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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I remember, at the end of BB15 people on TWoP raving for pages and pages about how Andy couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't win - no way it could happen - how we all begged and pleaded for the hammies to wise up and evict his sorry butt.  We all know how that turned out.  BB16 is feeling like "deja vu all over again".  IMO Derrick has played the more strategic game, but he's been so stealthy that I'm thinking the jury will reward Frankie for being more overt, more obvious. Damn, I really hate to see that happen, hate, hate, hate!

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 6

Let's face facts-Frankie is a comp beast and he's GREAT under pressure. He could certainly win the HoH all over again Wednesday.


There is really no doubt in my mind that Frankie will just win HOH again. This season is that bad.


Lordy, I hope so, because I'm envisioning this group of rats taking advantage of a sheltered girl's naïveté.


Personally, I think it's a bit of that. Now that we've seen them all sit there and listen to (and even participate in) a 'funny' convo where they discuss Victoria being raped I am super uncomfortable with them discussing Victoria's virginity in any way.


Derrick and Victoria have had more than 1 sex convo and at least 1 time it was just the two of them. It's pretty gross on Derrick's part, IMO.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6


I have my fingers and toes crossed that the reset upsets Frankie so much that it throws him off and he doesn't do well in the HOH, and that the others have finally realized that he HAS to go and step up their game big time.



Frankie is excited about the reset because he gets to play for HOH again.  On a normal week he would have to sit out.  

  • Love 1


I remember, at the end of BB15 people on TWoP raving for pages and pages about how Andy couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't win - no way it could happen - how we all begged and pleaded for the hammies to wise up and evict his sorry butt.  We all know how that turned out.  BB16 is feeling like "deja vu all over again".  IMO Derrick has played the more strategic game, but he's been so stealthy that I'm thinking the jury will reward Frankie for being more overt, more obvious. Damn, I really hate to see that happen, hate, hate, hate!

I don't think the jury will give the win to Frankie if Derrick is the alternative because they'll assume Frankie doesn't need the money, what with his being a Grande and all. Derrick has played a brilliant stealth game and is a regular family man with a small child, living on a middle class income. Initially some jury members might be upset to find out he's not only a cop but has extensive undercover experience but when all's said a done I think they'll give him the win.


...as a clear request for a duet?

LOL, I first read this as "duel" and I actually thought, "Yeah, I can see Caleb viewing it as a challenge."

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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The only potential left for this week is that Derrick tries to get Frankie/Caleb on board to vote out Cody. But he won't, because he strongly suspects it's a rewind.


ETA: Or I guess it could be fun if Frankie tries to get Caleb to vote out Cody, which he should since it's much better for his game. I doubt he will though because I think he suspects the golden button nullifies his hoh/noms anyway.


Hopefully DR encourages them to target Cody just so this twist isn't completely useless.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't think the jury will give the win to Frankie if Derrick is the alternative because they'll assume Frankie doesn't need the money, what with his being a Grande and all. Derrick has played a brilliant stealth game and is a regular family man with a small child, living on a middle class income. Initially some jury members might be upset to find out he's not only a cop but has extensive undercover experience but when all's said a done I think they'll give him the win.


LOL, I first read this as "duel" and I actually thought, "Yeah, I can see Caleb viewing it as a challenge."



I agree that if Frankie makes it to the end he will not win.  Not only do they see him as financially sound surely his self aggrandizing got under their skin.  Had to have.

Edited by wings707
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I am thinking that they will do a DE like they did in the early years and they'll prerecord the eviction on either Friday or Saturday and air it on Sunday. There just isn't time for them to do the whole week's worth of comps on Wednesday's show, but they don't have the time in the schedule to wait until next Wednesday to get down to F4.

I am thinking that they will do a DE like they did in the early years and they'll prerecord the eviction on either Friday or Saturday and air it on Sunday. There just isn't time for them to do the whole week's worth of comps on Wednesday's show, but they don't have the time in the schedule to wait until next Wednesday to get down to F4.



