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S15.E23: Live Finals

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I thought the acts other than the singers were the most entertaining tonight: there was Skill shown by Alan Silva, it was beautiful & dangerous, I gave him votes.  And Bad Salsa were Amazing!  I am glad they performed in person, I wonder how they got a Visa to come to USA & the Bellow sisters were still in Germany?   I like Archie but he was not the best Performer tonight, but I can see him winning.  I happen to like Brandon, or "Woke-man" as some on this board call him, his Performance left me teary-eyed...so Emotional!  I would love to see him tour the country as a Motivational Speaker, he will make Poetry "Hip".  Cristina Rae was the best of the singers tonight, she really hit those High notes...I can see her winning, (and her little boy is a cutie).  

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  • Live Finals! It was between this and DWTS but we've come this far together, I had to be here!
  • Roberta Battaglia: I don't think it's fair to have them performing their talent in their intro package. She's pretty much getting two performances tonight.
  • BAD Salsa: I love her red dress in the intro. How do they even stand up straight after all that spinning? I can get dizzy just turning my head to the side sometimes. 
  • "You fly 22 hours and have us make the room look like you're still at home" 😄
  • Filler. Wasn't paying attention but I don't think I missed anything.
  • Kenadi likes music. She's only 15 and it's already a big part of her life (or words to that effect). Unlike the 11 year old who sang first? What does being 15 have to do with anything?
  • When did "I" become a three-syllable word? I agree with Sofia, though. This was better than the piano songs.
  • "Don't hide behind pianos and guitars...sing by yourself..." (or words to that effect). Except for the backing track, right?
  • Brandon Leake...no comment. That felt really long. Had to mute the judges.
  • Broken Roots: "Dude." "Bro."
  • Bello Sisters: More stacking sisters...but in pink! With a crossbow...the flower being shot out of her mouth just looked like she let it drop. If I didn't know it was shot with an arrow I wouldn't have thought anything exciting was happening.
  • German law doesn't allow the young one to be on TV that late. Maybe they could have explained that the first night they mentioned the time difference?...or the second night?
  • Archie Williams: Didn't love it but better than last time. (I like this song. Me when I realized what song it was: "Please don't butcher it.")
  • Daneliya Tuleshova: Thanks, show, for putting her name in that star so I didn't have to look up how to spell it.
  • I guess enunciation is not a thing, now. I barely understood a word of that. Also it bugs me how she holds the microphone directly up in front of her face.
  • Alan Silva: Aw, sweet love story. Her hair is almost as long as he is tall. (Google tells me he's 3'10" if anyone was wondering.)
  • Christina Rae: How many times has she gone last? Hey, look, she has a cute little kid!
  • "Everything your heart desires, desires you as well." Um, okay.
  • Oh, it's 10:27 and I forgot to hit submit...
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And tonight, AGT Finals, starring Terry Crews' shoes!

First act. Girl singer.

Next: BAD Salsa. Hokey smokes, at one point I yelled out "JEEZ-us", what they were doing was so whack. I wanted them to stop, it was more than I could take. And I mean that in a VERY good way. This act rocks. Although I don't know that America will vote for people who have accents. I did though.

Next: Girl singer. I got a laugh from Sofia when she said, "Here you are with your shiny dress." Nice burn, Sofia.

Brandon Leake. For the first time I didn't care for him. Maybe because I don't have kids and could care less about the OTT parental "my-kid-is-the-best" thing. He got the first NO vote from me, after me loving his other performances.

Broken Roots. Man singers.

Bello Sisters. So much "girl power" bunk. Stop talking about "girls can do whatever they want" because that's BS. And Sofia or Heidi, I don't know which, saying AGAIN Howie was drooling was the grossest and just rude and offensive and nasty.

Archie. Best of the night. I enjoyed him. But he got raked good by the judges. "Nice suit" said one. Burn. Poor Archie. I hope he wins just to tell Sofia and Heidi to STFU.

Next: Girl singer.

Alan Silva. I enjoyed his act, he was right up there with BAD Salsa, although BAD Salsa is still my fav.

Cristina Rae. Gets the pimp spot AGAIN because this show wants her to win. She said, "I owe that little boy everything." I say, yes you do. You'll win because your kid got more air time tonight than you did all season. She would have been gone weeks ago if American tv prevented little kids from being used.

Meanwhile, Sofia's red lips stole the show from Terry's shoes. I couldn't stop staring.

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Honest to goodness, if I had not known this was a Finals, the talent level would never have indicated it.  I would have guessed it was a normal, singer-heavy, regular episode.

Why couldn't Brandon perform on that stage?  Why did he require the outside and taped performance?!  Shenanigans.  TPTB did not do him any favors, though, with his placement within the line-up tonight.  

