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7 minutes ago, HZAnita said:

Even though Derek may be a total pothead, I haven't seen any evidence of it on the show (and I don't possess a "weed-dar" like some of you. lol).  Therefore, I am making my judgments based on what has aired on the show.  So far, Heather seems, in her own words, "turned off."  I don't know why just yet, but I'm sure she will give an explanation.  I really don't dislike Heather.  In fact, she seems like she'd be a cool girlfriend to hang out with on the weekends - especially if she could get me free flights and likes to drink wine.  IMO, she was just not ready for marriage, or the intensity of the show, or she just didn't connect with Derek in the way she'd hoped.

LOL at the term "weed-dar"!  I will have to steal it.  Funny thing is, we all see what we want to see.  I use medical mj AND there is nothing different about recreational pot and medical pot as far as the weed itself.  Except price, tax amount and perception.

And I have said it before...I don't see a "stoner" look in Derick but that does not mean he does not use.  :-)  

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18 minutes ago, HZAnita said:

Even though Derek may be a total pothead, I haven't seen any evidence of it on the show (and I don't possess a "weed-dar" like some of you. lol).  Therefore, I am making my judgments based on what has aired on the show.  So far, Heather seems, in her own words, "turned off."  I don't know why just yet, but I'm sure she will give an explanation.  I really don't dislike Heather.  In fact, she seems like she'd be a cool girlfriend to hang out with on the weekends - especially if she could get me free flights and likes to drink wine.  IMO, she was just not ready for marriage, or the intensity of the show, or she just didn't connect with Derek in the way she'd hoped.

Love the Weed-dar word. 

BTW I have seen a handful of people questioning Nick's sexuality. Am I the only one that my gaydar isnt active for Nick? 

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50 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

Love the Weed-dar word. 

BTW I have seen a handful of people questioning Nick's sexuality. Am I the only one that my gaydar isnt active for Nick? 

He is not gay. I saw him in my dreams last night. :-)

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1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

LOL at the term "weed-dar"!  I will have to steal it.  Funny thing is, we all see what we want to see.  I use medical mj AND there is nothing different about recreational pot and medical pot as far as the weed itself.  Except price, tax amount and perception.

And I have said it before...I don't see a "stoner" look in Derick but that does not mean he does not use.  :-)  

LOL at the term. As far as what is used...my understanding is there are many different kinds. Its just like the fact that some smell worse than other kind or that you can vape it now. But there are ones that won't get you high and are more to help the person target there pain but do not want to be high or have that high feeling. So its not just the price at all that is different between what you would want to use. So if you (not saying you in general) wanted to just get some for medical reasons and nothing more where you go should be able to give what you need so you won't get high. While some other person will go in and want the high and nothing more, kwim? My state is medical use only and is voting on making it legal or not. Which honestly I have enough of that smell now I can't imagine how much worse it would be if it was legal for anyone to just get. *gag*

1 hour ago, ctbabe said:

Love the Weed-dar word. 

BTW I have seen a handful of people questioning Nick's sexuality. Am I the only one that my gaydar isnt active for Nick? 

I admit I do question it. He came off that way to me from the get go and more so when he was with one of his buddies.

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1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

LOL at the term. As far as what is used...my understanding is there are many different kinds. Its just like the fact that some smell worse than other kind or that you can vape it now. But there are ones that won't get you high and are more to help the person target there pain but do not want to be high or have that high feeling. So its not just the price at all that is different between what you would want to use. So if you (not saying you in general) wanted to just get some for medical reasons and nothing more where you go should be able to give what you need so you won't get high. While some other person will go in and want the high and nothing more, kwim? My state is medical use only and is voting on making it legal or not. Which honestly I have enough of that smell now I can't imagine how much worse it would be if it was legal for anyone to just get. *gag*

I admit I do question it. He came off that way to me from the get go and more so when he was with one of his buddies.

As far as some that get you high or are smelly, etc., that has nothing to do with whether it is recreational or medical.  It has to do with the strain.  Some strains are very smelly, others are not.  The higher the THC, the higher you can get but you can control it if you vape.  CBD controls pain.  Most people want both CBD and THC because they work best together.  And there are daytime strains and nightime strains.   

Some people really get hung up on CBD/THC ratios. I don't.  I go for flavor.  And I find pure CBD does not work for pain.  IMO you can't mess with perfection. 

It's not grandma's pot anymore.

