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4 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

No matter what you think of Cody, Cody didn't deserve that. No wonder Sheila apparently doesn't want to play ball with the producers.

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1 minute ago, discoprincess said:

Cody was not self pleasing himself...Danielle was looking for Homie and Dude not barging in on Cody's ME Time

Producer driven drama

What did Cody do to piss off the producers? I understand Sheila is getting a bad edit because she wouldn't play ball with producers, but what did Cody do?

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6 minutes ago, discoprincess said:

No matter what you think of Cody, Cody didn't deserve that. No wonder Sheila apparently doesn't want to play ball with the producers.

No he hasn't. I don't blame her and I think Anthony and Ashley got wise to it early on as well. Especially with the "experts" crap so they are keeping lips sealed. 

4 minutes ago, Gobears said:

What did Cody do to piss off the producers? I understand Sheila is getting a bad edit because she wouldn't play ball with producers, but what did Cody do?

Right? They are basically saying what we all are about it being the same thing over and over again and tired of it. While there was a ton more they did during the 8 weeks. It sounds like they toss in off editing on her as well if she is telling people they had warm encounters...whatever that is suppose to mean. While I don't like her, I think they both got screwed big time on the edits. I am glad this seasons people are more open on things too and putting it out there. Which the producers can't be to thrilled with....well unless it gets them more viewers and attention for the show then they will be ok with the outing of their stupidity. SMH 

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

It was obviously fake but to me it looks like they played along on the lame joke to the audience, then back peddled on SM when they looked stupid, so I'm not feeling sorry for either of them.

Yeah, I kind of agree with you, you couldn't put those words in Danielle's mouth if she wasn't teasing him like she caught him being with himself, but I do think the show took it to the worst extreme possible and just airing that is pretty shitty, IMO.

At this point although I think Cody is getting a bad edit so is Danielle or all these people here wouldn't be mad at her and making it her fault that things aren't working out between them when it might be that the two of them just don't click.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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4 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Yeah, I kind of agree with you, you couldn't put those words in Danielle's mouth if she wasn't teasing him for like she caught him being with himself, but I do think the show took it to the worst extreme possible and just airing that is pretty shitty, IMO.

Yup; that's what I mean... she said things, he said 'guy time', hid under the blanket etc... they played along to some extent & probably didn't realize the show would even use it or use it the way they did, so came the denials & acting innocent on SM, which I don't buy at all.

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't with signing up for this - Sheila isn't having it with production & gives them a lot of material, so they are using it. They are totally messing with Cody & Danielle & because they're playing along they both look stupid, especially Cody. A&A have it kind of figured out, especially after Rachel caught Ashley off guard the first time; they're more careful now.

Edited by gonecrackers
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Agree that the show is going off the rails a bit with the editing and manufactured conflict.

I am so over Cody though. And really, he's just a kid making kid mistakes. This whole sex thing is getting old. I don't buy for one second that prior to filiming he was having sex every day. So either A) he was just posturing B) he had a girlfriend / friend with benefits or C) he was a straight up player. None of these bode well.  

Its just weird to lie about it. Is this a high school locker room? If he had a friend with benefits, fine. But how do you have sex with someone every day and not catch at least some feelings? I'm no prude, but I find that a little detached. I don't get the player vibe. If Cody were attracting enough women for daily hookups, then I imagine he could have asked one out on a date. He wouldn't need a team of "experts" to fix him up.

This from a guy who lives at home. Just shut up about it already. It's been four weeks, not four years. If you can't take a few weeks to get to know your partner, then you don't deserve to have one. All this whining about how patient  he's being and how hard he's trying. It's life dude. It's what big boys do.

My guess would be that he's a virgin. That would explain the bitter disappointment over not having sex. 

I was not a Nate fan in the beginning. He's growing on me though. Sure, he's had missteps, but I think he'll mature into a good man. Sheila is a handful. He's shown remarkable restraint dealing with her mercurial mood swings.

He's a kid too. She's older with a better job, but has some baggage to work through.  It might be the editing, but it seems many of their fights are her reactions to past hurts. For example, when she was sobbing because she spent her twenties trying to convince someone to want her, and she wasn't going to convince her husband (I'm paraphrasing from memory. Apologies for mistakes.)

Hopefully, when she's more secure with his affections, Sheila will stop testing him constantly. If not, one of these times when she tells him to just go, he will.

And Ashley and Anthony - Love them!!! Now, if the experts would stop trying to pick at her insecurities and exploit some nonexistent sister drama, they will be just fine!!!

