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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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21 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Really? I always find him cringy af. He's so dopey and sappy to me. I can relate to.Katie, she's a snarky beotch, and I'm here for every bitchy moment. If they neuter her I'mma be hella pissed.

You know, I'm realizing how different they're writing the youngins of this gen -- from the past.  I think Johnny is such a refreshing change from the spoiled,  entitled, self-absorbed, ranting brats that Vicks & Billy were, and then Summer & Kyle also were.  As a parent, who wouldn't wanna have a sweet-natured, low-maintenance kid like Johnny for a son?  And what kid wouldn't wanna have him as friend?

To me, Katie seems like a total PITA & sooo high-maintenance.  As a parent?  Ugh.  As a friend?  No thanks.  But as a viewer?  Yeah, I'm with you, surfgirl!

When I noticed how Johnny actually showed concern for the quivering/crying mess that is Chelsea, I was really impressed.  Ya think Billy, Vicks, Summer or Kyle would care about anyone but themselves at his age?  Yeah, right.  It ain't in the Abbott/Newman genes -- except with Johnny.  But of course, that could change in a sec. . .

4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Audra and Natey Nate Nate, are now fuck buddies, and to think Audra doesn’t need a man 

Oh Audra, if you really wanna avoid commitment so badly, why not go with inanimate objects, tools, machinery or even balloons?  Any of those would certainly provide more satisfaction than Nate ever could.  And they don't ooze sleaze & slime like he does.  Besides, you know Nate's watching & admiring himself in a mirror while doing the deed, so  . . . ew, who needs that?  Move on from him quick, hun.

11 hours ago, MollyB said:

FIs it just me or did Katie look as if she just came from a horror-movie set where she played a woman whose head was implanted on a life-size doll's body?

Where is this going with Lucy?  Is she going to kidnap Faith or do a Single White Female on her?  If this is only for the drama of her finding out about Daniel's part in Cassie's death, it's not worth the effort.

Maybe she got cast cuz she has a large head?  Susan Lucci had a huge head & a teeny-weeny body -- is this a soap thing?

I was thinkin' maybe the bracelet was a writers' hint that GC's got a new lesbian in town, and they're gearing up for a teen lesbian storyline, but maybe not.  Could be as simple as Lucy's just trying hard to gain an older friend.

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24 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

who wouldn't wanna have a sweet-natured, low-maintenance kid like Johnny for a son?

Too bad he's actually the son of Billy Abbott and Chelsea Lawson, which makes him Katie's half-brother on their father's side and Connor's half-brother in their mother's side, which means that Katie and Connor could legally marry and have kids because they are not biologically related to each other, and Johnny would be their children's double-half-uncle.


40 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


 My mother's favorite name for me when I was being particularly obstreperous was "Ass Ache"

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I'm so bored with Show I start my TV watching with DOOL, and I've got the low cost Peacock with commercials, that's how bad Show is for me right now.  Plus, I'm getting more enjoyment from Days of our Lives - DAYS OF OUR LIVES, PEOPLE!!, than I am from Y&R.

It's like trying to claim that I Can't Believe It's Not Butter isn't lying their dairy air butt off.  It's not, it's so not........butter........


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11 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Maybe she got cast cuz she has a large head? 

The actor's face is very mature looking, too.  I was actually thinking more along the lines of the dress being something you'd see on a doll (with a frillier blouse instead of the white t-shirt)  and made it look as if she had no neck.  I can't imagine a kid her age (10+ ?) wearing it in the summer for a romp in the park.  She would be in shorts and tees.  Hmm, maybe that's what's in the backpack.


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Dear Billy Abbott;

Claire is light. Claire is love. Claire is hope. Claire is the past, present and future. Will you accept Claire into your heart? We fed the ducks - yay!

Harrison (posted from Kyle Abbott’s iPad)

Dear Harrison;

While feeding the ducks hits that sweet spot in my low-ambition lifestyle, I’ll take a hard pass. I would not play with your dad’s iPad again, kid. There be monsters in his internet history.

Dear Billy Abbott;

My dick of a dad wants to install me in his wife’s job so I can carry out his dumbass revenge plot against his nemesis. His nemesis happens to be a very good friend and, quite frankly, I still have childish fantasies of him somehow being my real father. My ancient demon of a dad thinks he’s this intimidating badass, but he doesn’t even have the stones to come at his enemy direct. He’s using the guy’s idiot son to pilot a rival corporation that will supposedly put his dad out of business. I’ve seen the idiot son’s work. He couldn’t sell red rubber noses to a clown convention. Yes, my poltergeist pop is manipulating everyone his enemy cares about and weaponizing them against him. He could retire, see the world, spend time with his grandkids (not my kid though. Fuck that) or even use his vast wealth for philanthropy. Instead, he pursues his petty grudges. When I express my misgivings, he just mumbles “”Idon’tgiveadamn.” No kidding, asshole. I’ll probably end up doing it because my life is scripted by a complete hack.

