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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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18 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Today's show was a continuation of Friday's show, and tomorrow's show will be a continuation of today's show - one day taking as long as a week to play out is how it works

I understand that, sure. But she first brought up this non-existent meeting back in Genoa City! So they’ve had time for an international flight, change of clothes, and apparently five bar visits..

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Darn. Summer's head didn't explode when Kyle told her Jordan was alive. But her mouth sure did, all over Claire, ha ha.

Alan FINALLY revealed he had a brother who was masquerading as him. And all I could think was that it was now time for the Abbott women to cuss him out. WTAF, Alan?

Hey, it's Chance. Did he just wake up from a nap, lol? He seemed a bit low-energy.

"Have you ever seen her so happy?" Um, Cole, you and Vikki have only been around Claire for a few weeks--at least as her parents. There haven't been many opportunities for you to measure her happiness. Shut up.

OMG, Victoria is trying to choose Claire's friends, like Claire is a little child. AFAIC Vik has some nerve ragging on Kyle's romantic past when her own is the model of messiness.

Alan said his twin brother Martin is a sociopath. Alrighty then. All the more reason Alan should've already told Ashley and Traci about him. WT whole AF, Alan?

Kyle! How does someone who spent a couple of decades being groomed by an evil psycho get pronounced "cured" after a month in a psychiatric hospital? You're stupid and you better pray Harrison doesn't end up paying for it.

Claire works her new mommy like a pro. Or so she thinks. Bet Victoria will go to Kyle and tell him not to get involved with Claire.

Quite the exposition dump from Alan today regarding his brother. But so far we've only heard his side of the story. Convenient.

Love how deftly Claire shifts conversations with Victoria from herself to a potential rekindled romance between Vikki and Cole. Funny how Victoria hasn't picked up on it.

Oh FFS. Victor is always looking for a way to turn people into enemies. How is he utterly ungrateful for being kept out of prison by Cole (and Michael)? This effing guy.

I think Chance hit the nail on the head. Summer is indeed jealous of Claire despite her protests to the contrary. Good work, ex-detective.

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20 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

t hello, writers, it is 2024, when most homes don't have landlines & even if they do, Ashley more than likely would be calling Alan on his cell.

She did call Alan on his cell, but as Alan explained, he accidentally left his cell phone behind when he left for Florence, and that's how his psycho twin got to answer Ashley's call.

19 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Maybe Alan thinks his brother is dead?

That's not how he talks about him - no "My brother was a psycho" comments.

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30 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

She did call Alan on his cell, but as Alan explained, he accidentally left his cell phone behind when he left for Florence, and that's how his psycho twin got to answer Ashley's call.

Did he use FaceID instead of a password or no security whatsoever on his phone? Not a good idea when you have a psycho twin with the same face who has access to your home and an unsavory interest in your patients.

53 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think Chance hit the nail on the head. Summer is indeed jealous of Claire despite her protests to the contrary. Good work, ex-detective.

Just when we thought he was gone for good, Chance shows up at Chancellor Park.  Does Dummer live at the Abbott mansion so that she can brush Harrison's teeth before bed and leave for work with Kyle in the mornings?

Edited by Denize
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That’s a great Laura Ingalls impression Victoria. 


Summer❄️x7 is back. Doesn’t that dolt Summer❄️7 realize that Victor insisted  on breaking the news himself so he could answer any questions his granddaughter will have.  If Summer❄️x7 keeps this shit up, she will earn another ❄️. Did Summer❄️x7 forget how many times she lied to Kyle about her mother being alive?  Summer❄️x7 thinks that not telling her about Auntie Jordan was a game changer for Claire/Eve being Harrison’s nanny?  Summer❄️x7 your lying was a game changer because it led to your divorce. Summer❄️x7 it’s not even remotely your decision. You don’t have a leg to stand on. Please please bring Tara back and put this idiot out to pasture. 


To make a short story long, the monkeys with a keyboard come out with Alan having a twin brother.  Alan makes Ashley sound even more unbalanced before he hits them with the 411. 


So Summer❄️x7 runs to Chance for validation of her paranoia about Claire/Eve. Even with Chance assuring Summer❄️x7 about the prison is being held in, Summer❄️x7 is still skeptical.  Chance you are a dumb as Summer❄️x7. Nobody’s peace of mind is more important than Harrison’s peace of mind.  Summer❄️x7 is turning green in the GC sun. 


Mariah/Tessa please stop being so judgmental.  Both of you have overcome your past and even got to adopt Aria. 


