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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Anyone notice Billy NEVER mentioned ANY deets on what Abbott Communications will include?  He likes the name tho & he said it 300 times.  Silly Phyllis!  He came up with the name — and that’s enough work for Billy.  Phyllis expects more outta him?  Ah, silly/dopey/deluded Phyllis!

So Phyllis said Abbott Communications will include “news, entertainment, self-help & podcasts”.  But that didn’t come from Billy, of course, cuz he couldn’t care less what the company actually does.  Ah, great formula for a successful biz, right?

Oh, what will Daniel do?  Don’t ask Billy since he has no idea what the company does.  Didn’t he say to Daniel to figure out what his job would be?  Has anyone ever made a job offer like that . . . ever?  Yup, this is exactly how the business world works.  Sheesh, more awful writing!

Wow, Real Damian is a hostile, angry, unpleasant little creep, ain’t he?  He’d get along great with Devon.  Or not, but they seem more like bros.

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13 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I kinda like Fake Damian. 

So what I’m hearing is… we’ve found a new love interest for Phyllis?

Lol, he might be a bit height-challeged for Phyllis. I've seen speculation Holden could either go with her or Lily but I dunno about Damian. Perhaps he'll take a gander at Audra. She likes rich guys. 😉 (Also, Nikki sure eyeballed Holden in the coffeehouse last week. What was that all about?)

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I was predicting a Who's The Daddy? for Audra with Damian (before we knew there were two of them.)  Now I'm thinking FakeDamian for the win.  We haven't had a WTD story in a long time.  Audra and Claire are the only ones who have no children but I don't see Claire in that situation since she's honed in on Kyle.  Besides, I don't thinK Victor wants anymore grandchildren and especially, no great grandchildren.  Hell, Dom hasn't even got his pony/car yet.  Holden has already shown a lusty interest in Audra.  Bring on the cough syrup!

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Victor grimacing and telling Claire that his gunshot wound sometimes still hurts. Duh, yes, wasn't he shot like four days ago? Recovery will be painful, especially at his advanced age. I did appreciate him telling Claire to back off Kyle, that Kyle has an ongoing relationship (whether good or bad) with Summer, and she will always be in the picture. I get that Claire is so enamored with Kyle because he showed her kindness after being raised by Jordan, but, like Victor said, Claire has her whole life in front of her. Victor, voice of reason!

I feel for Harrison, though his saccharine act gets old. He does have the self-awareness to realize even if his diorama portrays a happy household (hired help included!), his parents fight all the time and aren't thrilled to spend time with each other. Plus, the fact he will soon have a third mother figure and he's what, only 9? There will be many more stepmothers in his future, I'm sure, and I feel for him.

Also, I liked the Victoria and Nick scenes. I buy them as siblings and I enjoy their calm, crisis-free scenes.

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Uh, ya could skip today’s ep & miss zip.  Cutesy, boring sh*t with The Cryer & The Weasel.  Feh.

Oh, and there’s Sharon coming to visit them.  She’s wearing a high/tight pony that’s making her eyes bug out — maybe even more than usual.  She’s happy-happy & babbling therapy-speak.  Whatevs.  Chelsea looks indifferent, but she’s (gasp & shockers!!!) not crying.  Adam also seems indifferent, but isn’t he always?  Sharon leaves & nobody cares — cementing her new status of total irrelevance.

Chelsea is still wearing the same ugly/unflattering top with the hideous pleather studded tighty-tight pants.  She’s been wearing that crap for a month.  Change, Chelsea, change.  It’s an awful look that’s hurtin’ my eyes.

And Claire has also been wearing the same really ugly shirt, with rhinestones on the collar, for the last month.  Wardrobe people must hate this actress cuz they almost always give her so much ugly to wear.  Her convo with Vic?  Who cares?  Blah, blah, blah, JackAbbott, blah, blah, blah, zzzzzzzz.

More useless, boring convos with Shmoopy & Summer (flinching her face & hair, instead of pouting) and Harrison.  Shmoopy is making shmoopy faces and who cares about any of it?

