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Faking fakers who fake. That's all this show has become now. This whole 'do you think it's fake?' storyline on Nev's part was as fake as the catfishers and fishees. And it all ends up with all three fakers on one more reality tv show and making more 'content' for their money making schemes.

I loathe content creators and influencers. They are a waste of a life as far as I am concerned. I could not hold them lower in my estimation.  And get off my lawn.

I don't think I will watch this show any more. It has literally gone to shit.

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On 4/3/2023 at 8:18 PM, Tango64 said:

There was a UK Daily Mail story today in which Sham was whining about her awful Catfish experience. She was complaining there was no hair and makeup for her and the producers wouldn’t let her retake scenes she didn’t like. 
She also said she’d been on more than 20 reality shows. 
She claimed that she threw the supposed catfish in the pool but the scene wasn’t shown. Of course it would have been!
All more reason to believe Sham and catfish were fake, whether or not Catfish knew it. 

Sham also claimed she got into a shouting match with Nev. Every one of the recent episodes has been absolute garbage.

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If the show had any integrity when it is a scam they would not edit or air the episode.  And it should say in the contract that the scammers are liable for all production expenses.  But I think they often know or suspect it’s a scam and just don’t care.  What a freak show this season.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the multiple personality catfish was an actress (actor?).  We have a morbidly obese person and a little person who are a comedy duo and yeah no red flags.  Production does advance work so let’s not act like Nev and Kamie were the first to have a clue this all smelled to high heaven.  I like Kamie but between how this season is going and her decision to host the excruciatingly bad most recent season of Ex on the Beach it appears that she will do or say anything for a paycheck.  We expect that of Nev, but Kamie do better. 

Edited by MrBuhBye
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On 4/6/2023 at 1:50 AM, MrBuhBye said:

If the show had any integrity when it is a scam they would not edit or air the episode.  And it should say in the contract that the scammers are liable for all production expenses.  But I think they often know or suspect it’s a scam and just don’t care.  What a freak show this season.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the multiple personality catfish was an actress (actor?).  We have a morbidly obese person and a little person who are a comedy duo and yeah no red flags.  Production does advance work so let’s not act like Nev and Kamie were the first to have a clue this all smelled to high heaven.  I like Kamie but between how this season is going and her decision to host the excruciatingly bad most recent season of Ex on the Beach it appears that she will do or say anything for a paycheck.  We expect that of Nev, but Kamie do better. 

I'm not even sure why this recent ep even aired, considering that the production crew knew it was all BS in advance. In addition, it was impossible to understand what the hell was going on with those 3 as they explained it.

How much longer can MTV drag this out? Does Nev have blackmail info on someone high up in the company or something?

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On 8/10/2022 at 11:09 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Forgot to mention from the Doris and John episode, that the house where they showed John and his male roommate living, was so very clearly NOT an Airbnb. 

The John/Doris episode took place in my hometown.  I know exactly where this house is located and it is BY FAR NOT an airbnb.  

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So Nev and Kamie were catfished by this reality trio who just wanted to be on TV and publicize their act. What does Catfish do but air the show and give them what they want.

When Max was there the show was more enjoyable. They must be having a hard time nowadays getting people on the show who really are being tricked by someone .


I’ve always hated the affectation of Max, Kamie or any guest cohost holding onto their little camera—- for what earthly reason? 

I like Nev, I like Kamie and I really liked Max, but the only one getting Catfished now is the show.


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The new shows this season seemed to have completely jumped the shark, between Sham (veteran of numerous other reality shows) and then the set-up one with the little person &c.  I was really ready to give up on this entire thing, but tonight actually seemed to be somewhat genuine people.  (What a concept!)  Okay, next week will be a test if they continue with somewhat actual people, or go with the self-publicizing scammera. 

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At least Tuesday's show (just watched it today) seems like it's going back in the right direction. I noticed a blooper in this episode. When Nev is at home (I think ?) and goes to pick up Erika and Kaime. He's driving a car with a tan colored interior. When gets to Erka's house they're in all black Ford with a black interior. Did he start out in his own car and then switch to a rental?