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2 hours ago, Js Nana said:

She did call Alan on his cell, but as Alan explained, he accidentally left his cell phone behind when he left for Florence, and that's how his psycho twin got to answer Ashley's call.

Well, that came today, but to me, it's still a plot hole cuz it's a really lame explanation -- leaving me extremely annoyed with the writers.  Who leaves home without their cell & wouldn't go back for it?  Nobody, that's who.  And who would NOT have either facial recognition and/or a pass-code on their cell now?  Nobody, that's who.  So it's a dumb explanation for the brother getting on his phone & being able to speak with & recognize Ashley.

Oh Vic, again with this betrayal bullshit, when you should be thanking Cole?  What's next, Vic, screaming "get off my lawn" to apparently anybody or nobody?  How long did he think he could imprison Jordie, when he's all hunched over & looks like he can't take more than 3 steps without sitting down or falling? 

Besides, Cole could say to him -- hey old man, how's about I tell Nikki, Nick & Vicky that you were hiding and imprisoning Jordie for the last month & getting some perverse enjoyment from humiliating her?  How'd ya like that, you fucking old fool?

Actually, just had a thought -- wonder if Alan's brother could get past facial recognition on his phone cuz he's a twin?  I know, I'm making an excuse (but still a possible one) for the dumb script that I bet the writers never even thought of . . . 

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
New thought to add.
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Nice to see beautiful Chance again.  What's it been -- 3 months since he was last on?  I kinda forgot that he has the personality & charisma of a turnip . . . and just about the same acting ability.  But he is nice to look at.  Even as shitty an actress as Allison Lanier is, I give her credit for being able to act against CF cuz he gives nothing but an open-mouth hang-dog look -- and that's just about all he's capable of.

Yeah, Mariah certainly is Ms.Judgey McJudgerson & I don't where she gets off making such judgements.  She's not a relative.  Is she such a close friend?  Kyle was seeming defensive & annoyed.  If it was me, I'd have told to her MYOB & walk away.  BUT she was right about everything she said on Claire.  OK, Summer admitted her jealousy of Claire, BUT she's still absolutely dead-on right to be suspicious of her.   I'm not convinced by Claire's sweetie-pie act . . .

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

"Have you ever seen her so happy?" Um, Cole, you and Vikki have only been around Claire for a few weeks--at least as her parents. There haven't been many opportunities for you to measure her happiness.

I guess Cole forgot how absolutely gleeful she was when they all first arrived at Auntie Jordan's home and she gave them the poisoned water.  

For Claire, happiness is indeed more than a warm puppy.

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Not a fan of Victoria's Heidi braids. I don't think they make her look younger or more motherly, assuming that's what she was aiming for.

Too bad Ashley isn't the type who puts their every move on social media. Because then she would've had documented proof that she'd been with notAlan and wouldn't've had to convince people she didn't simply imagine it.

I don't know about Mariah's dress today. Too Junior League meets Ladies Who Lunch IMO.

JG missed an opportunity to use another mental illness acronym: APD, aka Antisocial Personality Disorder. Surely he knows the word "sociopath" has been commonly overused and misused in much the same way "gaslighting" has.

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Who leaves home without their cell & wouldn't go back for it?

I'm guessing that when Alan was young, telephonic communication involved the use of land lines - by the way, we didn't call them land lines back then, we just called them telephones and there was this monolithic entity called The Telephone Company that ruled over all such communication - and us old pre-electronic communications buzzards can sometimes walk out the door without our cell phones and not realize we forgot them until we reach our destination - - sometimes, Scoobs, when I look around and don't see any public pay phones anywhere, I feel sad inside.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Victoria's Heidi braids

It's the hippy in her.

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4 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Nope. Never. And if I do, I turn around and go back for it! I don’t know a single phone number by heart anymore so I’m totally lost without my cellphone 🤣

Yeah, I lost my phone last year by leaving it in a cab & only realizing it when I got out & the cab sped away.  Tracking it down led nowhere & I never got it back, but I was able to quickly transfer my info to another phone I had, so it was scary, but not as bad as it could have been.  In those hours of not having my phone, it felt like losing an arm -- and I'm not being dramatic.  It was awful!

My point?  This is not about age, altho I'm younger than Alan.  This is about how dependent we are on our phones now.  So I still think it's a big plot hole that Alan could have left on a trip without his phone & just merrily gone on his way.  I don't believe that would ever happen.  But moving on . . .

It is interesting how Mariah picked up on the Kyle-digging-Claire vibe.  Er, so when is the Kyle-Claire wedding gonna be?

