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Skin Wars - General Discussion

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I couldn't help wondering if Dutch set Felle up to fail.  There was this one scene where Felle was using green paint and Dutch says, "No, this was supposed to be blue [or monochromatic]."  Felle says that the judges told him he was being too monochromatic and Dutch says well, Medusa has to be this way.  On the other hand, Felle did do backs which were not monochromatic.  I'm glad Natalie stayed.


I'm also glad the Gear team won.  Gear seemed to be a scary guy, but actually he's probably the guy who would stop and help you if you had a broken-down car on the freeway. 


A comment about the girl who was eliminated for 70s outfit a couple of weeks ago: I think she had a disability that hindered her in remembering how words are spelled, more than just being a bad speller.  I got the impression she could look at a word but not remember all the letters that were in it.

Well, if Dutch didn't go, I am glad it was Felle and his passive-aggressive-ness.  Every time he was working with others he would just do things his own way, not listening to his partner, and then when his partner would eventually get upset, he would tell her she shouldn't let it bother her. He made it sound like he was so calm and rational that he wouldn't get annoyed at whatever, but, of course, he is not going to be bothered by what happened since he got to have his way. 


He had the same attitude working with Shannon, Nicole and Natalie.  I wonder if he had no respect for women, or if he would have been the same way if his partner was a guy.  He let Dutch be in charge, but Dutch is the only one more obnoxiously bull-headed than Felle, and Dutch is rather intimidating, so I am not sure Felle was the same with Dutch as he would have been with Gear or any of the guys who has left already. 


I was surprised Felle didn't tell the judges that his partners insisted that it be monochromatic (maybe because it was Dutch that insisted), but I think what really did Felle in was when Dutch pointed out that Felle painted one of Dutch's designs.  Even though Dutch said Natalie should go, he couldn't resist bragging about himself  (I think he only picked Natalie because she is stronger competition than Felle)


Glad Gear won.  He and Natalie are my favorites.  I am not impressed with Shannon, and something about her rubs me the wrong way.  Nicole is likeable enough, but I have an aversion to glitter, ever since my kids sprinkled some in the bathroom and it took what seemed like forever to get it off the caulking. Glitter is the herpes of craft products - it never goes away. 

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I'm now spending my time on this show being fascinated by Dutch's physique. The man is almost as wide as he is tall. His stance in the judging line is like a fireplug, too, with feet wide apart and arms crossed.


The skill level on that other body painting show in Las Vegas seemed to be a lot higher, but I give these artists some slack because of the time constraints.


Felle's monochromatic paint and the drape-y toga was about the only one I liked this episode, but I was still happy to see him go.

Edited by lordonia
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I really felt for Natalie this week. Both of her teammates essentially ignored her for the group challenge. When she asked questions or made suggestions, they didn't even bother to respond to her. I get sometimes you're just so focused on your work that you don't even hear other people talking, but the general feeling I have gotten from both Felle and Dutch is that they think they're better than the other painters and therefore don't have any respect for them (as people or as artists).


I can see why people would get the impression that those two don't respect women, which may be true, but their attitude has consistently been to look down at everyone else except each other and Gear since the show started so I think that it has more to do with feeling superior to everyone.


And it's not like Natalie was just asking annoying questions or babbling about nonsense. She was trying to make sure they stayed on task, blended their three models in the back, and used enough UV paint to fulfill the challenge.


The pattern with Felle is that he has been a dick every time he has had to work with a partner/team so it appears that the problem is Felle being a shitty partner. He has this really annoying passive aggressive attitude where he either bullies the other person or ignores them and then blames the other person for feeling bullied or ignored. When Nicole asked him about doing a waterfall on the back, he said they should just each do whatever they wanted. Then later he complained that she just decided to paint a waterfall on the back without asking him and said that she acted like they should just do their own thing. People like Felle are the worst to deal with in a professional situation.


The other thing that really annoyed me about Felle was last week during the superhero challenge when he said that he was only 14 when his son was born so he didn't get to be a very good dad but that life gave him a second chance. I thought he was going to say that he realized how important it was to be a good father and that he made a huge effort to connect with his son, but no. His second chance was having a daughter. Dude, EVERY DAY is a second chance for you to be a good dad to your son, no matter how old he is. I know this could just be a result of the editing monkeys, but he made it seem like he missed the opportunity to be there for his son so he just completely gave up and then decided to be a doting daddy when the little girl came along.


I was surprised that Dutch didn't put up any argument when Natalie suggested adding bird poop to the model's feet, but I think that was mostly because it wasn't an elimination challenge so he figured it couldn't hurt, especially since it was such a minor detail.