There is an eviction on Wed so that means, HOH, noms, veto and vote.   No DE but it will end with the new HOH comp and I think this one may go into the feeds.  Endurance, probably.  

I don't think so. The Golden Button timer goes until 8:35 pm et, which is way too far into the ep for them to do another HOH, a veto and ceremony, and a live vote. Plus if someone is evicted on Wednesday there are just too many eps left. But they can't wait too long into the week for the eviction because then there wouldn't be enough eps left. If they do the eviction on Sunday the schedule works out perfectly. The original DEs were done this way. What they call DEs now were actually called fast forwards but then they did away with the original DE and just started calling FFs DEs. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yo y'all - playing major catchup here:

ETA2: WHY is BB giving us another TAFY mission? They obviously realize everyone hates Frankie! I mean, don't they? ugh

Just a quick clarification - I will no longer be referring to Team America as TAFY in my posts. As a response to Frankie's and Derrick's abandonment and subsequent eviction of Donny, any future references of mine will use the acronym TAFT.

As in "Team America? Fuck This."

I'm so mad people voted for the rat one because the other one was impossible. And this one made Frankie say "yay, they don't hate us!" Au contraire, mon frere.

Eta: haha I didn't even see that you had just written au contraire! Jinx en Francais!

I'd be really curious to find out if there was a significant drop in voter participation on this latest task.

I have my fingers and toes crossed that the reset upsets Frankie so much that it throws him off and he doesn't do well in the HOH, and that the others have finally realized that he HAS to go and step up their game big time. If he does win, Derrick may be watching the game slip through his fingers, and kicking himself in the ass for not making a move sooner. At this point, I can live with anyone winning EXCEPT Frankie. When he gets out of the house, I don't care if its a reality check, karma or a bus hitting him, I want to see his gigantic, bloated ego deflated and the scumbag get what's coming to him.

From your lips to God's ears.

I found this so funny because I watched one of his music videos where he was sitting on a bed, holding a guitar and singing. The guitar was nothing but a prop because he never so much as strummed it. I got the impression he didn't know how to play it.

Exactly what I thought when I first read Caleb saw guitars and thought they were an indication he was to perform. What was he going to do, model them?

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 15
Derrick has played a brilliant stealth game and is a regular family man with a small child, living on a middle class income.


You don't have a wedding in Newport on a middle class income. I just think it's interesting that he probably doesn't "need" the money either, but is playing the role of someone who does. I know it's part of the game, and there have been many winners who didn't "need" the money, but very few of them I believe played this constant card of "needing" the money (as Derrick does). Not revealing you actually have money is different than pretending you are actually poor (taking food out of a child's mouth evokes an image of a struggling family) and it doesn't sit well with me. But that's probably just me.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 12

Vic says she likes tall guys after Caleb flexes his arm in her face. Caleb asks Derr how tall his is (6'1) Derr says Caleb is 5'10. Vic "my dad is very tall... 6'4 my mom is 5'0"

Caleb and Frankie at it again...
Caleb "Frankie always ruins everything.... talking behind my back... all the time"
Frankie "always trying to stab you in the back, throw you under the bus"
"you did"
Caleb "If I succeeded you wouldn't be here anymore"
Fr "If I TRIED I would have SUCCEEDED"

The Rewind would have its most injurious effect (a) if it were used after the votes were cast and had been read, and (b) would probably most negatively impact Frankie's and (possibly) Derrick's game - which is why I think it will be announced pre-Vote. :P

I don't think the jury will give the win to Frankie if Derrick is the alternative because they'll assume Frankie doesn't need the money, what with his being a Grande and all. Derrick has played a brilliant stealth game and is a regular family man with a small child, living on a middle class income. Initially some jury members might be upset to find out he's not only a cop but has extensive undercover experience but when all's said a done I think they'll give him the win.

I've thought a bit about whether or not Derrick should reveal his true background before the final vote is cast. At present, I'm leaning towards No.