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11 hours ago, Waldo13 said:


Summer❄️x7 is back. Doesn’t that dolt Summer❄️7 realize that Victor insisted  on breaking the news himself so he could answer any questions his granddaughter will have.  If Summer❄️x7 keeps this shit up, she will earn another ❄️. Did Summer❄️x7 forget how many times she lied to Kyle about her mother being alive?  Summer❄️x7 thinks that not telling her about Auntie Jordan was a game changer for Claire/Eve being Harrison’s nanny?  Summer❄️x7 your lying was a game changer because it led to your divorce. Summer❄️x7 it’s not even remotely your decision. You don’t have a leg to stand on. Please please bring Tara back and put this idiot out to pasture. 


I wish Kyle would find his balls and when Summer said you don't get to decide by yourself he would come back with "yeah, yeah, I do, honey, because you have no legal claim to him." 

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8 hours ago, Js Nana said:

I'm guessing that when Alan was young, telephonic communication involved the use of land lines - by the way, we didn't call them land lines back then, we just called them telephones and there was this monolithic entity called The Telephone Company that ruled over all such communication - and us old pre-electronic communications buzzards can sometimes walk out the door without our cell phones and not realize we forgot them until we reach our destination - - sometimes, Scoobs, when I look around and don't see any public pay phones anywhere, I feel sad inside.

It's the hippy in her.

I am about as old as Alan and no way would I leave home for travel, esp, and not have my phone. That is how I would access all my travel reservations, for one thing. Occasionally I will go off and leave it and I notice it on the way to work with no time to turn around but it would be highly unlikely I would leave for the airport or train station and not be certain I had my phone. It could be possible someone stole it at the last minute and I was forced to leave without it - no time to look for the phone that was inexplicably "lost" but then found again upon my arrival home.

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5 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

but it would be highly unlikely I would leave for the airport or train station and not be certain I had my phone.

Amen.  I'm older than Alan and I wouldn't leave home without it. 

Something is fishy with Alan. The whole "I'm not practicing, I'm lecturing/retired" story seemed a little off and Assley refers to him as a friend more than a therapist.  Does she (and we) actually know if he's a therapist or is that just what he told her?  I'm in agreement with Surfgirl that there is no other brother and Alan is a raging ADP bent on destroying Assley.

Edited by MollyB
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32 minutes ago, MollyB said:

I'm in agreement with Surfgirl that there is no other brother and Alan is a raging ADP bent on destroying Assley.

I mean, I hate to even say this but it would make this whole story line a titch more interesting, wouldn't it? But it also begs the question, how does Ash know Alan in the first place? Did she meet him as her therapist first? Because then becoming close friends is weird, right? So it would seem she knew him as a friend and maybe as a friend he counseled her from time to time. I don't know, anything would make this more interesting than watching Traci, whom I used to love, walk around in circles gesticulating about whether or not Ash has a problem at all.

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On 5/27/2024 at 5:39 PM, babyhouseman said:




@MollyB--you have no idea how my hands hurt from sitting on them..............














You don't know how difficult it is  sitting on my hands...............






Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Mind your own business, Devon. It does not include Nate's friendship with Audra.

Mamie's back. Kill. Me. Now.

What in the Diane von Furstenberg's little house on the prairie did Chelsea have on? No wonder Connor didn't want to see her. Her outfit would wreck his eyeballs.

I see you, Billy. You're using Jill's illness to try to pacify Lily.

She's demanding another family meeting even though they've made it clear they don't have time for her troublemaking nonsense. Self-centered much, Auntie M?

There it is again, Billy's wanting to add "Abbott" to the C-W company name. Nah, William, doing that won't cure Jill or honor her. Jill is only an Abbott by former marriage and this whole name-change thing is YOUR ego trip.

Mamie, you ARE a silent investor! Don't act like you'd be doing everyone a favor if you just shut up about C-W. As if anyway.

Wow, Devon went in, telling Mamie she should sell her C-W shares back to the company. Wonder if he had run that idea by Lily first? It didn't look like Nate knew.

Hah, hah, Billy. Unfortunately for you, Lily wasn't born yesterday. She sees right through your little ploys.

Lily. Why are you letting Billy drive a wedge between you and your brother? You better tell Devon what Billy is trying to pull. It'll be bad if he finds out and realizes you were hiding it from him.

Connor hitting himself in the face is part of OCD. 🤔

Whee, Chelsea saw right through Billy's b.s. too! At the rate he's going, half of GC will know about Jill's medical problems by tomorrow. I'm thinking Jill wasn't wise to place her confidence in her d-bag son.