These two better have babies, Sunday dinners, and a kick ass 50th Anniversary!!!!

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7 minutes ago, Hockeymom said:

My guess would be that he's a virgin. That would explain the bitter disappointment over not having sex. 

That's my guess as well. It also would explain why he seems to fumble when it comes to making passes. Boy doesn't have any game. 

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15 hours ago, Hockeymom said:

My guess would be that he's a virgin. That would explain the bitter disappointment over not having sex. 


So he was lying to the cameras about having sex regularly before he went on the show?  I would go with perhaps he's inexperienced, as young men can be, but I don't think he's a virgin. 

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4 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

So he was lying to the cameras about having sex regularly before he went on the show?  I would go with perhaps he's inexperienced, as young men can be, but I don't think he's a virgin. 

What man his age wants to admit they are a virgin? Men like to boast and talk game with each other. Of course he would say that he has had multiple conquests. 

Neither of us will ever know the truth. Either way in the end I think that he deserves happiness and if not with Danielle, then someone else. 

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16 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

I would go with perhaps he's inexperienced, as young men can be, but I don't think he's a virgin. 

How can he be inexperienced if he was having sex every day? Isn't that how you get experience?

And yes, I do believe he was lying. I don't think he's a bad guy. Just a goofy kid who expects a reward every time he makes an effort.  

He does deserve happiness. With someone his own age and maturity level. I don't mean that in a snarky way. Cody seems emotionally "young". He needs a girl who won't get frustrated with him as he grows.

Danielle deserves happiness too. This match wasn't fair to either of them.

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I think Cody is inexperienced emotionally & relationally, & he's immature. So I agree he needs someone he can grow together with. Someone who needs more maturity & relationship experience right off the bat is not a good match for him.

I wonder how honest he was with his relationship experience during the vetting process.

The real bumblers in this match are the so called 'experts'.

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5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I think Cody is inexperienced emotionally & relationally, & he's immature. So I agree he needs someone he can grow together with. Someone who needs more maturity & relationship experience right off the bat is not a good match for him.

I wonder how honest he was with his relationship experience during the vetting process.

The real bumblers in this match are the so called 'experts'.

Which really he could have been recruit for the show and they already knew they would use him....I am wondering how much of a vetting process there really is for this show to begin with. We already know they want to pick couples that might create the drama for them and the show but is there any REAL to the so called "vetting"? 

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Both of them would be nightmare hosts - Sonia with her awful up speak & Sheila with her facial twisting.

Sonia needs to go heal somewhere privately & Sheila needs help with her volatility. Both need to stay OUT of the public eye.

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2 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

I think either all these people are actors or most of them want to be. Our Sheila is not the least among them:
Sheila in controversy with producers. Reveals her plans post M@FS.

I think they just recruit people at this point and nothing else. I have a lot of doubts that anyone on their own applies at this point. Nothing surprises me anymore with these people really that go on this show. Someone mentions it and falls all over these people then tells them you should to this or that and they claim its what they want as a dream job. Well no one is going to give her that talk show. Which I can not stand that stuff and think there are to many as it is. Yet she isn't the first one wishing for her own show either. Nick wants a "reality" one on him and the fraud so called "life coach"about having their babies. *GAG* Which IMO is way worse then Sheila saying her dream job is a talk show host and Sonia saying she wants to be on Ellen (which was after some fan told her how she should be). Yet the fact is there are very few that come on and out of this show not wanting more fame from what we have seen. How many after the show change their stuff on SM to say "actress" or "model" or both and some? This is including that super fake MAFS2C. Its also why I say there is more behind the scenes going on then we know and all one has to do is read some of the experiences from the other MAFS franchise shows out of the country to read just a taste of it and how damaging this show can be as well to those saying they were there for the right reasons (which is probably super rare). 