Adam (My mother had sex with a vampire and I’m being punished for it)

Dear Adam;

Boo-hoo! Cry me a river so I can piss in it. Fuck outta here acting like you’re Victor Newman’s indentured servant. Say no. Say no to the unwrapped mummy. Will he rant and rave and threaten and inflict emotional damage? Duh. He might even fire you, which somehow will not be as funny as Kyle getting shitcanned by his mom. (BRB, if I piss myself laughing again, I’ll blow the Chancellor pants budget). Like, do you even realize your girlfriend works under the Jabot umbrella? I mean, I already know you don’t give a blue dilly fuck on a Ferris wheel about her feelings, but why add insult to injury? Btw, I’ll be adding the injury once you develop the stones to tell the truth about Baltimore.

Dear Billy Abbott;

I am overwhelmed with guilt due to my dalliance with Adam in Baltimore. Oh, William, don’t act brand new. I saw the sly look on your face when we ran into Sally and Adam. You could still smell the musk of primal sexuality clinging to our clothes. We all know you have olfactory senses more finely tuned than a pedigreed bloodhound. Of course, I’ll be happy to rock your world as an apology, perhaps wearing that “sexy cow” costume you bought me a few months ago. I can’t make things up so easily to Sally, who has already clocked my guilt and gotten some hints from Adam. She is naturally in awe of my maternal devotion and towering strength, which just adds to the guilt. It didn’t stop me from almost scratching her eyes out when I thought she stole my job, but still. Aren’t my feelings of remorse and regret punishment enough? That night was about solace, bourbon, parental despair, bourbon and honestly, the convenient dick. Connor needed his parents united. Look at him now! He’s reading PSAs about OCD like a P-R-O. Sorry.

Chelsea (Can’t we just moo-ve on?)

Dear Chelsea,

No. Do. Not. Don’t even. How dare you sully something beautiful and pure like the $19.99 “Sexy Cow” costume with sequined teats I picked out at Party City. Just go defecate on my father’s grave, why don’t you? Don’t worry about Sally; the doctor of love will soon be prescribing a dose of medicinal buttbiscuits. I would like to examine your, uh, rationale for cheating, because I thought you might have just claimed you needed to fuck your kid’s  father, which can’t be right. That would be psychotic. You know what? Just own it. When I bang someone else’s wife, I just go about my day with a fuck you attitude. Learn from me.

Dear Billy Abbott;

I can’t find a job in Genoa City and I could use your advice. At my last job, I was fired simply for reuniting with my family. Yes, my partner was romantically involved with our boss, but that’s not really a knock on my mad legal skillz. How can I change my job hunting luck?

Heather’s Legal Briefs

Dear Heather;

You’re going to have a very difficult time landing employment in Genoa City. See, in this town, most employers require applicants to have a personality. Good luck though!


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Was finally able to watch yesterday's (Friday) episode.

So, according to Chelsea and Adam's excitement after their call with Connor, being direct and articulate is not expected of someone with OCD. Okay. 🙄

Huh, has Victor ever been to Adam's condo before? It was as if he knew something was up. Good thing he didn't catch Chelsea and Adam looking suspiciously disheveled, ha ha.

Beware of Summers bearing gifts, Sally. She already set up a professionally awkward situation between you and Chelsea. Watch your back.

One would think Audra would want to work in a less distracting place than the GCAC dining room. Whatever, she and Nate brought up Tucker AGAIN. Gah.

Yeah, I also hope the viewers weren't meant to be impressed by the dusky outside scene with Audra and Nate. It played to me like Y&R was trying to save money on lighting.

Audra had never had oolong tea before. Yet she used to live in London, one of the tea-drinking centers of the world. Ehh.

Wait, if Sally's going to be heading the new "Marchetti Z" and Chelsea's still on FMLA, who will be running Marchetti's main fashion division?

Even Victor and Adam talked about Tucker as if he's still an active potential threat. Stop getting my hopes up, Show!

Another artistic shot of the GC sunset as Audra made her big Emmy bait speech about how running Glissade is a huge step forward for women. Talk about mixed messages. Sundowns usually symbolize endings, not the dawn (😉) of a new beginnings.

Yeah, no, Sally. Talking to someone about your rocky relationship with their ex is iffy at best. You don't know Chelsea like that. Or Adam. You have no idea.

Victor is awful. Does he even love Adam or does he just hate Jack more?

Audra and Nate finally getting it in. Weeks of slow burn proceeding to be ruined, IMO. I think now would be an excellent time for Tucker to return and show up at Audra's door.

Re the previews: one of those clips brought to mind this moment:

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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You guys thought Audra’s empowerment-through-eye shadow speech into the sunset was cheesy? Well, it was. Did y’all catch the scenes that were cut for time?

Nick Newman stands at the summit of Mount Everest, clad in a snowsuit, gloves and a pompom hat. He wipes away some frozen snot that looks suspiciously like rubber cement before reaching into his pack for a snack sized bag of Bugles and a Mountain Dew Code Red. He belches after a few sips, then plants a flag emblazoned with the poop emoji. Snow with a strong resemblance to the contents of an office shredder bin falls in awkward clumps around him.

