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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Call me crazy, but I can kinda see Traci with Tucker.  She’s the perfect foil for his dipshyt ways.  

Did anyone else here watch Amelia flashing her cootch when she was walking on stage to present an Emmy?  The slit on her dress was up to her waist and she couldn’t contain the fabric from flying open to reveal her cash and prizes.  

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On 6/7/2024 at 10:34 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Traci asked how Tuck knew Alan's address.  Good question that he never answered.  Clearly, it's Alan's home & not an office, so the address may not be easily avail.  Strange that an explanation was never provided by Tuck or sought from Traci.

That part didn't bother me at all. I think a man at Tucker's level probably knows people in high places who can find things out and get things done. It wasn't IMO particularly relevant to the moment how he found out where Alan lived. He found out, he was there, and Traci was simply was trying to deflect and stall.

18 hours ago, surfgirl said:

And I'm still mad about Show giving her heart to that piece of shit Grampire.

Yep. I am mad about that forever since Victor decidedly lacks the grace to appreciate the gift. It seems like having a small bit of Abbott DNA in him overrides everything else. I think every time Victor says or does anything negative to an Abbott, they should point at his heart and tell him to STFU or they'll repossess it.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On 6/6/2024 at 10:41 PM, boes said:

Random bits from today's dwama.....

So Martin/Alan hustles Traci off to make coffee.  How the hell does she know where the kitchen is, much less where the crap she needs to make said coffee even is?  Hopefully she's scrounging for his crepe pan so she can come back and boing him on the head with it.

Alan/Martin is supposed to be some great therapist, then I have to ask why does he have his books arranged by colors?  Does he take his decorating advice from the Kardashians?

This story is about Ashley's mental health or her lack of it, but why is nobody concerned that Traci has gone from a concerned sister to a character on Saturday Night Live?


Talk among yourselves.

Considering the authenticity of this trip to Paris, I expect the next character to show up at Alan/Martin's will be 


Pepe Le Pew.

I am on the edge of mon siège.

I love the part of my day to see both you and Ninja’s reactions to the show.

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Hi everyone. I wasn’t sure if I was going to share this but since the story is really bothering me, I decided to share I have OCD. I never heard of a residential OCD treatment with OCD but I was diagnosed 30 years ago, maybe it’s a new thing. But based on what I have heard about these places , it’s more for patients who OCD is resistant to treatment. Connor was just diagnosed and it’s likely he could find a very great therapist who specializes in OCD closer to home and he could stay with his parents. If it’s because of budget constraints and they can’t afford to pay the young actor full time, then they must not have their priorities straight. To do justice to a PSA story , they should put all their resources into making it the best they can. I would think for a story like this they could make a case to get more money to put into it. 

Furthermore, we know Chelsea has been seeing a therapist, so I don’t get why her own therapist isn’t advising her how to cope with the situation. We shouldn’t see Chelsea crying all over GC, we should see her call her therapist. Maybe they think it’s not as exciting, but I’ll take it over the crying. And you’d think Adam has a therapist and would do the same. 

It’s no wonder Connor is acting the way he is, because he’s scared and wants to be with his parents and feels alone. 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share.

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I’m glad we finally got some answers on the Ashley storyline. I actually thought at first maybe Alan had dual personalities or at least was hiding some trauma he experienced. The twin twist was good, but with him not letting on he has a twin at any point to Ashley first led me to believe maybe he was Martin the whole time in GC and Paris until a few days ago. I can’t buy if they are such good friends, he’d not share that with Ashley. And the part with her having some childhood trauma that initially caused the DID, what? I haven’t watched when Ashley was younger, was this something that was thrown in? I’m sure it probably was, but is there anything they could use from her past to make a case for that? 

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3 minutes ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

Hi everyone. I wasn’t sure if I was going to share this but since the story is really bothering me, I decided to share I have OCD. I never heard of a residential OCD treatment with OCD but I was diagnosed 30 years ago, maybe it’s a new thing. But based on what I have heard about these places , it’s more for patients who OCD is resistant to treatment. Connor was just diagnosed and it’s likely he could find a very great therapist who specializes in OCD closer to home and he could stay with his parents. If it’s because of budget constraints and they can’t afford to pay the young actor full time, then they must not have their priorities straight. To do justice to a PSA story , they should put all their resources into making it the best they can. I would think for a story like this they could make a case to get more money to put into it. 