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Look at Victoria and Nick actually doing work. And expressing more lowkey concern about Daddy Vic's mortality. Hmm.

Claire trying to maneuver Grandpa Victor into a dinner with Kyle. Whee!

Lol, Sharon just walks in uninvited and unannounced to Chelsea and Adam's new old house. And then proceeds to get all up in their business.

There it is, again. Victor admitted to Claire he disrespects the Abbotts because they inherited Jabot. They didn't have to build their empire and social status all alone from the ground up like TGVN did with NE. Slackers. 😏

Guess Summer forgot how back when she and Kyle had a vow renewal her granddaddy refused to attend because it was at the Abbott manse. Victor's pettiness has no bottom, Summer.

But maybe Kyle should stop chatting up Claire to Summer. He knows Summer doesn't want to hear that ish. Find some tact, Kyle.

Meh, I continue to think Summer and Kyle should stop giving Harrison so much power over their lives. AFAIC the group hug Harrison forced on them was not cute.

Wow, Summer went straight for the jugular with Claire. She didn't miss a beat offering a fakey apology for overruling Claire's dinner plans with Kyle. .

That chilly look Claire gave Summer on her way out. Brrr. Summer better watch her step.

Victoria's edges were impressive today. I was almost wondering if she was wearing a wig. 😼

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4 hours ago, ASpring1900 said:

and telling Claire that his gunshot wound sometimes still hurts. Duh, yes, wasn't he shot like four days ago? Recovery will be painful, especially at his advanced ag

I'm thinking EB's bladder cancer is getting worse.


2 hours ago, lgprimes said:

What IS the deal with Sharon?

I don't mean to be mean, but I just cannot look at her bloated face without wincing.

Raise your hand if you are Sick of Conor

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Does Victor even realize how hypocritical he is. Victor, has any of your children ever create anything from the ground up?  They are only in the C Suite by your grace and couldn’t be there anyplace else but at NE.  Adam is the only child that is qualified to be an executive in other companies.  

Summer❄️x6 is her mother’s daughter. No regard for personal space and has disingenuous concern.  Tara Tara Tara please!!  

The best way to win an argument with Victor is to ignore him and do what is best for you.  Victoria has done that quite a few times. 

Why is Kyle good enough for Summer❄️x6 but not good enough for Claire/Eve?  Inquiring minds want to know.  

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1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I'm thinking EB's bladder cancer is getting worse.

I had this same concern today. I hope we are both wrong. As much as I dislike Victor and would love to have him go away, I don’t wish Eric Braeden any ill will. I’m hoping he is just ready to enjoy some retirement time. Especially with the loss of his home recently, he deserves some time to do whatever he enjoys.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Victor admitted to Claire he disrespects the Abbotts because they inherited Jabot. They didn't have to build their empire and social status all alone from the ground up like TGVN did with NE. Slackers.

 But the question is does he feel the same way about his children? Because they too inherited everything they have and never worked for it. That was by far one of the dumbest things he’s ever said!

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

expressing more lowkey concern about Daddy Vic's mortality. Hmm.

I'm beginning to wonder if the show is preparing the viewers for EBs transference to recurring status - the man is 83 years old, so maybe the years along with his 2023 battle with bladder cancer and his home of 45 years burning down just a month ago have taken a toll on his energy.

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

The best way to win an argument with Victor is to ignore him and do what is best for you.  Victoria has done that quite a few times. 

Truth, Waldo13, absolute truth.  If Josh Griffin is using AI at all in writing this repetitive, stomach-churning dialogue, I'm going to hope that at some point AI will replace every "Victor loves/protects/defends his family" with the far more accurate "Victor needs to control his family" because that man would have to recognize his family as individuals to make the first statement true, and all he really sees are prized chess pieces.

His attempt to steer the conversation with Claire and to keep the attention on him all times with everyone else through those pained movements and groans was so completely childish. 

