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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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Thanks for the explanation Zoeysmom. Was the 15,000,000.00 they sold off the tacky furniture and Tre's clothes and jewlery? Was there an auction? God, I can't imagine having $15 mil worth of crap! Unbeleivable they were able to scam so much money!!! Was it the bankryptcy that brought all this to the attention of the feds?

I am sorry it was $15,000.00 big mistake on my part.

Unfortunately I may be the sorry one who spent way too much timing reading this crap (hater?). The BK Trustee did prioritize the creditors (is that still valid?). IRS and State of NJ were first. The amount was at least $500K (I think substantially more, but not totally sure). The lenders were next, Juicy's ex-partner was surprisingly high on the list.

I have no clue how it works now in terms of garnishment and the creditors and how they'll ever see any money. The Giudice's spent it all before they could get it.

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They haven't filmed the reunion yet. If new reports are to be believed (and this time I agree with them) - they are purposely holding off on holding the reunion until after the sentencing. She's gonna get grilled.


At this point if Teresa gets probation-Bravo will be inclined to offer her a spot, if she goes to the pokey they will go easy on her.  I tend to agree with Jennifer, unless there is a split pay day Teresa won't show.  Her last blog was just a thank you. I mean how long can we hear about what a great mother she is and how hard it is on the kids and how Joe is needed in their household.  I also don't think Teresa's ego will be ready to be filmed anyplace but the mansion.  Maybe Season 7, if Teresa isn't incarcerated will be filmed entirely with Teresa in her car or at an event.


I still say as October 2 nears the tension in the mansion will be unbearable.  Sitting around looking at the gaudy ass place and realizing Teresa's want of the tacky  McMansion joint is what may very well put them in prison.  I also wonder how Joe's mom feels about the situation-I am sure she places the blame on Teresa.


LotusFlower - if the reunion is after sentencing, I'm thinking she won't show up. I don't know if she would even if it was before (legal issues thou shall not talk about!). But then she likes the attention, and maybe Andy will be distracted by making fun of Amber and the Weasel.

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LotusFlower - if the reunion is after sentencing, I'm thinking she won't show up. I don't know if she would even if it was before (legal issues thou shall not talk about!). But then she likes the attention, and maybe Andy will be distracted by making fun of Amber and the Weasel.

Ok, ok, I get it! (kidding) (re: double post). Hmm....I don't know. She'd be breaking her contract if she didn't show up, but if she's sentenced to prison, that would probably be the least of her problems. And even though I will lead a boycott of all things Bravo if they hire this convict ever again, she probably wants to keep the doors open, so she won't want to ruffle any feathers.

On second thought, she cancelled a WWHL appearance because she is totally unable to talk about her crimes and punishment. And I don't mean "unable to talk" in the legal sense, as in a lawyer advising her not to discuss the case. I mean her limited intelligence and total denial precludes her from being able to answer even the simplest of questions, like: what are you guilty of, why did you do it, etc... I don't know how she'll handle a lot of questioning at the reunion. If she doesn't cancel, I bet she reads a prepared statement, and says nothing more. Or comes into it with a few prepared bullet points (hello Roger Goodell), and simply obfuscates and really gives us nothing.

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Unfortunately I may be the sorry one who spent way too much timing reading this crap (hater?). The BK Trustee did prioritize the creditors (is that still valid?). IRS and State of NJ were first. The amount was at least $500K (I think substantially more, but not totally sure). The lenders were next, Juicy's ex-partner was surprisingly high on the list.

I have no clue how it works now in terms of garnishment and the creditors and how they'll ever see any money. The Giudice's spent it all before they could get it.

I would think if the tax returns go back to 2000 and you add the state of NJ, that figure could easily hit a million and they are jointly responsible.  Thanks for doing the reading- I am curious how much will be disclosed at time of sentencing?


Supposedly, Teresa and Joe are required to give the first interview to Bravo-but like Lotus Flower said-if they are going to prison and break their contract. . . .  At some point Teresa is going to have to intelligently articulate her situation if she wants to keep getting paid for her post-sentencing interviews.


I agree Lotus Flower -Bravo, IMO, has underestimated viewers and the public at large, contempt for these two grifters.  Bravo sees them as ratings gold and entertainers. . .I hope Bravo takes the pulse of the audience and realizes the ratings dip had to do with the audience not wanting to watch the grifters be rewarded.