I think the negative potential backlash from many of they Jury over being played by a "regular guy" would outweigh any admiration for his gameplay and skill at maintaining such a facade for the duration of the entire game. About the only exception would be if something happens between now and then such that Derrick truly needs a Hail Mary to have any chance at winning.

You don't have a wedding in Newport on a middle class income. I just think it's interesting that he probably doesn't "need" the money either, but is playing the role of someone who does.

I think that speaks more to how deep the pockets of the bride's parents are, not the groom's. Nobody is getting rich off a police sergeant's salary, unless you're doing a lot of "special favors" for someone whose family name incorporates an excessive number of vowels. Edited by Nashville
  • Love 10


LOL, I first read this as "duel" and I actually thought, "Yeah, I can see Caleb viewing it as a challenge."


My goodness, that would have been the BEST.  The absolute best.  I wish and hope that happens.  And I hope it ends with someone getting a guitar smashed over their head.

I think that speaks more to how deep the pockets of the bride's parents are, not the groom's. Nobody is getting rich off a police sergeant's salary, unless you're doing a lot of "special favors" for someone whose family name incorporates an excessive number of vowels.

Not only that, a lot of people go into debt to have an elaborate wedding.  Thats why I always tell people...if I get married it will be on a Tuesday morning in the middle of the backwoods.  That way I get lots of gifts and I don't have to feed people.  Holla!

  • Love 3

Not only that, a lot of people go into debt to have an elaborate wedding.  Thats why I always tell people...if I get married it will be on a Tuesday morning in the middle of the backwoods.  That way I get lots of gifts and I don't have to feed people.  Holla!


I am SOOO loving where your head is at!!!!


My wedding budget was $15K - and my father - a veteran of several marriages - URGED me to go to the JP and just have a quickie court wedding, and use the money for a great honeymoon, or get a nice jump on a nest egg.  Did I listen to this marital veteran's sage advice.  NOOOOOOOOO - I got the flashy wedding...and my own set of divorce papers three years later!  WEEEE!!!!!  I get that a first marriage (which mine was) a girl dreams of the center of attention/princess thing...but in hindsight, the stress, worrying and exhaustion were not worth it.


Oh, and because this is a BB thread still - Frankie blows!

  • Love 4

Not only that, a lot of people go into debt to have an elaborate wedding.  Thats why I always tell people...if I get married it will be on a Tuesday morning in the middle of the backwoods.  That way I get lots of gifts and I don't have to feed people.  Holla!

Wife-to-be and I had already seen several friends break the bank on a big wedding only to be divorced within a year or two, so we didn't want to go that route. We decided on a Monday to get married that Friday. Got married in the break room of a building adjoining the court house where the judges kept their offices; we caught the last judge as he was leaving for the day. Our fashion statement was sweaters and jeans - I did wear my good boots, though. This December will mark our 29th anniversary, so I reckon we got some hellacious bang for our buck. :)

  • Love 18

I am SOOO loving where your head is at!!!!


My wedding budget was $15K - and my father - a veteran of several marriages - URGED me to go to the JP and just have a quickie court wedding, and use the money for a great honeymoon, or get a nice jump on a nest egg.  Did I listen to this marital veteran's sage advice.  NOOOOOOOOO - I got the flashy wedding...and my own set of divorce papers three years later!  WEEEE!!!!!  I get that a first marriage (which mine was) a girl dreams of the center of attention/princess thing...but in hindsight, the stress, worrying and exhaustion were not worth it.


Oh, and because this is a BB thread still - Frankie blows!

Yes, let me begin this post by saying that Frankie does...indeed...blow


Your father sounds hilarious.  But seriously, almost every bride I've known who has had a huge wedding has had so much stress leading up to the day it hardly seems worth it.  I think some website maybe theknot, has a list of everything you have to do to prepare for a wedding......its like 2,000 steps!  If I really want to be the center of attention I can go dance on top of a bar somewhere. 


Although, from what I've heard, if you had your beautiful wedding for $15k, you made out pretty good.  I knew someone who spent like $60k on a wedding.  I was like "listen, for those prices, you can never get divorced, you'll just have to kill her if you want out.