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Billy can suck dicks in hell because he’s using Jill’s “heart ailment” for justification to add Abbott to CW. Jill hasn’t been an “Abbott” for 25 years. Her most recent last name was Atkinson and Sterling in between. How did Jill get to use Abbott as her last name?  Besides it was Katherine Chancellor who built the company and Katherine didn’t even leave the company to Jill. Jill had to buy it from Victor. Jill’s legacy my ass. 

I’m sorry to say this but continuing with Connor’s OCD is getting off putting. I’m sorry that Connor has OCD but do the monkeys with a keyboard have to make it worse. Can’t they just put Connor on the road to being able to handle his OCD.  The monkeys with a keyboard cleated up Harrison’s trauma in a matter of weeks. They cleared up Aria’s deafness in a matter of weeks also. 

Now there is Jill’s unknown heart ailment that will probably drag on.  There is so many treatments for heart ailments, these days, that can leave a person to have a normal life. 

There is one positive thing I can say about Chelsea. Her breathless delivery, of her lines, enable her to sound more sympathetic to what she is encountering with Connor’s illness. 



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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What in the Diane von Furstenberg's little house on the prairie did Chelsea have on? No wonder Connor didn't want to see her. Her outfit would wreck his eyeballs.

Joimiaroxeu, your whole post is magnificent, but this little ditty of yours is a thing of hysterically funny beauty.

So, like the annual summer cold, Billiam Hinternbecs Abbott snivels his way back to town. Instead of antihistamines, Show gives us Auntie Mamie.  There ain't no cure for the summertime blues when it comes to these two. The inhabitants of Genoa City should flee while they can.

Interesting how people who are really really dumb AND really really full of themselves always think they're the smartest ones in the room, that they're able to pull the wool over everyone's eyes, that their plans are so clever, nobody else can see through them.  While of course, everyone can.  Billy and Mamie both, in their separate spheres are behaving the same way.

Billy, sadly intoning through his nasal flutes the sad news of his mother's possible decline, shoveled so much shit Lily's way roses should have been in full bloom in her office.  He wants to "memorialize" Jill's contribution to Chancellor/Winters by adding her name to the company.  He wants to do it to "honor" her family connection to the company by adding "Abbott".  Which incidentally, is his name too!  Just a coincidence, to hear him blather.  But Billy, my little herkenbecs, following that logic, Jill's family is already memorialized since not only was Jill a Chancellor at one time, she has another son who actually IS a Chancellor, and a grandson with the same name as well.  (Maybe a great grandson too but I'm not clear on what Dominic's last name is these days).  So, problem solved, right?   I like that Chelsea asked what the other Abbotts think and Billy brushed that away, mostly because he doesn't give a shit since in his mind, he's the only Abbott that matters. 

I suspect the other Abbotts, in their hearts, would prefer Billy drop Abbott as his last name rather than see him add it to C/W.

Lily wasn't buying what Billy was selling and pointed out that he was doing what he wanted, not what Jill wanted.  If he wasn't such a bonehead drowning in his own self-regard, he'd know he can't snow Lily, he hasn't ever been able to, at least not for long.

Aunt Mamie, shoveling equal amounts of fragrant manure towards Devon and Nate, tried to convince them that she just wanted family unity.  Her b.s. got called out and shoveled back faster than Nate could button and unbutton his coat.  Devon doesn't play well with others at the best of times, but when he saw she was trying to snow him, he picked up his toys and went home.  Once he left, Aunt Mamie dropped her "can't we all get along" face and let Nate see the real one, because she thinks she can snow him with her little old lady act.  Apparently, that's not working with him, either.  

So I guess we're in for months of endless conversations, saying the same things in the same places, about a name change that means nothing to anyone who isn't Billy.  By the end of this storyline in which nothing will happen, they'll all probably compromise and settle on "Assholes R Us" for the company name, anyway.

Chelsea and Adam are back from going nowhere!  And, Adam brought cookies while Chelsea brought an endless need for pity and reassurance.  We lucky viewers are getting a summer storyline of glowering, depressed Adam and Chelsea weeping at everyone about how Connor's OCD is just ruining her life.  Poor thing.  Poor Adam.  Poor Sally.  Poor us, mostly.

I do like that Chelsea and Billy are still the perfect couple.  They go together like salmonella and gastric distress.  

Maybe they can work THAT into the company title??

Edited by boes
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13 hours ago, surfgirl said:

I mean, I hate to even say this but it would make this whole story line a titch more interesting, wouldn't it? But it also begs the question, how does Ash know Alan in the first place? Did she meet him as her therapist first? Because then becoming close friends is weird, right? So it would seem she knew him as a friend and maybe as a friend he counseled her from time to time. I don't know, anything would make this more interesting than watching Traci, whom I used to love, walk around in circles gesticulating about whether or not Ash has a problem at all.