I was so glad to see Gear finally win a challenge. Normally I don't like when contestants complain about being underappreciated, but in this case I think he has been simultaneously recognized as one of the better painters from the beginning while still remaining out of the winners circle until now. It was great to see him take charge of the team and show true leadership (unlike Dutch). He knew what to delegate and what to do himself. I know he had some communication issues with Shannon earlier because of their differences in vocabulary and all of his bleep bloop noises, but in this team challenge he was confident without being cocky, he kept everyone moving without being bossy, and he let each person do something they felt comfortable with while staying within the theme.


He also did a great job with the UV paint. I'm glad the judges commented on the range of colors in his UV. Some UV colors look very similar under black light (red vs. orange, blue vs. violet) so you have to be careful with placement. If you put red and orange right next to each other, for example, they can end up not looking distinct enough. And a lot of people tend to stick with the green or blue UV colors, so it was great to see him use all those different colors.


Last week, even thought I didn't love Nicole's superhero I kind of felt bad that she didn't win that $5000 of glitter because you know she would have used it all. I feel like you could give Felle one tiny container of one glitter color and he would still have most of it left in five years. You can see the different glitter products here. There are a few big ticket items (like this $600 kit) but purchasing the glitter itself is only $2.50-$10 per container.


I was cracking up at Dutch patting himself on the back for being such an expert at mythology. My initial reaction was oh, so you paid attention in fifth grade? Then Felle said he didn't know anything about mythology. But I guess you don't know have to know anything about mythology if you just copy someone else's drawing.


ETA: I forgot to mention how annoying it was to hear three different contestants say "[preposition] [name] and I" when I watched the two most recent episodes back to back. No, Dutch, it's not "between my wife and I." Like nails on a fucking chalkboard. It drives me crazy that people think using a subject pronoun is always correct/sounds smarter.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Funny how, this week, I had Dutch & Natalie in the top 2, the two other girls in the bottom two, with Gear barely edging them out for the safe position.


I really wasn't impressed by Nicole's creation (aside from the face, twas a big fat meh), or Shannon's piece.


Also, I never rolled my eyes so much than at Ru's rant. Especially since the three judges seemed in agreement over the bottom two, so there's no way there could have been such a draw, had they done their jobs of judges... they just decided to make up that face off bs for drama's sake.

Edited by Kaoteek

As soon as they showed Natalie and Gear being buddies at the house, I knew the show was setting something up. Even though this is a competition so they are all competing against each other every week, I agree that the judges should just do their damn jobs and choose a loser instead of doing this stupid head to head thing.


When Nicole and Shannon said they were friends but that if they were put in that position, they would take each other down, I just started laughing because Dutch was sitting on the sofa clearly clueless because he has no friends in this competition who would give a shit about his feelings (most likely due to the fact that he's been an ass since the show started).


Most unintentionally hilarious moment of the episode: Dutch saying that Gear is getting too cocky. Really, dude? You're the one who has been talkin about how you are vastly superior to everyone else EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Gear, on  the other hand, just won two challenges. I also cracked up with Dutch said he's sensitive but on the inside. No, the only thing you are sensitive about is not winning.


I loved that Nicole, Shannon, and Dutch were sitting in the back room drinking champagne and watching the paint off on the monitor. That had to be Ru's influence.


On a shallow note, was the mesh or skin between Rebecca Romijn's airbrushed with shadows to make it look like cleavage?


Did I miss the part of the assignment where the contestants were told they had to use a Japanese theme in their warriors because they're Japanese sumo wrestlers? If they brought in a bunch of Hawaiian female models, would the contestants automatically paint them to look like hula dancers?


I don't know why Ru was yelling at Natalie too. She looked like she really made an effort to change and improve her existing piece by telling a slightly different story.


I was surprised that the judges gave the win to Shannon. I thought her "technique" of slopping paint all over her canvas as a base coat ended up looking like very muddled and almost dirty. I thought Nicole or Dutch would win this one because theirs were both very beautiful and detailed. Natalie's was definitely too simple and while I get what she said about how simple seemed like a dirty word in this competition, I think that it wasn't just the concept that was simple but the execution as well. If you look at Dutch's, Nicole's, and Gear's models, you can see that they spent the entire four hours really going to town. In comparison, I looked at Natalie's and thought wait, how did painting a tree in front of a sunset take you the same amount of time as Dutch's entire back piece?