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17 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

When the person they are talking to is using their own pictures it’s not a catfish.  She could have been dating him in real life for three years and he never mentioned a kid.

I know, they're running out of stories. They've had a bunch of people using their real photos this season. They're doing bad dates, not catfish.

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I don’t know. 
These may have been real people but I think Erika came on the show to try to get customers for her makeup and jewelry business.

The camera lingered a long time on her berserk fingernails when she was showing  Jermaine’s texts to Nev and Kamie. And of course she wore her jewelry very prominently throughout the show.

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Why does the show keep giving wackadoodle fame whores a platform? I’m guessing because they think it’s sensational tv, but it’s getting old. Also, I wonder if the producers were hoping that Nev and Kami would figure out who the catfish was on their own, and when they didn’t, they staged the bit with the hotel worker saying something in order to jog their memory?

When the kid first had his slightly violent breakdown, I was thinking that maybe the catfish was the one who was dodging a bullet. But by the end, I wouldn’t have minded seeing him give the catfish a piece of his mind in person. 

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4 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

I wonder if the producers were hoping that Nev and Kami would figure out who the catfish was on their own, and when they didn’t, they staged the bit with the hotel worker saying something in order to jog their memory?

That was so strange, I would love to know if that was real or not.

What a creep this guy was. I remember him from the last time, why does he target straight guys?

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9 hours ago, GaT said:

That was so strange, I would love to know if that was real or not.

What a creep this guy was. I remember him from the last time, why does he target straight guys?

Thinking about it some more, I wonder if the whole thing was fake? Was the 18 year old guy in on it too, because what are the chances that another guy that the catfish was catfishing just happened to contact the show? The kid seemed genuine in his feelings, but maybe he's just a really good actor. I hate having to second guess everyone on the show now. It's like the show is catfishing us!

This particular catfish seems to get off on trying to turn straight guys. Like a lot of the catfish on this show, they seem to have a psychological issue that has not been addressed because they don't see it as an issue. Also, them targeting a 18 year old is just gross.

Edited by pezgirl7
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I feel sorry for this very troubled young man but I feel that the show exploited him.  They didn’t have to show all the outbursts.  Also it seemed blatantly homophobic when he said if it’s a guy he is going to beat him up.  It would be better if it’s some old or ugly woman using the pics?  I was expecting Kamie and Nev to point out that it’s not any better to catfish if you are the same gender as the pics but they chose not to.  Maybe Nev thinks it’s okay to hit as he was expelled from college for punching a woman in the face at a party.

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On 4/26/2023 at 4:52 PM, Drogo said:

I could’ve lived without Kamie’s judgy “oHhH” when Carmella walked out of the house ten pants sizes bigger than her photos.  

Gotta disagree here.  The woman was so completely and thoroughly in all physical aspects not at all what she intentionally misrepresented herself as, that I think Kamie's reaction was actually pretty respectfully muted.

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On 5/6/2023 at 11:05 AM, LuvMyShows said:

I think Kamie's reaction was actually pretty respectfully muted.

I also felt like it was just a genuine, human reaction to how different this person was from how she’d presented herself. I don’t think Kamie would have reacted that way to seeing her without the expectation she’d been given, if that makes sense.

No new episode last Tuesday. No new one this week either. 

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I hadn't watched this for several years, but because a family connection "married" someone he's never met, and sent her  all his money, I watched to recommend it to someone.
I like Kamie a lot, and I like the way the show is now with the talking by facetime, so I just may start in again.

Edited by auntjess
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Didn't realize the show had started up again!  Just watched Cody and Brittany. That was weird with us never seeing the catfisher, and whatever was going on at the end with those other messages. It's horrifying to realize that people are so easily misled as Cody.  He was pretty adamant and confident that he had proof of her accident, because she had sent him a generic car upside down photo. And I loved how they pointed out that her fake license had the last name and first name in the wrong places, plus the top of her head was cut off in the license pic, and how Kami correctly was asking questions to determine that Cody was the one to first mention the supposed drive-in connection. And on a totally shallow note...how could a guy who looks like he does, working at a drive-in in Wyoming, think that a girl like that would fall for him?  It's odd that they never finished pursuing who the woman was that was receiving the money in Florida.