Yeah, I'm totally with you & it's cuz the leaving-the-phone-home story has made me so suspicious of Alan.  Maybe there is no Martin, and Alan made him up?  BUT what's the explanation for Tuck running into Alan, but he clearly didn't recognize him?  Is Martin another personality, who dresses in unflattering, ill-fitting shirts?  Just like Ashley's alters dress in either black lace or cha-cha dresses?  And why would Ashley choose to be analyzed by Alan (or whoever he is) when he's not even an analyst anymore?  Sounds to me like a dumb & possibly very dangerous choice.

Oh Mamie, we see & know your tired act way too well -- you can't hide it, you're bitter, angry & ridiculously driven by rage & vengeance.  It's a bore, Mamie.  Please cash out your investment in the company & leave town until you can transition out of your current really unpleasant & icky-to-be-around personality!

Poor widdle Billy -- all sad & droopy-eyed.  Why?  Cuz Jill is at death's door?  Uh, no, that's not what she said at all.  She's got a heart condition that's being monitored & treated & the seriousness of it is not known.  But Billy misled Lily by implying Jill was much worse off.  He is an asshole.  Interesting that Chelsea saw thru his bullshit.  Maybe she's not the airhead I assumed her to be -- but who could tell, when all she ever does is cry her fucking head off in every scene she's in?

Depressed/Depressing Adam = Who Cares?

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On 6/4/2024 at 6:07 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

 And who would NOT have either facial recognition and/or a pass-code on their cell now?  Nobody, that's who. 

Alan probably used his face for ID and birthday as his passcode, forgetting that he had an evil twin with the same face and birthday.

Though when Tuck ran into "not-Alan", to me nA first looked surprised, like he might recognize Tuck, but quickly went into I don't know you mode

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2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Interesting that Chelsea saw thru his bullshit.  Maybe she's not the airhead I assumed her to be

ScoobieDoobs, don't go doubting yourself!  Chelsea is ABSOLUTELY the airhead you assume her to be.

Remember that old adage about even a broken clock being right twice a day.  Not that I'd automatically assume Chelsea can tell time......

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21 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Maybe she's not the airhead I assumed her to be -- but who could tell, when all she ever does is cry her fucking head off in every scene she's in?

Scoobs, Scoobster, Scooberino, hush up right this minute and stop talkin' nonsense! Chels is absolutely 💯% an airhead, a whingey, whiney airhead. Absofuckinglutely.

Edited by surfgirl
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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, I'm totally with you & it's cuz the leaving-the-phone-home story has made me so suspicious of Alan.  Maybe is there no Martin, and Alan made him up?  BUT what's the explanation for Tuck running into Alan, but he clearly didn't recognize him?  Is Martin another personality, who dresses in unflattering, ill-fitting shirts?  Just like Ashley's alters dress in either lace or cha-cha dresses?  And why would Ashley choose to be analyzed by Alan (or whoever he is) when he's not even an analyst anymore?  Sounds to me like a dumb & possibly very dangerous choice.

Oh Mamie, we see & know your tired act way too well -- you can't hide it, you're bitter, angry & ridiculously driven by rage & vengeance.  It's a bore, Mamie.  Please cash out your investment in the company & leave town until you can transition out of your current really unpleasant & icky-to-be-around personality!

Poor widdle Billy -- all sad & droopy-eyed.  Why?  Cuz Jill is at death's door?  Uh, no, that's not what she said at all.  She's got a heart condition that's being monitored & treated & the seriousness of it is not known.  But Billy misled Lily by implying Jill was much worse off.  He is an asshole.  Interesting that Chelsea saw thru his bullshit.  Maybe she's not the airhead I assumed her to be -- but who could tell, when all she ever does is cry her fucking head off in every scene she's in?

Depressed/Depressing Adam = Who Cares?

I think, too, didn't Tucker run into that guy while Alan was with Ashley and Tracy?

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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Devon went in, telling Mamie she should sell her C-W shares back to the company. Wonder if he had run that idea by Lily first? It didn't look like Nate knew.

I think it was just a moment of opportunity because the time to ask her to sell the shares was when they were telling her what a pain in the ass she is.  Now he was just calling her out on all her 'I do it for the Family' bullhockey.


16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm thinking Jill wasn't wise to place her confidence in her d-bag son.

Could Jill be testing him?  To see if he's worthy of her trust?


