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S02.E15: Tall Tales

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Sam and Dean get cranky with each other as the try to work out what is going on with alien abductions, giant alligators and deaths in a college town.





This is just a delightful little episode. I absolutely adore it. Yes, the POV is all screwed up at times, but I simply don't care. I laugh at each brother's different perceptions of the other; I laugh at Bobby thinking they're idjits; I laugh at the wrestling; I laugh at the Trickster; but most of all I laugh at the slow-dancing alien stuff. That's just pure gold, IMO.


I don't think I will ever get tired of seeing Jared say "Dean, this is a very serious investigation and we don't have time for any of your, blah, blah, blah, blah...blah, blah, blah, blah...BLAH" it's just too funny. And Dean not knowing that girl's name, but insisting that she was a classy chic. I also love that Dean was keeping Sam's money for "emotional trauma." And Bobby at the end "you guys are breakin' my heart."  The Texas chainsaw massacre guy, the "ladies" beating the crap out of Dean...There's just so much good stuff here.


Okay, enough with the giggling...I was so enamored with the Trickster back in the day and still find the idea of him fascinating--kudos to Richard Speight Jr. for making him such a lively character with so little screen time to do so. I think what this episode does best is bring us back to that idea of urban legends and what makes them legends is people telling the stories. And it was a stroke of genius to incorporate the Weekly World News. I had never read the publication before I watched this episode--it's not generally my thing--but now it makes me kinda sad that it no longer exists.


I think I could watch this episode on a loop and never get tired of it.


Whacky sidenote: For some reason Dean's hair seems really short to me here. And this isn't even important, but I noticed that the blackboard in that lecture hall has the alphabet written across the top--is this an elementary school college? Like I said not even important, but it's the first time I noticed it.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Sam and Dean get cranky with each other as the try to work out what is going on with alien abductions, giant alligators and deaths in a college town.





This is just a delightful little episode. I absolutely adore it. Yes, the POV is all screwed up at times, but I simply don't care. I laugh at each brother's different perceptions of the other; I laugh at Bobby thinking they're idjits; I laugh at the wrestling; I laugh at the Trickster; but most of all I laugh at the slow-dancing alien stuff. That's just pure gold, IMO.


I don't think I will ever get tired of seeing Jared say "Dean, this is a very serious investigation and we don't have time for any of your, blah, blah, blah, blah...blah, blah, blah, blah...BLAH" it's just too funny. And Dean not knowing that girl's name, but insisting that she was a classy chic. I also love that Dean was keeping Sam's money for "emotional trauma." And Bobby at the end "you guys are breakin' my heart."  The Texas chainsaw massacre guy, the "ladies" beating the crap out of Dean...There's just so much good stuff here.


Okay, enough with the giggling...I was so enamored with the Trickster back in the day and still find the idea of him fascinating--kudos to Richard Speight Jr. for making him such a lively character with so little screen time to do so.


Whacky sidenote: For some reason Dean's hair seems really short to me here. And this isn't even important, but I noticed that the blackboard in that lecture hall has the alphabet written across the top--is this an elementary school college? Like I said not even important, but it's the first time I noticed it.

Now I'll have to see if I notice that now.  Maybe it's suppose to be a classroom teaching English to those that don't speak English...see how hard I have to work at that.


I really like parts of it and I really really like the trickster but as I've rewatched it has gone down for me.  Not really sure why.  Maybe because some parts are just too over the top?  Don't know...I do wish they would find a way to bring him back as I do love the character.

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I still think it's funny that slow dancing with the alien to The Lady in Red was much more traumatic than seven or eight anal probes. Also as a side note that alien seemed blissfully happy dancing.

It's a cute episode but not a top one for me.

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It's not bad but as a Rashomon episode, it fails. For the best examples I know of: X-files' Bad Blood or The Rashomon Job from Leverage.


It improved over the years for me, mostly because I eventually stopped comparing Supernatural to the X-files and these days, I'm just happy to have something funny that feels organic but at first viewing, I thought it was pretty terrible for what it wanted to be.

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Well, if we start comparing the show to the X-files...well, just not a good idea to start down that path. I probably do love this episode more now than I originally did--for the sheer amount of smiling that I feel starved of when watching the show now, alone--but I always liked the idea of the trickster, so it was always liked by me.

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I'm going to say it right now, it's my favorite episode ever.


It's just so darn funny.  You had the slow dancing, the boys sniping, Sam going all Captain Empathy and crushing Fargo, and most importantly the debut of The Trickster.  And The Trickster is my favorite character on the show.  I absolutely would have loved it if the show turned it around and said that The Trickster was God, but he was Gabriel instead.


And great job keeping with the mythos of The Trickster, he was only going after dickheads.  The battle at the end was a show, he knew the boys weren't going to leave unless he was dead, so he gave them a show.  Of course there's that whole him being Gabriel thing.

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The montage in the beginning of the guys calling each other bitch, jerk, etc, made me laugh.


But I had no idea what I was in for, because I cracked up *so hard* (had to pause the show for a minute) when, in Dean's retelling of chatting up Maybe!Starla, he and Starla make a toast "to us," with the ~classy~ version of the Purple Nurple shots, natch, and he wants to talk about business but she can't because looking at him is "like staring into the sun," and then Sam shows up INFINITELY prissier than he could ever hope to be. And just starts saying "blah," but with attitude. WOW. LOL I don't know if it's because it's late or what but I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.