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2 hours ago, WichitaStateShock said:

Maybe Derek just has squinty eyes. Some people are born that way. I've never smoked or been around weed so I maybe naive to what being high looks like. 

There was a few, and I mean like 3-4, shots of him where he wasn't squinty eyed and actually had his eyes open but most are him looking high and its not just his face but so much more that is saying he is. 

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One of the reasons I think Derek looks like a stoner is that he seemed so relaxed relative to the others going into the ceremony.  He showed some nerves and pacing around right before, but he was doing some weird hopping around and breath-blowing that I found strange and kind of familiar.  It seemed like a coping strategy.  Also, as with other stoners I've known, some of them tend to always look like they're taking a "toke" even when they're not.  The eyes, the shape they make with their mouths, etc.  Can't explain that.   I do think he generally has naturally squinty eyes (so do I), but there is a certain quality to his - glassy?  Can't explain that either.  The only thing he doesn't have is the stained teeth from both cigarettes and weed, but today there are so many good teeth whiteners out there that he may remove that.

Also, I think he may actually be a more "occasional" user under normal circumstances, but I think he uses the pot as a coping mechanism and when under extreme stress his usage increases and takes on a more addictive than recreational attitude.  If he did use in front of Heather and she noticed that more urgent attitude it may have flipped her out thinking that she was with a total pothead when some of that was due to his using the pot as a way to cope with the stress of having just married a stranger.

When I dated my pot smoking boyfriend in college, he was dealing with some heavy stuff going on in his family which was probably the reason his usage shot through the roof.  And despite all that he was dealing with, he seemed to handle it almost too well thanks to the weed.  When I brought up to him how much he was smoking and how it concerned me, he had to admit it was true but at first he acted like the extent of it was news to him - I don't even think he realized how much his usage had increased in only a few months.  Plus he acted a little blindsided at the level of my concern, like it was no big deal so why should I be so concerned?  Well, I thought it was taking over his life so to me it was a very big deal and I couldn't believe how unaware of the extent of his usage he was.  I wonder if Derek might be similar.

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23 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

I take back my previous comments. He smoked every day since they got married. It seems like stress induced smoking


I guess this is why she asked him what his definition of "occasional" was. I think it's good that she brought it up, because they needed to discuss it. But instead of storming off, Derek should have explained why he was smoking so much and should have made some effort to tell her that he can quit or whatever.

On the other hand, Heather drinking every day isn't the best sign either. If it's one glass per day, I think that's okay, but if it's more than that, it's not. And she didn't address her drinking other than saying she doesn't start her day with drinking (I think she meant to say with that that Derek must be addicted to smoking).

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29 minutes ago, BunnySlippers said:

I guess this is why she asked him what his definition of "occasional" was. I think it's good that she brought it up, because they needed to discuss it. But instead of storming off, Derek should have explained why he was smoking so much and should have made some effort to tell her that he can quit or whatever.

On the other hand, Heather drinking every day isn't the best sign either. If it's one glass per day, I think that's okay, but if it's more than that, it's not. And she didn't address her drinking other than saying she doesn't start her day with drinking (I think she meant to say with that that Derek must be addicted to smoking).

I am thinking he felt blindsided. He felt everything was going well. I wish She had brought up the issue earlier. So Sad.. 

Edited by ctbabe
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14 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

I am thinking he felt blindsided. He felt everything was going well. I wish She had brought up the issue earlier. 

5 days in...maybe she was hoping it would become less and was giving him the benefit of the doubt on it. Seems she can't win with some. She brings it up but yet because its not sooner into a 5 day marriage she is blindsiding him? And the drinking, I will say that they are on a honeymoon/vacation. I can imagine he was drinking right along with her but he had a cig or whatever in hand as well. I think if they were to go home and she drank all day that would be a different story. I think when it comes to drinking that can vary on when it becomes an issue to most though too. In that scene she is letting him know this is a big turn off and she didn't want to feel that way is how I took it. IF he is jumping out of bed and first thing he does is light up that is a problem IMO. BTW, noticed in that scene his eyes are not squinty like they usually are in the rest of the scenes. He just had the look of someone in the sun and needing sunglasses in that scene. LOL Which I still don't see them mention what he is smoking and I think its more than cigs. Wouldn't surprise me if he was smoking both though. Most the people I knew that smoked pot smoked cigs as well. I want to also add that if he had said something like they are on their honeymoon so he figured it was ok to let go a little and was smoking cigs more than he normally would it might be a bit different. I think many people will do things like drink/smoke on a vacation more than they might at home but most will com out and say they do instead of getting into a fight. Which his behavior seemed more like he smokes whatever it is a lot more than occasionally. BTW, I do not think smoking even one a day is considered occasionally. Maybe once a week but that to some might not be. 