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I wonder if she went to church today.  To ask for her jelly bread.   October 2 is creeping up.  I would be a hot mess.  Me thinks Juicy is juicing it up big time.  Someone give Tre a valium.  She's a tough woman, I have to give her that.  I'm putting up my Halloween decorations.  Not a care in the world.  It's a gorgeous day in the OC and, we pay our taxes.  I'm not going to jail.

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Since she had $15,000 in unpaid fertility clinic bills, I find it hard to believe she's pregnant.


This is what I think too. Then again, there are many cases where a couple tries for years to have a baby with no luck, they adopt or give up on the dream of having a child and then when they least expect it they get pregnant. If this is true I'd bet Teresa was actively trying to get pregnant. She and Joe probably don't use birth control if they think Tre is incapable of pregnancy but she was probably keeping track of her cycles and having sex accordingly in an effort to make any slim chance of pregnancy a reality thinking this will be a way to avoid prison. Screw that! There's pregnant inmates. Why should she get a break?? I hope she is pregnant and the judge throws her ass in jail regardless and teaches her a lesson about trying to pull a fast one on the court. On second thought I don't hope she's pregnant. I wouldn't want another innocent child to be subjected to her and Joe as parents. How shitty to bring a child into the world as a means to escape punishment for crimes you committed.

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Since she had $15,000 in unpaid fertility clinic bills, I find it hard to believe she's pregnant.  


I believe that the reason they went to a fertility clinic was to "choose" the baby's gender. It was in hopes of having a boy, instead they got another girl, Adrianna. There was a rumor that Joe's father was desperate for a grandson and offering $$$ for the first male grandchild born. If no grandsons are born, the name/bloodline dies off when the Giudice sons die off.

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I'm just catching up with RHNJ and read that Teresa is pregnant with her 5th and that if anything, she'll be on house arrest. I guess the rumors won't end until the sentence is handed down.

I believe Teresa's PR person, another felon, has denied the rumor.  I thought it was quite ballsy of Teresa to say she and Joe would use a surrogate, as pregnancy gives her varicose veins.  For someone 15 million dollars in debt I guess she is expecting some to be a volunteer surrogate.  Maybe her good friend Dina.

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Another child is the last thing that family needs


This family is the last thing any child needs.


I mean being born into this family at this point, let alone as some kind of deluded get out of jail card has got to the equivalent of buying a scratch lottery ticket and when you rub off the prize simply says "FUCK YOU"

Edited by heebiejeebie
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Welp. #5 is allegedly on the way. Sigh. I can't with them. You and/or your husband are going to jail possibly. WTH would you...nevermind.


If true Joe was probably banging her like a screen door to get that one in the oven.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 5

Joe back in state court today-looks like the state charges will morph into the federal time-that is some good lawyering on Feinstein's part.  joe-giudice-back-in-jersey-court-today

Unreal. So Joe drives drunk, smashes his car, engages in fraud to obtain a fake ID, but because he also committed serious federal charges, the state decides his federal prison stint is enough. No need to punish the guy even more....

  • Love 5

Unreal. So Joe drives drunk, smashes his car, engages in fraud to obtain a fake ID, but because he also committed serious federal charges, the state decides his federal prison stint is enough. No need to punish the guy even more....

By delaying the entry of a plea it does not raise his federal sentencing guideline number.  "Justice delayed is justice denied," Sir William Blackstone, truer words were never spoken.  The state case went on for three years? 

Edited by zoeysmom
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That's awful that Joe's mother is losing her house. It's not a tax sale either (meaning they could pay the outstanding and fines and stop it). Bank of America is forcing the auction because of mortgage default (about $650K). They've apparently owned it since 2000 too and looks like they refinanced it. I wonder if they did that to help out Blinky Boobs and Chuckles the Drunk Driving clown? Remember the $10K/month claimed from family members? And that was before the legal bills.

It's a very nice house. Maybe instead of continuing to pay the $1.7M mortgage on the monstrosity (at least now it has the porte cochere!) they should have been more worried about this. At minimum they'd have a place to live. Also, as far as I know nobody's coming after Philomena's assets.

  • Love 4

I'm 12 too apparently (or just plain sick). Joe "banging her like a screen door to get that one in the oven" is (and will for at least two days) makes me giggle like a catholic school girl.

Speaking of which from me above. Anybody remember who we owe the honor to for Blinky Boobs and Chuckles the Drunk Driving Clown? I make a great effort not to overuse it.

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Unreal. So Joe drives drunk, smashes his car, engages in fraud to obtain a fake ID, but because he also committed serious federal charges, the state decides his federal prison stint is enough. No need to punish the guy even more....