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She discussed how Nick had got into her accounts like he did and what he had done. Which was played out already here with accusations thrown at Sonia when it was really all Nick. She did admit to talking to her ex but it seemed it was about her relationship with Nick. Didn't seem like it was funny business at all. Nick accused her of cheating when her mother was staying with her (and asleep) because she wouldn't just let him in to her apartment...this was after she had moved out. The Heather chick had sent a long email to Sonia when the show was on still about how she did a tarot card reading that said Sonia and Nick were meant to be together and I want to say it was really the only time she contacted Sonia. After that it was contact towards Nick and the other 2 guys from MAFS. Supposedly Heather was supposedly trying to work on getting them back together. And after she had moved out at the end of Dec, Nick was sending messages that weren't like him. Telling her he loved her and wanted to grow old together. She wouldn't meet him for Valentine's Day like he wanted.....which I am blanking out on it being she found out how he hacked her or it was something else...sorry. And an ex-friend of Heather's got in contact with Sonia and told her she could repeat some of what was said to her. Which I thought Sonia was a bit nice there since she didn't spill much and was starting to but stopped because she didn't feel it was right to. Which IMO I wouldn't be surprised if it was something along the lines of Heather's "motives" in life...so to speak. I know there is probably some more but if someone else wants to toss in whatever I missed or remembered wrong please correct. It was a few days ago I listened to it. 

Oh and mind you, I noticed Lily spoke out that it is true Heather tried to contact Tom to "coach" him during the season as well. I also noticed some of the SM posts under season 5 Heather has been on top of the men too. I guess her podcasts are very anti the women on but pro the men no matter what. Which speaks of her motives in things a great deal I think. Nick was the one that took the bait and it seems they both are full of the fame whore....which doesn't always make a good combo, does it?

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Interesting. Could be many reasons why Sheila wasn't in the picture. One being was she there? Was she not wanting any part of it? Hmmmm guess we have to wait to find out. She did reply under it though after someone said they were having early withdrawls *rollseyes*. Said they would be around...just a lot happier. I take it she didn't realize how miserable she was going to be doing something like this. LOL 

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I get that she's been treated badly & I do feel for her. I also understand, as I think many do by this point, that Nick is a douchebag. But I don't see a reason to do podcasts to talk about this crap all the time.  Doesn't she have enough IRL people she can dish to & help her through? Or a good therapist for that matter... 

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Thanks for taking one for the team, @Evil Queen !! 

I still do not get why Sonia even cares about Nick/Heather since their marriage was over. 

If he is the douche she claims he is (and it seems so...) why not keep quiet and let the douche bag be a douche?  As it is, she looks pretty bad because she is now swimming in the muck by choice.

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2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I get that she's been treated badly & I do feel for her. I also understand, as I think many do by this point, that Nick is a douchebag. But I don't see a reason to do podcasts to talk about this crap all the time.  Doesn't she have enough IRL people she can dish to & help her through? Or a good therapist for that matter... 

It was her 3rd podcast from how it looked. I don't think many still get home much of a douche he is though sadly. Really sometimes it helps others hearing that someone is going through crap they are or have. There are worse kinds of podcasts out there when you look at the big picture though then Sonia's. 

1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

Thanks for taking one for the team, @Evil Queen !! 

I still do not get why Sonia even cares about Nick/Heather since their marriage was over. 

If he is the douche she claims he is (and it seems so...) why not keep quiet and let the douche bag be a douche?  As it is, she looks pretty bad because she is now swimming in the muck by choice.

LOL Yet it doesn't sound like it was fully over when things all started. If she was contacted as their show was airing then that is when this started. Which Nick and Sonia would have been together still at the time Heather is contacting them that says a lot right there on Heather's part...and more so when she is trying to "coach" all the men from that season....and possibly this season as well. This girl comes in claiming she was also trying to "help" their marriage when really she was trying to help herself to Nick and whatever other guy from the show would fall for her crap I take it. While I think all people should stay off SM when it comes to most things and such....I also think there was not a single reason for this stupid news from the 2 big fame whores to be put out either like it was. I wouldn't be surprised if Sonia is speaking out on things because Heather has friends trashy Sonia and who knows who else with Nick liking that stuff on SM. She gets made out to look a certain way and like most would do they would want to share their side of it all when one isn't telling the truth of most things...if anyone. Look at the crap on here when all that stuff was posted about Sonia by Nick and how trashed she got by some? I can't imagine how bad it was on SM then. Yet I do think at this point she has said her piece and put enough out to let everyone know her side of things and should move on. Sadly MAFS viewers on SM will never let that happen unless they move on from it too. Nick at some point will show more of that douche side over time I will bet. Already proved he is a HUGE fame whore so we got that out of the way. LOL 

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8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Sorry you'll have to scroll down to the reunion picture, I can't isolate it

Reunion shot July 12th.

The burning question ...where is Sheila?

More producer driven drama?

Maybe she was at the craft service table....noshing...

That picture was posted on Instagram and in the comments it was stated that she had a work conflict. The picture was taken on the last day of filming, I think. 

