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S06.E06: Prom Again!

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No responses? After the slog that was The Flash, this was a fun episode.

Nia and Brainy should get their honorary Legends memberships soon. They went back in time and did when needed to be done . . . but they made things a lot worse first. Those two would fit in on the Waverider, and Brainy could be the neurotic team member. Gary does not count.

Seriously, the Bismollan comic relief a-holes didn't bug that much. The part that bugged was me feeling old. I know the story took place in 2009, and that's not even a teenager between then and 2021 (or 2020), but it's a bit jarring to hear "Paparazzi" in that context.

I thought that was a pink panther in Nia's visions. Nope, it was a pink cougar, and it represented CJ Cat Grant. And Nia was able to manifest it physically. At this point, why the hell not?!? Seriously, though, she and Brainy are such a sweet couple.

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Nia and Brainy fix everything the best way possible: by just going back in their time ship and having a do-over!  Yep, as far as I'm concerned, they are future Legends in the making!  In fact, I choose to believe that the Legends knew about this, but we're just like "Nah, they got this!  Besides, we've got our own issues to deal with..." about it.

So, Nia is not only getting better with figuring out what her dreams mean, but she now has the ability to even bring parts of her dreams into the real world?!  That could be useful!  Or troubling.  Likely both, I suspect.

I'm really hoping there is a now grown-up Kenny out there somewhere just waiting to come back.  Dude was by far the best love interest Kara has ever had.

I sung the praises of both actresses playing Kara and Alex last week, but there really were times where Izabela Vidovic almost looked like they de-aged Melissa Benoist somehow.  The resemblance is uncanny.

I'm not sure if it was necessary to have two episodes devoted to this particular plot point, but it was a fun story and will likely help counterbalance what I imagine will be a more dramatic mid-season finale next week.  And, again, it was great seeing Nicole Maines and Jesse Rath get to be front and center here.  Really hope Brainy and Nia get a happy ending (or even better: continue on in the Arrowverse!)

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This episode really could be billed as an extended Legends interview for Brainy and Nia. They'd fit right in, I'm sure. This episode was even more late 2000's than the last, or was it just the music; can't remember the last time I heard Paparazzi 😅

I wonder what it says about this Kara's previous love interests that Kenny has beaten all of them in the span of 2 episodes? I hope this isn't the last we see of Kenny.

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I'm ready for the Legends to show up in the finale and offer Brainy and Nia spots on the team.  They're already Legends, they just don't know it.

Boy, did Nia squash any thought about that dress being subpar.  Nicole was gorgeous.  The most attractive cast on television.  Sorry for the shallow.

Poor Kenny, got his heart broken on prom night.  He took it in stride, though and still loves Kara.  All props to the young actors and actresses for their performances.  Young Kara and Young Alex are perfect casting.

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All the talk about Brainy and Nia did what was typically done on the Legends of Tomorrow:


The season premiere of Legends dealt with aliens, including Gary, and somebody there commented that aliens were really DEO jurisdiction.

With that, I think it is not unreasonable if there is crossover between the shows and Brainy and Nia ended up got recruited by the Legends after Supergirl is over. Why not. Casts of Legends are very much fluid anyway. Brainy is already a time traveler too.

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I could totally see Nia and Brainy fitting in on the Waverider, although they might have to boot a few people out to make room (I have suggestions!) they clearly have the same skills in saving the day through bumbling through time travel. Brainy is already a time traveler, so its totally works. This was a fun second part to Prom, I am glad to take a break from the more weighty stories from the main plot. It had drama, but having Brainy and Nia interacting with young Kara and Alex adds a really lighthearted element to the episode, they are just all so delightful. 

The actresses playing young Alex and Kara continue to shine, the girl playing young Kara really does look like a deaged Melissa, its uncanny. Kenny also proves to be one of Kara's best love interests, he even took Kara dropping the "I'm leaving for college" bomb on him like a champ. I really hope that adult Kara can run into adult Kenny once she escapes the Phantom Zone, maybe they could make it work this time? Crisis gave them a second chance, they should take it. 

Nia and Brainy are so cute, especially their prom dance and their kiss. Brainy even cried a bit, and Nia had to explain that his face raining was a good thing. I am really glad they got to be front and center for this episode, it really gave them time to shine as both a couple recently back together and a way to explore their issues more, with Brainy trying to find a healthy way to deal with his stronger emotions and Nia trying to get a handle on her powers. So now she can pull things from her dreams, which is pretty cool, but could also be troubling depending on the dream.

The 00s nostalgia was strong with this one. Paparazzi! Nora Jones!

