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Selling Tampa - General Discussion

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It's not as interesting as Selling Sunset, but interesting enough to pass time. There's no real villain, but I appreciate that.  The cast is a good mix of personalities, but the storylines (they did more telling than showing--why should we care if Juwanna is put in charge?) didn't really draw me in. Tenille is the bitchiest agent, but often has a valid point; her impression of Alexis was hilarious.

I do, however, find the agency's business practices shady. Arbitrarily changing the commission structure with no warning? Hell no! Why wasn't this a bigger deal?

Edited by Vanderboom
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I watched the entire season.  My biggest problem was remembering their names and who was who.  I was half thru the season before I realized there was a Tenielle in the cast.  I wish they would have showed their names more often when they did their THs.  Anne annoyed me the most.   I did laugh when they had their conversations about proper clothing to wear for work and their cocktail parties.  

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I'm almost done binge watching.  Here's my thoughts:

First of all they all dress like they're going clubbing!  Wow those heels they wear.  I'm a realtor and I'm sure to wear flats when I show houses.

I'm embarrassed for the girls because of the way they treated the client Cho (who btw is so hot!!!) at the pool of the hotel.  I'm not sure about them going out to dinner with their clients.

Rena is the most beautiful and classy looking of all the agents but she's a whiner. She was right about not being in the marketing material picture, especially due to the fact that she had to leave for her daughter's play.

The commission structure was devious.  I can't believe she didn't discuss it ahead of time.

I'm shocked how Alexis did that showing with Tenille's client!  I've never seen a realtor (on TV) not know the specs of the house.  "That tree is called the Tree of Life lol)

Lobster on waffles????  These girls can eat and drink..and nobody gains a pound.

Maybe it's my old age but I cannot stand when everybody talks at the same time and over each other...even though I have closed captioning on.  This is why I don't watch the Housewives of . . . . .

I like this a little more than Selling Sunset (Season 3) because it wasn't all gossip about one agent and we got to see so much more real estate and clients.

Edited by NYGirl
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I made it through this entire season, unlike Selling Sunset where I gave up during episode 1. 

I can not stand Sharelle. First off, she's resembles Evelyn Lozada so much, it's distracting and not at all surprising why Chad is dating her. But even more aggravating, she is the worst boss! She is the epitome of being a boss, not a leader. She keeps demanding respect, but doesn't give any to her team. She says her door is always open, but whenever anyone brings up an issue, many of which are valid, she shuts them down and tells them they can leave. And while Alexis sucked as an agent, no one put in any effort to actually train her, and that is actually Sharelle's responsibility as the head of the company. Instead, she spent more time talking shit about Alexis and laughing behind her back than mentoring and training her. She also keeps giving Juwanna increasing responsibilities and promotes her to a leadership role without talking to her team about why or even addressing the issues that ALL of them have with her. She's exhausting.

I loved Anne-Sophia and I want access to her closet. Her entire wardrobe was fire! She knows how to dress for her body type. 

I could do without all the designer stuff, because it mostly reeks of trying too hard, but I think all the ladies looked nice. And their outfits are very common for real estate agents in South Florida (you should see what folks in Miami wear!). 

I liked Colony up until she threw Anne-Sophia under the bus in their conversation with Sharelle about Rena. Speaking of Rena, she's a complete badass (degrees in law, civil engineering, and environmental engineering!!!). Makes sense why Sharelle is completely intimidated by her and tries to shut her down all the time. I'm actually shocked to see that Rena is still with the company.


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I finished it & still think...meh. For a show that's supposed to be based on real estate, I don't feel like we got to see enough houses, and, just my opinion, I really didn't like most of the houses that we did see. Also, it was just the women who work there, it reminds me of Gypsy Sisters where the only people that were together was the core group of people. Colony rents an enormous estate for her 30th birthday party, & the only people there are the women from Aurora. The whole thing was just kind of lackluster.

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I'm about halfway through this and currently up to the couple that flew from Chicago to Miami for only 2 days to buy a $10 million house.  They keep saying that they don't want to be flying back and forth multiple times but wouldn't they have to do that anyways for their business?  Or did I miss them saying that they would move their whole business/operations to Florida?  Also, if they really did have such a tight timeline, why would they pick a real estate agent who doesn't have an established reputation (and presumably in depth knowledge) in that market?  I know, I know... this is probably fake and just for the show.

