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S07.E04: Speakeasy Does It

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This episode was full of characters I want on the Waverider.

Zari is killing the 20s look. 

They found an inclusive speakeasy in Chicago. 

Spoons, Astra, and Gideon make friends with delightful band ladies on a train. Gals help gals make new pals. I love them. 

Nice use of Con’s bottomless booze fridge. And it was Sara’s idea. Look at her making friends and deals in the 20s. And look at Behrad getting his jazz on.

Hee Spoons made Gideon play The Quiet Game.

Zari sparked with Eddie the bartender and throws him the biggest soirée of the season. 

Poor Maude with the creepy mob boyfriend who she knows will one day kill her. Save her Astra!

I really didn’t need confirmation that Gary gets off on being bossed around though I liked him turning on Nate regarding his own relationship pathology.

The performance sequences going back and forth was great. Gideon killed those songs.

Dammit Gary you left Spoons, Astra, and Gideon behind!

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The opening credits make me wanna do the Charleston. 

Zari's curly hair near the end looked so cute. I like Eddie. I hope they run into him in the future. I want to ship those two but I'm still team Zari/Constantine. 

I am always happy for Sage Brocklebank to get a paycheck. 

Were those real songs Gideon sang? That last one sounded way too appropriate for Legends.

I loved the way the applause hesitated because they thought Ava and Sara were a sister act at first and then picked up once they knew they weren't. 

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I really, really enjoyed this episode. Not only because Tala Ashe got to be in the front and center WITHOUT, but also Astra, Spooner and Gideon saving Maude from her abusive relationship.

Zari 2.0's whole arc so far has been either kind of shallow OR about John. Giving her this centric episode solely about herself? It was really great, and Tala Ashe is such a talented actress. You could see her struggling with the racism she was facing, and I love that she fought to help Eddie. It was odd that Ava wasn't so willing to help preserve the timeline after they screwed it up, but it was nice to see Zari take control.  

I loved the "Gals Helping Gals" lesson on Astra/Spooner/Gideon's side. I'm SO fine with them screwing up the timeline for the better. Saving one woman from dying at the hands of a man is a win, in my book. I loved them getting revenge on Maude's abusive boyfriend. Him just imaging his worst fear, through some visual prompts, is more scary than them actually being on him. This makes him fearful for the rest of his life.

Also, loving that they're using Amy's singing skills for this season. I'm so game for a Gideon song every episode.

I thoroughly enjoyed Gary and Nate also clocking each other on their relationship patterns. Having Gary more of a balance between serious and funny worked here. And...dare I say it, it may set up the break-up of Zari/Nate? Is that too much to ask for? 

And, with his look at Zari 1.0 when she showed up at the end, it very well could be the end...which works. I think this show has truly established that they aren't merging the Zaris. They're two completely different people with completely different personalities and paths, and Zari/Nate can't be a couple in a very long term relationship forever, nor can they keep asking Zari 2.0 to go in the totem every time they want to spend time together. I truly think this could be the end for them, and I think it'll be good for both of them, overall. Plus, Zari/Nate ruined Zari for me. She used to be so independent and badass and awesome. She's a shell of that former self because her sole purpose since 4B has been about Nate. 

And, as this episode clearly proved, Zari 2.0 is great and I don't want to lose her either.

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The team better reunite soon. The "oops, just missed 'em" is going to get old real fast (and the previews suggested it's happening next week as well).

I'm not sure I agree with Gary's deflection/assessment of Nate. I don't see him as intentionally seeking out relationships with no future. The Amaya season seems so long ago, but I thought they'd only settled down when it seemed they'd stay in their alternate lives. Maybe I'm misremembering and it was always doomed to fail. But with the O.Z., they developed feelings before she was swapped with Behrad, brought back, and then banished to totem duty. But then I've never really found an issue with Nate's relationships. Had he ever pursued Charlie or Zari 2.0 that'd have been troublesome. And I'm hoping they don't go there with


Zari 2.0 and Matt Ryan's new character

I hope "no good deed goes unpunished" doesn't come to fruition with the teams aiding Maude and Eddie. I liked both characters and wouldn't mind seeing more of them.

No Bishop sighting was a huge plus. If only the show could keep that up.

Edited by dmeets
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I love the 20s opening credits so much, they're so much fun. Last weeks episode was amazing, but I am happy to be back to the main plot again...or at least we are heading in that direction. I hope that Spooner/Astra/Gideon find the rest of the group soon, I feel like them missing each other over and over could get old fast. 

The Legends sure are lucky that they stumbled upon the most progressive speakeasy of the 20s and that they have the most obvious password in the history of passwords, but I cant be too mad at contrivances when its such a good time. I liked Eddie a lot, I would be totally happy to see him again, and while it might be a bit early for Zari to get back into dating after what happened with John, I could be into that down the line. I liked having a Zari episode that was focused totally on her and not her romantic trails, Tala always shines in the spotlight. Or anytime really. 

I am game for a new Gideon song every week. I liked the plot with them helping Maud escape her fate, even if it was done with all the subtlety of any Arrowverse show dealing with any kind of social issue. I am always down for gals helping gals, and if the gang keeps changing the future in smalls ways, I am interested to see if it all comes up again. 

Gary being attracted to powerful people is so not a shocking revelation, but he sure did turn things around on Nate, saying how he deliberately falls for people he doesn't have a future with. That might be a bit unfair, its not like Nate knew that Zari would end up stuck in a totem when they started dating, but he is certainly very unlucky when it comes to love and probably stays in relationships even when they are clearly doomed. I hope that this is getting us closer to Zari and Nate finally calling it quits, I have never liked them as a couple and its even more tricky now that she's in her totem half the time, its not like this really has much of a future for either of them. 