12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

BUT what's the explanation for Tuck running into Alan, but he clearly didn't recognize him? 

Alteralan saw Tuck coming first.  Alteralan acts as if he doesn't know Tucker and takes that opportunity to further the BadTwin story.  (Lot of opportunities today).


9 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think, too, didn't Tucker run into that guy while Alan was with Ashley and Tracy?

Before they went out to the bars he went home to freshen up, I think.  Why he chose then to don the leather jacket of villany and wander around until he met up with Tuck, I don't know.

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A Brief Recap - PSA: CSOSS

Convenient Soap Opera Stupidity Syndrome affects 1 out of 2 soap characters and is known as the silent epidemic of daytime. Does your favorite character suffer from this chronic, relentless condition?


  • An inability to apply newly acquired data to relevant situations. For example, suppose A learns that B has an evil twin who is obsessed with B’s acquaintances. B leaves A’s sight briefly. Upon return, B is putting out a different vibe and contradicting himself. A victim of CSOSS will never even suspect B is B2, allowing B2 to B a jerk.
  • Contradiction blindness, as referred to above. B: Traci is admirable in the way she supports you every step of the way. Later - B: Traci is blowing up my spot. GTFO. A change of opinion that should normally cause whiplash provokes no reaction? CSOSS.
  • A bizarre lack of survival instinct. A knows B has an evil twin, as does A’s sister C. B is blatantly contradicting himself on how to treat A, attempting to isolate A by convincing C to leave them alone , and, let’s face it, is quite obviously B2, who they all know is in the city. Hello? C still leaves.

Is there a cure? Why does it seem to affect women characters more than men? Experts have detected various strains of misogyny in daytime drama scripts for decades. Treatment involves better writing that can move from one plot point to the next without turning characters into idiots to finesse the journey. Sadly, few television executives ever prescribe what they see as a radical treatment.

The more you know…

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So Traci buys a clue about Marlan but bows to Ashley’s wishes and goes along with the plan anyway? And after putting up a pot of coffee, she stays out of the room? I thought she was the SMART one in the family? It was so obvious the minute Alan walked out of the room that he doesn’t actually have a twin, but rather another personality. I don’t think he was gone long enough to be subdued without any signs of struggle, and when he re-entered, he was rolling up his sleeves. How long before Tucker finds the apartment and saves Ashley, thus prompting her to profess her undying love and reuniting with him? 🙄

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5 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

So Traci buys a clue about Marlan but bows to Ashley’s wishes and goes along with the plan anyway? And after putting up a pot of coffee, she stays out of the room? I thought she was the SMART one in the family? It was so obvious the minute Alan walked out of the room that he doesn’t actually have a twin, but rather another personality. I don’t think he was gone long enough to be subdued without any signs of struggle, and when he re-entered, he was rolling up his sleeves. How long before Tucker finds the apartment and saves Ashley, thus prompting her to profess her undying love and reuniting with him? 🙄

I mean, I don't wanna brag about my premonition talents but, yanno, if they both have DID, aren't they the perfect couple? The phrase 'crazy in love' take on new meaning, haha!

One thing that makes no sense (well a lot of shit don't make no sense but go with me here), WHY would Martin want to out himself on whatever he's done to Ash? It makes no damn sense.

Edited by surfgirl
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15 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think, too, didn't Tucker run into that guy while Alan was with Ashley and Tracy?

Maybe, Idk, cuz time is so weird on this show.  After all, Dummer was wearing that stupid-looking blue pleather thing for a week, so who knows?

Any predictions for what's next?  I'm sure they'll keep us hanging till next week.  Welp, show seems to love, love, love imprisoning & kidnap storylines, right?  And Jordie was able to kidnap both Harrison & Claire while Kyle was nearby.  So maybe Crazy Alan/Martin takes Ashley to the basement or just another room, locks her in & Traci of course hears nothing.  He tells Traci that Ashley left, and Traci of course stupidly believes him & leaves.

Now, where does Tuck fit in here?  My hunch is he's gonna save Ashley & be the hero.  Right now, he doesn't know where Crazy Alan/Martin lives . . . but worried mother-hen Traci will tell Tuck where to go, when Ashley is missing.  And Tuck to the rescue.

I still think there was never any Martin (or even any Martin personality), and Alan is a loon, who attacked & maybe raped Ashley.  Could the loud noise have meant Martin broke in & he put on a nicer shirt & pretended to be Alan?  Seems too far-fetched (even for this show & this ridiculous storyline) cuz he was speaking exactly like Alan was.