Nick: Whoa! Like, I’ve got so much perspective now. I was so horned up that I almost dragged ass upstairs at the club and let Phyllis peel my banana. Man, I hit rock bottom, the lowest I could go without tunneling through the earth. Got nothing but gratitude for my frostburned left nut, nature’s cockblock. I knew I had to do something big to challenge myself and find myself. When I learned about a big ass hill in a country called Nipple, I knew I was gonna motorboat that titty like a boss. Some people use guides called sherpas, but this dude at the mountaineering shop hooked me up with a herpa and a derpa. Said it was more my speed. Filled up on nipple cuisine, blew out the bivouac with fermented pickle bombs and boom! Here I be. What have I learned? My brain is, like, used to a lack of oxygen so I practically skipped up here, jacking off above base camp is hella dangerous and I can’t wait to rub this in Adam’s face. I manifested awesomeness. Gonna climb back down and find a nut doctor. Follow your dreams, kids! 

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6 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

You guys thought Audra’s empowerment-through-eye shadow speech into the sunset was cheesy? Well, it was. Did y’all catch the scenes that were cut for time?

Nick Newman stands at the summit of Mount Everest, clad in a snowsuit, gloves and a pompom hat. He wipes away some frozen snot that looks suspiciously like rubber cement before reaching into his pack for a snack sized bag of Bugles and a Mountain Dew Code Red. He belches after a few sips, then plants a flag emblazoned with the poop emoji. Snow with a strong resemblance to the contents of an office shredder bin falls in awkward clumps around him.

Nick: Whoa! Like, I’ve got so much perspective now. I was so horned up that I almost dragged ass upstairs at the club and let Phyllis peel my banana. Man, I hit rock bottom, the lowest I could go without tunneling through the earth. Got nothing but gratitude for my frostburned left nut, nature’s cockblock. I knew I had to do something big to challenge myself and find myself. When I learned about a big ass hill in a country called Nipple, I knew I was gonna motorboat that titty like a boss. Some people use guides called sherpas, but this dude at the mountaineering shop hooked me up with a herpa and a derpa. Said it was more my speed. Filled up on nipple cuisine, blew out the bivouac with fermented pickle bombs and boom! Here I be. What have I learned? My brain is, like, used to a lack of oxygen so I practically skipped up here, jacking off above base camp is hella dangerous and I can’t wait to rub this in Adam’s face. I manifested awesomeness. Gonna climb back down and find a nut doctor. Follow your dreams, kids! 

NinjaPenguins, you shouldn't really be posting spoilers in this thread.  At least please use that above spoiler emoji that looks like a Newman anus.

Some of us might have been looking forward to the "Nick searches for the Abominable Snowman and finds love" storyline.  

Edited by boes
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Other observations from last week:

YR must've recently made a product placement deal for bags. Lily, Claire, and Audra have all been prominently displaying their purses lately.

Harrison's floral shirt last week. Kinda, um, flamboyant for a kid his age, no? Or at least for an Abbott male.

Are we sure Katie isn't Lily's daughter, ha ha? The resemblance between them was more noticeable to me.

Sally and Chelsea were sporting similar hairstyles. Wonder if that was deliberate? They both were wearing green dresses too.

Would a girl Katie's age wear a such a billowy tent dress or is that look considered chic right now for tweens?

Nate said Audra is now an A-list mover and shaker. Please. I bet the folks at L'Oreal (headquartered in Paris, natch) would be having themselves a good ol' laugh at this Glissade silliness. As if some sleepy burg in the Upper Midwest of the US is the alternate capital of the cosmetics industry.

And Daniel, here's a idea: how about you and your shiftless girlfriend take your bratty daughter back to Portugal, and the three of you never come back to GC. Thanks!

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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

One would think Audra would want to work in a less distracting place than the GCAC dining room.

Yeah.  I thought they had new offices because wasn't that where Kyle was told to go when Viktor wanted him gone so he could have a coporate meeting in the park with Audra?  Do you suppose Kyle was sent to a vacant lot?  Or perhaps she wanted to show everyone how dedicated she is by working through her lunch hour or the new offices didn't have a sandwich truck outside so she couldn't go sit in the park and show everyone what a busy, busy, dedicated, power woman she is.  [Bonus points if Kyle is still wandering around the vacant lot looking for the C Suite.]

Edited by MollyB
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3 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

You guys thought Audra’s empowerment-through-eye shadow speech into the sunset was cheesy? Well, it was. Did y’all catch the scenes that were cut for time?

Nick Newman stands at the summit of Mount Everest, clad in a snowsuit, gloves and a pompom hat. He wipes away some frozen snot that looks suspiciously like rubber cement before reaching into his pack for a snack sized bag of Bugles and a Mountain Dew Code Red. He belches after a few sips, then plants a flag emblazoned with the poop emoji. Snow with a strong resemblance to the contents of an office shredder bin falls in awkward clumps around him.