On 12/19/2021 at 12:11 PM, luckyroll3 said:

Speaking of Rena, she's a complete badass (degrees in law, civil engineering, and environmental engineering!!!). Makes sense why Sharelle is completely intimidated by her and tries to shut her down all the time. I'm actually shocked to see that Rena is still with the company.

100%.  And she was completely right about the BS commission-structure change.  I think most people would be pissed off by a 15% reduction in their pay without any prior conversation.  Also, I didn't like how Sharelle was vehemently dismissive of Rena's concerns.  It kinda undermines the intended empowering message of having a minority woman owned and operated company when the employees are treated just as crappy as they would be anywhere else.

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So much 2nd hand embarrassment for these women. I'm all about girl power and boss women, but this show is like watching women play house and is cringeworthy. None of them are the power agents they think they are. They all just watched a bunch of real estate reality tv, bought some #girlboss decor at Home Goods and now think they are a force to be reckoned with. Dont get me wrong everyone has to start somewhere, but I'd enjoy watching a little nothing local company hustle and work their assess off to grow into something than whatever nonsense it is these women are doing.

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Lol the woman who slid into a crazy ex football players DMs. What a solid foundation for a relationship. Long distance too. I’m sure those 2 crazy kids will make it lol.

I’m halfway thru episode one and kind of bored. There’s nothing else on tho so maybe I’ll watch some more.



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10 hours ago, Marley said:

There’s nothing else on tho so maybe I’ll watch some more.

And that's how I ended up watching the whole thing, & I don't think we're alone. I'm assuming that the same people who make Selling Sunset make this show, so I can't understand how one show is interesting, & the other is so boring.

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Didn’t watch the full series but I feel like Rena is a total badass, and she’s super smart. She raised a very valid issue,  about the pay cuts, and I’m surprised everyone else seemed fine with it. I do hope she break away and creates her own brokerage, I have a feeling she could kill it. Anyone know what’s the industry norm for commission split?


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11 minutes ago, FurBabyMama said:

Anyone know what’s the industry norm for commission split?

I actually think the new split proposed is pretty standard from what I've read around.  People who bring in a lot of business could potentially get a better split but the one they were operating under was pretty generous to the agent.  

But just dropping it on them is not cool without explaining what they're getting for that. (Although I suspect this was TV set up.)

6 hours ago, GaT said:

I'm assuming that the same people who make Selling Sunset make this show, so I can't understand how one show is interesting, & the other is so boring.

I suspect it's because it's the first season and future seasons will more manipulated for drama.  I do like that the drama was more real estate/company related.  

On 12/20/2021 at 1:52 PM, GaT said:

For a show that's supposed to be based on real estate, I don't feel like we got to see enough houses, and, just my opinion,

Yeah,  And no selling,  I think part of the issue is that real estate in LA is probably more expensive than it is in Tampa.  There are more houses to choose from.  

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I think I’m on episode 5 and I feel like I’m unimpressed with the houses I’m seeing so far. They seem really outdated to me. I mean not that  my house is this magnificent gem but I’m not spending millions either lol.

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8 hours ago, Marley said:

I think I’m on episode 5 and I feel like I’m unimpressed with the houses I’m seeing so far. They seem really outdated to me. I mean not that  my house is this magnificent gem but I’m not spending millions either lol.

Too much gilt & marble

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Oh lmao episode 7 now and Sharelle is prego and telling Chad. She’s talking about how he will be a good dad. Well he has 7 kids so one would hope he would not be horrible at it. Of course he’s not worried he just has kid after kid. Sharelle is such a dumbass and should be embarrassed she’s having a kid with this guy. Like girl you aren’t holding onto him with a kid. He has fucking 7 lol.

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Lol I finished the show. Wasn’t as boring as I first thought but I prob wouldn’t be watching it if there was anything else on.

I find Alexis to be an idiot. Your boss isn’t your mom. She didn’t give up on you. I could see if she was let go after a couple weeks but she was there for 2 years and didn’t sell anything it seems and can’t even show a house. Seems like something you should be able to do as a realtor lol.

Colony kind of bugged me. Basically threw her so called friend under the bus for brownie points it seems. I don’t like her name either lol.