So Nia inspired Cat to become Cat and start her media empire, therefore creating a stable time loop where I guess Nia was always going back in time and her dreams knew that she was in back in time and when she talk to Cat she set her on course to starting Catco. Time travel yall. 

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5 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

So Nia inspired Cat to become Cat and start her media empire, therefore creating a stable time loop where I guess Nia was always going back in time and her dreams knew that she was in back in time and when she talk to Cat she set her on course to starting Catco. Time travel yall. 

Plus, in the season 4 episode with Nia's family, one of them tells Kara how excited Nia was to get a job at Catco, mentioning that she'd read Cat Grant's autobiography multiple times! So Nia ALSO preserved the future of her young self being inspired by Cat Grant... by inspiring Cat Grant to become Cat Grant! I love me some time travel.

That was a lot of fun while also being very sweet and sentimental. I agree with all the Kenny/Kara praise. In high school, I totally would've taken stargazing and Monty Python over prom, and I liked how Kara finally articulated her choice to leave for college. Nothing against the life they were living in Midvale or her feelings about him, but she needed to do something with her life that she was choosing, and in turn, Kenny realized he had to figure himself out when Kara invited him to come with her. While it would be a bummer for Staz Nair to be a regular for the last season only to have an adult Kenny pop in at the 11th hour as Kara's endgame love interest, but it would be so much better for the show. If Kara IS going to end the series with any kind of romance, I'm currently Team Kenny or Bust.

This was another episode to satisfy my Brainy-and-Nia-loving heart. Their dancing, their kiss, their emotional heart-to-heart, Brainy's happy tears, their time-travel shenanigans - I'm just a fan of all of it. Outside of the crossovers, Legends is still on my "so many shows, so little time" list, if these two were to hop onto the Waverider post-Supergirl, that would totally give me the push I need to finally prioritize watching that series. While Brainy seems to have found some inner resolution with his struggles for now, I like that Nia is still wrestling with her dreams and am keeping my fingers crossed that the storyline will lead her back home, so she can work things out with her sister and, through Maeve's dream expertise, the two of them can work together to keep and honor their mother's legacy.

Last week, Brainy spent so much of his screentime with Kenny, but this time around, I enjoyed him getting a bit more with Young Alex and Kara. I love his relationships with both in the present, so I liked seeing him with them in the past. I loved how Alex immediately saw through his attempts to brush off her suspicions and he just stammered out that chastened, "I am so sorry, Alex, I will tell you everything." And you could feel his care and worry for Kara throughout the episode - the Kara-Brainy friendship doesn't get as much play on the show as some of the other big relationships, but I always love their scenes together.

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The last two episodes have been great. The acting from everyone was really good. Kenny is such a sweetheart, I hope he pops up in the present.

It's just I don't understand why you would have these sorts of episodes when we are almost at the end of Supergirl's tenure. It's a bit of a baffling decision, but I guess it was to give Melissa Benoist time off for her baby?


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh [long brain freeze].

So, did I snooze out somewhere or they really did gloss over a major plot hole in this episode? Logically, there now should be two Karas and the space-time continuum should implode. Why? Because the Kara from the moment when police arrested everyone stowaway in the Legion's ship and ended in the past. She helped Brainy and Nia correct the past and went back with them in to the future (well, prior to the meteor shower). So, logically, there should be two Karas now. The one in the present timeline and the one from the past that got back in to the present timeline. Or did I miss something? Not to mention that... Brainy and Nia did not alter Kara's memories (or, again, did I miss something)? So, logically, the future has already changed. I mean... yeah...

Overall, I would have liked Midvale episodes, but I'm just not a fan in general of retconning stuff... and... well...

I just fast-forwarded the episode... nope, didn't miss anything, they really did gloss over this fact/did not pay attention to it.

Edited by Rushmoras

Overall, I would have liked Midvale episodes, but I'm just not a fan in general of retconning stuff... and... well..

I do think one of Supergirl's biggest problems is its lack of attention to continuity and Crisis only made that worse. Even the original Midvale retconned some of what we knew about the Danvers sisters relationship from season one flashbacks. 


It's just I don't understand why you would have these sorts of episodes when we are almost at the end of Supergirl's tenure. It's a bit of a baffling decision, but I guess it was to give Melissa Benoist time off for her baby?

Yes, Melissa Benoist was on maternity leave when these episodes were filmed. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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So I think the real question that no one is asking is, how did young Kara mess up the laundry so badly that Eliza never let her do it again??

But seriously, I thought these two flashback/time travel episodes were fun for what they were. Kara and Kenny's breakup was way too mature for two teens, but I like that it was on good terms, so there's hope for a reunion with adult Kenny.

Really good episode for Brainy and Nia (well, they were the only regulars in this episode...); cool to see a new adaptation of Dreamer's powers.

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