Furthermore, we know Chelsea has been seeing a therapist, so I don’t get why her own therapist isn’t advising her how to cope with the situation. We shouldn’t see Chelsea crying all over GC, we should see her call her therapist. Maybe they think it’s not as exciting, but I’ll take it over the crying. And you’d think Adam has a therapist and would do the same. 

It’s no wonder Connor is acting the way he is, because he’s scared and wants to be with his parents and feels alone. 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share.

Thank you very much for sharing this with us.  Your experience with this in your own life makes your perspective invaluable.  It must be jarring to see something you've lived with being portrayed the way Show has decided to do.

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Also one more thing, if they show that Connor was being brainwashed or manipulated at the treatment center I’m quitting the show. That being said, I explained why I think it’s not. 

On 6/7/2024 at 8:42 AM, Kemper said:

The only entertaining thing that has happened on this Soap for...how long?...is the reveal of Alan's twin. I don't mean the whole Ashley with different personalities. Yesterday I was actually engaged.  The entire hour was drawn out but I didn't mind.  As mentioned in above posts, the only wowser of true idiocy (compared to the usual idiocy) was Tracy going to make coffee in a house and kitchen she had never been in before. While her sister was being hypnotized. 

But going forward there is no way I want to watch continually recycled, stale or insulting plots.  Mostly...I want to see more of the cast involved in stories. And end Jordan. For good; no more coming back ala Sheila.  Same for Alan's twin. End the Chancellor/Winters never-ending saga.  Send Mamie back home.  And please start dialing Victor and his virility back. It is way overdue.

But the most egregious, ridiculous, insulting, unrealistic, depressing storyline right now is the Connor OCD.  I feel badly for anyone who has family (especially) or friends dealing with this. Who wants to see a plot of a child self-harming themselves.  I beg the powers-that-be to bring in a fresh writing staff. 

Sorry this has been way too long (I deleted two paragraphs) - but the rant has been coming for awhile.  I cannot not really do it as well as many on here.  But it has been bursting to come out. Like Chelsea's need to overshare. 

Yes the end to Jordan’s story was way overdue! And agree with many of your thoughts.

On 6/7/2024 at 10:01 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

When this Alan/Martin stuff is settled, I'm gonna need Traci to issue a gigantic mea culpa to Ashley, Abby, and Jack for failing them so hard. It was "I'm always right," mother hen Traci who enabled Ashley's psychological scavenger hunt in Paris instead of getting her treatment back in the US for her mental break. AFAIC Ashley should have been committed for medical help weeks ago and Traci knew it better than anyone.

Furthermore, I expect Jack to do some self-evaluation over the way he let his hatred of Tucker override his good sense. Tucker had more than an inkling something was seriously wrong with Ash but haughty Jack would automatically dismiss his concerns.

Also, when Abby finds out (yeah, sure) about this whole DID disaster she better chew out her aunt and uncle for not telling her what was going on with her mommy. Imagine if Alan/Martin kills or critically injures Ashley over in Paris and Abby barely has an idea who he even is. It is ridiculous.

I don't see Billy as a part of this storyline except for his having said Ashley should be left to make her own decisions about her life. I'm not giving him a pass; I'm declaring him a non-entity on this matter.

It really threw me for a loop when Traci let Ashley stay by herself with Malan. Isn’t she supposed to be the smart one? And I’m so annoyed they haven’t told Abby yet about her mother , only Tucker told her but of course she doesn’t believe him. It’s sad that Tucker was the only one who really knew what was going on. 

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6 minutes ago, boes said:

Thank you very much for sharing this with us.  Your experience with this in your own life makes your perspective invaluable.  It must be jarring to see something you've lived with being portrayed the way Show has decided to do.

Thank you for your kind thoughts as well. Yes honestly I FF most of it. Chelsea mostly and Adam partly need to get over themselves and put their child first. 