Here is the NJ newspaper article,  http://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebrities/index.ssf/2014/09/joe_giudice_driver_license_fraud_hearing.html . It is NOT a done deal as of yet. It is only being considered at this point, lets hope the State Judge refuses to accept this "arrangement" and throws the book at him, especially considering his driving record!

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Here is the NJ newspaper article,  http://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebrities/index.ssf/2014/09/joe_giudice_driver_license_fraud_hearing.html . It is NOT a done deal as of yet. It is only being considered at this point, lets hope the State Judge refuses to accept this "arrangement" and throws the book at him, especially considering his driving record!

I know....I was jumping the gun. But what stood out to me was the fact that even the state prosecutor is asking for a concurrent sentence (and not just Joe's lawyer). I guess the state saves money this way - make the Feds pick up the tab for Joe's imprisonment. Yes, the judge could decide a different fate. I don't think so, but we can always hope.

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I know....I was jumping the gun. But what stood out to me was the fact that even the state prosecutor is asking for a concurrent sentence (and not just Joe's lawyer). I guess the state saves money this way - make the Feds pick up the tab for Joe's imprisonment. Yes, the judge could decide a different fate. I don't think so, but we can always hope.



I do hope the judge rejects this stupid idea. Joe kept breaking the driving laws even AFTER he was charged with the DL Fraud AND the Federal Fraud! It looks like the State Prosecutor is just willing to pass the ugly buck that Joe's state case has become. Grrrr, all this does is make Joe think he is invincible and he will NEVER take the law seriously!

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Hee hee. I love that! Yes, I'm 12, lol.

No kidding.   It's getting bad over there..


John Mellencamp.  "When the walls, come tumbling down..." 


I think they never heard of "knock on wood."  Probably fake stolen wood from some hard working man, knowing them.

Edited by Lablover27
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Too funny with the hit and run comments. I'm only really good at it on VP Rules (at least I hope).

Somehow missed the FUCK YOU winning lottery ticket before and then there was the likely stolen wood to knock on. Looks like the glass is still half full.

I can see them letting Juicy have concurrent sentences (delays pay apparently) but at least take away his license for near eternity.

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Here is my guess, if sentencing is going according to plan on October 2, (I still think there will be another continuance around Thursday or Friday of this week), there is a very good chance the judge will allow Joe to remain free on bond (bond guaranteed by a now deceased man with the collateral property going up for auction next week) until at least October 15th, and let him enter a plea and allow him to set a sentencing date.  In the alternative if Joe turns down the state's plea deal, Joe may be allowed to free until the matter goes to trial.  If he is incarcerated he may be racking up credit for time served.  Joe's attorney's schedule is such that he will say he can't set the matter for trial until well into 2015 and this merry-go-round will continue. 

I look at this as the glass half full ...  no one is even pretending Juicy won't end up with jail time.

I get what you mean. Prison time for Joe is a certainty, even to his own lawyers. That's why I'm surprised so many people think Teresa won't get time. She pleaded guilty to only one less charge, and the 4 charges are serious - hence the certainty of Joe's sentence. I think she'll get time. Less than Joe, and served after Joe's time, but time nonetheless. Now if only driving drunk and committing fraud to obtain a fake ID were also punishable in the state of NJ...

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LotusFlower - that's what still kinda confuses me. Consensus is that Juicy's heading to jail, but Teresa with her one less guilty count ain't?

I think it's Rhetorica? who wants to start the pool? Put me down for 9 months. My original range for Teresa was 6 to 12 mos before actually reading the indictment.

I get what you mean. Prison time for Joe is a certainty, even to his own lawyers. That's why I'm surprised so many people think Teresa won't get time. She pleaded guilty to only one less charge, and the 4 charges are serious - hence the certainty of Joe's sentence. I think she'll get time. Less than Joe, and served after Joe's time, but time nonetheless. Now if only driving drunk and committing fraud to obtain a fake ID were also punishable in the state of NJ...

I think people believe Teresa will get off on the "mommy card".  I am beginning to think this couple is pretty bullet proof.  For people who have been in BK, since 2009, and various forms of scrutiny since that time, except Joe's one week jail stint there have been  no consequences.   Teresa is actually launching a ice cream bar line next week. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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Can one or some of you incredibly smart people explain something to me? Pretend I'm about 11 years old and use small words. Here goes: the Guidice's in-law house (Filomena's) is being auctioned. Is that due to her putting up the house as some sort of bond or collateral to keep Tre & Juicy out of the clink? I'm trying to see some connection between Filomena's woes and T&J.