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14 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

I am thinking he felt blindsided. He felt everything was going well. I wish She had brought up the issue earlier. 

5 days in...maybe she was hoping it would become less and was giving him the benefit of the doubt on it. Seems she can't win with some. She brings it up but yet because its not sooner into a 5 day marriage she is blindsiding him? And the drinking, I will say that they are on a honeymoon/vacation. I can imagine he was drinking right along with her but he had a cig or whatever in hand as well. I think if they were to go home and she drank all day that would be a different story. I think when it comes to drinking that can vary on when it becomes an issue to most though too. In that scene she is letting him know this is a big turn off and she didn't want to feel that way is how I took it. IF he is jumping out of bed and first thing he does is light up that is a problem IMO. BTW, noticed in that scene his eyes are not squinty like they usually are in the rest of the scenes. He just had the look of someone in the sun and needing sunglasses in that scene. LOL Which I still don't see them mention what he is smoking and I think its more than cigs. Wouldn't surprise me if he was smoking both though. Most the people I knew that smoked pot smoked cigs as well. I want to also add that if he had said something like they are on their honeymoon so he figured it was ok to let go a little and was smoking cigs more than he normally would it might be a bit different. I think many people will do things like drink/smoke on a vacation more than they might at home but most will com out and say they do instead of getting into a fight. Which his behavior seemed more like he smokes whatever it is a lot more than occasionally. BTW, I do not think smoking even one a day is considered occasionally. Maybe once a week but that to some might not be. 

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Yeah.  Smoking every day is not "occasionally."  I understand why she'd be concerned.  And I guess that means it's cigarettes then?  I can see her wanting to "wait and see."  Neither of them handled the situation well.  She put him immediately on the defensive and he lashed right back at her. After blaming Heather for not saying anything earlier, I have to be fair and blame Derek for his lack of bringing up her drinking.  He obviously was keeping an eye on her as well. What a mess.

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Heather wants the smoking issue front and center of the cameras (as do the producers).

Like Moustachley who used David's contacting an old gf as the basis of her mantra "He cheated" Heather is going to use Derek's smoking as her get out of jail free card.

Why doesn't Derek vape?

Wear the patch, chew Nicorette?

Dip snuff?

Chew tobaccy?

Hell, Derek do what you want for the next 5.5 weeks, it won't make one iota of difference.

Edited by humbleopinion
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I like the way Derek turned it around and accused her of drinking too much.  If he would have said, "You're right.  And I'll stop smoking from now on." (Or words to that effect), she would have instantly loss respect for him.

The only reason she's crying is because she's frustrated she can't control him.

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If the bus itself wasn't enough of a deterrent, look what they did to film there

I can't see them doing 6 weeks with no AC, the windows blacked out and the extra people involved in filming tripping over each other and making it hotter. It looks like the equipment case also blocks the exit.

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17 hours ago, HZAnita said:

Yeah.  Smoking every day is not "occasionally."  I understand why she'd be concerned.  And I guess that means it's cigarettes then?  I can see her wanting to "wait and see."  Neither of them handled the situation well.  She put him immediately on the defensive and he lashed right back at her. After blaming Heather for not saying anything earlier, I have to be fair and blame Derek for his lack of bringing up her drinking.  He obviously was keeping an eye on her as well. What a mess.

He compared " smoking" to drinking alcohol. He said something like " some people say it's not as bad ( something like that) as alcohol"- in the clip

this makes me thing they are talking about weed not cigarettes

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18 hours ago, Neurochick said:

What's sad about that piece is after Derek leaves, Heather starts to cry.  I think she felt really bad about what she said to Derek, but I also think she's scared that it could be an issue.  

I figured it was her hurt for him accusing her of being something she isn't and storming off cursing like he was. 

13 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

I like the way Derek turned it around and accused her of drinking too much.  If he would have said, "You're right.  And I'll stop smoking from now on." (Or words to that effect), she would have instantly loss respect for him.

The only reason she's crying is because she's frustrated she can't control him.