His take on the Abbotts and their entitlement are a perfect description of his own group of over-entitled doorstops as well.

5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Meh, I continue to think Summer and Kyle should stop giving Harrison so much power over their lives. AFAIC the group hug Harrison forced on them was not cute.

I agree.  Show has Connor running his parent's lives and now it looks like Harrison is going to do the same with his parental hairballs.  I'm not opposed to a Genoa City retelling of Children of the Corn, especially if do a crossover with Wicker Man and have Nick imprisoned in an Idol made from cheese curds and his collection of vintage Tighty-whities. Those dioramas are the first step in the Genoa City Kinder pact with El Diablo.

Speaking of El Diablo, Sharon was the drop-in visitor from Hell, wasn't she?  She never shut up about herself and her journey from Minsk to Pinsk or back to sanity or whatever and then she topped it off with an epic poem about the wonders of Nick's belly button lint and toe jam.  The way she talks, her lack of blinking and her general disposition are just ... off.  Chelsea and Adam better keep the doors locked from here on out.

I really hope Victor and Kyle get to have that dinner together.  Those two deserve it.

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13 hours ago, Sake614 said:

 But the question is does he feel the same way about his children? Because they too inherited everything they have and never worked for it. That was by far one of the dumbest things he’s ever said!

In Victor's world the rules he applies to everyone else don't apply to him. He built his empire for his Family! Except Abby because she's 50% Abbott. And Claire if she doesn't stop being defiant.

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I'm not liking the dropped storylines, (for example, Tessa's water bottle tampering).  Liking even less that we have no follow up on Ian and his eyes wide open in the ambulance.  Was that just a rigor mortis reaction?  His last lonely gasp before succumbing?  What the hell, Show?  Is he just going to lie in the morgue or is there a story in all this? *There's a possibility I may have dozed off during the show, so if something happened of interest, Preverts, help me out here.*

13 hours ago, boes said:

The way she talks, her lack of blinking and her general disposition are just ... off. 

Could this be the start of another Sharon and Her Endless List of Medical Problems stories?  Are we working up to her being saved by Nick?  Will anyone notice that she seems exactly the same as she was when she was actually on PCP?  Is it the writing or the actor?

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Sharon’s expressionless, bug-eyed look (cuz of fillers & whatever else) can be right for being on PCP or not.  So who can tell whether she’s on anything or not?  And who cares?

As far as what’s up with Ian?  I think we’re headed for a teary reunion with Ian & Jordie, maybe even a make-out scene, if Show (and writers) really wants to torture us.  And I assume GC is chock full of seedy no-tell motels those 2 can hide out in.

And rinse, lather & repeat for the elderly Bonnie & Clyde to reappear & repeat same convos & actions.  Zzzzzzz.

Uh, what happened to drunkie drunk Lucy?  Another forgotten storyline?

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48 minutes ago, MollyB said:

Could this be the start of another Sharon and Her Endless List of Medical Problems stories?  Are we working up to her being saved by Nick?  Will anyone notice that she seems exactly the same as she was when she was actually on PCP?  Is it the writing or the actoress


we need a vomit emoticon.

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Wow, Damian is tiny.  If his life is so great, why is he so angry?  And what kind of a person is he that he’d walk away from his sick/dying mother w/o even asking how she’s taking care of herself?  He seems pretty awful.  So why, Show, should I care about someone so awful?

Uh, so after Vicky & Nick correctly confronted Vic on his awfulness & forgetfulness of his past actions & he stumbled away with a screaming rant . . . did those 2 really give him an “aw, that’s our daddy & ain’t he adorable” look?  Seriously, Show, WTF?

C’mon, Show wardrobe peeps, change that hideous shirt on Claire — ASAP!

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While I haven't loved the story line, I thought the Nate/Amy/Damian scene was well played today. Everyone acted as I suspect folks would behave in real life. I also thought the Summer/Kyle/Harrison crafting scene was cute and fun, but not overly cloying. The said, what's with Summer's long face? Didn't she and Chance decide to get back together? 

