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S14.E89: Afterparty: Breakthroughs and Breakdowns

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Keshia Knight Pulliam chats with Jasmina, Noi, and Lindsey for a behind-the-scenes look at the spouses' date nights, including Lindsey's sushi dinner with Mark, Steve saying "I love you" for the first time, and the emotional moment when Michael opened up to Jasmina about his past .

Airs Wednesday, March 2, at 11:03PM EST.

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Are people not watching or just putting comments in the show thread? Or maybe it was just nothing to comment on last night, other than Lindsey looked nice, Jasmina said that Katina doesn't always just sit there and let her ass husband talk to her like that, and I have no idea what Noi had to mumble about.

Also, why is Lindsey back again next week? Enough. She did try to stick up for Katina and Jasmina snapped at her, again, looking for a fight. It's bad enough that Jasmina is offended by everything Michael says to her, but now she is offended FOR Katina, who was not even there. She is an awful, cold, woman.

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So there were some very sweet moments from this Afterparty. I liked seeing the scene of Steve and Noi telling each other "I love you." Noi said she expected Steve would be able to do the treasure hunt in 30 minutes but that it took him like 2 hours, LOL. And we have at least one other couple who's consummated their marriage now.

Mark was pretty brave about trying the sushi and the sake. Lindsey can't seem to let the hazmat suit go. I want to know what else she's done for him. And he still eats his goldfish every night before bed, haha. I think there's a lot about Mark that isn't shown, just speculating.

It was nice to see Keshia give Jasmina a bit of a hard time for the way she was speaking to Michael. She doesn't get what a ball-buster she is. Her "tone" is even worse than Michael's. But it was also nice to see Jasmina's emotional response to Michael's opening up about his brother.

Jasmina was pissed at Olajuwon for making Katina cry. All the ladies are Team Katina.

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It was nice to see Keshia give Jasmina a bit of a hard time for the way she was speaking to Michael. She doesn't get what a ball-buster she is. Her "tone" is even worse than Michael's. But it was also nice to see Jasmina's emotional response to Michael's opening up about his brother.

Jasmina deserved it. It's one thing to discuss differences in communication styles but it's another to imply that your partner is somehow socially deficient because you don't like how he talks to you. I thought Michael had every right to be pissed off at her "how do you get to be an adult and not know how to have a normal disagreement" comment.


Mark was pretty brave about trying the sushi and the sake. Lindsey can't seem to let the hazmat suit go. I want to know what else she's done for him. And he still eats his goldfish every night before bed, haha. I think there's a lot about Mark that isn't shown, just speculating.

Yeah - honestly I would have paid someone to go in and remove my stuff rather than put up with all of Lindsey's drama in return for moving assistance. 

I don't think Mark is that complex, honestly. I think he is just an average guy who is not a particularly adventurous eater. I think he's pretty straightforward and would have done well with a fairly straightforward wife who is also something of a homebody with a bland palate. I don't mean any of that to be insulting. I just think that sometimes in an effort to "balance someone out" the "experts" go too far in pairing one person with a polar opposite and they struggle to find any common ground.

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Over the years, I've introduced several people to eating sushi. Not like that, Lindsey. You know who jumps right into her favorites and he be damned? You, a selfish, inebriated, insecure "wife." Again, where is Pastor Cal to repeat his advice about MOVING ON? And every time Lindsey mentions that there's an on-camera and off-camera Mark, I hear Alyssa claiming the same about Chris. 

Keisha is doing a great job, imo. She's the reason I watch.

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I keep seeing so many hints being dropped about Mark's "other life" that I just don't know any more. The whole situation with his landlady was weird, and we never saw any resolution there. I want to know how he ended up with his roommate's cat. Then there's his married woman friend who was texting him all throughout the honeymoon, and even texted Lindsey and told her she should do x,y, and z for Mark. Plus we don't know the whole back story with his mom, and how he deals with her. And why is he "Mark the Shark"? He supposedly told the experts he had a big personality and wanted somebody to match that.

Jasmina was awful during that conversation with Michael at the park. She does not hear how she sounds so scolding and critical of him.

LOVE, love, love Keisha. 

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I noticed Lindsey went out of her way to speak complimentary about Katina and how she deserved better than Olajuwon’s treatment and expectations of her but Jasmina was kind of shutting her down and seemed to be misunderstanding her on purpose.  There’s definitely tension there and of course with Katina, with Lindsey showing her ass so much this season. I’m still surprised that Katina went to bat for Alyssa like she did. Don’t know what side she saw of her that we obviously a weren’t privy to.