Nick: Whoa! Like, I’ve got so much perspective now. I was so horned up that I almost dragged ass upstairs at the club and let Phyllis peel my banana. Man, I hit rock bottom, the lowest I could go without tunneling through the earth. Got nothing but gratitude for my frostburned left nut, nature’s cockblock. I knew I had to do something big to challenge myself and find myself. When I learned about a big ass hill in a country called Nipple, I knew I was gonna motorboat that titty like a boss. Some people use guides called sherpas, but this dude at the mountaineering shop hooked me up with a herpa and a derpa. Said it was more my speed. Filled up on nipple cuisine, blew out the bivouac with fermented pickle bombs and boom! Here I be. What have I learned? My brain is, like, used to a lack of oxygen so I practically skipped up here, jacking off above base camp is hella dangerous and I can’t wait to rub this in Adam’s face. I manifested awesomeness. Gonna climb back down and find a nut doctor. Follow your dreams, kids! 

Quoted in its awesome entirety because if only the show was this good.

Also, I'm watching the Flintstones now since that's where the wardrobe people got their inspiration for Sally's green and black spotted dress. Nothing beats the classics. 😼

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4 hours ago, surfgirl said:

The only thing remotely realistic about this is the 'high' part because Josh has got to be on something, and the hair/make up/costume folks have got to be on something, and the actors have got to be on something to all show up and parade around looking like crackheads graduating from rehab day. Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, how difficult IS is to put together a decent show? I mean, we have shown here that we could write this show eleventy billions times better than the current MWTs and the TIIC. *hrumph! stomps off very disgruntled*


i think I have FF'D the show entirely last week,  instead I come here for hilarious updates that are better than that dreck.

Is Audra still wearing that circus tent?

Sally is looking extremely pale this week, or maybe the HORRENDOUs outfit she had to wear..

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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On 7/10/2024 at 7:24 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

Send help. Boes is trying to kill me daid.

A Brief Recap - The Triumphant Return of Shitpile Kyle

Wow! Glissade is coming for Jabot, as soon as it can get the training wheels off and Victor stops treating it like high school. You know he was trash talking Fred to Barney and Barney to Fred back in the day, hoping they’d beat each other’s azz off with a stegosaurus bone so he could swoop in and liquidate the Slate Rock and Gravel Company. He still has a horde of clam shells and sand dollars tucked away in a Swiss bank account in case powdered dinosaur dick supplements for increased virility ever make a comeback.

Speaking of the Flintstones, Sally’s dress. That’s it.

Kyle seethes with childish contempt for his parents, gloating, pointing fingers and acting like the new toy Victor let him play with isn’t full of lead. I hope his time at Glissade is nothing but stepping on rakes and accidentally grabbing live mouse traps. He’s feeling himself so much I’m surprised no one’s effected a citizen’s arrest for public masturbation.

Claire shares Victor’s manipulative, controlling warning about the pompous pompadour, and her mother and grandmother act brand new and keep on enabling his bullshit. Yeah, they can call it love, but you could also call Phyllis a delight and that would be just as accurate. Victoria wants to change Claire’s last name to Newman, because Cole ain’t shit to those weirdos.

Audra is going to co-CEO from Paris. Why? You can run a major corporation from Crimson Lights.

Billy and Sally are blissfully unaware that their significant others are total scumbags who have already absolved themselves for their extremely unappealing act of betrayal. Yay! Black and white flashbacks of the grossest thing I’ve seen since I tried to change my great nephew while he wriggled and spread manure all over the changing table. You know, like the more you try to clean it, the more it fights you until you’re elbow deep in the big muddy? Nick’s girlfriends know what I mean.

Jack storms past Victor’s crack security team, straight into the executive office. He very reasonably asks Victor to direct his vengeance at him, still too naive to grasp that Victor doesn’t possess a shred of honor. The old douche half-assedly denies being Glissade’s mystery investor, then goes on the attack. Everything is Jack’s fault because he’s a terrible father. Yes, Victor Newman actually fixed his face to accuse someone else of bad parenting. Amazing.

Keep them coming! Another hilarious one!!!!😂😂😂😆😆

On 7/10/2024 at 2:21 PM, MollyB said:

Victoria wasn't married to Cole when Cleve was born.  She could have put any name she wanted on the birth certificate and she also could have left blank the father's name.  My question is why not go the full monty and change her name to Eve WhatEverHerName was on the birth certificate? 

I bet she will be Claire Newman-Howard.

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On 7/11/2024 at 4:28 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, it sounds like Lily is going to welch on her secret deal with Devon. So much for Winters family loyalty.

Whee, Katie is definitely not here for Claire. Loved her "this bish" eye roll when Claire and Harrison arrived.

I'm with Devon: Lily wanting to keep working with Billy makes no sense. She knows how problematic William is. Yeesh.

Come on, Lily, you're more loyal to Jill than your own kin? Neil would not be proud.

Dang, Adam is thisclose to confessing about his and Chelsea's tryst, isn't he? He's already said enough to make Sally and Billy have suspicions.

Billy looked at Sally like, "You seeing this sh!t?" when Chelsea and Adam bear-hugged over the good news about Connor. Yup, Silly/Bally, your eyes ain't lying.

More bad CGI behind Connor when he was videocalling with his parents. The young actor must film his scenes in his bedroom closet. 😉

Billy, you dog. I saw you checking out Sally's frame as she left Society. You lowkey licked your lips too. Lily didn't seem to notice though.

I thought Connor talked today like he was reading his lines off a teleprompter. Clunky exposition is clunky.