Lastly, while there have been a few missteps for sure, I like what the new costume designer is doing. People seems more casual and relaxed in jeans, sweaters/tees and cute shirts. And no one is wearing cocktail attire randomly in the daytime (Phyllis).

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6 hours ago, MollyB said:

Could this be the start of another Sharon and Her Endless List of Medical Problems stories?  Are we working up to her being saved by Nick?  Will anyone notice that she seems exactly the same as she was when she was actually on PCP?  Is it the writing or the actor?

I'm starting to think it's a bit of both.

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Stop Jack with Kyle being turned against you and Diane. You did that yourself with giving Diane the Co-CEO job and Diane firing him. It gave Victor the opportunity to step in.  Victor turned his back on Kyle when he found out he stole from Jabot. Jack, it was all Jill that pulled the rug out from Billy👃 because of his erratic behavior with firing Lily and hiring Manic Phyllis🕷️.  I also don’t think Jill was too fond of adding the  Abbott name to Chancellor. 

So Victor answered the burning question of why Summer❄️x6 and not Claire/Eve; but the answer is lame.  There is a child involved but Summer❄️x6 is not the biological mother. Tara, Tara, Tara. In all reality, Summer❄️x6 has no parental rights to Harrison.  

Nice going Natey Nate Nate being all smug against Damian who just found out his father wasn’t his father and he has a half brother. But that wasn’t enough. You just had to question how he’s now a successful businessman.  

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Jack shaded Victor right to Victoria's face. Rude much, Jackie? Even if what you said was true.

Damian, 🎶Every party needs a pooper. That's why Nate invited you. Party pooper!🎶

It'll never make sense, Victor! If Kyle the Abbott isn't good enough for Claire he can't be magically right for her cousin Summer. And miss me with the Harrison excuse because everyone knows his real mommy is Tara. #freetara!

Hey Vikki, you left out the part about how you were pregnant when your daddy had you arrested on your wedding day to Billy. There should've been no coming back from that but here we are with you still defending Victor.

Victor. If you believe people who share children belong together, why aren't you with Abby's mommy? Remember Ashley? FOH with your hypocrisy.

Shut up, Nate. How Damian has been living his life is none of your busines. So he's independently wealthy and you're not. You mad?

Um, Victor, Summer is not only co-parenting with an Abbott, she runs a company owned by them. Meanwhile, Claire is a basically an executive assistant at a company you had to steal from an Abbott. It's the Abbotts' world, you're just living in it, lol.

Sure hope Kyle cleans up the dining room when Harrison's school project is completed. Mrs. Martinez already has enough to do keeping Harrison loaded up on pastries.

I'm with Damian: finding out at his age that he's had a sibling kept hidden from him his whole life is a non-starter. Amy should've left it alone instead of making this near deathbed confession.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


I'm with Damian: finding out at his age that he's had a sibling kept hidden from him his whole life is a non-starter. Amy should've left it alone instead of making this near deathbed confession.

Where I’m def NOT with Damian is him turning his back on his seriously ill & dying mother, when he is clearly wealthy & can at least offer to help her.  I don’t care what his past issues are with her, that is callous & awful.  And sheesh, this guy is angry, angry, angry — and that was before Amy dumped all this sh*t at him.  Thanks, Show, for shoving this unpleasantness at us.

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16 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Uh, so after Vicky & Nick correctly confronted Vic on his awfulness & forgetfulness of his past actions & he stumbled away with a screaming rant . . . did those 2 really give him an “aw, that’s our daddy & ain’t he adorable” look?  Seriously, Show, WTF?

Indeed they did! That’s just Victor being Victor, y’all. If you can’t see the charm in having your child arrested on phony charges at her wedding, then I guess you didn’t grow up in a toxic, dysfunctional, gilded manure pile ruled by an evil dung beetle. Like holy shit, people, the Newmans are such damaged, broken weirdos who have normalized decades of abuse and misery that it still manages to shock me. Victor’s hatred and jealousy of the Abbotts is clearly more important to him than his precious family, but the family is still willing to line up for whatever crumbs of “affection” he has left over for them.