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Should have known that Constantine's replicating whiskey fridge was a set up for the Legends to use it to help fill-up an all inclusive speakeasy in the 1920s that was struggling with getting alcohol.  Could it be for anything else?!

Always glad for Zari-centric episode and I liked not only seeing her skills be put to use, but watching her as she really dealt with the time period they are in and all of the bigotry that comes with it, sadly.  It was nice watching her wanting to take charge for once and deliver (also liked how both Sara and Ava let her once they saw how serious she was.)  And, it pretty much goes without saying at this point, Tala Ashe continues to be one of the standouts in the Arrowverse.

Wouldn't mind seeing Eddie again somehow.  The actor did a great job and worked really well with Ashe.

The Nate/Gary scenes were fun, even if I thought Gary was being a little unfair to Nate, because I don't think Nate is setting out to only pursue relationships that are destined to fail.  It's not like he could have predicted what would befall both Amaya and OG Zari.  No one could, really!

Behrad got to take it easy tonight and show off some of his music skills!

The Astra/Spooner/Gideon trio continues to be a delight.  Glad they were able to save Maude.  And I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but I really think letting Amy Louise Pemberton be in front of the camera like this was a brilliant move because Human Gideon really has given this a different kind of energy that I dig.

I do hope the entire group reunites soon, but I still think having them stuck in one time period has made for a good arc this season.

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I found this episode to be one of the most enjoyable episodes of the show ever.  I liked everything about it.  Normally I find Gary, Behrad and Ava irritating, but not at all this time.  I liked Sara and Ava's dance number (costumes and dancing seem to have been inspired by the outfits that The Zeta and Squinty McSquint wore in the final scene of "Chicago").  And Ava's line that "we're NOT sisters" was hilarious.

I guess I don't fully understand the final scene.   That magic key turns any door into a portal to Constantine's house.  I thought they don't have to leave the key in the keyhole, they take it inside the house with them.  And when they want to return, they just open the door and are back wherever they were?  So at the end scene, everyone was in the house, except for Gary, who was on the train to New York and had the key.  Is the team trapped in the house until Gary opens a new portal?

How is it that they were able to have a secret party in the Hat and Wig shop, word passed around that it was there, and the owner of the shop didn't even come by to check it out?

I found Spooner to be very irritating last season, but this season, I am liking her.  I especially love the way she and Astra work together.  As they said, they are each other's best friends.  Adding Human Gideon was a great idea.

On 11/3/2021 at 8:46 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Also, loving that they're using Amy's singing skills for this season. I'm so game for a Gideon song every episode.

I like Gideon's singing too.  Her singing seems very organic.  I always hated when Victor Garber sang (especially that song he sang in the Houston spaceport) but then again I hated his character and his acting, so everything he did annoyed me.

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11 hours ago, blackwing said:

I guess I don't fully understand the final scene.   That magic key turns any door into a portal to Constantine's house.  I thought they don't have to leave the key in the keyhole, they take it inside the house with them.  And when they want to return, they just open the door and are back wherever they were?  So at the end scene, everyone was in the house, except for Gary, who was on the train to New York and had the key.  Is the team trapped in the house until Gary opens a new portal?

As I understand it, they can only exit out of the door they came in unless someone on the outside uses the key to open a new portal. They need Gary to physically travel to New York and open a door for them to get there. 

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4 hours ago, Lokiberry said:

As I understand it, they can only exit out of the door they came in unless someone on the outside uses the key to open a new portal. They need Gary to physically travel to New York and open a door for them to get there. 

This was my understanding as well, plus I think they decided if they do it this way, they don't have to worry about being caught traveling around the country as the Bullet Blondes; Gary can travel incognito to New York, open the doorway there, and then they will be able to come back into the real world.

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6 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:


This was my understanding as well, plus I think they decided if they do it this way, they don't have to worry about being caught traveling around the country as the Bullet Blondes; Gary can travel incognito to New York, open the doorway there, and then they will be able to come back into the real world.

And they thought that Gary was the best person to be responsible for the key?  Don't get me wrong, I do like Gary, and I suppose that of them all, he has the most experience at trying to fit in in a world that's not his own, but I would have figured that Nate as the historian would have been the more reliable person to do it. 

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"We're not sisters!" Huge applause. How did I not see that coming?

Just want to verify . . . Gideon is human, but she still knows the history of everything and everyone, up to and including the doomed singer? Eh, I can roll with that.

On 11/5/2021 at 2:58 PM, scarynikki12 said:

Now that a few people have commented on Gary’s behavior in this episode I’m wondering if maybe he’s been replaced by a robot. Not sure when it would have happened but it would explain the difference.

I didn't notice . . . but after last season, maybe Gary was a robot the entire time! Maybe he's whatever the plot needs him to be! The weird thing is that doesn't annoy me. He's finally growing on me. I liked the rapport with Nate. There should be more one-on-one relationships that aren't just Spooner and Astra.

Nice to seeing Zari.0 again. I dig the overalls. Hooverbot is screwed now.

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On 11/6/2021 at 7:11 AM, Ceindreadh said:

And they thought that Gary was the best person to be responsible for the key?  Don't get me wrong, I do like Gary, and I suppose that of them all, he has the most experience at trying to fit in in a world that's not his own, but I would have figured that Nate as the historian would have been the more reliable person to do it. 

I agree... it sounds kind of dangerous to entrust bumbling idiot Gary with the key.  If he loses the key or it gets stolen, presumably they are stuck in John's house until someone uses the key to try and unlock a door.  Doesn't seem like a particularly smart move.  They should have at least sent two people.  I would have sent Nate and Gary together... as white males in 1925 I don't think they would have attracted much attention.

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