Archie gets serious points for using a Beatles tune.  But, like last time, his stylings were just not special.  Pitchy and raspy.  I wish him a happy life.

Broken Roots was broken, all right.  How on earth do they go with an urban/progressive Phil Collins song and not something pertaining to their, ummmm, ROOTS?!!  It's you freaking NAME.  This was an all-timer by the AGT overlords.   It felt like I was watching Idol screw with an unchosen one.  Boooooo!

Christina is gonna win this thing.  Wait.  She performed on that stage.  How is that possible?  

Overall, the worst Finals evah.  I'll be quite surprised if Simon fails to make some kind of appearance tomorrow.



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Finally this season of AGT is coming to a close. Even if there was no pandemic, this season was a flop. Can we yell out ,"jumping the shark"? There were several performances that just weren't up to par. So here it goes.....

10. Wokeman - God, I hope I don't have to hear his stuff anymore. I got bored, so I started to play a game on my phone.

09. Bello Sisters - I wanted for them to perform well, but they fell flat! Their first move of their act looked like it did not go as planned. Everything after that just looked slow. Their dad shooting that arrow just made it look worse.

08. Alan Silva - Hey, he did everything he could, but it just wasn't enough. These type of acts are dead end acts. No room to grow.

07. Archie Williams - Ok, he was awful! He basically talked his way through with a little melody. That's what happens when you send someone through because of their backstory. Their limited talent starts to show and then you're left with a forgettable performance.

06. Roberta Battaglia - I give her credit for upping the tempo a bit, but she was pitchy from the start.

05. Kenadi Dodds - At least she's out of the woods! Nothing special about this performance. She has done better.

04. Daneliya Tuleshova - I think she gave herself the "kiss of death" with I want to see my name up in lights. People will notice and not vote for her! She wasn't very good but better than the other two young girls.

03. Cristina Rae - What? She, with the little cute son is not #1 on my list? I think she's going to be a victim of America being sick of too many singers. Everyone gets excited whenever she belts out a huge note, but it is the same 'ol same.

02. Broken Roots - This is my surprise selection. I thought they continue to be who they are, and that's a country duo. A very good country duo! They have that sound that not many have. I just want to go outside in my backyard and listen to them sing while drinking a cold beverage!

01. BAD Salsa - Simply the best of the night! They entertain us. They wow us. They make us dizzy, but a good dizzy! They make us, or at least me, want to see more of them. Voting for them for sure!


Sophia asking Cristina is if she thought she could ever look so good in that type of dress? 😵

What's with Heidi and Sophia asking Howie if he was drooling over underaged girls! 


I know I placed the Wokeman at 10th, but I think he's the one to  beat and will win. I hope I'm wrong.              

Edited by rr2911
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Man, I should have waited at least 10 minutes more before starting to watch. Very happy Bad Salsa was able to make it and they had their usual insane performance. Broken Roots should have gone with Springsteen. They're an acoustic guitar duo and they went with a song best known for it's drumbeat? Roberta still hasn't learned about inappropriate smiling. Brandon, powerful as always. Bello Sisters are now a daredevil act, it seems. Archie sounded unfortunately rough. But he did look good in the suit. I do hope donations for the Innocence Project have increased. The graphics people have been on fire. Liked the background more than Danileya's performance. Alan Silva is a nice guy with a nice wife. The act, eh. I didn't find it exactly captivating. Christina Rae started a bit slow and then ran away with the whole thing. Actually forgot about Kendadi, that's how much I paid attention to her.

I'm still going with Christina, Archie and Brandon as top three, but I'm never in tune with the audience so I won't predict the winner.

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Well, that it folks!  Now the voting's up to America, or so they tell us.

At least Brandon Leake didn't get all political and/or racial on us, but another tribute to his daughter?  While I support this new style of act of ACT, Brandon has gotten boring.  If a singing act doesn't win, then Bad Salsa should win.  At this point, I wouldn't mind if they won because they are crazy entertaining and highly skilled and perfection.  They've outdone themselves each time.

Betting that a singer (or singing duo) will win has lost its glow for me.  While I loved Archie's song choice, I'm not sure he'll win after all.  Might be Cristina.  Hopefully not the girl singers, but who knows.  I really don't care that much anymore.

Definitely a downgrade from the previous seasons I've watched.

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I've gotten to the point where all the backstories do for me is trigger my remote......and there was a whole lot of that tonight.  I saw Brandon,  saw Archie....that was pretty much it.   I was more drawn to the Cosmos program on Fox.  I guess if Brandon doesn't win it should be Bad Salsa because there's really no other options.....problem is, all the backstory drivel I had to endure wasn't worth it.

I do believe girls can do whatever they want.....but can you please just do it and stop telling us about it first and acting like we should be standing on our head in disbelief because we all didn't know females can do anything?  Sheesh enough already.

