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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I was going to post that I like Derrick and have connected with him as an audience member, but well....we all know that.  I think that BB saw the writing on the wall pretty early and he's been getting the winner's edit down the stretch.  


As to why people are playing Derrick's game, well mainly because they don't know they are playing it.  Derrick has done a decent job convincing those who are left (sans Victoria...she's just a smitten kitten) that he isn't a threat in the game, while in reality he is the biggest threat in the game.  Frankie wasn't worried about Derrick coming for him, he's worried about Cody or Caleb taking a shot at him.  And Caleb is totally eating up that Derrick is no match for him....and so he is willing to bring along an ally for the ride.  Cody thinks the final 2 deal with Derrick works for him because he thinks he wins that vote.  Victoria can felt taken care of by Derrick, so even though she knows she isn't going to win, she seems to think being the last girl standing is a prize all in itself (it's not Victoria...ya fruit loop dingus), so she is just a willing arm to help Derrick get to the end.  


If that were the case, I'd be cool with it. It is not. Victoria, as you note, is fully playing Derrick's game for him. That's not SO bad, though, as I can see the logic there ("You never had a chance. Stick with me, though, and you'll at least have a chance of making Final 2"). The others, though, have clearly said things along the lines of, "Wow, this is not good for my personal game" and yet still done them. That's what kills me. "We have to keep Victoria over Zach because Victoria is fully loyal to Derrick." "I have to get rid of Christine, since she is super loyal to me." "Caleb is clearly taking me to Final 2, so I have to eliminate him at Final 3!" 

  • Love 6

I have no issue with people either lying or not being completely honest in the "goodbye" videos, especially once the jury is in play.  Those in the house are still trying to either keep or secure jury votes, so telling someone what they want to hear on their way out is just a smart move IMO.  

  • Love 3

If that were the case, I'd be cool with it. It is not. Victoria, as you note, is fully playing Derrick's game for him. That's not SO bad, though, as I can see the logic there ("You never had a chance. Stick with me, though, and you'll at least have a chance of making Final 2"). The others, though, have clearly said things along the lines of, "Wow, this is not good for my personal game" and yet still done them. That's what kills me. "We have to keep Victoria over Zach because Victoria is fully loyal to Derrick." "I have to get rid of Christine, since she is super loyal to me." "Caleb is clearly taking me to Final 2, so I have to eliminate him at Final 3!" 


I think that people see their alliance and keeping together is good for their game and Derrick seems to have done a good job of planting a seed in someone's head and then getting them to think whatever move he wanted to make was in fact THEIR idea all along.  Example is Caleb saying he is putting up Derrick.  Derrick goes in and says....hey, do what you want to do, but did you think about this, etc.  After the conversation Caleb is all turned around and agrees that the best route for everyone involved is to do exactly what Derrick wanted.  I think the mistake that almost everyone has made is not consider the impact that Derrick has had in their game.  He has made himself invisible in that aspect.  Luckily for him that once people are evicted and compare notes, they seem to realize the error of their ways and how much Derrick has been controlling things behind the scenes.  He's like the Great and Power Oz behind the curtain.  I think the only one who truly knows what is going on is Victoria.  If she truly got down with an all girl alliance, she could have brought him down a long time ago, sadly....those pesky women could never get their shit together.  

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I think Christine's negative reaction is based, in varying degrees, to several things:

1. Her relationship with Cody. This obviously punched multiple buttons with viewers, not the least of which (IMHO) was her continued pursuit of the relationship in spite of repeated warning - from other HGs, heck from Zingbot even. She cried about Zingbot's zinger the rest of the night, and was right back at Cody the next day. Speaks to a certain level of obsession which usually leads to a cottontail in a crockpot.

2. Her characterizations of other HGs (particularly fan faves) as "perverted", "evil", "horrible", wishing they would die, saying she could just kill them, etc. This extremity of expression *may* be a generational thing because Cody's constant "punch them in the face" references fall into the same vein; regardless, older folks (such as myself) who wouldn't say such except in the context of a direct threat don't receive them well. Her repeated "Mean Girl" bash sessions w/Frankie also tended to associate her more strongly with this type of behavior than other HGs.