Also, having Victor forbid a romance between Kyle and Claire doesn’t do a damn thing to create chemistry between them or get me to root for them. Valiant effort though. I lied. It’s a shit effort worthy of a hack.

Can’t Harrison just act like a kid? Why does the precocious have to be cranked up to 11 all the time? He always says just the right thing at the right time. It’s like Connor with his random delivery of OCD PSAs. Just act like normal kids. We can handle it.

Damien sure is cheerful.

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1 minute ago, ASpring1900 said:

We aren't supposed to think those diorama chairs were made by Harrison, right? When they stuck the chandelier to the ceiling, I laughed. Poor kid living in a museum. Let's see how Diane spruces the place up.

Yes, Diane sprucing the place up is about the only thing that I am looking forward to. Truly. At least we will get a break from the dreariness of every other story. Plus...for God's sake, Diane is Jack's wife. She should have slapped him for his attitude. It is her home now, too.

I just read about the money that the network spent on sets for the new soap. I can't remember the amount...but it was a wowser. Maybe that is why Y&R looks so very very cheap lately...in every way. Hopefully that will now change. 

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

I just read about the money that the network spent on sets for the new soap. I can't remember the amount...but it was a wowser. Maybe that is why Y&R looks so very very cheap lately...in every way. Hopefully that will now change. 

Realistically they have nothing to do with each other. YR is owned by Sony. BTG is owned by P&G. But I really do need this show to do something about the cheap look. And I have no idea why Jack is so happy with the decor of the Abbot manse, right down to the 80 year old sofa. How is that thing even still in one piece? 

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10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Where I’m def NOT with Damian is him turning his back on his seriously ill & dying mother, when he is clearly wealthy & can at least offer to help her.  I don’t care what his past issues are with her, that is callous & awful.  And sheesh, this guy is angry, angry, angry — and that was before Amy dumped all this sh*t at him.  Thanks, Show, for shoving this unpleasantness at us.

I think it's possible to be dying of a terminal illness and also be a bad person who's not worthy of sympathy. In my opinion Amy is that kind of person and she's using her alleged illness to manipulate both Nate and Damian. 

If Amy and Damian have a long history of her mistreating him enough that he wanted nothing to do with her, I'm fine with Damian not submitting to her overtures. A parent is not entitled to have their kid as their lifelong object of emotional abuse. O hai Victor.

But, this being a daytime soap, Damian will eventually come around. It'll likely be
right before Amy kicks the bucket.

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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Also, having Victor forbid a romance between Kyle and Claire doesn’t do a damn thing to create chemistry between them or get me to root for them.

Huh, it hadn't occurred to me that having Victor be so strongly opposed to Claire dating Kyle was a reverse psychology move. I agree, his disapproval doesn't help them. IMO it's actually damaging Victor by making him look oddly irrational. I'm wondering if this is leading to some kind of serious illness that's effecting Victor's brain.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think it's possible to be dying of a terminal illness and also be a bad person who's not worthy of sympathy. In my opinion Amy is that kind of person and she's using her alleged illness to manipulate both Nate and Damian. 

If Amy and Damian have a long history of her mistreating him enough that he wanted nothing to do with her, I'm fine with Damian not submitting to her overtures. A parent is not entitled to have their kid as their lifelong object of emotional abuse. O hai Victor.

But, this being a daytime soap, Damian will eventually come around. It'll likely be
right before Amy kicks the bucket.

I know of several situations where parents & (adult) children had become estranged for many years .  The parent becomes sick or incapacitated & the adult children are nowhere to be found — leaving them helpless & depending on the kindness of neighbors, friends & maybe the government.

When a parent is sick & in need of help, and the adult child is aware, can they dump all responsibility for the parent’s care to others?  Idk, seems heartless to me, unless there was abuse involved.  