I liked the first challenge. Even without the specific little people models, it was still a fun concept. I totally LOVED Gear's lightning design. It was so striking and I loved that he did different colors on each half of the body. Hee, and I looooooooved that Nicole said she was going to take credit for Dutch using glitter. I agreed with the judges about the great job he did on the gradation of the green glitters.

I didn't understand Natalie's excitement about the PBJ concept, nor did I see a PBJ in her actual painting.



Me either, I really couldn't even see a sandwich. 


I was so excited when they showed the examples when they were explaining the challenge, but ended up disappointed by everyone's work once again. This show has been nothing but a disappointment IMO.

I have to say how much I've enjoyed this show.  I was hesitant to watch it at first because I was afraid it would be more about naked bodies (gasp, giggle) than artwork, but I'm glad the show proved me wrong. There's been next to no discussion of the nakedness in a sexual way for which I'm grateful.  I was disappointed by the ads I saw last night in watching the prior week's episode which emphasized seeing nakedness - anyone taken in by those ads would be disappointed! I think the show has been professional in its treatment of the models.  The emphasis has been on creating artwork on the bodies.


I also like the selection of contestants. They are all more focused on their creations than on being on TV.  And none of them are really TV-glam, that is, picked for how good they'd look on TV as characters, except maybe for Gear.  They're kind of scruffy, on the fringe folks who might seem offputting to a lot of people, and I feel their selection is an honest sampling of body painters.  Some of the contestants could be considered chosen as "types", such as Dutch, the experienced cocky guy who could cause lots of conflict, Gear the tough rebellious one, one of the younger girs as the sexy chick, but others such as Shannon or Felle don't really fall into any type of category.  Plus the ones who could be "types" end up defying the stereotype.  Gear is the sweetest one there.  Dutch is cocky but not nasty nor does he promote conflict. He was showing a lot more humility last night.


Working with more than one model must have been like making a garment, in that you have to get all the pieces to match up together.  It made me think of Project Runway where designers sometimes don't line up the patterns along the seams.  I thought they did pretty well for only having six hours.  I had difficulty in seeing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, too. 

I am glad Natalie stayed, even though her PB&J sandwich was like one of those "Magic Eye" pictures where you have to stare at it a while to see it.  I did eventually see it and it was more realistic than any of the others, but I have to agree with the judges that the blue was distracting. 


I am liking this show and hope it returns.  I am a big fan of Face Off, partly because it isn't a typical reality competition show - everyone gets along and helps each other.  They want to win because they are the best not because they sabotaged someone else.  I was afraid that GSN would go for the "OMG They're naked!" and try to create drama among the contestants, but it hasn't been that way (perhaps because there are not enough body painters out there that they can cast solely for drama).  Even though Dutch was obnoxious, Felle was passive-agressive, and Mythica was on the loony side, they were all within the realm of normal behavior (no one was over the top) and their behavior overall is what one would expect to find in a random group of people.   

So that happened. Natalie won. OK. I didn't even know it was the finale since GSN never bothered supplying show descriptions. I was seriously underwhelmed by the last challenge, they could have been painting on two sided canvases for all the models mattered, I haven't watched the reunion show yet, I'l get around to it, but I don't know if I'll be back for a 2nd season. 

It was sweet when Natalie's boyfriend gasped and teared up a little when her final two models walked out on the stage. The final paint jobs were all kind of sloppy and looked amateurish. I guess I was glad Dutch didn't win, although Natalie sure was in the bottom a lot to be the ultimate victor. Shannon started and ended as a non-entity to me. Oh, and the winner reveal was cute.


I never got past Ru Paul seeming out of place here. While Rebecca was fine as a host, she always looked like she'd grown out of her clothing and everything was 6" too short.

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Well color me surprised, Natalie won & Dutch kinda admitted that he's been an arrogant douche. I'm fine with all that, even though none of the final pieces were particularly grabbing or successful.


As for the reunion show, Dutch can complain as much as he wants to about "the editing", but every contestant on that reunion panel behaved exactly how they behaved during the season, good, bad, bitchy, sweet or arrogant... and I had to laugh at the two early eliminated contestants suddenly complaining about Gear's behavior, and claiming that, had they been in his spot, they'd have done their best to eliminate Natalie... way to go hyper-hypothetical, guys.

Edited by Kaoteek
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Well, I watched it. About half way through, I realized i was treating it as background noise, so that's not good. I think the problem with this show is that the fact that they paint on people means nothing. The could be painting on canvas, or walls, or cars, & it would be the same thing. If they were painting the people to become part of a background, then it would matter, but the models are just standalone bad artwork.