Ah, so now we get to why writers came up with the dopey split personality storyline for Ashley, eh?  To "rehabilitate" Tuck's character so he wasn't some loser with a violent temper & to get them back together.  Ok then.  Ugh, how dumb.


Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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19 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

cuz he was speaking exactly like Alan was.

Not really. Alan said to hold off on more hypnosis but Martin immediately said they should do it again. Martin was much more aggressive about Ashley remembering. It was like a source of pride for him. And he was quite dismissive of Traci. It was a complete attitude shift from the moment he walked back in the living room

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True, his tone was more aggressive.  It was noticeable, but it wasn't a huge change.  What was noticeable was he looked a bit messy & he no longer had on the blazer & v-neck sweater.  The convo was mostly consistent with what had been going on.  So could it have been that Martin was in another room, conked Alan on the head, knocked him out & then took over?  And then took his shirt & put it on?  And Martin was listening to everything that took place?  Good grief, I hope not.  I got a headache from the stupidity of this.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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 I used to watch this in the 70s and 80s. I recently retired and started watching it again. Love seeing the OG cast--Nikki and Victor, Jack, Ashley, Tracy, Lauren. I enjoyed the Jordan storyline and Ashley's storyline is good, too. I love Sharon, Nate, and Devon and I wish they would give them better storylines. 

The cast is huge now. They need to thin that herd and focus on fewer characters and cut out some of the lesser quality storylines. Some of the characters are really dead weight. The Connor OCD storyline is unbelievably boring, as well as all the corporate stuff. I have no idea what Chancellor-Winters actually does. Or Newman Enterprises, for that matter. I only know that Jabot is a cosmetics company because I watched this in the 1980s. 

The thing that has surprised me most is how bad everything and everyone looks. Half the fun of a soap opera is seeing the cast in beautiful places, looking beautiful in great clothes. Tracy consistently looks good, but everyone else is hit and miss.

The hair is the worst. They need new stylists, STAT.  The hairstyles on the women are some WTF. All the actresses' hair looks unbrushed and over-sprayed. You can always see split and fried ends. We see roots that need touching up, visible extensions, and sometimes hair looks dirty.  One day Victorias hair looked like a rat's nest with random braids stuck in the back, like someone played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey with her head. Summer's hair looks like the stylists don't even try to brush it. 

The clothes are a WTF too. Almost all the clothes look cheap now. The characters on sitcoms and on reality shows wear better clothes than the soap operas. For example, Summer's leather dress with a weird shrug. The whole female cast looks like a Fashion Don't almost every day.

Everyone here has covered the cheap sets better than I could.

I know there have been budget cuts, but TPTB needs to shake some money out for the soaps if they are going to keep them on the air. Or else they need some new designers and stylists that will do a better job.

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42 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

True, his tone was more aggressive.  It was noticeable, but it wasn't a huge change.  What was noticeable was he looked a bit messy & he no longer had on the blazer & v-neck sweater.  The convo was mostly consistent with what had been going on.  So could it have been that Martin was in another room, conked Alan on the head, knocked him out & then took over?  And then took his shirt & put it on?  And Martin was listening to everything that took place?  Good grief, I hope not.  I got a headache from the stupidity of this.

I’m still on the side of the fence that there actually is a twin, so this is what I assumed happened. I thought that Alan was gone a fairly long time considering he was just going to run through the house and look for a problem. 

But who knows. Lol

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Me at about 57 minutes into today's episode: OH SH!T! It IS Martin!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Hurry up, Tucker! You have to save Ashley!

Bravo, JG. Most of audience probably suspected an Alan/Martin switcheroo but the step-by-step way you delivered the reveal was fantastic. I take back 79.62654% of the crap I've said about you as YR's head writer.

I'm still on the fence though whether Alan and Martin are separate people or whether one of them is an alter. What are the odds Ashley would not only make friends with someone who has DID, but then turn around and get DID herself? It's not contagious!

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Alan also managed to hypnotize me as I was watching. As I awoke on the count of 10, I still found this episode as boring as hell 🥱🥱😴😴😴.  


Traci, please stop. You’re getting to be very annoying about what you think is best for Ashley. 


So it took 40 minutes to reveal what was already known in the first minute.  Martin kidnapped Alan and tied him up in his own town house.  I just had thought. Maybe Alan doesn’t have a twin brother. Maybe he has alternate personalities also.  Sort of a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. 

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Is it Alan - is it Martin - which is which and who is who: I started to think that there was something up with Alan when Traci questioned continuing the session and Alan became aggressive in shooting down her concerns - it was no longer the gentle persona he'd been projecting up 'til then - but it really didn't dawn on me that it was Martin masquerading as Alan, and had been all along, until the last couple of minutes of the scene - no wonder Alan didn't recognize Tucker when they bumped into each other; he had never met Tucker.