Joimiaroxeu said: 

Or who wants to see a plot of said child's parents making his dire illness all about themselves? Speaking of which, why was Chelsea wheeling her luggage all over town yesterday? She took it up to Adam's condo when she followed him in, and then she rolled it into Crimson Lights while she sat talking to Billy. Couldn't she have left it in her car until she actually went home?

Yes, this is what I was saying in my post here. 

Edited by realitytvfan1017
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On 6/7/2024 at 6:31 PM, babyhouseman said:

I was thinking Victor might send Jordan after Jack. Hopefully she stays in jail.

Soaps used to have a mix of rich and middle class. The Fosters on Y and R. The Reardons and Coopers on Guiding Light. The Snyders on As the World Turns. 

Oh gosh, I hope not, perish the thought.

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My feelings about actors and actresses like Josh and Michelle, is not that they are bad, but they don’t have range. They are perfectly good comedic actors in my opinion but can’t sell drama at all. Think of actors like Tom Hanks, Robert DeNiro and RIP Robin Williams who can do both pretty well, they have range . There are soap examples too, but I can’t think of their names right now. 

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5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I’m very happy that CH won a Daytime  Emmy for best supporting actress but I think that MTS should have won the Daytime Emmy for best actress over MS. 

MTS got an award but for a lifetime achievement. She wasn’t nominated this year, likely next year. Agreed about CH. so happy for her.

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My comments about the awards:

I was pleasantly surprised to see TEB fully clothed lol!

MSt has god awful posture and clearly needs a bra. Or at least something to hold up the girls. I guess she didn’t learn from last time when she wore tape and a sheer dress so you could see the tape. 🙄

Happy for CH. The scenes she submitted were great and really showed off her ability. Equally thrilled that MCE did NOT win for Chelsea’s constant crying.

loved everything about MTS. Her dress, makeup, hair, jewelry. Beautiful. And so gracious. Loved her remark about how hard it is to make her 68-year old self camera ready 🤣. While I’m not sure I believe that it’s really THAT hard, it was still a nice self-deprecating comment. She seems like a lovely woman IRL and obviously loves her family.

I don’t watch B&B but I’m glad they won for costume. From the promos I’ve seen, their women are by far the best dressed of all the remaining soaps. Maybe if Y&R wardrobe paid some more attention to their sister show, they could find a winning formula. Anything is better than what the women of GC wear!

Clearly AH can’t even find a stylist IRL. Was unbrushed mop the best she could do  for an awards show?

didn’t see the rest of the cast, so can’t comment on their attire.

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14 hours ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

And the part with her having some childhood trauma that initially caused the DID, what?

His insistence that a buried childhood trauma is what's causing Ashley's DID and that she must sign herself in to a clinic outside Paris that he is associated with for treatment makes me wonder if identical twins Alan and Martin might have been involved in a shared psychosis (folie à deux), with Martin as the dominant twin and Alan as the passive one, and that Ashley's following a psychologically damaged Alan's plan isn't going to end in disaster.

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3 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Ashley's following a psychologically damaged Alan's plan isn't going to end in disaster.

It just occurred to me that a constant thread through this storyline has been first Martin, and now Alan, winning Ashley's trust so that she will follow along with whatever treatment either one has planned.

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Going by Josh Griffith's behavior with other storylines, Ashley's story is over for the present time.  He doesn't write intricately connected, or even detailed, storylines.  Flash, Bang, Poof, and it's all over.  This one is finished, at least for now.  Any surprises to come won't happen for a long while.  

Right now we're on to the C/W nonsense and Victor's plan to run Jack down with his automated wheelchair in the checkout lines at Costco.

Edited by boes
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9 hours ago, Js Nana said:

His insistence that a buried childhood trauma is what's causing Ashley's DID and that she must sign herself in to a clinic outside Paris that he is associated with for treatment makes me wonder if identical twins Alan and Martin might have been involved in a shared psychosis (folie à deux), with Martin as the dominant twin and Alan as the passive one, and that Ashley's following a psychologically damaged Alan's plan isn't going to end in disaster.

I hope they don’t go that route but it’s certainly possible.