No other acts were worth much of a mention.   It was a forgettable season.....pandemic or not.   It doesn't matter who gets a Vegas act because until furthur notice.....nobody will come see you anyway.

My prediction for who wins tomorrow?   Not my pick but likely Christina.  And how soon will i forget?  The next day.

Edited by Swenson
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11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Also it bugs me how she holds the microphone directly up in front of her face.

Often singers do that when they are lip-synching in order to hide their mouths.  Not the first time that I've accused this show of having some singers do that. I wasn't paying close enough attention last night to detect it, though.

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9 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

Anyone have something special they're eating tonight for the finale?

Irish Cream Brownie ice cream.

(But I would be eating that anyway.)

Might make spaghetti and meatballs, now that you've put Italian food into my head.
(Because the good pizza would require me to leave the house, and that's certainly not happening.) 

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13 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Honest to goodness, if I had not known this was a Finals, the talent level would never have indicated it.  I would have guessed it was a normal, singer-heavy, regular episode.

A thousand times yes to this. Three tween girl singers out of 10 finalists??? And none of the other singers was anything special. 

The only standout act this entire season has been Bad Salsa, for me the best dance duo AGT has ever had. But they have no chance of winning, because America seems to have a hard time identifying with them. If AGT were really about talent they would win, but most people vote on the basis of who they identify with. Saying that this was "world's got talent" probably didn't help them, but they weren't going to win anyway. I bet they come in close to the bottom in voting.

Did Howie have to diss the Bello Sisters to try to make up for his comment about their Mom last week?

Kind of doesn't seem fair that Alan Silva is doing his Cirque de Soleil act. Isn't he really a ringer? I understand that AGT has always had professional performers, but doesn't seem right that someone is doing an established Vegas act. 

Given that Bad Salsa has no chance, I'd like to see Archie win. A small compensation for unjustly spending 37 years in one of America's worst prisons. And I actually do like his singing. He touches me emotionally. Christina Rae doesn't, no matter how many high notes she hits.

1 hour ago, Superclam said:

I'm thinking about vodka chugged straight from the bottle. 

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable response to the worst season ever.

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5 hours ago, Babalooie said:

Often singers do that when they are lip-synching in order to hide their mouths.  Not the first time that I've accused this show of having some singers do that. I wasn't paying close enough attention last night to detect it, though.

This bugs the hell out me too.  I wouldn't put it past AGT to condone or facilitate shenanigans to help one of their beloved tween/teen singers (little girls with big voices!  You sound like a 40-year-old!).


15 hours ago, rr2911 said:

Finally this season of AGT is coming to a close. Even if there was no pandemic, this season was a flop. Can we yell out ,"jumping the shark"? There were several performances that just weren't up to par. So here it goes.....

10. Wokeman - God, I hope I don't have to hear his stuff anymore. I got bored, so I started to play a game on my phone.

09. Bello Sisters - I wanted for them to perform well, but they fell flat! Their first move of their act looked like it did not go as planned. Everything after that just looked slow. Their dad shooting that arrow just made it look worse.

08. Alan Silva - Hey, he did everything he could, but it just wasn't enough. These type of acts are dead end acts. No room to grow.

07. Archie Williams - Ok, he was awful! He basically talked his way through with a little melody. That's what happens when you send someone through because of their backstory. Their limited talent starts to show and then you're left with a forgettable performance.

06. Roberta Battaglia - I give her credit for upping the tempo a bit, but she was pitchy from the start.

05. Kenadi Dodds - At least she's out of the woods! Nothing special about this performance. She has done better.

04. Daneliya Tuleshova - I think she gave herself the "kiss of death" with I want to see my name up in lights. People will notice and not vote for her! She wasn't very good but better than the other two young girls.

03. Cristina Rae - What? She, with the little cute son is not #1 on my list? I think she's going to be a victim of America being sick of too many singers. Everyone gets excited whenever she belts out a huge note, but it is the same 'ol same.

02. Broken Roots - This is my surprise selection. I thought they continue to be who they are, and that's a country duo. A very good country duo! They have that sound that not many have. I just want to go outside in my backyard and listen to them sing while drinking a cold beverage!

01. BAD Salsa - Simply the best of the night! They entertain us. They wow us. They make us dizzy, but a good dizzy! They make us, or at least me, want to see more of them. Voting for them for sure!


Sophia asking Cristina is if she thought she could ever look so good in that type of dress? 😵

What's with Heidi and Sophia asking Howie if he was drooling over underaged girls! 


I know I placed the Wokeman at 10th, but I think he's the one to  beat and will win. I hope I'm wrong.              

I agree on all your points.  I wonder if Wokeman played it safe to not stir up controversy by poetry slamming about his oh-so-precious daughter (AGAIN!).  