There are several other things (her curious interpretation of what constitutes "funny", her exaggerated sense of self, etc.), but I'm tired of typing about her.

To me, that falls into the realm of penalizing Derrick for Production's actions. TAFT had no advance knowledge of the bonus, so it wasn't a motivating factor in the preceding actions of the TAFT members. I also don't think it has any substantial effect on his actions afterward, as Derrick only gets the bonus if he accomplishes the goal he was already pursuing.

I've seen no contradiction yet to my earlier statements. Derrick lies in the DR, true - but his intent is to lie to Production, not to the audience. We (the audience) simply suffer from being at the sewer drain end of the information flow. :)



Excellent post and I agree with every word.  Cottontail in a crockpot! HA!

I think that people see their alliance and keeping together is good for their game and Derrick seems to have done a good job of planting a seed in someone's head and then getting them to think whatever move he wanted to make was in fact THEIR idea all along.  Example is Caleb saying he is putting up Derrick.  Derrick goes in and says....hey, do what you want to do, but did you think about this, etc.  After the conversation Caleb is all turned around and agrees that the best route for everyone involved is to do exactly what Derrick wanted.  I think the mistake that almost everyone has made is not consider the impact that Derrick has had in their game.  He has made himself invisible in that aspect.  Luckily for him that once people are evicted and compare notes, they seem to realize the error of their ways and how much Derrick has been controlling things behind the scenes.  He's like the Great and Power Oz behind the curtain.  I think the only one who truly knows what is going on is Victoria.  If she truly got down with an all girl alliance, she could have brought him down a long time ago, sadly....those pesky women could never get their shit together.  


I agree that that is Derrick's plan, I just differ that he has done a particularly good job at it. I think that these people have been unreasonably stupid. Which is, of course, not Derrick's fault. I am not blaming him for being lucky enough to have pretty much every single little thing break exactly his way (as I noted awhile back, I don't believe I've ever seen a luckier houseguest who didn't have Production specifically rigging things in his favor). That's not his fault. He can only play the game he is presented. And he's doing fine taking advantage of all the breaks he's received. It just isn't impressive game play to me. I think he clearly could have done impressive game play if he had to - but since he's never had to, I can't be impressed by it. 



I have no issue with people either lying or not being completely honest in the "goodbye" videos, especially once the jury is in play.  Those in the house are still trying to either keep or secure jury votes, so telling someone what they want to hear on their way out is just a smart move IMO.


Lying in goodbye messages is fine by me. It's the lying the DR that's ridiculous. It isn't to fool production, since production SEES EVERYTHING HE DOES. They KNOW he wasn't trying to save Donny. They KNOW he was trying to eliminate him for weeks. Thus, the only reason he has for lying in the DR is to deceive the audience and that's just silly. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Donny Donny Donny! -I voted :)


I like Caleb too even if he is a bit dim..he is fun to watch.


Frankie gone? There IS a GOD!


As far as Derrick being a good game player and being a police officer? I definitely think the fact that he IS a police officer helps his game. I come from a family of police officers and they are very good at manipulating a situation and getting into peoples heads. I don't always like him but it is a game and he is playing it well...I will give him that.

I think it helps, but I wouldn't go as far as to call him a ringer over it. 


I'm mostly just hoping this is the end of Battle of the Block. That awful, awful twist has had the biggest effect on the game play all season. Look at the Final Four. The twist essentially CREATED a Brigade effect. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 7

I always have a hard time with the loyalty conversation in these shows - I'm not really sure how I feel about it.  The object is to be the last one standing, to win the money, not to be the one who was the most loyal or trustworthy.  In fact, arguably, being loyal can be detrimental to your game.  And sometimes we, the audience, ridicule people for their loyalty at all costs attitude.  Hell, it's happened this season, with everyone being so "loyal" to Derrick - Vic, and to a lesser degree Cody, have been so loyal to Derrick that they have consistently made dumb game moves!  And what is "loyalty" in a competition where only one person can win?  What does that look like?  Not judging anyone else's opinion, obviously, just saying that I can't make an argument for Derrick being loyal or disloyal, because I don't really know what it means in this context, and I don't think being loyal is always the best gameplay.  