Wife-to-be and I had already seen several friends break the bank on a big wedding only to be divorced within a year or two, so we didn't want to go that route. We decided on a Monday to get married that Friday. Got married in the break room of a building adjoining the court house where the judges kept their offices; we caught the last judge as he was leaving for the day. Our fashion statement was sweaters and jeans - I did wear my good boots, though. This December will mark our 29th anniversary, so I reckon we got some hellacious bang for our buck. :)


Awwww...thats sweet.  I do think some of the credit goes to your boots though...she was probably like "look at this handsome devil in these boots!  I gotta lock this guy down!"


And Frankie blows.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 2

I am thinking that they will do a DE like they did in the early years and they'll prerecord the eviction on either Friday or Saturday and air it on Sunday. There just isn't time for them to do the whole week's worth of comps on Wednesday's show, but they don't have the time in the schedule to wait until next Wednesday to get down to F4.




"Thursday live eviction show, hosted by Julie Chen, shifts to Wednesday (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) effective Sept. 10, due to the premiere of NFL THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL on Sept. 11." 


So how is this going to work?  


Julie said the live rewind will be live at or during the vote.  I listened to the end and got the exact quote somewhere in this thread. That implies they may let one vote through.  Or before the vote before it starts. Doesn't matter, it tells us these noms are safe.   She said,  everyone who played in the last HOH plays again.  So right there you have a new HOH.  How can some one be evicted if they don't have noms and a veto comp? 

Most likely someone will not be evicted. In the middle of the show, either right as they would go to vote or right after they vote, the timer will go off. Julie will announce the twist. They'll play a new HOH and then the show will end. It'll be like how it went when the reset button happened on BB14.



"Thursday live eviction show, hosted by Julie Chen, shifts to Wednesday (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) effective Sept. 10, due to the premiere of NFL THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL on Sept. 11." 


So how is this going to work?  


Julie said the live rewind will be live at or during the vote.  I listened to the end and got the exact quote somewhere in this thread. That implies they may let one vote through.  Or before the vote before it starts. Doesn't matter, it tells us these noms are safe.   She said,  everyone who played in the last HOH plays again.  So right there you have a new HOH.  How can some one be evicted if they don't have noms and a veto comp?

Here's the exact text of what Julie said - I'd posted it a few days ago in another thread:

Fortunately I caught tonight's broadcast on my DVR. :)  Julie's exact words were:


"It's called the Big Brother Rewind (#BBRewind displayed on screen).  If that button is pushed in the coming days, then next week's live vote will stop live on the air, the two nominees will immediately come off the block, the game will rewind, and the entire week will be replayed.  That means next week's nominees could go from being on the block to becoming Head of Household."


At the end of the episode the HG pictures are gone from the Wall, replaced by two video feeds of the Big Gold Button (one life-sized, one extreme close-up), as the HGs argue about what it means....

Wife-to-be and I had already seen several friends break the bank on a big wedding only to be divorced within a year or two, so we didn't want to go that route. We decided on a Monday to get married that Friday. Got married in the break room of a building adjoining the court house where the judges kept their offices; we caught the last judge as he was leaving for the day. Our fashion statement was sweaters and jeans - I did wear my good boots, though. This December will mark our 29th anniversary, so I reckon we got some hellacious bang for our buck. :)


Love this!  We got married in our house that we had just built ourselves.  It was unfinished, no sheet rock, chest of drawers was the kitchen and a ladder to the second floor.  Friends cooked our reception food which was beautifully displayed on piece of plywood sitting on saw horses (table cloth of course). I wore a caftan and he jeans and a shirt, we were both in boots and made it 40 years.

Fortunately I caught tonight's broadcast on my DVR. :)  Julie's exact words were:

"It's called the Big Brother Rewind (#BBRewind displayed on screen).  If that button is pushed in the coming days, then next week's live vote will stop live on the air, the two nominees will immediately come off the block, the game will rewind, and the entire week will be replayed.  That means next week's nominees could go from being on the block to becoming Head of Household."

