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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Cody is observing Derrick and Victoria talking.  He is already annoyed that he continues to soothe her.  Earlier he said that if Derrick did not set her straight, he would.  Well, Cody.  Now would be the time.  Come on we have watched you play cards and eat for days now.   Shoo, go do it.


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Derr & Cody at hammock. Derr tells him he asked to talk to a producer because he wants to tell Vic he's voting her out but they
09/20/14 07:11 PM
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have told them they can't. He can't be more clear than what he's saying because he's not allowed. Derr says "it's driving him f'ing nuts. It's awkward. It's supposed to be a celebratory time for me, these 4 days."
Cody says he's been giving Derr his space to talk to Vic.
D "i'm not trying to be selfish. It sucks.. I let her know, you can ask Cody - there have been people who have told me that if she gets to the end they're going to give her the money. You can ask Cody, he was in the room." He said that would be part of the consideration in his decision on Wednesday.
Cody "she's looking at it like a personal vendetta and I think if you let her know "he was one of my best friends in the house.." it's not just game, we have a f2, we got brotherly tight"



Well there you have it.  He is not taking Victoria. 

Also, there you have it, Production is annoying. What does it matter if she knows?  To possibly get tears out of her at the finale for the 45 seconds of time she will have on stage with Julie?  And why are the rules so wishy washy?!? He flat out told Frankie he was going home, so if Derrick tells her Wednesday, that's ok?  Dumb.

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I have a feeling about a year from now Cody and Christine will have a lot of regrets about the game.


I believe Cody will have regrets about his physical relationship with Christine the minute he gets home and real reality sets in.




Well he's not Jesus, you know.


I believe that was fucking Jesus.  That from a nice Catholic boy.







I think Victoria is also sad because the game is coming to an end and her time with Derrick and her life inside the house will soon be over. She's going through a mixed bag of emotions. 


This goes back to my comment about her "playing house" with Derrick.  She's the only HG I've ever seen who is loving her time stuck in that place because she's confined with the man of her dreams.  Sadly for her, she's in for a rude awakening in just a few more days.



He emphasizes the 'little sister" title way too often for me to believe he does not sense she is in love with him.   He is not going to socialize with her outside this game and he knows it.  His wife sees the bigger picture and will not want him to continue contact.  She knows he is not interested in her beyond the game so no jealously there but why on earth would she want to associate with a woman who is clearly smitten with her man?   


I so totally agree with this.  I don't get the feeds but do watch BBAD and have heard him refer to them as little sister/big brother a lot. In fact, last night he said they could name their alliance the Brother/Sister Alliance.  Too little, too late Princess.  I suspect Derrick's wife can't wait to get her husband back in the safety of their home and her arms.




Cody is observing Derrick and Victoria talking.  He is already annoyed that he continues to soothe her.  Earlier he said that if Derrick did not set her straight, he would.  Well, Cody.  Now would be the time.  Come on we have watched you play cards and eat for days now.   Shoo, go do it. 


No, not yet!  Please wait until BBAD so I can see it!  Cody, sit ... stay ... good boy!  Who's a good boy?  Cody's a good boy!


Anybody know how old Cody's brother is?  Is he as cute as Cody?  Are they the only children?

  • Love 2

Continuing with the "Derrick as two-timing boyfriend" analogy, watching the Hitmen/Victoria coming clean now I'm struck by how Cody is like the girlfriend who "won" and is now insisting that the boyfriend tell the "losing" girlfriend in front of her. Though Derrick kept resisting telling her when Cody suggested it, Cody kept dropping huge hints in front of Victoria until the subject finally ripened into a full conversation. Victoria, like the "losing" girlfriend with low self-esteem, is clinging to the conceit that she knew all along and that she's not upset by how she was played and is now being discarded, she's just mad that she wasn't in on the name. Which, hunh? "You should have let me in on the name for your secret alliance that made my secret alliance a joke." What? Derrick keeps quiet as much as possible, only piping up to reassure Vic that it wasn't so bad and to try to keep a lid on Cody as much as possible. Also, it's funny how there's all this drama over the name "The Hitmen" when, in reality, that was hardly a blip on the radar and Derrick was keeping a wide range of options open and only settled on The Hitmen because that's how things shook out. When Cody finds out the full story of Derrick's game, he'll feel just as dumb as Victoria does.