Edited: I had to add this back on to my recording schedule because it got deleted for some reason. I finally figured out that I had deleted it because GSN refuses to put the description on the show so every time it's on, it gets recorded. I now have a ton of Skin Wars episodes (which I'm sure are all the same thing) set to record. Would it kill them to put the description in? I have to monitor every time it's set to record to make sure it doesn't stop something else from recording.

Edited by GaT

Well, I watched it. About half way through, I realized i was treating it as background noise, so that's not good. I think the problem with this show is that the fact that they paint on people means nothing. The could be painting on canvas, or walls, or cars, & it would be the same thing. If they were painting the people to become part of a background, then it would matter, but the models are just standalone bad artwork.


Edited: I had to add this back on to my recording schedule because it got deleted for some reason. I finally figured out that I had deleted it because GSN refuses to put the description on the show so every time it's on, it gets recorded. I now have a ton of Skin Wars episodes (which I'm sure are all the same thing) set to record. Would it kill them to put the description in? I have to monitor every time it's set to record to make sure it doesn't stop something else from recording.


I didn't watch yet, but I agree with your first paragraph. (I record a lot of shows that I moderate, but there isn't enough time to watch them all, so I usually wait a day, then FF, delete, or watch based on what PTV posters say. This one is usually a FF.)


And I hate that about GSN! I have to set this show manually instead of doing a series recording.


I think the problem with this show is that the fact that they paint on people means nothing. The could be painting on canvas, or walls, or cars, & it would be the same thing. If they were painting the people to become part of a background, then it would matter, but the models are just standalone bad artwork.

That same thought dawned on me about half way through too. The opening sequence with Rebecca painted as a tiger is pretty cool, and several of the artists did try to paint their canvases as the objects (bishop or queen) or the canvas was interactive, but I agree, it isn't as interesting when the canvas is just a bad piece of artwork with a green wig.


I also don't want to see some tool prancing around, proclaiming he is the baddist bad ass that ever bad-assed. We get enough of that on Ink Master.


I'll keep half-watching to see the occasional cool piece of artwork.


Wednesdays on GSN at 9pm Eastern.


I love body painting! Same judges, same array of "artsy-look-at-me" contestants. This is one of the shows that makes me wish for a big high def screen so I can see more of the painting details.


Even most newscasters in Hawaii don't use the traditional pronunciation, Rachel.


I enjoyed Ru mocking the woman who pimped out her "classical training" when he was talking to the other judges. It's what we were all thinking.

Edited by lordonia
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Ha, I was definitely thinking it too! And for someone who is a "classically trained painter" her actual figures weren't very impressive. I will give her that she had some very bold colors (which I like) but I'm glad Robin pointed out that her form was almost exactly the same in both challenges this week.


I grew up surrounded by flowers (my mom loves gardening) but I can't draw a flower to save my life and I have killed every plant I've owned so I rolled my eyes when the same artiste talked about how she grew up on a horse farm so that meant she had an advantage in drawing horses.


Similarly when the girl from Utah said that she has a religious background and somehow implied that would help her, I was like WTF are you talking about? I went to Catholic school and I have no idea how that would help me draw religious iconography. Besides, she painted a cross which is not the most difficult or challenging religious symbol to depict.


I was really impressed that Lana finished the back of her "Let It Go" piece in less than an hour. The front was very detailed and although I feel like a 13 year old for saying this, she made good use of her model's boobs. Her chess piece was veryy beautiful too. Loved the way she used the overhead perspective on the front of her model. I really like her use of color so I hope she sticks around.


Oh, Marcio. Should I give you credit or demerits for admitting that you just like being around naked ladies all day?


Like the horse lady, Fernello definitely talked a big game so I couldn't help but laugh when Kyle, who he designated as the weakest link, was chosen by the judges as the winner of their head to head challenge.


Obviously it is going to take me a while to learn all of these damn names and by the time I do, half of them will be gone!

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Even though we only saw maybe 2 minutes total of each contestant, I would have preferred that fuschia-haired Rachel had gone home over Marcio. But then I usually feel a little bad for whoever leaves first on a competitive show.


Painting eyes on the model's breasts always seems tacky to me. Of course the GSN gallery views highlight the chests rather than, say, faces or backs.

Even most newscasters in Hawaii don't use the traditional pronunciation, Rachel.


She comes across a big smug about hawaii, as if she assumes that everyone is envious of her for living there. I expect she'll mention Hawaii at least once in every episode.