At the end of the episode the HG pictures are gone from the Wall, replaced by two video feeds of the Big Gold Button (one life-sized, one extreme close-up), as the HGs argue about what it means....


Yes.  I understand it thus far.  There is an eviction on Wed, though.  The question is do they fit in HOH, new noms and veto, too?  AND start the new HOH comp at the end, lopping over into the feeds? 

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Cody is sooo feminine he gossips alot , keeps up with pop culture most straight men I know would not be very interested in there really is something in the water with the dude's on this show.  very first season of big brother where i will say it seems like every male in the house is gay , some of these guys make Andy and Marcellus look masculine lol .


Donny is the only straight male this season , no cuddling with frankie , no frankie groping , no twerking , no gay work out contests , no gossiping lol  thats not a suprise based off the stereotype of Donny's look i wouldn't expect him to be cool with just about any of that dude has nothing in common with the effeminate guys on this show.

Can we ease up on the gay stereotyping please. I don't see how men being comfortable touching each other or working out makes them effeminate.

The other night I was thinking how last season Howard was so aware of not feeding into the "angry black man" stereotype.

Compared to this season where Frankie seems hellbent on reinforcing every negative stereotype about gay men, that they all want to come on to straight men, grope them, try to have sex with them etc.

  • Love 15

I don't think it's clear at all that there will actually be an eviction on Wednesday. Going by the Golden Button timer, the schedule for the rest of the season, and the way previous seasons were done, I just don't think there can be one.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

I don't think it's clear at all that there will actually be an eviction on Wednesday. Going by the Golden Button timer, the schedule for the rest of the season, and the way previous seasons were done, I just don't think there can be one.



In the link, I posted it said there was an eviction and on my DIRECTV schedule says the same thing.  What a disappointment if no one goes on Wed.  It will be pretty dull. And they have a lot of time to fill.   The HOH comp will have to be a long one.  Final 5 for another week?  I cannot even  reread my post for typos after putting those words down. 

Edited by wings707

I would post this in the Derrick thread, but it contains information not seen on the live shows, so apologies if it's in the wrong place:


Survivor had a contestant, Terry, many years ago who was the only married guy there in a series of single people, and when the time came for the family reward and it was his wife and all the other contestants' parents, siblings and friends, Terry scoffed that these weren't as important relationships as being married. I feel that same kind of entitlement from Derrick -- that other contestants have families, but he's a father and so his family is so much more important than everyone else's. Is it OK to take food out of Cody's family's mouth? What about Caleb's? Is Derrick's family that much more important because he created another person? It's an attitude I've seen on Chopped, as well -- traditionally only with men -- the entitlement that comes with creating human beings. And I feel it's even more disingenuous if he can afford to get married in one of the wealthiest towns in America. Unless his wife's family cut her off, I don't think his child has a chance of starving.


I will say the fact that the other houseguests (mainly Cody and Caleb, who don't seem to be super well-off, as Frankie and Victoria are) have actually embraced this attitude, and seem to agree with Derrick's reasoning, says more about their character than it does about his. I don't think last season's houseguests would have cared.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 9


I feel that same kind of entitlement from Derrick -- that other contestants have families, but he's a father and so his family is so much more important than everyone else's. Is it OK to take food out of Cody's family's mouth? What about Caleb's? Is Derrick's family that much more important because he created another person?

I agree that Derrick's whole, "You're taking food out of my daughter's mouth" betrays a sense of entitlement and his self-proclaimed need isn't necessarily any worthier than that of some of the other houseguests. My only point was, if it comes down to Derrick or Frankie, I don't think Frankie would win for several reasons but the main one being that he acts and talks like he's already Grande rich. For all we know Derrick (or his wife) may be well-off too but if so, why is he working as a lowly police sergeant? For kicks? Plus, he truly has played the best stealth game so far and I think the jury members will respect what he was able pull off. Meanwhile, pretty much all Frankie has done is keep reminding everyone who he is and who he's related to, and act like he's untouchable. I think they'll come to admit that it was off-putting and not feel the need to reward him for it. (Of course, this assumes Derrick's cover won't get blown between now and the jury vote. If that happens all bets are off.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 1

In the link, I posted it said there was an eviction and on my DIRECTV schedule says the same thing.  What a disappointment if no one goes on Wed.  It will be pretty dull. And they have a lot of time to fill.   The HOH comp will have to be a long one.  Final 5 for another week?  I cannot even  reread my post for typos after putting those words down. 