Must admit, I experienced this with a sick neighbor who I supported cuz her adult daughter refused to help her.  I (and other neighbors) helped & financially supported her until gov agencies stepped in.  The reasons for the estrangement with her daughter were unknown to us & irrelevant.  We just wanted to support our neighbor, while witnessing her daughter’s (who we found out was wealthy) cruelty.  Very ugly situation.

We don’t know exactly what the past history is btw Damian & Amy.  Yes, she’s manipulative, but does that justify Damian’s cruelty?  To me, no.  Others may be fine with it.  Is Show gonna explain why this guy is so angry?  Cuz this is really unpleasant & uncomfortable stuff to watch.  Bleh.


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12 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

 Is Show gonna explain why this guy is so angry?  Cuz this is really unpleasant & uncomfortable stuff to watch.  Bleh.


Exactly.  I might be able to understand his anger better if we knew what it was about.  As it stands, it's black hat vs white hat.  Damian is the bad guy and Nate is the good guy solely based on the present circumstances.  If we had a little more information on Amy's and Damian's past, it might help us to understand the inevitable reconciliation that we are heading for.  I'm being made to hate a guy and I don't even know why!

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I haven’t been around and miss posting. I  agree that  the writing is poor in general and especially recently for the Ian/Jordan story , but I’m happy there was some sort of resolution. I’m a newbie writer and quickly learned that you can’t just rapidly crank out a story without thinking if it would work out logistically for the plot and or characters. I wanted to take a story in a certain direction but didn’t think if it would work, and learned that’s not the way of course to do it . 

I feel like these writers do this because they feel they need to crank out stories quickly. Which may be true but the real professionals like Bill Bell and his crew were able to write great stories quickly. Not these trained monkeys as some of you said lol . 

I love character development. If we were going to be saddled with Jordan, I wanted to know why she was the way she was and especially why Cole never heard of her . Same goes now for the Damian character. Can’t get invested much in the stories and characters if you don’t get to know them well. Also this writing does the average or below average no favors as it hides nothing. Some of the really good actors can make this crap work. More thoughts later .

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On 2/11/2025 at 10:24 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

As far as what’s up with Ian?  I think we’re headed for a teary reunion with Ian & Jordie, maybe even a make-out scene, if Show (and writers) really wants to torture us.  And I assume GC is chock full of seedy no-tell motels those 2 can hide out in.

There is the hotel Mariah was trapped in when pregnant, and another grubby hotel that Ronan hid in, with two-tone green walls like the GC prison that Victor & others have been incarcerated in.

Or perhaps Adam can remove The Cask of Amontillado wall he and Michael erected brick by brick around the jail cell in the basement of Victor's, now Adam's, house.  After so many escapes, you cannot trust the GCPD or your crack security team to keep your family safe!  Now would be a good time to order some brussels sprout seeds to get some seedlings ready to plant in the Spring. 

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Ah, no bare shoulders for Phyllis today — instead she had a fully bare back.  Uh, OK.  And Daniel was wearing a jacket way too short, that looked like he stole it off a 10 year old boy.  Uh, OK.  Did the silly wardrobe peeps mix up Daniel’s clothes with Harrison’s?

And Phyllis was making Phyllis faces & denying awfully hard to Daniel about her new status as a Billy groupie.  And (shockers!) Daniel accepted the job at Abbott Communications — except nobody knows what the job is.  Yup, welcome to the biz world of Billy — where he makes one decision & jets off for a vacation for who knows how long & is unreachable.  A sure recipe for biz success, right?

Wet hair for Sally & Billy in Paree.  She looked OK, but I expected shoe polish to be dripping down his mug.  It didn’t, but a bed scene followed that I spared myself of & skipped. 

Summer annoyed me by being right about all the criminal sh*t Sharon did to Daniel.  Can’t stand Summer so I hate it when she’s right.  But she couldn’t help but continue to be her usual snotty self to Claire.  Didn’t care much about any of it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

When a parent is sick & in need of help, and the adult child is aware, can they dump all responsibility for the parent’s care to others?  Idk, seems heartless to me, unless there was abuse involved.  

