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What Did We Eat Today?

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Tangelo & honey glazed salmon (recipe courtesy of Blue Apron)

You don't need to sign up or log in to view the recipe. I hate it when people say I made this but did [insert 10 modifications] instead but I do offer these four suggestions if you are someone who "can cook":

1) Ignore the recommended oil amount and use your judgement - I found what they suggested to be way too much

2) Use grape seed or another flavorless high heat oil or it will smoke

3) Either cook the rosemary last or wrap it to keep it warm

4) Be mindful of the amount of juice that comes out of the tangelo. I bought a super jucy one and didn't think about saving some or not juicing the whole thing so I have a bunch of the liquid left. I'll freeze it for the next time I make it so it's not going to waste.

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Smothered Chicken, a recipe I found on someone's facebook page.  Don't think I'll make it again. And here I ordered several boxes from Amazon of Lipton's Recipe Secrets Savory Herb with Garlic (which the recipe called for and I could not find in any nearby supermarkets).  The dish was ok and had few ingredients so it wasn't a lot of work ~sigh~

On a positive note...I think it won't be raining tomorrow so maybe the soil will dry out a bit.

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19 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Lipton's Recipe Secrets Savory Herb with Garlic

In the interest of helping people not turn into my mother, who kept things like this even though she was meh about them until they were 10+ years old and tossed by yours truly: you could dump it into a container of sour cream for a dip or donate to a food bank.

Edited by theredhead77
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I’ve had a week of very good food especially considering we were going through a hurricane and clean up (no electricity) So many foods had defrosted that we didn’t want to waste, so we had mixed grills, a lasagna pulled out of a neighbor’s freezer (she had evacuated), burgers, salads and a dessert every night. Tonight someone is coming back into town and bringing a honey baked ham, salads (we are all hungry for green as the stores had to toss all their produce and supply trucks are now beginning to make it down on back roads as the main highway is still closed due to flooding), breads, beer and wine. We made cheeseburgers and potatoes last night but I’m really ready to make something with some spice. I’ve had enough grill food for now. Hmmm...maybe Indian tomorrow night or a stir fry. 

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I’m not making this for dinner but making for a tailgate party competition at work  tomorrow. 

One year my friend made the most amazing spinach and artichoke dip and lost to “walnut and mayo dip”.

Last year a homemade peanut butter pie was made and lost to orange snowballs. Orange gross things tossed in coconut.

Look, as if life wasn’t hard enough our poutluck is rigged so gone are the days where I get Boars Head for pinwheels as I did last year in vain

This year I perused the weekly ad for Publix for inspiration.  

A cookbook my mom got  from her college had make chocolate cake (half price), poke holes with sweetened condensed milk  (I went store brand- fuck you all non deserving Eagle Brand coworkers), caramel topping (smuckers-dime cheaper than Hershey), Store brand cool whip and real snickers (half price)

ill let you know how it turns out 

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Spite cooking!  I once was voluntold to make a bunch of sweets (cookies, brownies) for a picnic for a group of ungrateful brats.  I resented having to spend the time and money, but I have a reputation to maintain.  

I still haven't been thanked.  It was a long time ago.

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21 minutes ago, Quof said:

Spite cooking!  I once was voluntold to make a bunch of sweets (cookies, brownies) for a picnic for a group of ungrateful brats.  I resented having to spend the time and money, but I have a reputation to maintain.  

I still haven't been thanked.  It was a long time ago.

That completely stinks. Mine was a (failed) attempt at humor. Though all cooking  statements are true I’m glad to make something (on the cheap!) for my peeps!  I usually drop well over 20 and the non bringers are the biggest intakers (this isn’t humor- this is real)

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1 hour ago, KnoxForPres said:

I won best dessert at work. Have a ribbon and everything haha!  To tell you the truth I found the cake just ok but boy it was a hit with the masses- and easy!. Goes to show you don’t ever know. 

Congratulations and well done. 

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I meant add. I’m in the South so not sure if these are made elsewhere but sausage balls are a big thing here.  I’ve never gotten the appeal but had some yesterday that changed my mind. I’ve always found them dry and hers were not so I asked what she does.

She uses one lb breakfast sausage, one cup Bisquick and one package shredded velveeta.

Rolls in balls and bake at 400 around 10 mins. She said they’re prone to sticking so use Pam butter silpat etc

Not one you’d submit to Food & Wine mag but oh my word they were good!  Made me a convert!

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Tonight someone is coming back into town and bringing a honey baked ham, salads (we are all hungry for green as the stores had to toss all their produce

I remember that craving after a storm.  Although grateful to have food at all, you get sick of canned food and 'snacks', and can even get tired of grilled meats (everyone is cleaning out their freezers before things spoil).  Fresh salad is a real treat, isn't it?



She uses one lb breakfast sausage, one cup Bisquick and one package shredded velveeta.

I might give that recipe a try this Christmas.  I've always liked the taste of sausage balls (you get them a lot around here during holidays--I'm in the South, too);, but they can be a little dry.  Velveeta probably adds some moisture.


Tonight for dinner will be spaghetti sauce (with browned hamburger) served over broad egg noodles (as a change from the usual spaghetti noodles).  Simple, but tasty comfort food.  The only thing that will be missing will be toasted French bread slices loaded with garlic butter, but today is my cheat meal, so noodles and pasta sauce will be pushing it enough calorie-wise. 