I think this is true, there is no eviction.  There just isn't time.  DirecTV could not be bothered to update episode descriptions, as the Sunday episode has said that the "two Heads of Household move into their room" for long after the dual HoH twist ended.  I don't think they will have a lot of time to fill... it's just a normal episode up until 8:35 when Julie stops the vote and explains the twist.  We would come back for the HoH after the commercial a bit after 8:40, which is normal.  There are two commercial breaks after 8:35, one before and one after HoH, so I think it fits.  The next person should be out sometime between Sat, Sun, Mon and they will show it Tuesday the 16th.  This also means the feeds will be down a lot (days, not hours).


W/r/t Derrick's wedding..  I think he has been making a huge effort this season to focus on the "he needs the money" storyline. There was a conversation on BBAD probably a month ago where he was talking about having a PS4, and Zach and Christine mentioned how expensive they are and he got very defensive that they are not that expensive and that his wife, brother and parents all went in on it for Christmas because he is so hard to buy for.  I think it's a valid strategy this year, as it seems to matter to people.  I can't believe anyone reacted in any way positively to the "schools in Africa" nonsense either.  Some casts would not care.  For instance, in Season 2, Bunky's F2 question to Will was how much he was going to give to charity which Will responded with: "Zero percent". He told them straight out he would spend the money on "jet skis and gold chains". This season is a lot of very young people with a totally different life view.  *I* would never pay attention to people's life situation when voting, but I'm in my 30's and have a good job.

  • Love 1

I have my fingers and toes crossed that the reset upsets Frankie so much that it throws him off and he doesn't do well in the HOH, and that the others have finally realized that he HAS to go and step up their game big time.  If he does win, Derrick may be watching the game slip through his fingers, and kicking himself in the ass for not making a move sooner.  At this point, I can live with anyone winning EXCEPT Frankie.  When he gets out of the house, I don't care if its a reality check, karma or a bus hitting him, I want to see his gigantic, bloated ego deflated and the scumbag get what's coming to him.

I've been thinking about why I dislike Derrick and the Bomb Detonators and the way they've played the game so much. There is the fact that the game has lost all suspense and tension by having one big alliance dominate throughout, but I think would be the case just on a strategic interest level no matter who made up the alliance. With this particular alliance, though, there's a very unpleasant (to me) ethos behind the whole thing. It's very "Bros Before Hos" and "Boys Picking on the Girls" and "Cool Kids Versus the Losers." Also, there's an element of cowardliness in playing the game so safe and always targeting the weakest players. They never take any risk because they don't have to. I understand that there are strategic reasons for that and that this is a game, but from a visceral and narrative perspective it's just... unpleasant. It's something I can't root for. They talk so much shit about how badass they are and they get really nasty whenever any of the "outsiders" make some futile attempt to play the game and they gloat over the fact that they're controlling everything and no one else has a chance.


Derrick plays a very dishonest game, which is fine and good strategy, but it's icky. In a weird way, he makes things just as personal as someone who plays a very nasty personal game. He intentionally connects with these people (who are mostly younger and dumber than him) on a very personal level, then he stabs them in the back and doesn't even have the decency to be honest about it. He does his dirty work behind the scenes, then takes advantage of the Us vs. Them dynamic that he helps to create in the house to be the only one to secretly throw them a bone of emotional support, not because he actually cares about them, but to get their jury vote. He's under no obligation to care about these people and it's a game, etc., etc., but it's gross. He has used Victoria throughout the game, but now he will have no qualms about discarding her if that's better for him. Again, good gameplay and I don't even like Victoria, but still. And the bullshit with "taking food out of his daughter's mouth." And using his baby daughter and dead grandfather to manipulate people so he can win money on a game show. Etc., etc., etc.