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Hey guys! Now that the nice weather is here I was just wondering if they have brought back the rooftop bar. I really enjoyed that set and the vibe from it. I think the cast did too! 
Seems that General Hospital has kept up with their rooftop pool and bar so I was hoping Y&R might bring it back, despite the dreaded budget cuts. 

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Why the hell were Cole and Michael groveling for Grampire’s forgiveness???? And for such a smart attorney, Michael sure is stupid. How did he not reach the conclusion as soon as Victor told him to renew his friendship with Diane that Victor is going after Jack again?

ihad to laugh at both of them standing in the living room staring at the chair of virility/Victor’s throne, waiting for his royal vampireness to grace them with his appearance. 

Meanwhile back in gay Paree, Ashley is dressed like a nun. Is that yet another alter? And is is just me or was that a Chem test between Traci and Alan? Not sure what I think about them as a potential couple. 

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Why the hell were Cole and Michael groveling for Grampire’s forgiveness???? And for such a smart attorney, Michael sure is stupid.

I couldn't figure how Viktor was trying to blackmail/coerce them.*  They could lead the police to the newly erected wall and spill the tea.  They might get charged as accessories, but Viktor will be outed.  How are these two that dumb and Viktor that assured that he rules everything?

*(I know, Michael is worried about being disbarred and Cole will lose Viboria's trust and Claire will realize the apple don't fall far from the tree.)

Also, what is Viktor's damage?  He really has to get Jaggabbot?  For what?  Helping his wife whilst he was taunting Jordan with Wodka and brussel sprouts? Are we being set up for a PSA on dementia?  Spare us, please.

Edited by MollyB
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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

And is is just me or was that a Chem test between Traci and Alan?

So, either I'm wrong and Alan is a sweet, innocent man who has developed a yen for Traci, or I'm right, and love bombing Traci is part of his demented plan to abduct Ashley and use her as a test subject in false memory implantation experiments - - so  remember kids, if you ever suffer from DID and you're seeing a therapist who is trying to gently persuade you to sign yourself into this clinic outside of Paris (France) that he is associated with, you will be doing yourself a favor by checking the place out before agreeing to go there.

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18 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Again, in today's episode, Victor is shuffling along, but on the daytime emmy's telecast, EB strode, at least as much as any 83-year-old could, across the stage, which made me wonder if he'd had some kind of rejuvenation treatment.

He made sure to get his pint of blood before the ceremony 🤣

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Tucker's assistant seems to be having an identity crisis. Last week the CC said her name was Hayley but today it said Dawn.

Audra spreading gossip about Tucker to keep him from having Glissade. Meh, mean girl ish.

In the middle of Society, Victor yelling about the crimes Michael and Cole kept him from being arrested for. Like no one else in the vicinity could hear him.

Traci, climb off Tucker's a$$. You now know he's no danger to Ashley. (Though he might be in trouble if Ms. Abbott reappears.)

The CC had Victor refering to Michael as his former conciliary instead of consigliere. What the what? Apparently it's not using the script to create the captions.

Aw, Tucker was grinning like fool when Ashley sat down with him in his room. <squee>

Ashley: Tucker, your suspicions were correct. It seems I have dissociative identity disorder.
Tucker: oh yeah, I know what that is. In another life my older sister in Pennsylvania had it. Man, she was a handful of clutched pearls.
Ashley: okay, Tucker, I better go. You're hallucinating.

Traci gave Alan quite a tongue bath while simultaneously trashing Tucker again. Yeesh, how much do I hope Alan is actually Martin? THIS MUCH!!!!

Well, that was a beautiful goodbye moment between Ashley and Tucker. But then Audra had to swoop in and destroy the mood. Merde!

Ashley was sincerely gracious to Audra and all Audra could do was show her stank face. FOH, Audra.

Lawdamercy, look at Traci getting her flirt on with Alan. Hey, Trace, maybe the reason you're so antsy is the gallons of coffee you've practically been mainlining.

Audra. Wait until you realize how wrong you are about Tucker & Ashley. Your face will be so cracked you'll need an industrial vac to pick up the pieces from the floor.

Cole and Michael weaponized by Victor against Jack. Yawn.