And that's just it. There's a certain type of abuser, particularly an emotional abuser, who is very good at presenting an innocent face to the outside world. They also might be good at denying to themselves or to their victim that what they're doing is harmful.

Also, in certain cultures there's a group mentality where people believe that if they grew up being abused and in their mind they survived it, then they're entitled to treat their kids in similar ways. So the abuse easily becomes multi-generational until people learn better and do better.

At least Victor's children don't seem to be pushing their dysfunctional upbringing on their kids. Victor just tries to get to the grandkids directly with his Family! nonsense, via gifts of horses, cars, houses, and jobs they're barely qualified for.

And now we have Claire, who so far seems to be like "Or so you thought, Grandpa." She's appreciating what being a Newman brings but her loyalty is not for sale.

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What in the name of fashion dont’s is Phyllis wearing?????? 

Imma need everyone who hates Sharon to stop frequenting her coffee shop if they don’t want to see her.

way to throw shade Summer. Jealous much? Have you forgotten that you’re fucking CHANCE? Why would you care about Kyle?

And Sally? It’s February. Paris may not be quite as cold as Wisconsin but it’s still winter. Maybe try wearing long sleeves and a winter coat while walking around?

Edited by Sake614
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Also I was thinking about what Victor saying to Nick that it’s ok for Summer to be with Kyle not Claire. This made me think of a funny social media video on IG produced by Y&R, where they ask who is Victor’s favorite, and almost everyone said Victoria, except the actress as a joke said Abby and the actor who plays Adam said of course it wouldn’t be him but Victoria. This made me think if Victoria is Victor’s favorite child, because she’s the heir and for other reasons I’ll list below, that maybe now Claire will be her heir and that would make her now Victor’s new favorite grandchild. Didn’t someone say that here too? I agree. 

Also, Victoria is the favorite because she’s the heir but she’s one of the easiest manipulated by Victor out of his kids. Adam has his moments too. Nick was his favorite until Nick wasn’t having any of Victor’s crap about Newman Enterprises and who he should be with etc. Also I’m sure as much as Cole can annoy Victor, he knows he’s far the best partner out of all of his kids partners, maybe equal to Devon, but he doesn’t count. And Cole is also the smartest and surprisingly the most normal of the partners despite his childhood. 

And it’s funny how Kyle is good enough for Summer. That gave me a laugh.

On 2/8/2025 at 8:20 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

I kinda like Fake Damian. 

So what I’m hearing is… we’ve found a new love interest for Phyllis?


I like fake Damian and Phyllis deserves someone like the real Damian.

On 2/8/2025 at 8:41 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lol, he might be a bit height-challeged for Phyllis. I've seen speculation Holden could either go with her or Lily but I dunno about Damian. Perhaps he'll take a gander at Audra. She likes rich guys. 😉 (Also, Nikki sure eyeballed Holden in the coffeehouse last week. What was that all about?)

I saw in the spoilers Lily meets real Damian, so maybe they are trying to put them together.

On 2/10/2025 at 4:22 PM, lgprimes said:

I freaking hate VictorNewman but I am grudgingly agreeing with him that if I must have Kyle on my screen I would rather he be with Summer, with whom he has a glimmer of chemistry.

What IS the deal with Sharon? She didn’t seem to be acting like a well-balanced individual at all today.

Sharon was acting a bit strange 

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On 2/10/2025 at 8:04 PM, Waldo13 said:

Does Victor even realize how hypocritical he is. Victor, has any of your children ever create anything from the ground up?  They are only in the C Suite by your grace and couldn’t be there anyplace else but at NE.  Adam is the only child that is qualified to be an executive in other companies.  

Summer❄️x6 is her mother’s daughter. No regard for personal space and has disingenuous concern.  Tara Tara Tara please!!  

The best way to win an argument with Victor is to ignore him and do what is best for you.  Victoria has done that quite a few times. 