Fernello definitely talked a big game

His arrogance is so deliberate and forced. As if it isn't who he really is, and he is playing a role (and not very well) for strategic reasons. He's decided he's going to be "that guy" so he'll stay until the end of the competition, get the most attention of the castmates and try to parlay it into something after the show. Except so far, he's not getting much of a reaction. So he amps it up...dancing like michael jackson (again, not very well), posing with the crown and scepter, pronouncing himself King Nello, and so forth. He's trying to get something going, and I really hope Kyle doesn't give him the satisfaction of stepping into the role of his nemesis. I'm kind of hoping the other contestants will ignore Fernello. I am interested to see how committed he his to his strategy.



ETA: I loved that Rio incorporated Rachel jumping out of the castle into his painting. That was a good one! Very interested to see if he will incorporate that same sense of humor into the other challenges.

Edited by sleepyjean
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Skin Wars season 2 : more caricatural contestants, more fake drama, and less talent ?


Gotta say, after that first ep, I'm not too enamoured with the way this season is shaping up, with its obvious villains that really feel forced & artificial. We'll see how it'll turn out, but i'm cautious.

Edited by Kaoteek


I get the impression that she is a little embarrassed that she paints on bodies rather than on chapel ceilings.

I noticed that she shook her head "no" while saying that she had accomplishments, and didn't try to list any, so this show is probably the peak of her career so far. Being a classically trained artist just means she can describe what she and the other artists have done using the proper terminology.

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Wow, Avi definitely deserved the win. I couldn't even see his model in the photo at first.


I can't believe that Fernello was safe. He deserved to be in the bottom just for putting his model in an uncomfortable position for five hours, but he also did a pretty terrible job painting her too.


Rudy deserved to go home for having the letters screwed up so badly AND for painting the black and white tablecloth with a stencil and thinking it would look right.


Dawn Marie's was pretty terrible too. Not having those lines properly lined up was a huge and obvious mistake.


I thought the candy challenge was fun. I preferred Lana's to Cheryl Ann's (and not just because Cheryl Ann is so convinced of her awesomeness).

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So glad Avi won, I was blown away by his camouflage. At first glance I didn't even see the model. Too bad about the guy who had the coffee bar set up. Like Cat Cora said from like the shoulders up she was like invisible, so cool.

Cheryl Ann needs to be taken down a few notches. I am not an art expert by any means but her body paintings, not the camouflage look almost cartoonist or done with a juvenile point of view. Not getting all the love they have for her work. At least I think we made it through the episode without her saying she was classically trained!

  • Love 4

Boy, years of watching Face Off, with its refreshing lack of DRAHMA, has spoiled me for watching shows like this. I have to FF the at-home snark and "I'm so much better than X" TH to get through an episode.


That being said, Lana and Avi are my favorites thus far. Both seem talented, easy going, and genuinely excited to be there, doing what they love. Looking forward to seeing more from them.


Red Pompadour (forgotten his name) seems to have an interesting aesthetic, but his attitude is a little much sometimes.


As for "I don't care about my model" Fernello: models can talk, you know. She will tell everyone she meets what an asshole you are. Word will spread, and no one will work with you. Now go STFU.


And to Miss "I'm a classically-trained artist" Cheryl Ann: I am a classically-trained bullshit detector. You are full of it. Now go sit with Fernello in the STFU corner.

Edited by Maelstrom
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I am a classically trained artist.


I can say, without any doubt whatsoever, that is the first time I have ever put those words together.  Never in my life or career has it been necessary to inform someone of that.  I don't mean that in an arrogant, my work speaks for itself, sort of way.  I mean it has never been relevant to any conversation.  Get over yourself Cheryl Anne.



Edit: Freudian slip, her name's not Carol Anne, no matter how much I'd like her to be sucked through the tv screen into the afterlife.

Edited by Nena
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Cheryl Anne has the kind of arrogance you usually associate with someone who went to a prestigious school, so I looked up her bio on the show's web site. It just says she studied art in Madrid. Close enough. Some people think there's something prestigious about studying in Europe, and I'm sure she's one of them, although when it comes to art, most people think of Italy as the place to go.

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Cheryl Anne has the kind of arrogance you usually associate with someone who went to a prestigious school, so I looked up her bio on the show's web site. It just says she studied art in Madrid. Close enough. Some people think there's something prestigious about studying in Europe, and I'm sure she's one of them, although when it comes to art, most people think of Italy as the place to go.


Or Madrid, Iowa.  That would be pretty classic.

Edited by Sile
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