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I think people believe Teresa will get off on the "mommy card".  I am beginning to think this couple is pretty bullet proof.  For people who have been in BK, since 2009, and various forms of scrutiny since that time, except Joe's one week jail stint there have been  no consequences.


I get that they seem bullet proof. And maybe they are...we'll see on Oct. 2. But I know at least YOU know the "mommy card" won't work, because of all the links you've posted re:sentencing guidelines. The provision is really strict - you can't just say "I have young daughters, Your Honor." You have to prove that you're the only person that can provide and care for someone, and even then it's a long shot. I don't see how Teresa can make this argument with such a large extended family living in the area. Plus, the judge has the option of a staggered sentence, so the kids would conceivably be with Joe when he's let out and she goes in. Well, unless he's deported, of course. Or then has to start his time in state prison. But then that all goes against the bullet-proof theory.

Here goes: the Guidice's in-law house (Filomena's) is being auctioned. Is that due to her putting up the house as some sort of bond or collateral to keep Tre & Juicy out of the clink? I'm trying to see some connection between Filomena's woes and T&J.

I don't anything about the Giudice in-law house, but I can say that the sale or auction has nothing to do with keeping Joe and Teresa out of jail, because if one or both gets sentenced, they'll have x number of days (or weeks or months) to start their sentence, and money can't keep them out.

portia7 - I wish I was that smart. Really no clue why Filomena/Philomena's? lovely house (interior decoration is one's taste) ended up in auction. I was speculating that Juicy's parents possibly refinanced the house to help them out and then couldn't keep up with the payments.

I think Zoeysmom is right though that it's the house they put up for Juicy's bond.

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portia7 - I wish I was that smart. Really no clue why Filomena/Philomena's? lovely house (interior decoration is one's taste) ended up in auction. I was speculating that Juicy's parents possibly refinanced the house to help them out and then couldn't keep up with the payments.

I think Zoeysmom is right though that it's the house they put up for Juicy's bond.

From what I have read the house has been in pre-foreclosure since 2012.  It was my understand that the parents of Joe posted the bond, which was $500,000.00 each.  I don't think they refinanced the house to help out in this particular matter.  The house may or not be auctioned off next week and if it is not I am quite sure the senior Mrs. Giudice will work it to her best advantage.


I am still wondering what happened to the house, maybe in the Catskills, that Joe's dad allegedly bought fro Teresa, the one with the chapel. 

I really want to know how all these working class people can afford such grand lifestyles.  I mean, we obviously know how the Juicys do it, but the Sr. Gorgas also seem to live large.  The Juicy Srs. have not only that house, but they have that home in the mountains, and the Gorga Srs. have a home in the Dominican Republic.  Mrs. Gorga was driving a newer model Mercedes a couple of years back.  It looks like Kathy's mom seems to live a rather modest lifestyle, and even Kathy's current home isn't over they top.  I'm sure that Bravo money has helped to purchase this newer home...


I'm just wondering what these people are doing to maintain this lifestyle.

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LotusFlower - that's what still kinda confuses me. Consensus is that Juicy's heading to jail, but Teresa with her one less guilty count ain't?

I think it's Rhetorica? who wants to start the pool? Put me down for 9 months. My original range for Teresa was 6 to 12 mos before actually reading the indictment.

Ok, put me down for 12 months for Teresa, 30 months for Joe, staggered sentences. I have no idea why - I just want them both to do time, and one year for Teresa feels significant. Plus, I'm thoroughly confused about Joe's state case getting mixed in with this, and a possible concurrent sentence. But maybe that should be a second poll after Oct. 2. And then there's the "will Joe get deported?" question...!

Ok, put me down for 12 months for Teresa, 30 months for Joe, staggered sentences. I have no idea why - I just want them both to do time, and one year for Teresa feels significant. Plus, I'm thoroughly confused about Joe's state case getting mixed in with this, and a possible concurrent sentence. But maybe that should be a second poll after Oct. 2. And then there's the "will Joe get deported?" question...!

I use to think Teresa would absolutely do time. Now, I am starting to get a bad feeling about the whole deal.  I have no legal basis for this theory, and agree that since she only has one less charge she should be looking at time just like Juicy is. I am starting to believe that if she does time, it will be a Martha type of situation. 4 or 5 months, and then house arrest for a year or so.  

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