And Derrick has grown on me as the season has gone on.  I think he came in with a plan to win, and he has been pretty single-minded in that pursuit, and I don't think I can fault him for it.  I mean, that's the point, right?  

  • Love 12

I always have a hard time with the loyalty conversation in these shows - I'm not really sure how I feel about it.  The object is to be the last one standing, to win the money, not to be the one who was the most loyal or trustworthy.  In fact, arguably, being loyal can be detrimental to your game.  And sometimes we, the audience, ridicule people for their loyalty at all costs attitude.  Hell, it's happened this season, with everyone being so "loyal" to Derrick - Vic, and to a lesser degree Cody, have been so loyal to Derrick that they have consistently made dumb game moves!  And what is "loyalty" in a competition where only one person can win?  What does that look like?  Not judging anyone else's opinion, obviously, just saying that I can't make an argument for Derrick being loyal or disloyal, because I don't really know what it means in this context, and I don't think being loyal is always the best gameplay.  


And Derrick has grown on me as the season has gone on.  I think he came in with a plan to win, and he has been pretty single-minded in that pursuit, and I don't think I can fault him for it.  I mean, that's the point, right?  


I agree. The point of the game is to win...

I agree and when the season started I wasn't really paying him much attention, I kind of half listened because I didn't think he'd go too far and then I went back and rewatched a few weeks ago to try to figure out when it is that he started really becoming a threat and I realized he kind of misted me. He said it right from the start what his strategy was, I had made a few posts about him treating the game like undercover work, I was proud of myself for having figured it out and when I went back and saw previous episodes where he flat out stated that was what he was doing, I started thinking, is this what it feels likes for HG's after they watch, where they can see him plant the seed, pretty much admit what's going on but do it in such a bland way that even though they're not really paying attention they subconsciously are and start thinking they came up with his idea? That's when I started really respecting his game, upon rewatch, after I put all personal feelings about HG's aside and realized that while I was trying to figure out his game play because he kept contradicting himself, he had already told me, the viewer, pretty much what he was doing from day 1, so I started taking his lying in the DR as a game, it made me feel more involved in the BB house because I felt like he was treating me like an honorary HG. Lol, I'm joking about the honorary HG part, I feel he's either lying to mess with production or because production realized he's going to win and they asked him to.

  • Love 6

Loyalty in Big Brother is interesting.  Of course only one person can win, but loyalty can come into play more in this show than some others.  One, loyalty can keep you safe in the game, as long as you are loyal to the right people (aka people that are loyal back to you).  Secondly, with having to get votes from people you sent packing, loyalty kind of plays there as well.  If you stab someone in the back in the game they can stab you in the back in the jury. 


If I was ever on Big Brother, I would not do well.  I am opinionated and I have a hard time not telling people exactly what thoughts are going through my noggin.  I also am someone who is incredibly loyal to people, so I'd get burned in no time.  There are few people with the loyalty of Victoria who get rewarded and actually get to stick around.  

2 hours!!


til what???  



  • Love 1

How does signing up for an account at CBS work? Will they start spamming my email address? Can I just use a fake one or are they going to send a confirmation email? I want to vote but not if CBS/BB are going to be spamming me after the season's over.


No they do not send spam. Just your email and choose a password.  It is fast and easy with no problems. 



til what??? 




Ha ha ha!  I am looking forward to watching Frankie's eviction and interview with Julie.  I want to get excited about something and, sadly, that is the only thing.  We have been waiting to see this for weeks.  Funny, now it is here, it is old news already!.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

No they do not send spam. Just your email and choose a password.  It is fast and easy with no problems. 



Ha ha ha!  I am looking forward to watching Frankie's eviction and interview with Julie.  I want to get excited about something and, sadly, that is the only thing.  We have been waiting to see this for weeks.  Funny, now it is here and old news already.  