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9 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

false memory implantation experiments

But then, I also was sure that Lost (US science-fiction adventure drama series, created by JJ Abrams, shown on ABC, 2004-2010) would turn out to be a case of false memory implantation experiments being conducted by the Dharma Initiative (DHARMA: Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications), only to be hugely disappointed by the they're all dead and the island was the clearing house for the destination of their souls ending - - I found the show to be somewhat reminiscent of the 1944 film Between Two Worlds, in which passengers on an ocean liner can't recall how they got on board or where they are going, only to find when they arrive at their destination that they are all dead and will be assigned to Heaven, or to Hell, based on their past life.


20 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

He made sure to get his pint of blood before the ceremony

No wonder he looked younger than he does on the show!

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On 6/9/2024 at 11:05 AM, realitytvfan1017 said:

why was Chelsea wheeling her luggage all over town yesterday?

It's training for her for when she becomes a bag lady, but she'll be the rolling-suitcase lady of Genoa City, and the Newmans and the Abbotts will cross over to the other side of the street whenever they see her coming.

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28 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

In the middle of Society, Victor yelling about the crimes Michael and Cole kept him from being arrested for. Like no one else in the vicinity could hear him.

When you're Victor the Great, Emperor of the entire Universe, including Uranus, you are beyond the reach of Earthly justice.

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On 6/9/2024 at 7:58 AM, realitytvfan1017 said:

the part with her having some childhood trauma that initially caused the DID, what? I haven’t watched when Ashley was younger, was this something that was thrown in? I’m sure it probably was, but is there anything they could use from her past to make a case for that? 

Overall, Ashley had a good upbringing with her siblings Jack and Traci. John Abbott was a doting dad to Ashley and he adoringly called her "my beauty." John was not Ashley's biological father but he never knew. (Ashley did know though.) He absolutely was not a man who would've done something horrific to either of his daughters. If Ashley's childhood trauma turms out to be the result of something John did to her, there will likely be a huge outcry from longtime Y&R fans.

Meanwhile, Ashley's mother Dina cheated on John Abbott because she was bored with being a high society wife. She eventually abandoned her marriage and children, and moved to Paris to be with one of her lovers. I think there's enough empty space in Dina's backstory to include a boyfriend who was secretly assaulting Ashley.

But there's no predicting what kind of garbage JG would come up with.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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34 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Victor is up to his old tricks but I can’t give 💩

This. I am 100% over that character. It’s been 40+ years. Can we please move on from him? 
This stupid feud practically feels like early dementia. Which would be good news because it would mean maybe they could ship him off to a home someplace 

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3 hours ago, lgprimes said:

This. I am 100% over that character. It’s been 40+ years. Can we please move on from him? 
This stupid feud practically feels like early dementia. Which would be good news because it would mean maybe they could ship him off to a home someplace 

Very well said.

The Jack Abbott/Count Chocula feud reboot is groan-inducing.  The only thing worse is Show trying to convince anyone that Victor is owed the kind of fealty he demands. With the nonsense he's trying to pull with Michael and Cole he should be standing in the cafeteria line with Ashley at that clinic, not dicating their "redemption" from his potty chair in living room at the Ranch .  Michael should join him there if he gives in to him.  Cole seems less inclined to go along and it would be wildly out of character for him to do anything that would harm Kyle or anyone to further Victor's vengeance game.

Who the hell does that old fart think he is, telling Cole he can't see 50ish Victoria or his own daughter?  I'm hoping that Lauren finally puts her foot down with Michael about working for Victor.  Bad enough we've seen her put her own job aside to help Nikki - they were never that close that I remember, anyway.

In any case, I'd rather watch Billy Abbott trimming his nose hair than watch another Victor get's revenge storyline.

Eileen Davidson was really good today, I think.  The way she played the "real"Ashley made the difference between her and the alters very clear.

I generally love Traci but lately, not so much.  Maybe she'll get an actual storyline with Alan, and maybe, just maybe, it'll be rootable and about Traci getting to be a real person again, with real needs instead of everyone's cheerleading mother substitute.  What am I thinking??  The likelihood of such a storyline with JG writing the show is minimal to non-existent.