I don't think that would have been the case. If he had said something like that and said he was sorry he will slow it down and stop it might have been different. Instead he accused her of drinking to much on their honeymoon. Which as I said before when one is on any sort of vacation they will sometimes drink more than they normally would at home or smoke or whatever they don't do often. I think if they got home and she was drinking like that it would be different. Yet he is also drinking a lot from how it has come off as well when he is asking for more drinks. I didn't see this as controlling anything but communicating with him it was a turn off with how much he smokes and its not how she wanted to feel towards him. 

1 hour ago, Lion18 said:

He compared " smoking" to drinking alcohol. He said something like " some people say it's not as bad ( something like that) as alcohol"- in the clip

this makes me thing they are talking about weed not cigarettes

Yep, said it before too...they never say exactly what he is smoking. It could be both but the dude looks high so much of the time and how he compared like that is another thing. I have never heard someone say cigarettes are not as bad as alcohol myself but I have heard plenty try to argue that weed is not as bad as everything else. 

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It is hard to say weed is bad when oncologists and neurologists are putting their patients on it in states that are legal.  As far as I know they never put their patients on alcohol.

When I watch these kind of shows, I am shocked at the amount of alcohol that flows... I hope they are filling those glasses with non-alcoholic drinks.   I am not a prude but wowzie there is a lot of booze on these shows.   

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3 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

It is hard to say weed is bad when oncologists and neurologists are putting their patients on it in states that are legal.  As far as I know they never put their patients on alcohol.

When I watch these kind of shows, I am shocked at the amount of alcohol that flows... I hope they are filling those glasses with non-alcoholic drinks.   I am not a prude but wowzie there is a lot of booze on these shows.   

Yet at the same time if you look at it they also put people on plenty of other things that are legal (pills) that cause all kinds of issues. I think the issue of if weed is bad or not is another topic not for here though but for me it falls in line with pills. Things that for many can dull the pain or take the edge of for so long and then its back to the pain again which is how people become addicts since they depend on it so much....Which in turn can be said the same for alcohol as well. 

While I like to have a drink here and there....I will agree that there are times with not this one as much but a lot of other reality shows that the booze is flowing so much its insane. Yet the producers probably make sure there is plenty around in hopes that something will happen because of it too...which is sad. 

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The difference between pills and cannabis is that cannabis is completely natural and non-addictive and,unlike some other homeopathic remedies, has been proven to be effective in the treatment of many different types of ailments, including cancer.

If Derek is an occasional smoker, which I'm not sure if that has been proven to be the case, he probably does it for relaxation. She wouldn't give a shit if he popped a Xanax once a week for the same purpose. 

Maybe the main issue is that Marijuana use is still illegal in the state of Florida. 

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Just watching the repeat of last weeks episode again.  Jamie as commentator?  Just because she was on the show?  She seems forced and uncomfortable.   And the laughs every minute.  Not a good choice, sorry.

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I wonder if it would have made a difference if she had addressed it off camera. It's just a sad situation.

From the hesitant/stilted way Heather brought it up, I have a feeling there was no way the producers would have let this go down off camera.  I swear, I could almost sense the producer standing just off camera urging her on.

Maybe these two will pull through, but I doubt it.  

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I only caught bits and pieces of season one (really just started watching every episode last season), so I have no idea how Jamie came across in her actual season.  But I hated her in the Unfiltered.  She just came across as fake, way too over the top.  Every reaction was just overly affected.

I give her credit though, she was the only person from the show to break out into a fame that lasted longer than her season (and after MAFS the First Year ended), so I guess good for her if that is what she wants.

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15 hours ago, Nowhere said:

The difference between pills and cannabis is that cannabis is completely natural and non-addictive and,unlike some other homeopathic remedies, has been proven to be effective in the treatment of many different types of ailments, including cancer.

If Derek is an occasional smoker, which I'm not sure if that has been proven to be the case, he probably does it for relaxation. She wouldn't give a shit if he popped a Xanax once a week for the same purpose. 

Maybe the main issue is that Marijuana use is still illegal in the state of Florida. 

I will say that I respectfully disagree on it not being addictive. Yet I also believe that there are those that just do not have an addictive gene in their body and can give or take on things that many others would be addictive too. Yet if someone can't put done the pipe/bong/joint and is doing it off and on all day/everyday, they are an addict. I don't care how natural and what it does, it covers up things just as a pill does. The second your pain or whatever ailment starts sneaking in your doing whatever again. Which is how an addict happens. There are also things that can happen to one that does smoke it all the time or to much as well. I know there are many that don't think so and don't believe it even when those issues happen to them. 

