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James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser


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It's funny but I don't like many of the photos I've seen of Sam because he looks like a 21st-century man -- complete with modern suit, hair product and tidy grooming -- and it's messing with my TV crush on Jamie (he of the kilt, bare chest, tousled hair and beard stubble.)  I've even gotten to the point that I cringe a bit when I hear Sam speak because his accent and demeanor are different from what I've come to expect from Jamie.  There are some drop-dead gorgeous photos of Sam from Comic-con with a big, gracious smile on his face that is so un-Jamie-like that I have can hardly bear it (Jamie has fewer occasions to smile, ye ken, so when he does grace us with a quick half-smile they droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.)  

Edited by WatchrTina
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I'm about to say something I may regret but I have to say it. I LOVE Sam as Jamie, so...my oh my oh my, be still my beating heart. But Sam as himself in all the pictures I've seen are just MEH to me. I don't find him attractive at all out of his Jamie character. If I were advising him, I'd tell him to never never appear in public or take a picture without a kilt or unkempt red hair and a smudge of Scottish mud somewhere across his face or bare chest.

  • Love 6

Rekilt, I'm with you on this.  It's not that I don't think Sam is attractive.  It's more that he "doesn't do it for me," whereas Jamie most definitely does.  But I've seen a few interviews with Sam and he's charming and funny, so I appreciate him on that level even if he's showered and his hair is combed.

  • Love 3

I'm about to say something I may regret but I have to say it. I LOVE Sam as Jamie, so...my oh my oh my, be still my beating heart. But Sam as himself in all the pictures I've seen are just MEH to me. I don't find him attractive at all out of his Jamie character. If I were advising him, I'd tell him to never never appear in public or take a picture without a kilt or unkempt red hair and a smudge of Scottish mud somewhere across his face or bare chest.

I agree, which tells me he's a damn fine actor.

  • Love 5

To make a short story long...


When I watched the first episode for the first time, I got to the part where Jamie, covered in blood, says, "You're coming with me," and I immediately texted my friend, "You're gonna like Outlander."  Then I told her she shouldn't watch it until October, because it's the kind of show you want to binge watch and there isn't much to binge on yet.


But I've been suffering and she's had to hear about it.  I text her things like, "Naked Man Thigh!" or "Who doesn't love an upkilt shot?"  Finally this week I was like, "I can't let you wait for October.  You have to start watching it now so that I have someone to suffer with me." 


So we watched it last night.  When Jamie first appeared she said, "He looks like Sam Winchester."  (She's a Dean Girl, so that's actually a strike against him.)  Then she was like, "Jamie's a soft name.  I need my men to have hard names, like Crog."  Finally we get to the scene where Jamie, covered in blood, slides off his horse, points his sword at Claire and says, "You're coming with me" and she very quietly said, "I like this show."


We watched the first three episodes last night and today she texted me, "I can't stop thinking about kilts and man thighs." 


So, mission accomplished.  I have someone to suffer with.

Edited by Firebunny
  • Love 17

So glad to see the comments about not being sure about Sam as Jamie.  I also fall into that category.  When I saw the cast list/photos, I was not impressed.  Sam H is a good looking guy, I just thought he might be too pretty to be Jamie.  The early pictures from the set still didn't have me convinced, they looked too posed or, something.  Even the first couple of "Speak Outlander" videos only did so much. (Yes, even the "mo nighean donn" one, which I guess a few people swooned over)  I think once the interviews started showing up and I could see him in motion and talking is when I started to see him as a version of Jamie.  But he has sure stepped up to the role now that the show is here.  I think he's done a great job and when he's in character I don't see the pretty guy from the professional photos he has in his resume' I see a good representation of the Jamie character.  But when those post-show fashion/glamour pictures show up, I'm back to not seeing him as Jamie, just a nice looking model guy.

Ooh, thanks for the reminder about Tom Mison as Ichabod Crane! That'll help ease the hiatus pain as I wait impatiently for more Outlander.


It really is remarkable how those two can look so different in character. Messy/Long hair, beard/scruff, period clothing, kick-ass accent, charming behaviour.

*Boom and Swoon*


I really am loving Jamie as a character - such a sweetheart yet so nuanced. Heughan is perfect for the role - they cast well.

  • Love 4

Why is there a price on Jamie's head? Who did he murder? He was flogged for stealing a laf of bread, correct? Did I miss this explanation of his backstory somehow? or has it not been explained yet? Thanks!


It was explained in the second episode or was it the pilot? When stealing the bread, caused the death of a British soldier, and they decided to charge him with murder. I think. Must go back and rewatch or I'm sure someone else here can correct me or 'splain.

Why is there a price on Jamie's head? Who did he murder? He was flogged for stealing a laf of bread, correct? Did I miss this explanation of his backstory somehow? or has it not been explained yet? Thanks!

He was imprisoned for obstruction or whatever for what happened at Lallybroch.  Then he was flogged for trying to escape (failed escape attempt).  Then he was flogged the second time ostensibly for stealing bread (but really because Randall is a twisted bastard).  Then after the second flogging some friends helped him escape, and in the process of that escape a soldier was killed, though Jamie didn't actually do it.  So he's a fugitive since he's technically supposed to still be in prison, I supposed, plus wanted for murder.

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I am glad I live alone because if I didn't my roommate or significant other would have thought I had lost my damn mind during the wedding episode.  I just kept saying out loud "Oh my god, he's so cute."  I am too old (and Jamie is too young) for those sentiments to be in any way appropriate but . . . oh my god he is so cute.  


Sam's portrayal of a virgin groom was stellar and he was helped along by a really well-written script.  I just love what they are doing with this character and Sam is doing an amazing job bringing him to life.

  • Love 3

I loved seeing the full name on this thread. At one point I was undergoing fertility treatment and was panicky about having multiples. I calmed myself by imaging if I had quintuplet boys. (Had a singleton girl.)


I don't know why everyone is going on about Jamie's hair at the wedding. Swept back hair was the thing for guys at this time. You just need a comb and some hair oil. No need for a blow dryer and Aquanet. 


I don't know why everyone is going on about Jamie's hair at the wedding. Swept back hair was the thing for guys at this time. You just need a comb and some hair oil. No need for a blow dryer and Aquanet. 

I think it was because it was so obviously hairsprayed while they were standing outside the church.  Inside, it looked like make up and hair that day (or days) wised up and used some sort of oiling agent to sweep it back, at least on the sides.  The top is still noticeably held in place with hairspray, though at least a better quality spray.  But that first appearance, it's just really bad because it wasn't even a decent quality hairspray, the sort that holds without creating that helmet head Aquanet.  It looked like my grandma's hair.  

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