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The funny thing is I posted all that on my Twitter and they immediately ALL started following each other and then Jessica actually BLOCKED me after I retweeted some of her acting videos she has posted on her page....Then Dr. Logan tweeted me saying Jessica is authentic...um ok!  Right?!

That's too funny that Dr. Logan is protecting the brand and saying Jessica is authentic when this is her SECOND time around in the process.   And is a wannabe actress.  Just like Jamie last season, Jessica was getting cast no matter what. 


Oh well, I'll still watch as its fascinating to me what people will do and say to be on TV.  If a couple makes, so be it.

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I agree. She was going to be cast regardless and both her and the Psychologist.  The guy Dr. Cilona were protecting the brand.  I love the show, I just wish it had more average people.  And on the surface Jessica and Ryan don't seem like a good fit.  They seem like the next Vaughn and Monet. I'll still watch.  Because I'm a gluten for reality garbage and I love, love

The funny thing is I posted all that on my Twitter and they immediately ALL started following each other and then Jessica actually BLOCKED me after I retweeted some of her acting videos she has posted on her page....Then Dr. Logan tweeted me saying Jessica is authentic...um ok! Right?!

It's ridiculous! Don't they realize they look foolish, as well as making themselves seem as though they have something to hide?

I'm shocked that anyone could think that info that's on the net for all to see could somehow remain a hidden secret. Blocking people who ask questions is equivalent to sticking their heads in the sand.

In one of the Q&As in the above link from Witsmag, Jessica is clear: She says in five years, she'd like to be on our tv screens as a successful actress, playing a lead role on a tv series. Why pretend now that she's just another receptionist in NYC? She -- and MAFS -- should own her dreams and goals.

Edited by sleekandchic
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If Jessica is a model/actress looking for a husband then fine, own up to that. They should have said she does modeling part-time. But these producers are seriously naive if they thought the viewers wouldn't google her (to find out if she was still married) and find these things out. And why make yourself look guilty by blocking people. Strange girl.

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The article on Jessica is still online. If link below doesn't work, put her full name in Wits' search:


$he definitely has show biz ambitions.


Jennifer Lopez wannabe.  I don't doubt her acting chops considering the crying on cue thing she has pulled off.  What a fake beotch.

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All 3 ladies appeared on The Today Show along with Joseph on Friday:


All 3 stated they were married and video was shown of each couple at their reception.

Jaclyn seemed to be overcoming her initial impression of her Ryan.

Twitter accounts of the ladies:

Davina: https://twitter.com/davinakullar

Jessica: https://twitter.com/Ms_Castro

Jaclyn: https://twitter.com/JaclynMethuen

Right. They do have to get divorced in order to split, after all, and a divorce takes time.


If I remember correctly, Vaughn & Monet didn't get to file for divorce till the show was finished airing so technically all three couples are still legally married right now.  We just don't know who sat in a room with the experts at the end of January and said "we want a divorce".


And on that note, does anyone remember from last season if those that want to stay married can still live together now or are they separated while the show is airing?

I agree, Neurochick. I don't mind a bit that Jessica is an aspiring actress--actresses need love too! But why did they make such a show of excluding people from consideration who were actively looking to be on TV!? "We took great care to weed out the people who just wanted fame". um. no you didn't. you just weeded out the ones who weren't photogenic enough, or the right "types" for the stories you wanted to tell. Why not just gloss all that over, since we all already know that you pick who you want to pick? And that's fine too, its their show and they can do whatever they want. I just can't figure out why all the phony earnestness.

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This video shows some unaired interviews with Ryan the Realtor and Jaclyn that FYI definitely should have included in this last Tuesday's reception show:

It shows them SO much more comfortable with each other!  It especially is good from 45 seconds in until the end.


Make sure you check in with Jaclyn's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JaclynMethuenMAFS?fref=nf

Read the comments under each of her posts. Jaclyn responds to so many people! None of the other 5 people respond (other than thumbs up to their commenters.) You get a much better insight into her personality and perspective on the show and her thoughts by reading her comments. I know I've changed my opinion on her a good bit by viewing these. She definitely regrets her overreacting first impression of Ryan R!