3 hours ago, rr2911 said:

I'm thinking of pizza tonight for the finale. Mmmm! Pizza Supreme!

Anyone have something special they're eating tonight for the finale?


I'm thinking of chewing on a box of nails.

Edited by CrystalBlue
Needed to complete sentence about putting it past AGT.
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Heidi's comment about Howie drooling over the sisters had me feeling rage.  One of them is 14 for f*ck's sake!   What an inappropriate and stupid comment to make, but it fits, Heidi.is an idiot.

Absolutely the worst season of AGT ever.  Rooting for Bad Salsa for the win!  Too much singing, mediocre singing at that.

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2 hours ago, bluepiano said:

A thousand times yes to this. Three tween girl singers out of 10 finalists??? And none of the other singers was anything special. 

The only standout act this entire season has been Bad Salsa, for me the best dance duo AGT has ever had. But they have no chance of winning, because America seems to have a hard time identifying with them. If AGT were really about talent they would win, but most people vote on the basis of who they identify with. Saying that this was "world's got talent" probably didn't help them, but they weren't going to win anyway. I bet they come in close to the bottom in voting.

Did Howie have to diss the Bello Sisters to try to make up for his comment about their Mom last week?

Kind of doesn't seem fair that Alan Silva is doing his Cirque de Soleil act. Isn't he really a ringer? I understand that AGT has always had professional performers, but doesn't seem right that someone is doing an established Vegas act. 

Given that Bad Salsa has no chance, I'd like to see Archie win. A small compensation for unjustly spending 37 years in one of America's worst prisons. And I actually do like his singing. He touches me emotionally. Christina Rae doesn't, no matter how many high notes she hits.

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable response to the worst season ever.

I really liked Cristina Rae's "Gimme Shelter" performance; the others, not so much.  But if a female singer has to win, please let it be her and not one of the three teen princesses.

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5 minutes ago, Farley said:

Heidi's comment about Howie drooling over the sisters had me feeling rage.  One of them is 14 for f*ck's sake!   What an inappropriate and stupid comment to make, but it fits, Heidi.is an idiot.

Absolutely the worst season of AGT ever.  Rooting for Bad Salsa for the win!  Too much singing, mediocre singing at that.

I'm so over Howie the Man in the Sandwich being dissed and dismissed by the two women.  Sofia has perfected her "don't listen to him" comments whenever he has a criticism (that is, actually judges an act and points out a weakness).  Heidi must've really gotten upset when Howie did drool over Mom Bello.  Now she's pointing it out again!  Howie can't win for losing with those two.  If Howie told Heidi or Sofia to shut up, or stop drooling over every shirtless man, and encourage the non-existence audience to ridicule them, he's be toast and a #MeToo campaign against him!

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5 minutes ago, Amy Beth said:

I wonder if Broken Roots was given In the Air Tonight due to its recent brush with virality. A YT reaction channel that showed it got a lot of press, maybe a month ago.

I'm lost.  Please explain.  I do remember some other act either earlier this season or last season singing "In the Air Tonight" but can't remember who.  I also remember some other danger/acrobat act doing it in the rain like Alan Silva did last night.

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22 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

I wonder if Broken Roots was given In the Air Tonight due to its recent brush with virality. A YT reaction channel that showed it got a lot of press, maybe a month ago.

I'm lost.  Please explain.  I do remember some other act either earlier this season or last season singing "In the Air Tonight" but can't remember who.  I also remember some other danger/acrobat act doing it in the rain like Alan Silva did last night.


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3 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

Did Howie have to diss the Bello Sisters to try to make up for his comment about their Mom last week?

I was probably not paying any attention at this point, so what did Howie exactly say about Bello mom?

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3 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

I really liked Cristina Rae's "Gimme Shelter" performance; the others, not so much.  But if a female singer has to win, please let it be her and not one of the three teen princesses.

I would agree with that. I just don't get America's love affair with little girl singers, especially as none of them are anything special talent-wise. Just nice kids who can carry a tune. I remember someone posting here that the most talented girl singer ever on AGT was Darci Lynn, and she sang with her mouth closed.


15 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

I was probably not paying any attention at this point, so what did Howie exactly say about Bello mom?

Something like, "I know it's not PC, but the mom is beautiful." So, nothing really offensive, but just stupid to be offering a gratuitous comment on the looks of someone who wasn't even in the act. I think that Heidi was thinking about that when she mentioned Howie drooling over the sisters. I also wonder if she might've been reacting to something he said off camera?

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20 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

I was probably not paying any attention at this point, so what did Howie exactly say about Bello mom?

lol...I remember commenting on it, but I don't remember what he said...

(Basically he said she was hot but I don't remember the exact wording.)

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