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17 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

I keep seeing so many hints being dropped about Mark's "other life" that I just don't know any more. The whole situation with his landlady was weird, and we never saw any resolution there. I want to know how he ended up with his roommate's cat. Then there's his married woman friend who was texting him all throughout the honeymoon, and even texted Lindsey and told her she should do x,y, and z for Mark. Plus we don't know the whole back story with his mom, and how he deals with her. And why is he "Mark the Shark"? He supposedly told the experts he had a big personality and wanted somebody to match that.

Jasmina was awful during that conversation with Michael at the park. She does not hear how she sounds so scolding and critical of him.

LOVE, love, love Keisha. 


16 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I'd bet it's a high school nickname that he's trying to keep going...

I think I said this last week, so apologies for repeating myself, but Mark’s buddies said they called him Mark the Shark because when they were on the prowl for girls, he used to circle the beach going up and down talking to every pretty girl he saw. I completely picture him like The Situation from Jersey Shore—but likewise I get the impression this was like a decade ago. Though, Lindsey said here that Mark is ALWAYS “the side piece”?! (She threw that in there apropos of nothing and as they were throwing to commercial!) So, that MIGHT explain some things about the married friend.

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23 hours ago, buttersister said:

And every time Lindsey mentions that there's an on-camera and off-camera Mark, I hear Alyssa claiming the same about Chris. 

I wish someone would ask Lindsay to give a few examples of Mark’s off-camera persona. 

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Lindsey blended in with the chair!!! 😅😂 She's been there often enough, she knows what color matches! It was funny watching Keshia try to shut her up when she was rambling on & on. Ya. Good luck with that! Yet. She'll be on AGAIN next week! 

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Shady editors zoomed in on Jas taking a sip while Keshia was talking about the drink. 😅😂 At least she called herself out AND admitted to getting on Michael for doing the same thing at their wedding. Lol!

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Booooooo! Last week Keshia was talking about hearing Noi's side & didn't even ask her about noodlegate! WHY did she think leaving & ignoring her husband was okay to do? How would she like it if he did the same?!!

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On 3/3/2022 at 11:02 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I noticed Lindsey went out of her way to speak complimentary about Katina and how she deserved better than Olajuwon’s treatment and expectations of her but Jasmina was kind of shutting her down and seemed to be misunderstanding her on purpose.  There’s definitely tension there and of course with Katina, with Lindsey showing her ass so much this season.

I'm not defending Jasmina because I think she would go out of her way to take something the "wrong way" with anyone, but Lindsey did misunderstand her or at least what she intended to say about Katina.  But in my opinion that's not Lindsey's fault.  I went back over that exchange 3 times before I realized that what Jasmina was trying to get across is that Katina is not confronting Olajuwon about his comments and behavior toward her because compared to the men she's been involved with before he looks like a real catch.  But I don't blame Lindsey for not getting that point.  Jasmina's communication skills suck if you want my opinion and then she blames the other person for it (usually Michael).  She is just too hard to get along with.  I do have to commend Lindsey for defending Katina in spite of their history.  I felt that was genuine.

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On 3/3/2022 at 2:36 PM, Elizzikra said:

I don't think Mark is that complex, honestly. I think he is just an average guy who is not a particularly adventurous eater. I think he's pretty straightforward and would have done well with a fairly straightforward wife who is also something of a homebody with a bland palate. I don't mean any of that to be insulting. I just think that sometimes in an effort to "balance someone out" the "experts" go too far in pairing one person with a polar opposite and they struggle to find any common ground.

Yeah, I agree with you.  Mark is meat and potatoes and I think Lindsey's tastes are a little more broad and generally sophisticated, and that probably could sum up everything about them beyond food too.  But that's not necessarily a bad thing nor does it mean it's always a bad thing to match people that different in those ways together.  My father and my husband were similar when they were single and my mother and I introduced them to foods they would have never tried on their own.  I don't think my husband ever ate seafood before he met me.  He still won't eat raw clams but he loves raw sushi and eats lobster, shrimp, steamed clams, etc. and credits my family with broadening his food horizons.  My father never ate raw seafood even though my mother loved it, but she certainly broadened his food horizons a LOT.  He never read the New York Times, only the Daily News, while my mother was a Times person.  She went for her college degree as an adult and achieved a master's in creative writing while my father took language courses but never achieved anything more than a GED diploma.  That said, I think my parents met somewhere in the middle as I do with my husband, (who not surprisingly also has a GED while I have a master's degree), but I get the feeling that Mark is too entrenched in his working class mentality to really embrace or appreciate much if any of what Lindsey might present him to broaden his horizons.  My father and husband both had an aspirational mentality about such things, but I sense that Mark does not.