Why is Kyle good enough for Summer❄️x6 but not good enough for Claire/Eve?  Inquiring minds want to know.  

It’s ironic how Victor complains about Jack and Kyle being nepos when his kids are the same thing. 

Summer deserves Tara to get up in her business as karma.

Read my recent post why Victor thinks Summer is ok for Kyle but not Claire 

On 2/10/2025 at 9:23 PM, Js Nana said:

Because Summer doesn't have it in her to steer Newman Enterprises when Victor dies in the saddle, but Claire does.

Agreed, I said as such too.

On 2/10/2025 at 10:30 PM, boes said:

Truth, Waldo13, absolute truth.  If Josh Griffin is using AI at all in writing this repetitive, stomach-churning dialogue, I'm going to hope that at some point AI will replace every "Victor loves/protects/defends his family" with the far more accurate "Victor needs to control his family" because that man would have to recognize his family as individuals to make the first statement true, and all he really sees are prized chess pieces.

His attempt to steer the conversation with Claire and to keep the attention on him all times with everyone else through those pained movements and groans was so completely childish. 

His take on the Abbotts and their entitlement are a perfect description of his own group of over-entitled doorstops as well.

I agree.  Show has Connor running his parent's lives and now it looks like Harrison is going to do the same with his parental hairballs.  I'm not opposed to a Genoa City retelling of Children of the Corn, especially if do a crossover with Wicker Man and have Nick imprisoned in an Idol made from cheese curds and his collection of vintage Tighty-whities. Those dioramas are the first step in the Genoa City Kinder pact with El Diablo.

Speaking of El Diablo, Sharon was the drop-in visitor from Hell, wasn't she?  She never shut up about herself and her journey from Minsk to Pinsk or back to sanity or whatever and then she topped it off with an epic poem about the wonders of Nick's belly button lint and toe jam.  The way she talks, her lack of blinking and her general disposition are just ... off.  Chelsea and Adam better keep the doors locked from here on out.

I really hope Victor and Kyle get to have that dinner together.  Those two deserve it.

Too much funny stuff here !

On 2/11/2025 at 11:52 AM, MollyB said:

I'm not liking the dropped storylines, (for example, Tessa's water bottle tampering).  Liking even less that we have no follow up on Ian and his eyes wide open in the ambulance.  Was that just a rigor mortis reaction?  His last lonely gasp before succumbing?  What the hell, Show?  Is he just going to lie in the morgue or is there a story in all this? *There's a possibility I may have dozed off during the show, so if something happened of interest, Preverts, help me out here.*

Could this be the start of another Sharon and Her Endless List of Medical Problems stories?  Are we working up to her being saved by Nick?  Will anyone notice that she seems exactly the same as she was when she was actually on PCP?  Is it the writing or the actor?

Agreed on all.

On 2/11/2025 at 2:33 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Wow, Damian is tiny.  If his life is so great, why is he so angry?  And what kind of a person is he that he’d walk away from his sick/dying mother w/o even asking how she’s taking care of herself?  He seems pretty awful.  So why, Show, should I care about someone so awful?

Uh, so after Vicky & Nick correctly confronted Vic on his awfulness & forgetfulness of his past actions & he stumbled away with a screaming rant . . . did those 2 really give him an “aw, that’s our daddy & ain’t he adorable” look?  Seriously, Show, WTF?

C’mon, Show wardrobe peeps, change that hideous shirt on Claire — ASAP!

Yes I don’t get why he’s so cold to his mother. It’s not like they bothered giving us a reason for Damian to be so angry at her. It just makes him be another annoying character.

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18 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Where I’m def NOT with Damian is him turning his back on his seriously ill & dying mother, when he is clearly wealthy & can at least offer to help her.  I don’t care what his past issues are with her, that is callous & awful.  And sheesh, this guy is angry, angry, angry — and that was before Amy dumped all this sh*t at him.  Thanks, Show, for shoving this unpleasantness at us.

I do agree!!

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