Megan Boone is still getting paid for use of her face! The show should be embarrassed they have to keep using it. 

Now they need to exhume Liz's body!!? When Aram is digging up Liz body, I hope he is thinking of the $4 million he turned down. Maybe Red will order Cooper to dig.

Edited by mxc90
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I know this show has its issues, but I don't miss Megan Boone. I could do without the flashbacks, however.

I've enjoyed watching episodes about the other characters' backstories. Park has had an interesting life.

I'm on the fence about her husband, though. I hope he's a good guy, but I can see this show turning his character into one similar to what Tom was on the show.


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Oh great, now we'll have to deal with zombie Liz and her bullshit.

So in between Lizzie dying and the new task force (same as the old task force!) forming, Park had a brief career as a badass assassin? I can't say I watch this show all the closely but I feel like this is the first time we've had any hint of these kinds of skills from her. I'd like it if Park was a sexy badass but I am not entirely sure I buy it. Loved those big boots though. Maybe she fills them with wet sand before going out on a job so that the bad guys can't knock her over so easily.

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Oh, geez!  Enough with Liz already show!  Now we have to exhume her body, ugh.  And yes, as much as I don't miss Boone, they better be paying for all these flashbacks they're doing of her (unless she signed away a certain amount of rights to use of her image on this show).

So now we've seen all of the task force's backstories after Liz.  I'm not surprised that Park was an assassin or that she had those types of skills.  She's been shown going to some dark places before.  As for Cooper, pot meet kettle regarding his chewing out Park.  I do hope her husband is just her husband and not some undercover bad guy.

But of course this all comes down to Red who of course orchestrated the whole takedown of the Conglomerate to keep Park's mind on how she (and anyone else) can help him track down who killed Liz...

Also, if this Conglomerate was so big and bad, why would you have a meeting in the middle of hotel conference room?  Just how was that supposed to be secure and yes, as was said upthread, they were taken down by a team lead by Ressler for goodness sake.

Please let the next epi be the last we hear of Liz (one can at least dream/hope).

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"Ineptitude," bothers you, Red? "Lack of originality?" You must be hugely bothered by your own show.

There is nothing about Agent Park as played that says "assassin." She doesn't seem particularly threatening or dangerous unless you count her indecision about, well, pretty much everything. And the show has transferred Lizzie's relationship angst in the early seasons to Park, which ... makes her even less interesting.

And The Conglomerate is as vanilla as it gets.

Meanwhile, the "mystery" of who killed Lizzie continues to shove its butt in our faces. If I were Red, I'd break the fourth wall and start investigating the viewers who were sick of her. This is at least the second time in 2-3 episodes where a character has asked Red whether the emergency at hand is "as important" as finding out who killed Liz. Why yes, yes it is - pretty much everything is more important than that. W H O C A R ES.

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4 hours ago, Ottis said:

There is nothing about Agent Park as played that says "assassin." She doesn't seem particularly threatening or dangerous unless you count her indecision about, well, pretty much everything. And the show has transferred Lizzie's relationship angst in the early seasons to Park, which ... makes her even less interesting.


Absolutely nothing about Agent Park in previous episodes has even hinted at her being an assassin -- especially while she is still working for the FBI, unless she took a leave of absence from both the FBI and her husband (and her senses).  

Is it wrong that I was hoping that Richter could have stepped in a bear trap while he was fighting Park ? 
Would have made about as much sense as when it happened when they were in Alaska.

If you beat someone to death with a lamp, should they stay away from the light ?

Still no sign or mention of the dogs, Robert Vesco's cat , or Sierra the cat.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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This show is everything that is wrong with network TV. No wonder premium channels and streaming channels are doing so well...I just don't know why I continue to watch this drivel...habit? Again, with no other ideas to explore, the writers are still dredging up the why did Liz die and who killed her. I was stunned that they are still recycling it over and over. And yet, NBC has already signaled that The Blacklist will return next Fall. They must not have any other new shows in the works otherwise I can't think of a reason to continue rolling this crap out every week.

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Even for this show, it was extra incompetent to not notice that Richter got away. I mean, holy shit, people! This is your fucking friend and teammate and you didn't make sure the guy she just betrayed was actually caught?! 

I actually like Laura Sohn well enough, but due to Boone's departure, Sohn is now the defacto female lead on the series and she isn't up for that, I don't think. They really should just cast another female actor.

Park is friend with Keen now? Since when? In the short time Park was in the taskforce, she was mostly adversarial with Keen. She had special relationship with Reddington, but not with Keen.

And was Keen really that special, in terms of working relationship? How many times did Keen burn the team? Nobody was sad when Meera Malik died on duty or when Navabi left for good, aside from Mojtabai, that is.

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