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With Shi and Mira, I liked that the show was up front about getting an AirBnB for him, rather than using an AirBnB but having us think that it was his place, which is what it seems like they may have done with her/her friend's place. But what on earth were Nev and Kami thinking when they were talking about being "low-key" and "undercover" when they went to the market? They are freakin' Nev and Kami...pretty darn famous! Also, it seemed like Shiona/Mira was a bad actress...usually I think these people are real, but she def seemed fake.

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On 10/9/2023 at 11:43 PM, auntjess said:

I hadn't watched this for several years, but because a family connection "married" someone he's never met, and sent her  all his money, I watched to recommend it to someone.

Hey auntjess, are you comfortable sharing any details?  Yours is the first real-life situation like that I've ever heard of, and hearing a little more about it would help shed some light on these folks we keep watching on Catfish. 

12 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

Hey auntjess, are you comfortable sharing any details?  Yours is the first real-life situation like that I've ever heard of, and hearing a little more about it would help shed some light on these folks we keep watching on Catfish. 

It's not a close connection, but basically guy "marries" (online?) someone overseas, sends money to her, and loses house, where he'd lived w/daughter and grands.


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On 10/25/2023 at 12:15 PM, Tango64 said:

Oof, that was hard to watch. Really feel bad for Ibrahim.

I would want to know more about the fight because if he is the type who is quick to fight that is a legitimate no.  But I have a feeling that even if he lost the teeth in a car accident she would have rejected him because she is superficial.  And she has some things about her that make her less than a dream partner so that’s a bit hypocritical.  I do think the show could have paid for his teeth to be fixed to give them a chance.  And it’s really odd when neither person agrees to do the follow-up interview.  

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On 10/28/2023 at 12:52 AM, MrBuhBye said:

I do think the show could have paid for his teeth to be fixed to give them a chance.

I agree. Even taking out her superficial reaction, I was surprised the show didn't offer to help him get them fixed simply due to how long it'll take him to afford it on his own. Kamie did say on her IG that a few professionals have reached out to him to offer their services pro bono, though, so I'm glad for him!

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14 hours ago, auntjess said:

Been watching more of these; I really lke Kamie.
Also, I watched a few of that other show where people are being hidden from someone, Help I'm in a secret Relationship, but don't find a file for it here.  Is there one I'm missing?





Not sure but you might like Ghosted which was another show hosted by Travis and Rachel Lindsay with a similar format to these two shows.

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9 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Not sure but you might like Ghosted which was another show hosted by Travis and Rachel Lindsay with a similar format to these two shows.

Thanks, don't find this searching the schedule, but for Rachel Lindsay. I find Devil on My Doorstep, avout someone who wants to get close to a social media influencer.  It looks darker than Catfish, and it's on Lifetime.

And is Kamie being replaced?  


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On 11/1/2023 at 11:23 AM, Tango64 said:

The producers are getting lazy. How many times have we seen the catfish revealed to be a previous catfish? Half their work is done if they just recycle the catfish.

This show has got to be on life support by now. I'm waiting for the ep where both parties are previously seen Catfish that are now catfishing each other. And Nev can fake amazement like he always does.

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On 11/1/2023 at 10:23 AM, Tango64 said:

The producers are getting lazy. How many times have we seen the catfish revealed to be a previous catfish? Half their work is done if they just recycle the catfish.

I read that often it’s the catfish who contacts them and then they fake the email asking for help from the catfishee.

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On 11/7/2023 at 11:35 PM, Tango64 said:

Calling bullshit on all of Krystal’s excuses. Poor me, I’m not worthy so I couldn’t see you but I’ll happily take your money. “Deep tissue massages “ and “art meetings” at cheap motels? Even if they’re together now, she was playing that guy really hard and he won’t see it. 

He seemed so desperate after his divorce that he was willing to put up with anything. I laughed when he lamented being single for a year and a half. That really isn't a long time, but some people do not do well alone.

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