Edited by Yeah No
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Finally watched this week’s Afterparty. I did not think Lindsey’s  choice of dress was flattering, and I spent the entire episode either fixated on the neckline (possible slippage) with special shout out to the underarm area, or that butt-high slit. Like Lindsey’s personality, the dress was A LOT…it even had a train! I wondered if it was a leftover bridesmaid dress, but I don’t know that she has close girlfriends whose weddings she would be in? Also, I noticed Lindsey often was looking somewhere else than at Keshia, like she has become very camera aware…or maybe she was reading the prompter or something. Just odd. I’m sad she will be on next week’s Afterparty again, since she seems to change the vibe of the group. I apologize to her fans, as I know this is A LOT of Lindsey criticism.

To balance things out, I did not care for the outfits Jasmina and Noi chose either. The colors were great on all three, but the cut and styles were lacking this week, gals.

Love, love Keshia as always!

Edited by Cancun
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I had mentioned earlier that I thought that Lindsey looked good, but I think it was more that the color was good on her. The dress was way too much and formal looking. I didn't like what either Jasmina or Noi were wearing. The colors J was wearing didn't work together (for me) and Noi's outfit was too bland.

It's easy to see, now that Alyssa is gone, that Jasmina is getting the nasty edit, although I still think they couldn't edit things in there if they were never said. I believe that Jasmina is a cold, judgmental bitch and she makes me feel sorry for Michael, who is no prize, but he IS trying. 

O gets the edit he deserves. I don't believe he is playing a role - I think that he presents the way he is. I know that he had that "special phone call" moment on the Afterparty, but I don't think I would watch if he was an actual guest. Although, it might be fun to hear Keisha challenge some of his caveman thoughts.

ETA - I will definitely NOT be watching next week. Sexy time show is always cringey for me. The two guests are Lindsey and O and a special guest comedian. Definite miss.

Edited by Retired at last
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I loved Jasmina's colors, the lime green and plum. But I can see why that wouldn't be for everyone. Agree Lindsey's dress was too much, and can't even remember what Noi wore. Jasmina's beauty is unfortunately ruined by her sourpuss attitude.

I do think Mark is getting the "good edit", probably to contrast him with Lindsey. Not really necessary as she's enough on her own. I would like to know what off-camera Mark is guilty of, according to Lindsey. A mama's boy, likely. We already know about the farting, clogging, and bed bugs. Could it get worse? 

Count me in on the Keshia appreciation. I didn't dislike Jamie as much as most did, but Keshia is so much better at the job.

Keshia vs O the Cavemen next week? Yes, please.


Edited by kikicat
Keshia and bed bugs are better than Keisha and lice
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On 3/3/2022 at 3:52 PM, gingerandcloves said:

I keep seeing so many hints being dropped about Mark's "other life" that I just don't know any more. The whole situation with his landlady was weird, and we never saw any resolution there. I want to know how he ended up with his roommate's cat. Then there's his married woman friend who was texting him all throughout the honeymoon, and even texted Lindsey and told her she should do x,y, and z for Mark. Plus we don't know the whole back story with his mom, and how he deals with her. And why is he "Mark the Shark"? He supposedly told the experts he had a big personality and wanted somebody to match that.

Jasmina was awful during that conversation with Michael at the park. She does not hear how she sounds so scolding and critical of him.

LOVE, love, love Keisha. 

Mark seems nice but slightly sketchy.  But Lindsey hits way below the belt.  I agree with the person that said that The Shark was better off paying someone to pack his shit and leave MAFS out of it. Now Lindsey will never shut up about the bedbugs and hazmat suit. Or how he is "down".  Or how he cant get her off. She fights dirty.  I could never be with a person like that.  If she said this stuff to me, there would be no coming back from that. I think The Shark has checked out. 

On 3/3/2022 at 12:14 PM, buttersister said:

Over the years, I've introduced several people to eating sushi. Not like that, Lindsey. You know who jumps right into her favorites and he be damned? You, a selfish, inebriated, insecure "wife." Again, where is Pastor Cal to repeat his advice about MOVING ON? And every time Lindsey mentions that there's an on-camera and off-camera Mark, I hear Alyssa claiming the same about Chris. 

Keisha is doing a great job, imo. She's the reason I watch.

Jasmine does this shit too.  But Michael seems chilled out.  I havent seen him yell at her or give her a mean attitude. 

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18 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

Lindsey will never shut up about the bedbugs and hazmat suit. Or how he is "down".  Or how he cant get her off. She fights dirty.

Yeah, I can't say I'd blame him if he didn't want to show vulnerabilities with her, she will show sympathy, but then use it as ammo when she gets mad.

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