1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Traci, please stop. You’re getting to be very annoying about what you think is best for Ashley.

Yeah, but this time, she was right.

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2 hours ago, Calli Bear said:

 I used to watch this in the 70s and 80s. I recently retired and started watching it again. Love seeing the OG cast--Nikki and Victor, Jack, Ashley, Tracy, Lauren. I enjoyed the Jordan storyline and Ashley's storyline is good, too. I love Sharon, Nate, and Devon and I wish they would give them better storylines. 

Calli Beary, whoa and hold on there missy! You're just coming back to this shitfest after 20-30 year hiatus? I have to ask, are you sure this is how you want to spend your retirement madam? On a sinking ship filled with rat infested story lines? I'm thinking of your mental health and all that! Jordan was awful, is awful, will always be awful. And Devon and Nate, also so very awful. There is a lot of awful here friend, you might want to watch every other day so as not to upset your peace and tranquility! *This has been a retirement Public Service Annoucement*

2 hours ago, Calli Bear said:

The whole female cast looks like a Fashion Don't almost every day.

You're not wrong on this. I often think about them walking around with black rectangles over their eyes.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Me at about 57 minutes into today's episode: OH SH!T! It IS Martin!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Hurry up, Tucker! You have to save Ashley!

Seriously, this is so fucking lame. We've seen this coming from weeks away. It's like they don't even try to make it better.

1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Alan also managed to hypnotize me as I was watching. As I awoke on the count of 10, I still found this episode as boring as hell 🥱🥱😴😴😴

Traci, please stop. You’re getting to be very annoying about what you think is best for Ashley. 

Ha! Yeah, Traci is working my last damn nerve right now. The way she kept cheerleading, "But Alan, it will also be wonderful that you can find your lost brother, won't it?!?" What the actual fuck are you even blathering on about Traci?!? It will be wonderful to find a fraternal psychopath? Are you for real?

Also, and not for nothing, but if Alan does exist, he needs to hop over to PBS's The Paris Murders, and get Chloe Saint-Laurent, Rocher, Fred, and Hippolyte on The Case of the Missing Bro. They would suss out that psycho in an hour, just sayin'. #IYKYK

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13 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Not only that, it's just plain unbelievable.

Seriously. I’m at the point where I think the ‘doctors’ are intentionally doing the kid harm and Adam and Chelsea are buying into everything they say. I’m no expert on OCD but if the mere mention of his parents coming to visit is enough to cause Connor to self harm, maybe the kid has more problems than they can handle at this facility. I still don’t get how, with all the Newman money, they couldn’t have flown in the best shrink in the world to help Connor learn to deal with his OCD from home? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you’re going to tell a story about a character, it should be about the character, not his parents/wife/girlfriend/mistress whatever. All we ever get to see is Chelz and Adam wringing their hands and crying over their kid. ENOUGH!

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Calli Beary, whoa and hold on there missy! You're just coming back to this shitfest after 20-30 year hiatus? I have to ask, are you sure this is how you want to spend your retirement madam?

LOL, Surfgirl. Actually, my sister likes for me to watch it and talk about it with her.  We live far away and text every day while we watch. So it's really more of a family bonding thing.

But the bad hair is driving me crazy!!

And yes, Nate is a crummy human being, but I love watching him on my TV!! He is an entertaining jackass. The other day my sister said "Nate does not love Audra." I said "Yes, Nate loves Nate the most." 

I am hoping Claire turns out to be a ticking time bomb and goes all psycho on everyone. If she is just going to be good and sweet, she can be written off.

If I were in charge, I would have a big earthquake/fire/hurricane/ or something that destroys all of GC. Then I would build and decorate all new sets.

Edited by Calli Bear
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Random bits from today's dwama.....

So Martin/Alan hustles Traci off to make coffee.  How the hell does she know where the kitchen is, much less where the crap she needs to make said coffee even is?  Hopefully she's scrounging for his crepe pan so she can come back and boing him on the head with it.

Alan/Martin is supposed to be some great therapist, then I have to ask why does he have his books arranged by colors?  Does he take his decorating advice from the Kardashians?

This story is about Ashley's mental health or her lack of it, but why is nobody concerned that Traci has gone from a concerned sister to a character on Saturday Night Live?


Talk among yourselves.

Considering the authenticity of this trip to Paris, I expect the next character to show up at Alan/Martin's will be 


Pepe Le Pew.

I am on the edge of mon siège.

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