Aw, Lily. You made a big mistake, deciding to throw in with Billy again. He's playing you, girlfriend. Sigh.

Ugh I’m not happy about the idiots in charge and having Chelsea and Adam sleep together. If it was one of the other Adam actors yes not this one. I was so happy that Adam and Sally got back together. And it seems like they want to put maybe Sally and Billy together? That’s silly!! Pun intended!!! Lots of FF in my future. 

Also I don’t get either why Lily wants to stay in Chancellor with Billy. 

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On 7/12/2024 at 2:29 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Gee, Idk, that name makes me think of air fresheners -- or those commercials for the latest thing now . . .  ladies' all-over-body deodorants.  Oh yeah, I could see those brilliant business minds of Kyle & Audra pushing on that to compete head-to-head with Jabot.

Johnny seems like such a nice, sweet kid -- he's always smiling & looking happy.  What a disconnect from the 2 drips that are his parents.  Billy & Vicks?  Feh!  Chelsea near kids was unnerving.  I'd keep that quivering/crying mess far, far away from any children.

Ah, Lily, what a choice ya got!  Either way you're gonna end up working with a power-hungry asshole you can't trust & who'll screw you over with zero hesitation.  Leaning toward Billy, are ya, hun?  He's a loser/putz who's just using you.  And Devon?  He's an angry/hostile little dude, who's trying to compensate for being tiny.  Either choice stinks.  And I thought Audra had the shittiest gig in GC.  Maybe not.

Something else I noticed about Claire.  Yeah, she's ditched the Little House on the Prairie lace thingies, but she seems to be the only adult woman in GC who goes thru the KC park in sneaks!  Everyone else (oddly) teeters around that park in high heels.  Hmmmm.

Yes I was thinking air freshener too lol but other poster’s idea was funny as well. 

Johnny is the nicest kid of all the ones I have seen recently. Surprising considering his parents true. 

As for Lily, I think that she may think that Billy may be easier to manipulate. She can use his ego and suggest an idea and make him think it’s his and all. Devon is way too rigid and smart for that . 

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On 7/12/2024 at 8:05 PM, Sake614 said:

I actually like Audra’s skirt, just not on her and not in JULY! I had to FF the scenes with Nate. so much for ‘I could really use a friend.’ I guess they both really want FWB. Whatever, I don’t have to watch.

so Adam is actually willing to go along with Victor’s plan knowing that 1) he’ll be sticking it to his friend, Jack, and 2) that he’ll be out on his ass once daddy dearest has no more use for him? And here I thought Adam had finally had enough of his father’s manipulation. Oh well…

I hope Sally goes scorched earth on both Adam and Chelsea when she finds out about their night together, but mostly Chelsea. Not that Adam isn’t just as complicit.I just hate Chelsea more and want to see her get what she so richly deserves.

I’m trying to figure out Adam’s motivations for taking the NM job. Do we know if he does for sure ? I’m still hoping he’s going it as some double agent spy to help Jack get dirt on Victor’s plans. If he takes the job on top of sleeping with Chelsea, that will make Adam the black sheep of his family again. Ugh no . 

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*This has been a joint Public Service Announcement from The Council for Tidy Forums and the International Association for the Reduction of Unnecessary Verbiage*

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A young boy learning "Miss Mary Mack" in 2024 at a summer camp?  GTFOH. This has to be the most poorly written show on all of TV. 

And I can't unsee Katie's head and neck now. Thanks. lol


eta: It was so bad I had to show my young 20s son when he got home. He said another thing is "wtf kind of shirt is that young kid wearing? It looks like he would be selling coke in Miami in the 80s." 



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I will not be all that upset if they pair Sally with Billy; it won't be nauseating and actress/character ruining like the pairing with Nick.  The only...only...only thing that could be interesting in this Victor vs Jack war is if Adam actually helps Jack while deceiving his father.  That once, just once, Victor does not win.  Nicki can choose to say with him, murder him in his sleep, or live under the same roof living separate lives. 

Edited by Kemper
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6 hours ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

As for Lily, I think that she may think that Billy may be easier to manipulate. She can use his ego and suggest an idea and make him think it’s his and all. Devon is way too rigid and smart for that . 

Ya know I'm so sick of the corporate goings on.  Every time I turn on the show is the Battle Of THE C SUITES. and I don't care, just when I ger used to one, the whole thing makes my head swirl.


On 7/14/2024 at 3:05 PM, surfgirl said:

Lady Clairol's 'FUCKING LOOK AT ME' Red #334534985039,

Perfect.  She looks like she could be the leader of a marching band. And the producers have been making her skin so pale its makes her look unhealthy.


On 7/13/2024 at 1:33 AM, Js Nana said:

Too bad he's actually the son of Billy Abbott and Chelsea Lawson, which makes him Katie's half-brother on their father's side and Connor's half-brother in their mother's side, which means that Katie and Connor could legally marry and have kids because they are not biologically related to each other, and Johnny would be their children's double-half-uncl

My head just exploded with this info.

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If Summer❄️x6 is so concerned about Harrison, then resign, from Marchetti, and protect him from that big bag father and his nanny.  Get a life Summer❄️x6 and like Phillis🕷️always making a mountain out of a molehill.  