Edited by cardigirl
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49 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

That picture was posted on Instagram and in the comments it was stated that she had a work conflict. The picture was taken on the last day of filming, I think. 

Thanks for catching that for those of us not on SM. 

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5 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Thanks for taking one for the team, @Evil Queen !! 

I still do not get why Sonia even cares about Nick/Heather since their marriage was over. 

If he is the douche she claims he is (and it seems so...) why not keep quiet and let the douche bag be a douche?  As it is, she looks pretty bad because she is now swimming in the muck by choice.

Sonia cares because Nick is spreading lies about her. In his Fox News interview, he said that he knew his marriage was over because Sonia stood him up on Valentine's Day. What he left out was that Sonia stood him up because he had hacked all of her social media accounts. He then hacked her Twitter account again a few days later, tweeted suggestive things to one her friends, screenshot it and then accused her of cheating on him. He then denied hacking her Twitter account on Instagram and posted a bunch of sappy posts that we all thought were about Sonia but were actually about Heather. He claims his marriage was over by Valentine's Day so why did he do all of this other stuff? By the way, I remember watching an Instagram Live video Sonia did a few days after Valentine's Day but before the second hacking and Nick was in the comments writing things like "Sonia is beautiful. I'm proud to call her my wife. She got her hair straightened because she knows I prefer it that way."

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2 hours ago, StormyClouds said:

A school in her district had major flooding so I think she was busy with all that. IMO :)


Danielle said somewhere it was a reunion episode. 

Would be a bit odd for her to handle...I know this because of my husband having been in a school district for many years now and working maintenance and being in charge of that area as well. If there is any issues its always those guys called to deal and no one else sadly. So if she goes out for that stuff then good for her. Won't catch the higher ups in the districts here doing it....or at least right away. SMH

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54 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Read only if you give 2 f*cks about this season anymore....I don't have your fortitude...

The Chicago Tribune says  "Round Lake facilities director Sheila Downs and former rental car company manager Nate Duhon mended their relationship after hurling nasty insults at each other during a fight about phone manners."

'Former rental car company manager'.  Why do I sense another fight in the very near future between these two? 

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The guy was nothing but a douche to her on the show but she chose to stay with him. Only someone with issues stays with a man who tells the world he doesn't like you or find you attractive & treats you like you're barely there otherwise.

She chose to be foolish & looked like a fool & I think she's angry with herself most of all.

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I don't think it is up to us to decide who is lying and who is telling the truth.  They both look rather stupid.  I tend to side with the one who says the least...because it is what I do when I feel I am right and those around me are engaging in drama.  

I hope Nick and Heather love on the babies.  That is the most important thing in all this.

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Sheila and Nate will probably stay together. But I actually feel kind of bad for Nate. 

Sheila has bacially admitted she's been testing Nate. Probably both consciously and unconsciously. As she has said, it's easy to love people when they're easy to love. She wants to be secure that he'll love her when she's not. Pretty sure she has a history of being not.

And that's great, but even she has to see that it's too much. Too much chaos, too much tension, to much walking out. No, marriage isn't all butterflies and lollipops, but it shouldn't be this much work either. It's like she wants him to prove over and over again that he's different from every guy in her past. 

That's too much baggage for a young guy in a new relationship to handle. 

I don't even mean this in a bad way, but the best gift Sheila can give Nate is to get herself into therapy. If she can dial back the crazy, they might be ok. And honestly, I think she's pretty rude. Who walks out in the middle of a counseling session? Fine. You may be over the Pastor, and the production, and the show in general, but you are walking out on your husband as well. Besides, she got the benefit of her bargain. She went on the all expenses paid honeymoon, had the wedding, the ring, and got the shiny new husband. People pay thousands for a matchmaking service. This isn't the show's first season, we all know the trade off is that cameras document your every move. 


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2 hours ago, Hockeymom said:

Sheila and Nate will probably stay together. But I actually feel kind of bad for Nate. 

Sheila has bacially admitted she's been testing Nate. Probably both consciously and unconsciously. As she has said, it's easy to love people when they're easy to love. She wants to be secure that he'll love her when she's not. Pretty sure she has a history of being not.

And that's great, but even she has to see that it's too much. Too much chaos, too much tension, to much walking out. No, marriage isn't all butterflies and lollipops, but it shouldn't be this much work either. It's like she wants him to prove over and over again that he's different from every guy in her past. 

That's too much baggage for a young guy in a new relationship to handle. 