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1 hour ago, BooksRule said:

I remember that craving after a storm.  Although grateful to have food at all, you get sick of canned food and 'snacks', and can even get tired of grilled meats (everyone is cleaning out their freezers before things spoil).  Fresh salad is a real treat, isn't it?

Yes it was. I was so craving something green. I still haven’t had a lettuce salad (hers was the kale one from Costco but tasty) but steps forward bring me to the goal which is eating “normally” again. 

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I made "fall stew" today:  Apples, butternut squash chunks, chicken breast, broccoli, onions and wilted dandelion greens.  All but the greens were first cooked in the oven (375 for about 40 minutes) while the greens were added stovetop.


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We went out to dinner with friends. The gents had the swordfish special served with polenta and a veggie medley. The other lady had crab cakes. Good choice - this restaurant has good crab cakes. I ordered scallops which came with grilled asparagus and risotto. It came with a bourbon sauce that I thought was too sweet but my husband loved. Guess he can eat the leftovers I brought home.

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I'm being lazy-ish today and making fagottini (it's a stuffed pasta that looks a bit like wontons or Shanghainese soup dumplings) soup.  Frozen fagottini cooked in beef broth (and I'm throwing in vegetables as well).

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My boyfriend has a cheese problem where he can’t not buy various cheeses multiple times a week so we always end up with tons of small little wrapped cheese that frequently aren’t marked so I make a cheese sauce for pasta combining several and today I added mushrooms which worked quite well.

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@annzeepark914, that sounds like the menu of my childhood cookouts!

We’re having grilled steak tips, baked potatoes and roasted asparagus. I have 2 family members visiting this week, and it’s so weird to be cooking for others all week. I’m so used to just 2 people that it was overwhelming to have to shop for 4 for an entire week. My grocery bill was astronomical!

Edited by MargeGunderson
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Just got back from my brother's.  They had a party for my SILs co-workers (teachers) last night so family was invited for a clean-up of leftovers and some brats done on the grill (not complaining - the leftovers were darn tasty).  I made the rookie mistake and filled up on the yummy pear-gorgonzola cheese tart so was too full to have any of the dessert offerings - an apple pie, pumpkin cheesecake, and what looked to be some super rich brownies.

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On 10/7/2018 at 8:28 PM, DeLurker said:

...too full to have any of the dessert offerings...

I know what each of these words mean, but I'm sorry, when you put them together like that, they lose all meaning ;)  I hope you at least snagged a brownie for the road!

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I always buy extra turkeys to roast and munch through out the year. I hate deli turkey.

Tonight it's a roasted full turkey breast, stuffing, roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus, gravy and apple salad and hard rolls.

Leftover key lime pie for dessert.

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On 10/10/2018 at 10:59 AM, Lovecat said:

I know what each of these words mean, but I'm sorry, when you put them together like that, they lose all meaning ;)  I hope you at least snagged a brownie for the road!

You would think after a half-century, I would know better...I did not snag a brownie for the road out of a regrettable sense of "maturity" (it only shows up intermittently and rarely when I am with a sibling).  My sister-in-law's grandchildren were over and they both are chocolate fiends and there were only two left by the time I got around to even considering dessert ...the grandkids are both single digits so it seemed too harsh to take one for the road. 

Maybe next time, I'll offer to arm wrestle - that'll be fair, right?

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2 hours ago, DeLurker said:

You would think after a half-century, I would know better...I did not snag a brownie for the road out of a regrettable sense of "maturity" (it only shows up intermittently and rarely when I am with a sibling).  My sister-in-law's grandchildren were over and they both are chocolate fiends and there were only two left by the time I got around to even considering dessert ...the grandkids are both single digits so it seemed too harsh to take one for the road

Maybe next time, I'll offer to arm wrestle - that'll be fair, right?

a) I have no idea what *that* word even means ;)

b) You snooze, you lose, kids.

c) Totes fair.

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On 10/12/2018 at 7:18 AM, DeLurker said:

My sister-in-law's grandchildren were over 

Technically, the grandchildren are equally related to my brother, but sibling bylaws mandate that all courtesy extended be done for the sake of an innocent bystander who happened to marry into our never-ending childish behaviors.

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Tonight was toasted ciabatta bread topped with thyme and garlic roasted tomatoes and ricotta mixed with a little lemon zest, salt and pepper. I had leftover ciabatta, 2 pints of cherry tomatoes, a few thyme sprigs and half a container of ricotta sitting around, so that’s what I came up with. I’ve started the pre-Thanksgiving pantry/freezer clean out. 

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Last nights dinner was nothing special (grilled steaks, cucumber salad, baked potatoes with sour cream and fresh chives) but my beaus kids were there and we were drinking wine. Here is a conversation that we thought was funny. 

Beau: “The thongs for the grill are in the drawer in the kitchen where the scissors are”

Me: “No honey. The grill doesn’t wear thongs, but I’ll get you the tongs.”

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On 10/13/2018 at 4:39 PM, MargeGunderson said:

Mango pineapple smoothies and English muffins with peanut butter. So tired of cooking this week (guests).



You had me at mango pineapple. It's my favorite combination along with sometimes adding oj to the mix. 

It all sounds so good and exactly what I might have... plus adding some honey or plum jam to the p.b. smeared muffin, extra well toasted please.


Tonight's meal was ramen at a local place. Santa Anas are blowing  and I didn't wanna cook nor grill.

Edited by Giselle
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