I didn’t get to see the entire episode because my DVR didn’t record but what I could glean from the last 10 minutes.  Summer❄️x6 is now Summer❄️x8. WTF!  Summer❄️x8 doesn’t want to disrupt Harrison’s life?  Two homes having two different places to live and trying to get him to live with his mommy who is not his mother.  Only in GC, Summer❄️x8 will be able to sue for custody without any and I mean any legal rights to Harrison’s custody.  

Victor is right, as usual, Billy boy will somehow be a fuck up once again. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


Oh my gosh, Sharon trying to cry looked painful. I winced.


I know. How many warnings does she get to stop messing with her face?! I wonder if anyone in her life (family, manager) ever says anything to her or even someone from the show. I think actors have to get permission for hair changes and things like that? It is really distracting.

And I kind if have a soft spot for SC. I actually thought she was good during the Cassie death scenes. But her insistence on the botox and fillers is damaging her looks, performances, and career. (Was she a scientologist or just Michelle Stafford) 

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4 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

My head just exploded with this info.

Not to worry. Katie and Connor can't legally marry (in most places) because they're biological cousins via her mommy Victoria and his father Adam. She can't marry Johnny either since they share a father. Or Harrison since they're also biological cousins through their respective daddies, Billy and Kyle. Or Christian since they're also biological cousins via his biological daddy Adam and her mommy Vikki).

Katie's safe options will include Dominic (his mommy is not a biological Abbott); Miles Fisher (Chloe and Kevin's son); Charlie Ashby (Lily and Cane's son); and Moses Winters (Neil's son with Sofia Dupre).

ETA: oops, Dom's mommy is a biological Newman. Katie and Dominic are cousins via her mommy Victoria and his mommy Abby so they likely can't legally marry either.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
ow my head now
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A Brief Recap - Claire Claire Claire Claire Claire

Ah, it’s the summer of Claire.

Hey, show, never ever make my ass sit through a precocious child and his beloved nanny reciting Miss Mary Mack again. I wish Summer had turned a hose on them.

Kyle struts into Newman Enterprises and Victor acts like some filthy peasant has stumbled upon his throne room to beg for bread crusts. Nah, Kyle just wants to know why the mustache warned Claire to stay away from him. Instead of going with a succinct “because you’re an asshole with stupid hair”, Victor extols the virtues of Claire like he’s filming an infomercial for a ShamWow! After explaining that his granddaughter is machine washable, Victor ominously tells Kyle that no one really knows Victor Newman. See, it’s funny because Victor is a transparent, vengeance fueled narcissist who will always do the worst thing that everyone sees coming from a light year away.

Summer’s buying her own house! Kyle isn’t going to one up her with his domestic living arrangements. Harrison is excited, because he hasn’t yet realized his parents are a couple of dicks. Kyle comes home and they fight about it, obnoxiously interpreting every statement the other makes as an insult.

Johnny and Katie and Victoria chat about eclairs at Crimson Lights. Katie is not having it with all the Claire bullshit, and she’s not all that fond of Cole either. What? You’d think she’d appreciate his normal, proportionate nostrils at the very least. Cole wanders in and excuses every rude thing out of Katie’s mouth. Billy, lurking in the background like an aardvark waiting to pounce, rolls up on the table ready to parent the hell out of his kid, but… dun dun dun. There’s Claire, ready to dazzle Katie with her innate awesomeness. Claire privately asks how to shake their helicopter mother, Katie describes someone who is supposed to be Victoria and then asks about the crazy aunt. Claire’s tragic tale works its magic and Katie is now spellbound. Sure.

Sharon is deep in her feels about Cassie and quite possibly her stash of mary jane. Mariah and Tessa insist Nick come with them to Sharon’s to observe her mental state, because Nick’s insights mean fuck all to anyone. Sharon has a really smol kitchen for a rich person. She is obviously grieving, hearing Cassie’s voice and dreaming about her, but let’s make this shit more complicated because Josh Griffith’s blah blah about psychological conditions are so fucking deep, man.

Cole treats the now harmonious, blended family to supper at Society. Billy bows out, because he knows a dull time when he sees one. He heads for the club, where Victor offers to buy him a drink and calls him Billy boy. Why Billy doesn’t dropkick him off his barstool, I have no idea. Victor warmly thanks him for supporting Chelsea and Connor and then proceeds to fuck with him about Chancellor and a looming Abbott family war. The man of mystery plays his cards close to his vest, amirite?


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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Harrison is excited, because he hasn’t yet realized his parents are a couple of dicks.

This tangent popped into my head - which sorta hurts, by the way - about Harrison's strange fixation on decorating bedrooms.  He's so excited about decorating the one at Kyle's future house and now the one at Summer's future house, none of which we'll ever see anyway.  I'm expecting that next, he'll ask Grampa Jack and his Dee Dee (you know Diane throws up in her mouth everytime she hears that little bit of schmoopiness tossed in her direction) if he can have a water slide installed in his current bedroom that leads directly to Mrs. Martinez's vat of cookie dough.