  • Love 8

  Scroll up this thread to the long post from TheReaT  and read down from that, it will catch you up on Vic's tears and the current situation. 

Is there a way to search for that? I dont know if I have the gumption to scroll back and search :/...especially since it can be many pages back.....my brain doesn't like it lol thanks for the suggestion though!

Is there a way to search for that? I dont know if I have the gumption to scroll back and search :/...especially since it can be many pages back.....my brain doesn't like it lol thanks for the suggestion though!

Victoria is upset because she finally realizes that Derrick has been playing her all summer, that he has had a F2 alliance wtih Cody since day 2 (supposedly), and that he's not going to take her to F2 if he wins HOH. Until the last couple of days, she believed that Derrick wanted to go to the end with her and that she was in good shape to make F2.

  • Love 3

Victoria is upset because she finally realizes that Derrick has been playing her all summer, that he has had a F2 alliance wtih Cody since day 2 (supposedly), and that he's not going to take her to F2 if he wins HOH. Until the last couple of days, she believed that Derrick wanted to go to the end with her and that she was in good shape to make F2.

It's quite a slap in the face for her after she told him if she were to win, she'd give him half. Not that he hasn't earned it, but still. I kinda feel sorry for her. 

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Derrick keeps having the same discussion with her over and over. I think it's been four times just today! As stated above, he confirmed with production that they can't say who's taking who. Why doesn't PRODUCTION tell Victoria to stop!!! Or at least tell her they (the guys) can't say!


Because TPTB are gonna make him earn that money!

  • Love 5

*fist bump* Brian Cronin. I feel ya on that!



11:51PM BBT Camera 1 zooms in on Victoria's butt, then pans over to the food on the KT table she's been preparing. NT

 Ooooooo! Burrrrrrnnnnn.....


Wonder what those cameramen get paid. Must chap their hide that these doofuses are monetarily rewarded for doing NOTHING.

Edited by housecat
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From Jokers:


Derrick: If I take you, and you win $500k, and I win $50k. How would you feel, even though I played a better game than you.


It's amazing - AMAZING - that he can be so (rightly) confident that she would be anything but thrilled to win $500,000, better game or not.  If he decided to pursue it, he could have quite a career as a cult leader.

  • Love 4

If I pick you, and then they ask why did I take you even though she hasn't won comps, they might tell me that I played the better game but that I took a cowardly move.


 Derrick just said the above to Victoria. FINALLY, some truth. Derrick doesn't want to look like a coward.


Meanwhile, in the backyard, Cody is going OFF about Derrick's 'soft as charmin' game. lol


ETA: and I'd probly be the first to sign up for his cult, forgetmenow. :(



Cody just told Derrick: That has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't deal w/ my own daughter this way.


Go Cody!!

Edited by housecat
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Sun 1:16 AM BBT Derrick goes inside "Last 4 days in the BB house and im having more arguments than I had in my entire relationship with my wife." NT - eureca

(Me) Hahahaha

And this gem from Cody reading all our minds:

Sun 1:25 AM BBT Cody says Derrick shouldn't coddle Victoria anymore. He wasn't raised like that, it pisses him off. Cody "She's bickering with you like your her f'ing highschool boyfriend. I just want to be like 'leave him the f alone'"- BB_Fan_JJ_Dan

  • Love 3


Sun 1:16 AM BBT Derrick goes inside "Last 4 days in the BB house and im having more arguments than I had in my entire relationship with my wife." NT - eureca

(Me) Hahahaha

And this gem from Cody reading all our minds:

Sun 1:25 AM BBT Cody says Derrick shouldn't coddle Victoria anymore. He wasn't raised like that, it pisses him off. Cody "She's bickering with you like your her f'ing highschool boyfriend. I just want to be like 'leave him the f alone'"- BB_Fan_JJ_Dan

Lmao these are great. I know they can't tell her that she is getting the boot. But I'm sure she gets the hint. Constantly nagging Derrick isn't going to help. He will make his decision on Wednesday if he wins Final HOH. I don't think pissing him off for the next 4 days is going to help your case much.