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new to the forum-- did anyone else see the instagram picture jason (from season 1) posted the other night of him with all the grooms from this season? he and sean? (daviniah's husband, is his name sean? it's escaping me at the moment) are flaunting their rings and the other guys have their hands sort of hidden. ryan r has his hand in a sort of strange fist, i can't tell if he's fist pumping for the picture (endearing as he may be, let's face it he's a bit of a dweeb so i wouldn't put it past him) or purposely hiding that he isn't wearing a ring... 

All four guys here have their wedding rings on. Ryan D's ring is on his left ring finger; it is partially hidden, but you can definitely see it. Monet from last season stated that she was required to wear her wedding ring until the final show had aired; it was part of her contract with FYI. The 3 new couples would all be the same. Seeing the ring is not an indication if the couples are doing well or not since they have to wear them until the final show airs.



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I hadn't seen that picture. I assumed they were required to wear their rings but wondered if they'd be more likely to forget it if they weren't together anymore. 

It would be easy to assume in the picture Jason posted that with two of them showing off their rings and two of them looking as if they were hiding their hands away that maybe they'd forgotten their rings/don't wear them.

It's cool that you found another picture. Maybe it's because of the quality of the picture but RealtorRyan's teeth don't look as bad here

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One of Ryan the Realtor's comments on his Facebook page that I liked:

V:  I knew you guys were gonna be matched!!! I think you two are so cute together... Love the show!!! We're rooting for you guys!!

Ryan Ranellone Thank you V, the combo is rather unique! She's the firecracker. I'm the kind of the go with the flow. Let's see what fireworks happen in the weeks to follow  :-)

All four guys here have their wedding rings on. Ryan D's ring is on his left ring finger; it is partially hidden, but you can definitely see it. Monet from last season stated that she was required to wear her wedding ring until the final show had aired; it was part of her contract with FYI. The 3 new couples would all be the same. Seeing the ring is not an indication if the couples are doing well or not since they have to wear them until the final show airs.



OMG, they really do look like four gay men out on a double date . . . lolol!

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In the preview when they're asked if they want to stay married or get a divorce, Ryan the Realtor is sitting with his arm around Jaclyn, holding hands at the same time. They wouldn't be that cozy if they were going to state in the interview that they wanted to get a divorce. It is definitely Jaclyn because the clip shows what each lady is wearing at the 6-week decision time, and Jaclyn is the only one in blue. Compare being that to how far apart Monet and Vaughn sat in the 6-week decision show.


Jaclyn definitely has her problems (pushing him away with shoulder punching, bro, dude, and ordering for him), but I think they are heavily editing this story to hide the swing towards later love.


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Ever since that tweet where Ryan R called Jaclyn 'Jac', my gut feeling is that they made the decision to stay married back in January.   Whether they stay together long term, who knows but I do think they are still married now.


And I actually think Ryan & Jaclyn will end up being the only couple that stay together.   

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What do we think of Ryan DeNino asking Jessica for permission to go out with the husbands? Cute or a slam since they aren't together?

His apology for knocking her in the water was interesting too... Wouldn't he have apologized sooner? Maybe I'm reading too much into social media but his tweets seem for show. I'd like to see them together but I haven't seen a lot of real substance from his side yet. She asks him questions and he answers them: "what did you think of last night? "Do you drink coffee?" But he isn't asking her questions back. He thinks they already know each other so well and comments on that....he's got some work to do! I hope he does it!

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So I was watching the wedding & honeymoon eppys again and noticed something...

Douchebag & Jessica' THs have their wedding attire - but only theirs. Ie: Douchebag's tux is behind him, as is Jessica's wedding dress behind her.

Sean & Davina's wedding attire has BOTH of them behind each other.

I don't no if that means anything or not.

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All 3 ladies appeared on The Today Show along with Joseph on Friday:


OK, having seen this clip, this is clear:

Davina is clearly not happy. (not together)

Jaclyn so happy (together)

Jessica, just happy to be on TV (not together)


At least those are my perseptions...

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