Another reason I resent Show killing off Colleen.  I think Traci's character would be more well-rounded than what she's been reduced to.

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25 minutes ago, boes said:

I generally love Traci but lately, not so much.  Maybe she'll get an actual storyline with Alan, and maybe, just maybe, it'll be rootable and about Traci getting to be a real person again, with real needs instead of everyone's cheerleading mother substitute.  Waht am I thinking??  The likelihood of such a storyline with JG writing the show is minimal to non-existent.

Another reason I resent Show killing off Colleen.  I think Traci's character would be more well-rounded than what she's been reduced to.

Yeah, I think any storyline involving Traci and Alan will result in Traci moving to Paris, never to be seen again.  I haven't heard any mention of her intending to visit Theo or Allie while she's there...

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Um, so why does Vic have to repeatedly say in that croaky whisper, "MichaelBaldwin", and not just call him Michael?  Supposed to be for dramatic effect?  Eh, everything about this character is tired & dull -- like endlessly repeating the betrayal crap & now raising up yet another feud with JackAbbott?  Oh c;mon, show, zzzzzzzzzz.

Color me shocked -- Audra not in a tighty-tight dress!  What the what?

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The stupidest thing about the Victor going after Jack reboot is the reason. Because Jack tried to help his friend stay off alcohol? Oh noes!!! It’s not like they were having an affair or planning anything nefarious together. Yes, they have had a long complicated relationship but geez Victor, for some ridiculous reason Nikki ALWAYS returns to you. So sit down, shut up and play your Candy Crush.

And Audra dredging up the "scandal" of Tucker's? Wasn't it already released to the news by Jack & Billy? Does she think US business news doesn't make it to Europe? They probably know of it and don't care.

Edited by pvandal
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The only thing worse is Show trying to convince anyone that Victor is owed the kind of fealty he demands.

It puzzles me what Viktor is threatening them with.  I already pointed out that if he reveals their part in the Jordan Debacle, then he's outed, too.  Usually a king/master of the world/mafia don does something nasty to the family of whomever he's coercing, but in this case that would be his family.  So what is he holding over them?

And...in a time (it's the 21st century, ya know) when everyone has a cell phone with a camera, why, oh, why didn't Cole or Michael or both take pictures of the dungeon, Jordan and/or record her and the wall building?  At least Michael should know enough about leverage to do that.

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Well it appears Victors latest plan to reshuffle the deck chairs at NE is going swimmingly well…NOT! even his wife is against him on this. I did have to laugh at Nick’s ‘who me? I know nothing. Nothing to see here, you’re on her own’ look until he finally decided to just agree with mom. Maybe he isn’t that dumb after all? 

but seriously, Victoria, how do you really feel? You’re 50 years old or damn close to it. Isn’t it time to stop acting like a petulant child when it comes to Adam? No one’s asking you to like him. But if your father insists that you all work together, just do it! And that doesn’t mean making Adam’s life a living hell so he’ll leave. Some example she’s setting for her children who she claims ALWAYS come first. 🙄

Glad Michael came at least partially clean to Lauren. He’s gonna need an ally other than Cole.

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Not a fan of Nikki's outfit today. I didn't think the print and color flattered her at all.

What was going on with Nick's hair? It looked to me like he'd swum through an oil slick.

Poor widdle Victoria. Victor has turned her into a zero-sum nepo baby where any recognition Adams gets from Daddy is in her mind a loss for her. Oh noes.

Victor's top three scions were rightfully unimpressed with his latest corporate chess moves. So of course his response was to blow up at their ingratitude. Everybody stand back! TGVN big mad.

Nikki wants to put Victoria in charge Newman Media? Seems like that would be a downgrade for Princess Vikki. Gee, if only Nikki and Victor dared to share their ideas with each other. 🙄

TMW you ask your baby mama to go on a date and she looks at you like she just swallowed her tongue.

Wait, Nikki thinks Victor is using his kids to punish her? OMG, for her sake I hope not. That would be too pitiful even for Victor.

But dang, Nikki, climb off Adam's a$$. I recommend you and Traci form a support group for Women With Pointless Grudges Against Men They Can't Control.

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