I think Sally gave up on her decorating business way too soon.  Harrison could have kept her busy for the foreseeable future just decorating his bedrooms instead of deciding to adapt the


Lolliepop Guild outfits for daily civilian wear.

Just a thought.

  • LOL 14
12 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Hey, show, never ever make my ass sit through a precocious child and his beloved nanny reciting Miss Mary Mack again. I wish Summer had turned a hose on them.


Out of curiosity I did a search for videos of people doing Miss Mary Mack and 99% of them were girls/women. Combine that with Harrison's shirt and I briefly wondered whether the show is establishing a certain characterization for him that they won't really be able to play out until he's SORASed to at least his late teens. If you're familiar with the adult character Greg Rikaart (Y&R's Kevin Fisher) portrays on DOOL--especially his wardrobe--you'll know what I mean.

I'd be impressed if Y&R is laying such a groundwork with Harrison because generally CBS is very conservative in that area, and Harrison is a member of one of the legacy families. I know we have Mariah and Tessa but IMO they're bisexual women who currently are in a same-sex relationship. Meanwhile, they're sort of teasing a flirtation between Tessa and Daniel.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I think I have seen Claire wear that brown one on the left. 

I am curious if we will see these new homes. Who are all the homeless people or at least those for whom we never see their home? 

Audra, Summer, Nate, Chelsea (is she still above Crimson Lights?), Michael/Lauren, Nick, Phyllis - I assume Chloe and Chance are at the Chancellor mansion though don't remember the last time we saw that set. 

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11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

It's pretty hilarious that Victor's remedy for Claire getting over her past with a maniacally controlling aunt is to be a maniacally controlling grandfather to her.

Well, no one's ever accused Victor of being self-aware. He's pretty much the definition of both deflection and projection. I think he may have met his match with Claire though. She has some serious skill at presenting herself in slightly different ways depending on who she's interacting with. Unless he's lying, Victor seems to be gullible to Claire too.

2 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Audra, Summer, Nate, Chelsea (is she still above Crimson Lights?), Michael/Lauren, Nick, Phyllis - I assume Chloe and Chance are at the Chancellor mansion though don't remember the last time we saw that set. 

Don't Audra, Summer, and Phyllis live at the GCAC? We've seen their rooms. Yeah, I think Chelsea does still live in the apartment over the coffeehouse though one wonders why she hasn't moved in with Billy. Speaking of whom, does anyone have any idea where Billy lives?

Chloe and Kevin have their own house and Esther lives with them. I'm not sure we've ever seen the set though. Chance moved out of the Chancellor mansion because he said Dominic needed to live there. 🙄 It's unclear though where Chance moved to because I don't think we've ever seen him at home.

Nate has a his condo in the same building with Lily and Daniel but it's been a while since we've seen that set too. He usually has his trysts at the GCAC now.

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13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Not to worry. Katie and Connor can't legally marry (in most places) because they're biological cousins via her mommy Victoria and his father Adam. She can't marry Johnny either since they share a father. Or Harrison since they're also biological cousins through their respective daddies, Billy and Kyle. Or Christian since they're also biological cousins via his biological daddy Adam and her mommy Vikki).

Katie's safe options will include Dominic (his mommy is not a biological Abbott); Miles Fisher (Chloe and Kevin's son); Charlie Ashby (Lily and Cane's son); and Moses Winters (Neil's son with Sofia Dupre).

ETA: oops, Dom's mommy is a biological Newman. Katie and Dominic are cousins via her mommy Victoria and his mommy Abby so they likely can't legally marry either.

Another option for Katie (although not 100% safe) could be crazy Stitch's crazy son crazy Max.  Then we could be treated to one more of those adorable "Hey, we were almost siblings!" teenage love stories.

Edited by Snaporaz
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17 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I know. How many warnings does she get to stop messing with her face?! I wonder if anyone in her life (family, manager) ever says anything to her or even someone from the show. I think actors have to get permission for hair changes and things like that? It is really distracting.

And I kind if have a soft spot for SC. I actually thought she was good during the Cassie death scenes. But her insistence on the botox and fillers is damaging her looks, performances, and career. (Was she a scientologist or just Michelle Stafford) 

OMG!@ She can't move ANYTHING on her face. Her nose looks ridiculous! Ugh. Not sure who is telling she looks great. Blech

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Why is Victoria wearing a cape? Is she vying with Summer for the Super Girl title? 

sharon, for the love of all that’s holy, PLEASE never wear your hair like that again! It was stringy but pouffy at the same time. I really wish SC would just leave her face alone at this point. She’s a beautiful woman but it’s getting really frightening to watch her. 

How did Victor get out of the GCAC without anyone seeing him leave? Did he turn into a bat and fly out? He was far too agreeable to Adam’s terms. Not sure what he has up his sleeve but I still don’t trust him.

we missed the last 15-20 minutes in NY because of the Menendez verdict. Is it worth watching on paramount plus tonight?

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Kyle should have quoted John Milton to his mom. “It’s better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”. 

Chelsea, doesn’t Adam already work for his father?  Adam/Chelsea, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead” 😉.  Chelsea, right now Adam is way more stable than you. 

