phlebas September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 I may be taking this too seriously. I don't even like Cody 🙂 3 1 Link to comment
iMonrey September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 Quote What struck me the most last night was how Christmas and Day & Bay were playing 2 completely different games. Christmas was playing plain old Big Brother. Day & Bay were playing Big Brother overlaid with this huge burden of constantly monitoring themselves so as not to play into negative stereotypes of Angry Black Women and possibly other stereotypes that didn't get mentioned. How exhausting for them. To make things worse, Christmas seemed unaware or dismissive of this. It was like a microcosm of real life. I'm sure that's true on Day and Bay's part. But the real problem here is that Christmas could not adequately explain why she wouldn't accept Tyler's offer to go up as a replacement nom. All she could say was "I'm not doing your dirty work for you." I can't see how that didn't clue Da'Vonne into the fact that Christmas was aligned with him. I get the whole "I gave you info and you used it against me" complaint and the "it's game" response. What I don't get is how Bayleigh could walk out that door and still not comprehend that Christmas was aligned with Tyler. It's like a special kind of dumb, TBH. Anyway, I'll console myself that I don't have to listen to Bay's screechy vocal fry anymore. Ouch. Beautiful girl, horrid voice. 4 Link to comment
Blissfool September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 17 minutes ago, laurakaye said: the "Thelma and Louise" quip landed like a lead balloon I thought they were having audio problems. Dayvonne hand-signaled and said "we can't hear you." I'm not mad at Julie for the TnL reference. She just meant girlfriends 'til the end. 1 2 Link to comment
Cherry Cola September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, Callaphera said: No, they aren't. Race is an issue in the world. The game is happening in the world. Are they just supposed to pretend that they aren't black and hope everyone else does, too? That's not how life works. Well. Where I am coming from is, I see them as a person. If they are an asshole, then they are. I don't care what color they are. I feel like the girls, Day and Bay bring it up and make it an issue when it isn't. Not saying they are assholes, just an example. So it turns into this, we were nommed. Racist. Edited September 11, 2020 by Cherry Cola 1 Link to comment
UniqBlue69 September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, laurakaye said: Flag Day did NOT need to make the comment that she was going upstairs to hide in her HOH room and lock the door. I'm surprised you have been the only one to call that out. I don't know about you guys but I'd feel uncomfortable sleeping next to the chick who was arrested for basically trying to commit vehicular manslaughter against her baby daddy's side piece. And let's not forget that she had a few of her own blow-ups in her original season as well. So to act like she's afraid of the two black girls and to try to paint them as "oh so menacing" is a fucking joke. Edited September 11, 2020 by UniqBlue69 21 Link to comment
iMonrey September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 And if I say it once I'll say it a thousand times: Either Julie should wear a mask or neither of them should. The purpose of the mask is to prevent a COVID-positive but asymptomatic person from spreading the virus. The HGs are in a virtual quarantine and tested regularly. Whereas Julie is out and about interacting with God only knows who and under what circumstances. The HGs are the ones in danger from being infected by Julie, not the other way around. The mask will not protect them if Julie is infected, and she is not wearing a mask. The show is sending the wrong message. 1 20 Link to comment
Genius September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: What struck me the most last night was how Christmas and Day & Bay were playing 2 completely different games. Christmas was playing plain old Big Brother. Day & Bay were playing Big Brother overlaid with this huge burden of constantly monitoring themselves so as not to play into negative stereotypes of Angry Black Women and possibly other stereotypes that didn't get mentioned. How exhausting for them. To make things worse, Christmas seemed unaware or dismissive of this. It was like a microcosm of real life. YES, THIS!!! Bay & Day had one hell of a week where they were knocked down, jerked around and lied to. They had every right to be upset, ask questions, and scramble like any other blindsided BB contestant. However, they are burdened with the "Angry Black Woman" stereotype hovering over them if they say one thing "wrong." They both did an amazing job of keeping their shit together for as long as they could before allowing themselves to express their actual emotions over the asshole way Xmas was dealing with their nominations and fallout. You don't like that it's a race issue? Welcome to the real world. I'm sure Bay & Day don't like it either. But make no mistake...they are NOT making it about race. Accusing them of doing so is ignoring their efforts to not play into stereotypes while also recognizing that their behavior will always be judged differently than Christmas'. And they are absolutely correct about that. Christmas is the asshole here. "Christmas is canceled" - HA! Da'Vonne is the quote QUEEN. Also - I seriously think Julie Chen Moonves found God since last season and the reckoning with her husband. Not only does she now give us inspirational advice at the end of every live show, she has mentioned God and "Amen!" several times in her EW interviews, plus she wore a Jesus hoodie backstage on premiere night. 1 18 Link to comment