Another thing that made me laugh:

Dean:  No, see, married couples can get divorced. Me and him, we're like Siamese twins.




Yet another:

Loved Dean saying that when they went to talk to a witness, Sam said:  "I want you to know, I'm here for you. You're a brave little soldier. I feel your pain. Too precious for this world." And hugged the witness until the witness pushed him off. And when Sam (in present day) said it didn't happen like that, Dean was just like, meh, you always say stuff like that. LOL.


And then the very next episode was Roadkill, where tbh Sam totally does keep saying stuff like that!


Anyway, this episode is wonderful. So glad I decided to watch it tonight.

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You see, this is the way to spoof the characters and the show's premise and format. Of course, you'd have to do it differently these days since they have grown out of these exaggerated versions of themselves.


I'll watch it now. I need to clean my palate from that recent failed attempt of......something.

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I just noticed something for the first time.

The gaudy bed and other furniture on the lecture stage doesn't disappear with the "ladies" when Dean stakes the trickster. So, I'm wondering if it's a production error or are we supposed to notice that as a clue while Bobby and Sam and Dean are too pre-occupied with getting out there to notice?


I always crack up at : I have had it up to here with you! with the pointing.

Edited by supposebly
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Love this episode so much. I don't think of it as Rashomon, and I love the exaggerated re-enactments from the guys' perspectives.  Starlet throwing up in her mouth, Sam wet-blanketing Dean's lady moves, Dean constantly shoving caramels into his mouth, Sam telling that kid that he's a brave little solider and is too precious for this world. "I acknowledge your pain."  LOL

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"Her name wasn't Starla!" "What was it then?" And the blah blah blahs in which the last blah is obviously "DEAN!"

"I acknowledge your pain! Come here. Too precious for this world." - much more useful in real life than the average Supernatural quote. "It's not food anymore, Dean! It's Darwinism!"


I always crack up at : I have had it up to here with you! with the pointing.

I think it's the fact that he's had it up to exactly Dean's height. And the wrestling for the money. They're such children. Poor Bobby. 

I've never noticed this before, but suddenly Sam's "I didn't find any candy bars, or sugar. Not even Equal" line is deeply amusing to me. I think it's just reminding me of the "low sodium freaks" line. 

Loki was nice to his dog. He can't be all bad if he's nice to the dog.

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On 7/14/2016 at 7:24 AM, pixelcat said:

Found this bit of random today.  For any of you that didn't know and were curious.

That's awesome! Although, I wouldn't drink it, but whatever. ;)

If nothing else, your re-watching and posting is getting me to re-read through episode threads, @bettername2come! It's also been inspiring me to get back to my re-watch I started some time ago but got sidetracked.

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i read somewhere that jared doesn't think he does comedy well but in what universe tho?!? that was HILARIOUS! 

and it's always nice to see gorgeous characters not afraid to muff up their image. like the moment when dean kept stuffing his face LOL that's how sam views him? haha



not @ him acting like this is totally normal, LOL

but on a side note, their little "talk" (totally not a talk, they barely said 6 words) at the end, my brother sparingly watches with me and he was there, and even he noted on how their relationship was written. he said he liked how it wasn't overly cheesy, and that they didn't hate each other either. it was just right. and i have to agree, i don't know if the writing on them was done by an expert or if the new writers just winged it, because their relationship not even as brothers but as siblings are spot on, none of those sibling fights/moments ever leave, it's just something you're born with and will have for life :)


P.S., as a mad "chowder" cartoon fan, i noticed the drink name was the same as the show's cookie name. is this episode that iconic or is the creator that much of a fan? lol

Edited by Iju
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On 7/28/2014 at 10:14 AM, supposebly said:

It's not bad but as a Rashomon episode, it fails. For the best examples I know of: X-files' Bad Blood or The Rashomon Job from Leverage.

It improved over the years for me, mostly because I eventually stopped comparing Supernatural to the X-files and these days, I'm just happy to have something funny that feels organic but at first viewing, I thought it was pretty terrible for what it wanted to be.

Bad Blood may be my all time favorite X Files episode. Between the magic fingers in the prior episode and this one, I may have to track it down and watch it again. I am a sucker for Rashomon episodes, so this one goes to the top of the list for me. The blah blah blah and the purple purples alone had me giggling. Throw in the slow dancing alien and this had some much needed levity. This show does heavy well, but sometimes you need a break. 

The trickster demigod was awesome. I enjoyed that he was going after bad guys. The interpretation was certainly a lot more enjoyable than Reynard on the Magicians.

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On 11/12/2019 at 11:57 AM, The Companion said:

Throw in the slow dancing alien

That is one of my favorite scenes from the entire series.  It's just so hilarious and so well-done.  And, they probed me again and again and again and again.  Pause for a drink.  And again and then one more time.  Awesome.

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16 minutes ago, Katy M said:

That is one of my favorite scenes from the entire series.  It's just so hilarious and so well-done.  And, they probed me again and again and again and again.  Pause for a drink.  And again and then one more time.  Awesome.

And the show always chooses the perfect music  (with the exception, maybe, of not playing Black Dog after mentioning a black dog approximately 100 times in Crossroad Blues) but Lady in Red was particularly genius for some reason.

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