It seemed like it was always just them. I don’t know if that makes sense but the baby shower and the Beyoncé party thing it didn’t seem like anyone else was even there. Even the 30th bday party o only saw a couple other ppl lingering around. Makes it seem fake. Which it probably is lol.

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4 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

I wanted to give Sharelle the benefit of the doubt for some of the things that happened in the show--gotta make TV, you know.  

But then I remember she is happily having the 7th (or 8th) child of Chad Ochocinco and I question her decision making.  Verrily. 

It’s his 8th and she should be embarrassed having this kid with him. She already has 3 so not sure why she feels the need to have this kid with him. Maybe thinks she’s gonna hold onto him but obviously children do not keep him committed lol.

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I've only watched the first couple of episodes, and am surprised that I found it a bit more interesting than I expected.

The problems & conflicts seemed a bit more realistic and less fabricated than Selling Sunset - they centered around work and commission issues, as well as typical personal problems that crop up for people.

I wanted to like Sharelle, but I don't think she's that great of a leader - she likes to be boss, but isn't great at treating people equitably or fairly or mentoring others. I was immediately impressed with Rena and her prior work history - she really does seem like a badass who could be successful if she struck out on her own. I got the feeling the other women (including Sharelle) were intimidated by her intelligence and were freezing her out.

I did not care for Colony & Sophia-Sharon (or is it Sharon-Sophia?). They seemed ditzy and their ageist comments about the other women really rubbed me the wrong way.

I really wish they would display the names more as I had a hard time remembering who the remainder of the cast were - I had the same problem with Selling Sunset in the beginning.

I'll keep watching for now, because I'm bored.

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On 1/3/2022 at 10:08 PM, Cheezwiz said:

I've only watched the first couple of episodes, and am surprised that I found it a bit more interesting than I expected.

The problems & conflicts seemed a bit more realistic and less fabricated than Selling Sunset - they centered around work and commission issues, as well as typical personal problems that crop up for people.

I wanted to like Sharelle, but I don't think she's that great of a leader - she likes to be boss, but isn't great at treating people equitably or fairly or mentoring others. I was immediately impressed with Rena and her prior work history - she really does seem like a badass who could be successful if she struck out on her own. I got the feeling the other women (including Sharelle) were intimidated by her intelligence and were freezing her out.

I did not care for Colony & Sophia-Sharon (or is it Sharon-Sophia?). They seemed ditzy and their ageist comments about the other women really rubbed me the wrong way.

I really wish they would display the names more as I had a hard time remembering who the remainder of the cast were - I had the same problem with Selling Sunset in the beginning.

I'll keep watching for now, because I'm bored.

I truly understand that. Tennille was my favorite of the agents in the show. I hope there is a Selling Sunset-Selling Tampa crossover.

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My main takeaways:

If I were a developer or wealthy person in Tampa looking to sell properties, I would not call Allure Realty. I hate to say that because I imagine that they’re much more professional in regular life, but based on the show, only Rena seemed like she was truly interested in real estate vs drama. 

I laughed when Sharelle chose Juwanna over Colony after Colony had thrown her friend under the bus to curry favor with her. Colony going on and on about loyalty to Sharelle was ridiculous, especially when Sharelle talked repeatedly about being about the business. Colony also seemed messy telling Sharelle that Alexis feels like she was abandoned. Terminated employee is unhappy…..shocker! Why did that need to be relayed to Sharelle (beyond the fact that it’s a tv show and they needed a story lol). 

The commission structure that Sharelle changed to seemed reasonable. The original 95-5 one seemed overly generous. Still though, the agents’ pay shouldn’t continue to be repeatedly changed without notice and without explanation. Rena was absolutely right about that. 

Did they actually sell any homes on the show?

I will say that the show made Tampa look very pretty. 

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From the article: 

After “Selling Tampa” premiered, radio host DJ Envy publicly criticized the show for not featuring as many sales as its predecessor.

“1 show sold no homes….NONE!!! Kind of embarrassing. The other show sells homes. Hmmm….” the “Breakfast Club” host wrote on Instagram in January.

Colbert says of the discrepancy, “For whatever reason, they chose to edit it how they wanted to edit it, but we are all active, we are all busy, we all have higher-end homes that have sold, and we have ones that are not higher-end homes that have sold.

“We are all active agents. When we were filming, there were deals that were done, but that’s now how it was edited.”

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