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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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Hola, mis amigos! I'm here, loins girded, anti nausea medications at hand, and a fresh box of tissues because I'm sure I'll be weeping great glittering tears at the sincere and heartfelt expressions of love and devotion we'll be privileged to see this evening. 

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? 

AND I bear good news, @Angry Moldovan should be joining us tonight! 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Hola, mis amigos! I'm here, loins girded, anti nausea medications at hand, and a fresh box of tissues because I'm sure I'll be weeping great glittering tears at the sincere and heartfelt expressions of love and devotion we'll be privileged to see this evening. 

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? 

AND I bear good news, @Angry Moldovan should be joining us tonight! 

I’m back! Post covid and other health issues I can now stay awake past 9pm. Bring on the snark

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I got here early to warn you all that there’s a 50-50 chance I might doze off during any number of scenes during tonight’s show. I am fucking exhausted! Plus, I saw the preview and, trust me, “lather, rinse, repeat” pretty much sums it all up. I’m counting on your bon mots to give me a second wind!

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8 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? 

Nice and relaxing. Ate everything on the table. Everyone in the household got sick, except for my oldest. We are all gradually healing!

6 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

I’m back! Post covid and other health issues I can now stay awake past 9pm. Bring on the snark

Welcome Back Angry! Missed you!

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3 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I got here early to warn you all that there’s a 50-50 chance I might doze off during any number of scenes during tonight’s show. I am fucking exhausted! Plus, I saw the preview and, trust me, “lather, rinse, repeat” pretty much sums it all up. I’m counting on your bon mots to give me a second wind!

Hang in there, friend, we got you. We will keep you awake with snark. 

I'm pretty tired too, even though T-day was low-key it was a lot of cooking and cleaning. And the lead-up was lots of activity, flea marketing, thrifting, theater going, and restaurant dining every day. I am RESTING hard core for the next few days. Oh, wait, I'm having lunch with my son on Tuesday and with my old boss at MIT on Thursday. All this social life is wreaking havoc on my laziness!

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Hi everyone!   I just re-watched the 5 minutes from last week's ep. I don't know half of what Yara said to explain her need to stay in Europe, but whatever she said, it Almost makes me agree with Jovi... Almost.

Now, I'm ready for tonight's snark!

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

It’s like getting time off for good behavior. (See Love During/After Lockup.)

Naughty or nice?!?! 😝

Rated last week’s episode a 4. There were a few riveting moments (e.g. the USAman proposal) and some scenes at the very end, but the first hour was extremely disjointed and the snark didn’t do much to save it for me.

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2 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

So, the storyline’s haven’t changed much 🤦🏼‍♀️

Oh, you are adorable. All the crackerjack team of budding literature Nobelists in the Sharp writers room does is check the Bingo cards. There hasn't been an idea generated in that swamp for YEARS.

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Daughter Jenny: We're not here to disrespect your family or your culture. Well, that's not the primary reason we're here, but our Sharp contract requires that we be as rude, ugly, ignorant and dismissive of your culture as possible. I'm sure you understand. 

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