It'll be a breath of fresh air once it is official that Frankie is out of the house.  I'm interested to see if he sees it coming and how he leaves the house.  Does he make nice with the current house guests?  Does he throw a tantrum?  Does he walk out like Christine and say nothing?  I think that Frankie is uber conscious of the viewing audience, so I don't think he'll wanna whine and bitch too much.  (Unfortunately or hilariously Frankie didn't seem conscious enough of the feedsters since all that horribleness is gonna follow him for a while.)

  • Love 1
One, loyalty can keep you safe in the game, as long as you are loyal to the right people (aka people that are loyal back to you).  Secondly, with having to get votes from people you sent packing, loyalty kind of plays there as well.  If you stab someone in the back in the game they can stab you in the back in the jury.​



You're right, I know, and that's why I think loyalty is so hard for me to figure out in this game.  To your first point, Derrick is about as safe in this game as a person can be, and he has been throughout - he's never even been nominated!  And to the second point, I think that's the part of BB and Survivor that is probably the most difficult - getting rid of people without them hating you.  But then again, if the choice is to stab someone in the back and risk them being a pissed jury member, or not stabbing them in the back and risk becoming a jury member yourself, I guess you have to stab them!  And it seems like Derrick has done a pretty good job of not infuriating too many jury members.  

  • Love 2

It'll be a breath of fresh air once it is official that Frankie is out of the house.  I'm interested to see if he sees it coming and how he leaves the house.  Does he make nice with the current house guests?  Does he throw a tantrum?  Does he walk out like Christine and say nothing?  I think that Frankie is uber conscious of the viewing audience, so I don't think he'll wanna whine and bitch too much.  (Unfortunately or hilariously Frankie didn't seem conscious enough of the feedsters since all that horribleness is gonna follow him for a while.)


A Broadway exit all the way.  Air kisses, maybe quick hugs and an exit line.  Could be, I am going to meet my fans!  

  • Love 3

It'll be a breath of fresh air once it is official that Frankie is out of the house.  I'm interested to see if he sees it coming and how he leaves the house.  Does he make nice with the current house guests?  Does he throw a tantrum?  Does he walk out like Christine and say nothing?  I think that Frankie is uber conscious of the viewing audience, so I don't think he'll wanna whine and bitch too much.  (Unfortunately or hilariously Frankie didn't seem conscious enough of the feedsters since all that horribleness is gonna follow him for a while.)


I hope to God he doesn't start zooshing his hair! drives me nuts! ;) lol

Oh and let's not forget all of the duck lips and kiss blowing and winking I saw on BBAD when he was laying in bed....yuck.

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He has been waiting for his moment to shine in the  public eye.  He wants fan favorite more than winning.  His financial ducks are in a row, he is all about being loved.  That is sad but I don't want to focus on that because it will detract from my glee if booing is involved.  Reality TV exposes my dark side. 

Edited by wings707
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It's possible, maybe even likely, to like someone. I donts a person but still see them as a personal threat.[/quote

Oh I completely agree. I was just saying that this was the most common answer for how Derrick has lied to the audience. I personally don't think he has lied, he just has conflicting feelings like most people.

I don't know what surprises me more.  That they (accidentally?) showed five minutes of feeds that managed to leak eviction and HOH or that someone was watching when it happened?



I just thought of that and came to post it!  Jokers feed reporters are really on the ball!  Was it because someone was waiting for that to happen or was it a lucky break?  Impressive either way.  I don't believe in coincidence so I have to chalk that up to booga booga. 

Edited by wings707

I just thought of that and came to post it!  Jokers feed reporters are really on the ball!  Was it because someone was waiting for that to happen or was it a lucky break?  Impressive either way.  I don't believe in coincidence so I have to chalk that up to booga booga. 


Someone has an unhealthy obsession with Jeff and his highlights.

I don't know what surprises me more.  That they (accidentally?) showed five minutes of feeds that managed to leak eviction and HOH or that someone was watching when it happened?

I don't get the feeds but from what I have read on other sites, they seem to "accidentally" show the feeds for a few minutes every year to throw a bone to the feed watchers.

One of the sites people were saying they were surprised that they hadn't "accidentally" put the feeds on yet.