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While it's just about the most annoying thing I've seen on TV, ever, I am really looking forward to seeing Victoria make Derrick work for every penny of his $500,000 for the next few days.  


It's kind of a flashback to teenage babysitting gigs I had for kids whose parents always gave in when they nagged.  But hey, you do what works, and nagging seems to have been a strategy that's yielded positive results throughout her life.

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Cody tell Derr he's just irritated. Hour and a half conversations, twice a day? He doesn't want to deal with the awkwardness.
09/21/14 01:28 AM
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Derrick said this recent conversation was better, that he told her he probably would lose against Victoria.
Cody says that's just an excuse not to take her. He would tell her that he's just not taking her, that he wouldn't have gotten to the end without him, they are like brothers. This whole coddling her, she's crying, she's going to come to you every day.
D: I told her just now, I don't want to do this, arguing for the next four days.
C: There are so many people in the jury that were playing the game 10 fold over her. How do you think people are looking at you outside the house? I ain't dealing with her *****.
D: If you were 30 years old, you'd think differently.
C: That has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't deal w/ my own daughter this way.



Cody will Totally lose it soon. I feel his frustration!  He is getting some anger out playing cards now (BBAD).  It is framed as joking but it isn't. 


Victoria has done a stellar job in making sure neither would even consider taking her to the end.  I think that might have been a possibility in their minds a few days ago.  


We are seeing how Victoria gets her way in real life and it is ugly. 

Edited by wings707
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I wish I kept saner hours so I could chat more with you guys during the sun shining.


This season's been pretty good for those of us who keep insane hours (I'm just heading to bed, myself) :-)


Since I don't see a thread for best quotes of the season, I'm just gonna drop this one here, courtesy of Amber:  "That was the worst banana speech I've ever heard. Caleb, stop talking."


eta: for accuracy

Edited by forgetmenow

* Cody "I can't believe they asked me if I would go on a date with Nicole." "And that someone had the twitter name Nicody." NT


So much for no information from the "outside world."

Nicole told him this from her Twitter questions in her interview with Jeff. She also told them that Zach has some fans because she got a few questions from people who were using Zachs name or things associated with Him in their Twitter handles. I think after that interview with Jeff they switched to using just names instead of Twitter handles, because Nicole was talking all about it. And I guess also that would also tell some evicted HGs who is popular and liked and maybe who isn't. Edited by SiobhanJW
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This right here is why I have absolutely no animosity toward Derrick for his manipulations, lies, comp throwing and even his "You're taking food out of my baby's mouth."  Half-a-million dollars is nothing to sneeze at and if I'm going to invest 3 months of my life in that boring, nasty, dirty, stinky hell hole with people I may or may not particularly like with zero connection to the outside world and a very young daughter who is developing and changing every day, changes I'll never experience, you'd better believe I'd pull every trick in the book to win.


Because he's a man. Men are allowed to be emotional over missing their children and not have it hurt them in the game. Men are allowed to use their children as an excuse as to why they should win money. When a female contestant does it, she's being manipulative, overly emotional and playing on people's sympathies. When a female contestant does it, it's "Yeah, but this isn't about who I like best. This is about a game!" The double standard is astonishing. Name me a female contestant who wasn't raked over the coals for making all the same highly personalized arguments as Derrick.


Can you even imagine the eye-rolling that would occur if a female contestant ever accused someone of taking food out of her child's mouth? Have you ever heard an evicted houseguest forgiving a game move because a female contestant is "playing for her family?" (ask Shelly in BB13 how that one goes). If it's not a valid strategy for one sex, it shouldn't be a valid strategy for another -- and I will continue to call Derrick out on it (...for a couple more days until the show is over).

  • Love 19

Derrick telling Cody he cares about Victoria.
09/21/14 03:49 AM
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He says he has a soft spot for her, has since the beginning. Their friendship isn't pity.

He talks about something happening in the house about her being Jewish (Ed. not sure what that was about) He wanted to help her because his wife is Jewish.

Cody feels bad for Victoria, says Donny thought there was something off about her. He talks about Vic's reaction when she was nominated the first time, how she was hysterical and upset. He tried to talk to her about it but she was so repetative.



Interesting and makes sense as to how their relationship came to be.  

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