  When it comes to this show, there is no excuse for putting someone on here like that. Its a bit obvious he is more than the "occasional" smoker of anything. I can imagine needing to "relax" is an excuse many use. Which in turn if he popped a Xanax to do the same thing, that would probably be easier to hide from her or anyone and would probably be more than once a week. I bet she would have an issue with it as well. I get the feeling she has been in some bad relationships with an addict or 2. As well if it is pot, it is illegal in their state. Which in turn would be a big concern for her I am sure...as it would be for most people.

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1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

I will say that I respectfully disagree on it not being addictive. Yet I also believe that there are those that just do not have an addictive gene in their body and can give or take on things that many others would be addictive too. Yet if someone can't put done the pipe/bong/joint and is doing it off and on all day/everyday, they are an addict. I don't care how natural and what it does, it covers up things just as a pill does. The second your pain or whatever ailment starts sneaking in your doing whatever again. Which is how an addict happens. There are also things that can happen to one that does smoke it all the time or to much as well. I know there are many that don't think so and don't believe it even when those issues happen to them. 

  When it comes to this show, there is no excuse for putting someone on here like that. Its a bit obvious he is more than the "occasional" smoker of anything. I can imagine needing to "relax" is an excuse many use. Which in turn if he popped a Xanax to do the same thing, that would probably be easier to hide from her or anyone and would probably be more than once a week. I bet she would have an issue with it as well. I get the feeling she has been in some bad relationships with an addict or 2. As well if it is pot, it is illegal in their state. Which in turn would be a big concern for her I am sure...as it would be for most people.

I think you're mistaking an emotional habit with a physical addiction. A person can use cannabis day and night and suddenly quit without any physical symptoms. You can't do that with something you're physically addicted to. Yes medications mask pain, but sadly, there's nothing more we can do for the pain of cancer until there is a cure. If Colorado had been legal while my father was painfully dying for over a year, I would have respectfully requested that we go and try cannabis oil or something edible. Medical use of cannabis is a fascinating topic to study btw.

I don't think anybody on this show would admit to doing something illegal so if Derek smokes marijuana, will he even admit it after lying on an application?Will the producers want to admit to an oversight? I'd think they'd want to drug test before accepting an applicant. Or has he admitted it already and I just missed it? Anyway, she shouldn't have said she doesn't mind an occasional smoker. I think the problem is cigarettes and I don't blame her because I hate it too, but I wish that she wouldn't have said she didn't mind. You can't really blame him if she claimed she was ok with an occasional cigarette, gives him a gift of cigars, and then complains about it later. But I guess she would have said anything to increase her chances of being on the show. 

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25 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I think you're mistaking an emotional habit with a physical addiction. A person can use cannabis day and night and suddenly quit without any physical symptoms. You can't do that with something you're physically addicted to. Yes medications mask pain, but sadly, there's nothing more we can do for the pain of cancer until there is a cure. If Colorado had been legal while my father was painfully dying for over a year, I would have respectfully requested that we go and try cannabis oil or something edible. Medical use of cannabis is a fascinating topic to study btw.

I think we live in a culture where the word "addict" gets tossed around, even when the person isn't one.  For instance, there is a difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker.  A heavy drinker could drink for decades, but if there was a reason to stop, health, job, falling in love, they'd be able to do it, easily.  The alcoholic cannot do that, even if their life falls down around them, they'll still want to get high, they are drinking to feel normal. 

Saying that, there is also the mental obsession with the drug, which can happen with any drug, including cannabis.

The problem in this show is the couples don't really know each other.  Heather told Derek that his smoking bothered her.  Now, she's his wife and has the right to say that, but she's also a stranger.  However, if Derek wants this to work, he had to realize that he has to consider Heather's feelings, because she is his wife.

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So I guess it was Sonia's birthday was last week.  It looks like she had a party and she posted a few pics, including this one (I am ignoring the scary-weird crazy eyes. lol) -->  https://www.instagram.com/p/BJE1R3XhdLq-F8Vj7redoPR5I06FVzK_BtIhi00/

Nick posted one of her childhood photos when he wished her a happy birthday --> https://www.instagram.com/p/BJEFQdgjlNy0odue7H4IgxKqrqsfmfT7F9n3hA0/

Also, after reading through her Twitter feed, Sonia seems very different from the sweet, shy persona she's projected so far on MAFS.  She seems quite snarky and funny. lol  `

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Two wedding bands visible-Nick's and Tom's.

Derek has his left hand up hidden.