Fly Kyle Fly. Fly away from the nest and gather your own worms for you and Harrison. You can’t live in the Abbott nest forever.Natey Nate Nate is say this with all undue respect. Even Kyle is a better man than you. Here a pompous there a pompous every where a pompous ass.  Yes Natey Nate Nate that means you. 

 Victoria can never say anything good about Adam but she will beg him to give up a body part to save Claire/Eve if need be.  

Preempted once again. 



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5 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

OMG!@ She can't move ANYTHING on her face. Her nose looks ridiculous! Ugh. Not sure who is telling she looks great. Blech

Her Magic Mirror


1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

we missed the last 15-20 minutes in NY because of the Menendez verdict. Is it worth watching on paramount plus tonight

Haven't seen it yet, but I bet we didn't {also in the metro area}

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On 7/15/2024 at 6:35 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

My head just exploded with this info.

That ain't nothin' compared to the consanguineous marriages in the Southern branch of my family - lots of first cousin, first cousin once removed, second cousin marriages - children from one family marrying children from another family, resulting in children who are double first cousins, although, fortunately, none of those double first cousins married each other.

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Audra and Nate were kind of nonchalant about their first sleepover. So much for the afterglow.

Uh oh, GC's Spectre of Gloom had his eye on Audra and Nate enjoying their après secksay times breakfast. Geez, Victor, can you not mind your own business ever?

Wait, I thought Kyle had moved out of the Abbott manse. Whatever, apparently his mommy woke up and chose violence. Again. Gah, Diane, take a chill pill or twelve.

Not sure why Victor felt obliged to put on his little charade of congratulating Audra about Glissade in front of Nate. Nate has no say in Audra's corporate affairs.

Lol, Jack basically told Kyle to feel free to get to steppin'. John Abbott would not be proud.

Hey Audra, Nate knows Victor way better than you do. Ease up on the smug and pay attention to what he's warning you about.

Apparently Nick's position is it's better to submit to a bully because they'll never stop. Especially if their name rhymes with Icktor Pewman. Poor Christian. AFAIC his daddy provides him a weak example.

Listen to Chelsea, Adam. You don't need to be getting in between your vengeful daddy and your friend Jack. But do give Jack a heads-up on what's coming.

Diane, you didn't have to stab your own son in the back. Shut up. You too, Jack. It's as if you can't stop drinking Diane's toxic bath water when it comes to Kyle.

TMW you watch your newest FWB give your previous FWB the nod. Zero shame in Ms. Audra's game, ha ha.

Sigh, Adam, have you met Victor before? If you expect him to comply with the terms you set for running NM, you're delusional. TGVN obeys no one!

And minutes later, Victor admitted Adam's only a placeholder at NM, at least until Victor decides Nikki is sober enough to run it again. This guy.

Seriously? Victoria, Nick, and Adam just stood there and let Victor yell at them like misbehaving children. They know they're being used as puppets so why are they going along with it? 😡

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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7 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Another option for Katie (although not 100% safe) could be crazy Stitch's crazy son crazy Max. 

Now that'd be quite a blast from the past. I'd be okay with Max coming back without Stitch when he and Katie are older.

6 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

Her nose looks ridiculous!

Yeah, I guess that nose is a current fad in Hollywood among women. I've noticed several actresses whose noses have noticeably changed to that narrowed, pointy, upturned look. Up close I bet you can see all the way up to their sinus cavities.

  • Like 4

Yeah, Diane, thanks for that fake show of guilt.  Didn't buy it for a second.  You didn't have to fire your idiot son.  And Jackie didn't have to stand by & let her fire their idiot son.  New flash to you 2 -- there are lots of family businesses run with idiot sons.  Lots.  You both will reap what you sow.  And Kyle will predictably make himself & you both look like the fools you all are.  Eh, whatevs.

Wow, you'd think Vic doesn't have a business empire to run, right?  He has time to play bad poker face with Audra (er, she has worse poker face btw) and plot vengeance schemes against JackAbbott & oversee crappy startup businesses in industries he has no experience in & doesn't compete with.  OK, then.

Morning after from Audra's & Nate's "amazing" night?  Ew.  2 cold-blooded snakes wriggling around together?  Blech, thankfully we didn't see much of it, cuz I woulda lost a meal or 2 watching that ickiness.

Nick being a wimp is about as surprising as Audra going back to her smuggy-smug-smug routine.  Both are tiresome & get on my nerves.

Who are you kidding with your bullshit, Adam?  You were never gonna turn the gig down & you have absolutely NO leverage over Vic.  Please, he's yet another GC snake who'll turn on anyone for his own benefit/survival.  Yech.

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 Sharon is running her company from Crimson Lights. Glissade has it's office in GCAC, with the conference room in The Park. Newman has one office, Victor's [ yagotthat ??]. After the "demerge" of Chance/ Winters there will need to be a partition built to divide Lily's office in half. Summer/Chelsea/Chloe/Sally don't even have a design space and are creating haute couture on linen napkins.  [Abby has an automatic upcharge on their lunch tabs. ] Kyle still hasn't found his office, is embarrassed and insists on following Audra to Paris so he can have a place to plug in his laptop. 


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