Apart from that, I've really lost respect for Derrick's strategic game after he blew the opportunity to backdoor Frankie last week. If he really changed his mind because Nicole compared him to Dr. Will, that's even stupider than I thought before I saw that on the show. Who cares if the completely powerless Nicole was "onto him"? Frankie is "onto him" too. Duh. Derrick has played a very, very conservative, and ultimately chickenshit, game. He obsesses over getting anyone out who even mentions his name in any context other than praising him for being such a great guy without considering whether that person is really a threat to his game. How on earth could he think that Nicole was a bigger threat to him than Frankie? I LOATHE Frankie, so I'm living for him to get evicted, but if it weren't for that I'd be rooting for him to get Derrick out this week. Derrick would so deserve it and it would show his game up for being as weak as it really is. He still might pull off F2 or even the win now, but it would be based on the luck of Frankie not winning his way to the end, which could totally happen and could have easily been prevented by the golden opportunity to backdoor him (without even getting blood on Derrick's hands) last week.

  • Love 12

My wish for Wednesday night:  No "strategy sessions."  I want there to be an eviction, and I not only want the rewind to blindside them, I don't want Cody, Caleb or Victoria to have time to go to Frankie and Derrick for marching orders. 


And I also want world peace, an end to global warming and Fox to retroactively rescind the cancellation of Firefly and bring it back with Joss and the original cast intact. 

Edited by Thalia
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Just read the piece by Ferotia or whatever lame nom de plume Frankie used, and apart from his offensive travel manners, as someone who travels to South Africa at least once a year for a family visit, I'm surprised that he had to change planes in Dakar. I have never EVER had to change planes there, only a mere hour layover to unload and load passengers. I fly on a shoe string budget, and when I say shoestring I mean it, so either he is BS-ing or booked his ticket very poorly, and for someone who brags about his worldly possessions, i.e. Tumi luggage etc., I'm mightily surprised he didn't use a travel agent....UNLESSsss he did, and said travel agent decided to fuck him over by giving him a connection in Dakar.

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Derrick plays a very dishonest game, which is fine and good strategy, but it's icky. In a weird way, he makes things just as personal as someone who plays a very nasty personal game. He intentionally connects with these people (who are mostly younger and dumber than him) on a very personal level, then he stabs them in the back and doesn't even have the decency to be honest about it. He does his dirty work behind the scenes, then takes advantage of the Us vs. Them dynamic that he helps to create in the house to be the only one to secretly throw them a bone of emotional support, not because he actually cares about them, but to get their jury vote. He's under no obligation to care about these people and it's a game, etc., etc., but it's gross. He has used Victoria throughout the game, but now he will have no qualms about discarding her if that's better for him. Again, good gameplay and I don't even like Victoria, but still.


I agree 100% with this post, but I have to say this describes Boston Rob's game in Survivor: Redemption Island to a T, with the glaring exception of this...


And the bullshit with "taking food out of his daughter's mouth."


You can use people and be manipulative and be kind to them and then stab them in the back to advance yourself in a game. Heck, Boston Rob ran a masterclass on that, including leading a similar cult of personality. But then don't turn around, all moralizing that you're doing it for noble purposes (food/daughter/mouth), which makes it OK. In that sense, Derrick is nothing but a male Dawn from Cochran's winning Survivor season -- and will receive about 1/64,000th of the backlash Dawn did, because of his sex.

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I shouldn't be surprised and yet I was.  What a hideous little man.  I so hope he is out next and hears the boos.  He has been vocal about how devastated he would be if he were booed.  

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I don't like Frankie, but his over the top histrionics really served to sell the initial rat sighting:



Caleb just calmly walking up all "what's the situation here" is awesome and makes me like him very much.

Caleb is always "I guarantee you....", "I bet you money it's ...." Does not matter what it is, he knows, he had knowledge, he has experience.

I love him. Manly Man Beast Mode saves that day!

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