North of Eden September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 4 hours ago, phlebas said: Did I see all this right? In BB19, National Dress Up Your Pet Day breaks her stupid foot, goes to the hospital, and casts her vote from there. Earlier this week, Tyler is blowing a head gasket and Allison Groedner herself wanders in to talk him down. Cody's grandfather dies, and they leave him a note on a pillow. Does that seem incongruous? Let Julie or someone he's close to on the staff deliver the news. Hell, fly a relative out and give them an hour. Fly Cody to the funeral and back. Something. At least let him have a goddamn phone call. (Unless they did and didn't show it.) Err on the side of compassion, CBS. I don't even like Cody but this post is spot on. Things have changed I guess: Being 9/11 it makes me think of Monica. I know they did a group announcement that there was a terrorist attack (I may be mis-remembering this-that they down played it a little) but Monica was told her cousin was missing at the World Trade Center but I don't remember if it was said during the group announcement or in the privacy of the diary room. 2 Link to comment
Cotypubby September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said: Maybe NOT the best comparison to draw upon. It instantly made everyone uncomfortable (or so it seemed to me). 2 hours ago, laurakaye said: the "Thelma and Louise" quip landed like a lead balloon The houseguests couldn't hear her. When Julie made the "Thelma & Louise" mention, Day said "We can't hear you Julie!" That's why they all looked confused and blank-faced. 1 Link to comment
grandmabegum September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said: Julie needs to stop interjecting her thoughts and "wisdom" into the broadcasts. It's become her thing... "And remember, give a man a fish he'll eaty for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." *eye roll* Also she recast Day and Bay as Thelma and Louise no the live broadcast... umm... Julie?? You know the two drove off a cliff to their deaths in the end right? Maybe NOT the best comparison to draw upon. It instantly made everyone uncomfortable (or so it seemed to me). Also that was a trainwreck of an interview. You and I are simpatico on all of this. With Julie's send off, I was like, "Am I watching Ellen?" And I immediately texted my friend about the Thelma and Louise thing. But my thought was also, that T&L were running from having killed (rightfully so) a man. So you know murder friends -- maybe she meant that they should both have sex with Brad Pitt? And total trainwreck. 3 Link to comment
grandmabegum September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 8 hours ago, Melina22 said: Yes. This made me so uncomfortable. And once he got the news there was nowhere private or even dark to hide and grieve. What a nightmare. I hate to get into this as a) I still haven't read all the comments and b) I'm not privy to all the info and c) I'm sort of a jerk sometime. That being said. We can all have our opinions of what happened and how it was filmed, but we don't actually know if Cody knew about the death before he read the letter and what was in the entire letter. I agree with the person up thread who said that Cody knew his Pop pop was ill and so just the first sentence could have been enough (also the fact that the letter device has been used before). But also the rest of the letter could have gone on to say that his family asks/tells him to keep playing. Maybe someone else has more info on the letter. And, per the privacy comment, and like I said I feel like a jerk for saying this, but there's one place in that house that they can go where the cameras aren't allowed. Sure they couldn't get away from the HG, but they could at least have sometime to be alone. Link to comment
grandmabegum September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 6 hours ago, iMonrey said: And if I say it once I'll say it a thousand times: Either Julie should wear a mask or neither of them should. The purpose of the mask is to prevent a COVID-positive but asymptomatic person from spreading the virus. The HGs are in a virtual quarantine and tested regularly. Whereas Julie is out and about interacting with God only knows who and under what circumstances. The HGs are the ones in danger from being infected by Julie, not the other way around. The mask will not protect them if Julie is infected, and she is not wearing a mask. The show is sending the wrong message. Gah! Sorry, third comment in a row. First, I agree with everything you have to say. I don't wear a mask in my home (one other occupant) but when we go out we wear masks and follow all the other protocol. I'd rather be extra cautious than willy nilly. Yeah, it's not fun or great, but it's at the very least a common courtesy. Second, I honestly don't know how these HG aren't wearing masks when they go into the yard. I walked to the store today to get some basics. I passed several people not wearing masks. I was courteous and stopped or moved to give them distance. When I got home I took off my mask and it had a bunch of ash on it. So in this area, it's not just the virus, it's also the fires. I know that they want to show the contestants faces and also Julie's face to make it seem like things are "normal." They are not normal. Link to comment
Melina22 September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 2 minutes ago, grandmabegum said: I know that they want to show the contestants faces and also Julie's face to make it seem like things are "normal." They are not normal. Do we know what if anything they've been told about the fires? Poor hamsters, like they're not under enough stress. "Cody's grandfather just died. Covid is everywhere. You can't trust any of your housemates not to betray you, even the ones you have Final Two with. Oh, and you might want to put on a mask to go into the yard because everything is on fire. Have fun!" 😳 1 5 Link to comment
grandmabegum September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 2 minutes ago, Melina22 said: Do we know what if anything they've been told about the fires? Poor hamsters, like they're not under enough stress. "Cody's grandfather just died. Covid is everywhere. You can't trust any of your housemates not to betray you, even the ones you have Final Two with. Oh, and you might want to put on a mask to go into the yard because everything is on fire. Have fun!" 😳 You are correct! I have zero idea what they have actually been told about THESE fires. But this is fire season in CA. Yes, that is a season. So it would not be out of the ordinary for Kevin, who is a resident of the area, to know this. To the extent that they know about the fires I have no idea. There have been no evacuation orders at this point, so the show must go on? 1 Link to comment