  • Love 1

Gotta admit, CBS's manipulations have worked on me.  I've been skipping episodes all season, but tonight's a must. Then I'll probably watch Weds, and skip the next week.


I'm to the point where I'm only watching because nothing else is on (I refuse to pick up DWTS or Utopia).  I checked the airing schedule fully expecting not to watch because of New Girl/Mindy Project returning this week but they are an hour later.

Did you all check out the photo booth pics?  Frankie continues to annoy me with his stupid heart symbols and his duck face.


This one of Derrick and Victoria gave me the creeps though...and you all know that Derrick doesn't give me the creeps on the usual:



Also here is an interesting tweet from Evil Dick:


So you all are splitting your votes between Donny & Zach... exactly how that douche Frankie is gonna win. Fitting for this season #BB16

shelley1005, why does it give you the creeps?  Just curious. 


And I fully agree that someone needs to explain to Frankie that duck lips are NOT age-appropriate.  Really, I think they're never appropriate, but I'm willing to forgive teenagers for their transgressions.  31 year olds?  Nope.


While I think Victoria is a grown up and all...it kind of is the picture representation of Derrick's control of Victoria in the game.  And the 2nd pic where she's touching him.  Basically cause I am of the opinion that she knows he's married and knows nothing will ever happen, but she's still pretty much head over heels little girl in love with him...it's rubs me the wrong way.  


Duck lips are never okay.  Nope.  Never.  Gross.  

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I don't feel bad for Christine. If I remember correctly, she told Cody that nobody likes her at her real job and also that her mother always said she was a mean child.


LOL! Good point. Christine is probably just awful to be around, even in real life.


Christine earned the dislike the public seems to feel for her, but the hate is beyond over the top.  In my opinion, the public was easy on Aaryn because of how she looked (somewhat angelic), and I feel part of the Christine hate is due to Christine's looks (somewhat witch-like).


I completely agree with this.


If that were the case, I'd be cool with it. It is not. Victoria, as you note, is fully playing Derrick's game for him. That's not SO bad, though, as I can see the logic there ("You never had a chance. Stick with me, though, and you'll at least have a chance of making Final 2"). The others, though, have clearly said things along the lines of, "Wow, this is not good for my personal game" and yet still done them. That's what kills me. "We have to keep Victoria over Zach because Victoria is fully loyal to Derrick." "I have to get rid of Christine, since she is super loyal to me." "Caleb is clearly taking me to Final 2, so I have to eliminate him at Final 3!" 


This. It's just unfathomable to me and I can not recall any other season with this many people who admittedly did things that were bad for their game but good for someone else's and that's why these HGs just feel quite a bit dumber on the whole than any other group to me.


And Derrick has grown on me as the season has gone on.


Me too. I liked Derrick a lot for about a week early on, but then I grew more and more tired of him ruining everything entertaining and then became really grossed out by his what I perceived to be sexist behavior and increasingly uncomfortable relationship with Victoria. But now I'm just more meh on him. Plus, he cracked me up when he told Caleb he's heard him say 'heard dat' everyday. It was just such a classic example of his smoke blowing and it was so hilarious to me.


I've always liked Derrick and hoped he could win.  I'm always surprised at those who almost HATE him...yet loved Dan. 


For me it's simply that Dan didn't kill all the drama at every turn and was actually fun. Plus, he's 10 times the player Derrick is, IMO, so that helps!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Did you all check out the photo booth pics?  Frankie continues to annoy me with his stupid heart symbols and his duck face.


This one of Derrick and Victoria gave me the creeps though...and you all know that Derrick doesn't give me the creeps on the usual:



Also here is an interesting tweet from Evil Dick:



So you all are splitting your votes between Donny & Zach... exactly how that douche Frankie is gonna win. Fitting for this season #BB16


Wow, I don't usually like Evel Dick but I completely agree with him. 


Also…the moment we have all been waiting for is coming soon! 


ETA: I just had a terrible thought. What if that live feed sneak peek was prerecorded??? Yes, they had POV outfits on etc…but I didn't see it so I don't know how long it was for or what it looked like. But what if we are going to be robbed of our moment here?!?!?

Edited by WiCkedWitCh
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