I think so too unfortunately. In watching their dinner this past episode Sheila looked all bright like nothing ever happened, but I noticed Nate looking noticeably tired & worn out. She's steamrolling him. People who do that just flatten the other & keep on going, while the other is just left there trying to pick themselves back up until they yet again, get flattened. There's no recovery.

I'm not saying Nate is innocent & perhaps he did hit a low blow on this last one, but she's going to wear him down to nothing if she continues this crap.

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5 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

I don't think it is up to us to decide who is lying and who is telling the truth.  They both look rather stupid.  I tend to side with the one who says the least...because it is what I do when I feel I am right and those around me are engaging in drama.  

I hope Nick and Heather love on the babies.  That is the most important thing in all this.

He hasn't been quiet when he says crap in articles and likes all the shitty stuff on SM IMO. On top of that not everyone that stays quiet is telling the truth. More times than not they are the ones lying I have found. I actually feel for any kids that have them as parents. 

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10 hours ago, Braveshoppr said:

'Former rental car company manager'.  Why do I sense another fight in the very near future between these two? 

Maybe he assumed his shirts would "fly off the shelves" in no time thanks to this show. Seriously that would be a fight needed because it would show why she might have had reason for some concern on him and finances. Otherwise maybe he changed jobs and isn't putting it out there as not to be bothered depending on what it is. 

5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I think so too unfortunately. In watching their dinner this past episode Sheila looked all bright like nothing ever happened, but I noticed Nate looking noticeably tired & worn out. She's steamrolling him. People who do that just flatten the other & keep on going, while the other is just left there trying to pick themselves back up until they yet again, get flattened. There's no recovery.

I'm not saying Nate is innocent & perhaps he did hit a low blow on this last one, but she's going to wear him down to nothing if she continues this crap.

I didn't see him looking tired and worn out or her bright like nothing ever happened the whole time either though. The dinner was an editing mess I Thought. It looked like one scene she was sounding upset but then you see her not talking and laughing where it shouldn't be. Then you see him looking pissed off and another of him smiling looking like its all a good time. With some mix of other stuff in between. Nothing matched anything going on there. It was terrible. I swear that the episode was one of the worse ones when it comes to edits. I thought it couldn't get worse either....I was soooooo wrong. *sigh*

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All scenes are heavily edited, & that one was no exception. But I definitely saw Nate looking a bit worn out there. Dealing with someone that emotional is tiring. I do feel those two stay together, & hope things settle down without the camera watching all the time.

From his twitter it looks like he's into the online t-shirt business now. I hope he's got a safety net at least, financially, or that could cause unneeded strain on them.

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2 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

He hasn't been quiet when he says crap in articles and likes all the shitty stuff on SM IMO. On top of that not everyone that stays quiet is telling the truth. More times than not they are the ones lying I have found. I actually feel for any kids that have them as parents. 

He only retweeted that mean tweet after Sonia had been going on and on about him and Heather on her Twitter for like two days, and I'm talking dozens, if not hundreds of tweets. How much is he supposed to take before he can strike back? If I was him and my ex was slut-shaming the mother of my children and insinuating I cheated etc. I would be way meaner. When is she going to move on? She'd said she'll stop talking about Nick 395834589 times, but then he posts something she finds hypocritical or announces a pregnancy and suddenly she's talking about him 24/7 again to anyone who'll listen. How is it even about her?! She can hate him if she likes, I don't care, but it just seems like she can't handle anyone *gasp* liking him. Even though she has probably ten times as many fans as Nick, she won't quit until everyone hates him. It's ridiculous IMHO. So what if Heather claimed to be helping Nick and they then hooked up months later? They still hooked up AFTER Nick and Sonia were already divorced. Why couldn't she have been genuinely rooting for Nick and Sonia, but then then the marriage ended and she had a spark with him so things happened? Is she not allowed to hook up with a divorced man, because she was once hoping he wouldn't get divorced? He was free game at that point, Sonia didn't want him and has made it abundantly clear that their marriage was toxic and he wasn't right for her. So why does she still care so much? Sounds like she pretty much ended the marriage in December already and didn't trust what he was saying, so what is keeping her so pressed? Victim complex? Who the heck cares what Heather's motivations are/were, it doesn't concern Sonia in any way. I saw some fans try to point out to Sonia that she hasn't really moved on, since she cares this much and she got all defensive as usual and insisted she's moved on and asked why she can't just be angry for a day. Maybe try ranting to your friends and family instead of strangers all over the internet? Just a thought.

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