Sonia has implants, or a very hardworking underwire bra.

Nick is bearing the brunt of the load, if you get my drift.

Edited by humbleopinion
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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

Do they have a million separate episodes of this each week? My DVR is constantly picking up so many episodes I can't tell if it is new or a super-sized, confessional or extra thing of some kind. Enough already MAFS!

I know! I have my dvr to record new episodes only, but it records it each time it repeats during the week. So annoying.

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On 8/8/2016 at 1:23 PM, Jack Sampson said:

That's exactly what it is.

And, in Heather's case, she indicated that her past relationships were all "not nice" (meaning anger issues, violence issues, probably at least alcoholism) guys.  So, her deal breakers are literally all of the things she's found attractive about men in the past.

What a great post, Jack Sampson.  So simply stated, yet very true, not only with respect to Heather, but prevalent in many dysfunctional relationships.  People claim to not want certain character traits in a mate, but are compelled, nonetheless, to seek out people who have those traits.  Why? I imagine it is a pattern of behavior that is deeply ingrained in certain people, one that has its beginnings in childhood; for example, having a parent who has the "deal-breaker" traits so often results in people being drawn to others who possess the same, or similar, undesirable traits. 

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8 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I know! I have my dvr to record new episodes only, but it records it each time it repeats during the week. So annoying.

Some DVRs offer the "Record Series with Options" choice in the recording menu. This allows you to set up a program to only record episodes airing on that channel and in that time slot (as opposed to "Any [channel or show time]"). If you use that in conjunction with the option for it to record new episodes only, that should eliminate the recording of episodes marked as "new," but that are actually repeats airing on a different day and time. Also in the "Record Series with Options" menu, there may also be an option called "Duplicates," which allows you to choose between "Yes," and "No." Selecting "No" will prevent the DVR from recording multiples of episodes with the same episode titles (if there is already an episode with that title recorded on the DVR). I always check that, too - for extra "insurance."

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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Did anyone watch the last part of unfiltered where Jaime was talking to Derek's friend. She said he stopped smoking after Heather complained. Why then are we calling him an addict? I am kind of confused.

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2 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Some DVRs offer the "Record Series with Options" choice in the recording menu. This allows you to set up a program to only record episodes airing on that channel and in that time slot (as opposed to "Any [channel or show time]"). If you use that in conjunction with the option for it to record new episodes only, that should eliminate the recording of episodes marked as "new," but that are actually repeats airing on a different day and time. Also in the "Record Series with Options" menu, there may also be an option called "Duplicates," which allows you to choose between "Yes," and "No." Selecting "No" will prevent the DVR from recording multiples of episodes with the same episode titles (if there is already an episode with that title recorded on the DVR). I always check that, too - for extra "insurance."

I haven't seen that exact option on my DVR but it wouldn't work  anyway because they change the title slightly on each "new" episode. By adding "Unfiltered" or "Extra" to the title, it comes across as a new episode despite being the same. In some cases, I can't even tell if they actually do include extra material because I can't see anything different!

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2 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I haven't seen that exact option on my DVR but it wouldn't work  anyway because they change the title slightly on each "new" episode. By adding "Unfiltered" or "Extra" to the title, it comes across as a new episode despite being the same. In some cases, I can't even tell if they actually do include extra material because I can't see anything different!

I now delete all the "new episodes" recorded on Sunday because they are not new... the new episodes show up on Tuesday for me.  Ticks me off!  I have my DVR set to record "new" only as well.

It must be mind boggling to navigate a new relationship with a camera in your face all the time.  I cannot fathom that.  

I wish MAFS would do one or two older couples... say in their 50's.  Would they be more or less successful?  Just a thought.

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1 hour ago, ctbabe said:

Did anyone watch the last part of unfiltered where Jaime was talking to Derek's friend. She said he stopped smoking after Heather complained. Why then are we calling him an addict? I am kind of confused.

I do not think he is an addict.  :-)

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It might be interesting to see some older couples. They might try harder just because life experience shows that nothing is perfect and the grass isn't always greener. Then again we would get lots of "Eww-old people kissing. How awful" and that would just tick me off. 

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1 minute ago, Madding crowd said:

It might be interesting to see some older couples. They might try harder just because life experience shows that nothing is perfect and the grass isn't always greener. Then again we would get lots of "Eww-old people kissing. How awful" and that would just tick me off. 

Ha!  I love seeing "old" people kissing.  It would tick me off too.  

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