Racj82 September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 (edited) "I think they did. Cody walks into the room, says "Hmm, there's a letter here", opens it and immediately starts sobbing before he even unfolds it completely. No way he'd have time to read and process it that fast. I think production DID tell him, then asked him to leave the DR, come back in and pretend to read the letter. I'd have preferred to just have the screen go black with a message saying "Cody is informed by the producers that his grandfather passed away," then show the reactions and whatnot." Man, I feel like there isn't anything on reality tv now that some won't feel are fabricated. Cody already knew his grandfather was ill. He didn't need to read much to know what the point of the letter was. Honestly, he probably knew once he realized it was a note from home and not something game related. Edited September 13, 2020 by Racj82 7 Link to comment
Racj82 September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 5 hours ago, grandmabegum said: You and I are simpatico on all of this. With Julie's send off, I was like, "Am I watching Ellen?" And I immediately texted my friend about the Thelma and Louise thing. But my thought was also, that T&L were running from having killed (rightfully so) a man. So you know murder friends -- maybe she meant that they should both have sex with Brad Pitt? And total trainwreck. I'm confused by the whole thelma and louise thing. In that, I don't know why it's generated such mockery. The only point of calling them thelma and louise was that they are each other's ride or die till the end. Which is the point of the movie. Not how it ended but that they had each other's back and they could only truly trust each other. 6 Link to comment
Mmazeo September 13, 2020 Share September 13, 2020 Am I alone here in thinking that was a horrible show for Davone? First, you’re the tightest duo in the game and this was the smartest move from Christmas. Do not embarrass yourself trying to deny it. Kaysar and Janelle knew the deal, understood it, and took it like all stars. Has Davone ever done anything deserving to be on this season? She’s never even got far has she? I really don’t think she understands the game. And that whole over-dramatic nonsense in the yard. She’s one of how many BB players that were lucky enough to get a shot at all stars? She is not a victim. Nobody is going to make her out to be a monster if she fights back. Look at this board. Christmas is getting annihilated everywhere you look. She nuts in her own right but I did not blame her for being frustrated with the idiotic position Day was taking. I give Bay much more credit for understanding the move. I wish she stayed. I really don’t see any interesting game play coming from Davone. 4 Link to comment
Mmazeo September 13, 2020 Share September 13, 2020 On 9/11/2020 at 2:55 PM, Genius said: You don't like that it's a race issue? Welcome to the real world. I'm sure Bay & Day don't like it either. But make no mistake...they are NOT making it about race. Accusing them of doing so is ignoring their efforts to not play into stereotypes while also recognizing that their behavior will always be judged differently than Christmas'. And they are absolutely correct about that. Christmas is the asshole here. Who is judging them different? What do you mean? Read how people, FANS, of this show are treating Christmas. So what exactly are you talking about? She’s getting destroyed. Link to comment
Mmazeo September 13, 2020 Share September 13, 2020 On 9/11/2020 at 12:43 AM, Iguana said: My take on the Christmas and Bay situation? Everyone is eventually going to be on the block sooner or later. It’s part of the game. HOH can put up whoever they want for whatever reasons. Also part of the game. Hamsters should accept this and deal with this reality. But nominees are entitled to be pissed off, or not, and have no obligation to make the HOH feel good about it. Christmas, you don’t get to be mad about your nominees being mad about being nominated. You decided to put them up and one of them is going to get voted out because of your choice. If they’re pissed at you, suck it up. That’s part of the game too. and on a slightly less analytical note, these hamster all suck and this season is soooooooooooooo fucking dull. True. But you’d think “all stars” would comprehend it a little more than newbs. Janelle and Kaysar took it like all stars. 1 Link to comment
amazingracefan September 13, 2020 Share September 13, 2020 (edited) 8 hours ago, Mmazeo said: Am I alone here in thinking that was a horrible show for Davone? First, you’re the tightest duo in the game and this was the smartest move from Christmas. Do not embarrass yourself trying to deny it. Kaysar and Janelle knew the deal, understood it, and took it like all stars. Has Davone ever done anything deserving to be on this season? She’s never even got far has she? I really don’t think she understands the game. And that whole over-dramatic nonsense in the yard. She’s one of how many BB players that were lucky enough to get a shot at all stars? She is not a victim. Nobody is going to make her out to be a monster if she fights back. Look at this board. Christmas is getting annihilated everywhere you look. She nuts in her own right but I did not blame her for being frustrated with the idiotic position Day was taking. I give Bay much more credit for understanding the move. I wish she stayed. I really don’t see any interesting game play coming from Davone. Both Da'Vonne and Bayleigh were brought back for the drama, we all know that and deep down they do as well. It's most obvious with Da'Vonne as she's been on twice before. They get a nice appearance fee, didn't Da'Vonne get on The Challenge too, which is known for liking some drama [no spoilers please]. So they've done ok out of it. And we like the drama. So why would anyone get upset over it anyway. Edited September 13, 2020 by amazingracefan Link to comment
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